
Diwali gift to myself.I’ve skimmed through it and find that Susanna has expressed very eloquently

Diwali gift to myself.
I’ve skimmed through it and find that Susanna has expressed very eloquently & gently some of the feelings I encountered during my YTT in NY.
I’d recommend this to EVERY yoga teacher out there!
The education should never stop, just because you got your certification.
It’s also a must read for all of those self taught ‘yogis’.
Practice the limbs, teach the limbs, live the limbs. #ashtanga
Glad I bought this @susannabarkataki
#yogalifestyle #rootsofyoga #yogateacherlife #booklovers #svadhyaya #ancientpractices #easternpholosophy #epicsofindia #indiandiaspora #microaggressions #myyogajourney

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