
I had the opportunity to attend an online meditation retreat with the Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi and otI had the opportunity to attend an online meditation retreat with the Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi and ot

I had the opportunity to attend an online meditation retreat with the Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi and others from Buddhist Global Relief this weekend. It focused on the Brahma Viharas, which translates to The Divine Abodes, and are sometimes called ‘The Four Sublime States.’ They have also been called ‘The only emotions worth having.’

Mettā, or loving-kindness. This is a deep, gentle, heartfelt concern for the wellbeing of others and is the basis of the Brahma Viharas.

Karuṇā, or Compassion is what happens when Loving-Kindness encounters Suffering. It is the sincere wish that others’ suffering is relieved and empathizing with their pain to the point where you feel it as well.

Muditā, or Sympathetic Joy, or Altruistic Joy is what happens when Loving-Kindness encounters wholesome Happiness or Joy. It is the celebration of others’ wholesome happiness and joy, sharing in their happiness and being happy that they’re happy.

Upekkhā, or Equanimity is what balances the others. It sees the larger picture and the sameness and equality and unity of all living beings.

The four work with each other and connect to each other. If you only practice one, you will become unbalanced. If you only practice loving-kindness you can become attached to the people you direct it to. If you only practice compassion you can be overwhelmed by the suffering and the compassion can turn to pity. If you only practice sympathetic joy you can lose sight of the suffering of others and become hypocritical. If you only practice equanimity you can become indifferent to the others because everything’s the same and eventually going to end, so they become unimportant.

The real benefit to meditating on these feelings and practicing them often is that you can change your character. What you think becomes what you say and what you say becomes what you do. So, the more you think about things from these points of view and feel these emotions, the more they will saturate into your everyday life until they become your instinctual reactions. When you encounter a situation that you would normally feel anger you will feel love, compassion, and equanimity with the other person and be able to calmly and wisely approach the situation.

Overall, the retreat was a really good experience and I enjoyed it greatly while learning a lot. It gave me a lot to add to my daily meditation practice and I can’t wait to continue exploring these concepts.

You can watch the entire retreat on YouTube, here:

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On one occasion, the Buddha saw in his vision that five hundred young maidens from Pancasala village were due to attain Sotapatti Fruition on that day after listening to Dhamma from him. So the Buddha went to stay near that village. The five hundred maidens went to the riverside to have a bath; after the bath they returned to the village fully dressed up in ornaments as it was a festival day. About the same time, the Buddha entered Pancasila village for alms-food but none of the villagers offered him anything because they had been possessed by Mara.

On his return to the village gate, the Buddha met Mara, who promptly asked him whether he had received much alms-food.

The Buddha saw the hand of Mara in his failure to get any alms-food on that day and replied, “You wicked Mara! It was you who turned the villagers against me. Because they were possessed by you they did not offer any alms-food to me. Am I not right ?” Mara made no reply to that question, but he thought that it would be fun to entice the Buddha back to the village and get the villagers to insult the Buddha by making fun of him. So he suggested, “O Buddha, why don’t you go back to the village again? This time, you are sure to get some food.”

Just then, the five hundred village maidens arrived on the scene and paid obeisance to the Buddha. In their presence, Mara taunted the Buddha, “O Buddha, since you received no alms-food this morning, you must be feeling the pangs of hunger!” To him the Buddha replied, “O wicked Mara, even though we do not get any food, like the Abhassara brahmas who live only on the delightful satisfaction (piti) and bliss (sukha) of jhana, we shall live on the delightful satisfaction and bliss of the Dhamma.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

“Happily do we live, who have no properties to worry about. Feeding on joy we live like deities of the Abhassara Heaven of radiance”

At the end of the discourse, having a pleasant mindset about the Buddha and having understood the blessing of the Nibbana, the five hundred maidens attained Sotapatti Fruition.

The Buddha visited the Tavatimsa deva realm to expound the Abhidhamma to Deva Santusita, who had been his mother. During that time, there was a deva (a deity) named Indaka in the realm of Tavatimsa. Indaka, in his last existence as a man, had offered a little alms-food to Thera Anuruddha. As this good deed was made to a thera within the period of the Buddha’s Teaching he was amply rewarded for it. Thus, after his death he was reborn in the Tavatimsa realm and was lavishly bestowed with the luxuries of the deva world. Thera Anuruddha was an Arahant Bhikku with great qualities which made the offering far more beneficial for the poor man.

At that time, there was also another deva by the name of Ankura in Tavatimsa who had given much in charity; in fact, many times more than what Indaka had given. But his charity was made outside the period of the Teaching of any of the Buddhas. So, in spite of his lavish and grand charities, he was enjoying the benefits of the life of a deva on a much smaller scale than Indaka, who had offered very little. As the Buddha was then at Tavatimsa, Ankura asked him the reason for the discrepancy in gaining the benefits. To him the Buddha answered, “O deva! When giving charities and donations you should choose whom you give, for acts of charities are just like seeds. Seeds put into fertile soil will grow into strong, vigorous plants or trees and will bear much fruit; but you had sown your seed in poor soil, so you reap poorly.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 356. Weeds damage fields; lust spoils all beings. Therefore, giving to those free from lust yields great benefit.

Verse 357. Weeds damage fields; ill will spills all beings. Therefore, giving to those free from ill will yields great benefit.

Verse 358. Weeds damage fields; ignorance spoils all beings. Therefore, giving to those free from ignorance yields great benefit.

Verse 359. Weeds damage fields; covetousness spoils all beings. Therefore, giving to those free from covetousness yields great benefit.

Both of the deities attained sotapatti fruition along with a large retinue of devas.

“ Monks, there are these five kinds of loss. Which five? Loss of relatives, loss of wealth, loss through disease, loss in terms of virtue, loss in terms of views. It’s not by reason of loss of relatives, loss of wealth, or loss through disease that beings—with the break-up of the body, after death—reappear in the plane of deprivation, the bad destination, the lower realms, in hell. It’s by reason of loss in terms of virtue and loss in terms of views that beings—with the break-up of the body, after death—reappear in the plane of deprivation, the bad destination, the lower realms, in hell. These are the five kinds of loss.

“There are these five ways of being consummate. Which five? Being consummate in terms of relatives, being consummate in terms of wealth, being consummate in terms of freedom from disease, being consummate in terms of virtue, being consummate in terms of views. It’s not by reason of being consummate in terms of relatives, being consummate in terms of wealth, or being consummate in terms of freedom from disease that beings—with the break-up of the body, after death—reappear in the good destinations, in the heavenly world. It’s by reason of being consummate in virtue and being consummate in terms of views that beings—with the break-up of the body, after death—reappear in the good destinations, in the heavenly world. These are the five ways of being consummate.” ”

( AN 5.130. Being Consummate )

Buddha At the moment of his awakening at the foot of the bodhi tree, the Buddha declared, “How strange - all beings possess the capacity to be awakened, to understand, to love, to be free - yet they allow themselves to be carried away on the ocean of suffering."He saw that, day and night, we’re seeking what is already there within us. We can call it buddha nature, awakened nature, the true freedom that is the foundation for all peace and happiness.

The capacity to be enlightened isn’t something that someone else can offer to you. A teacher can only help you to remove the non-enlightened elements in you so that enlightenment can be revealed. If you have confidence that beauty, goodness, and the true teacher are in you, and if you take refuge in them, you will practice in a way that reveals these qualities more clearly each day.

This is the internal circle of the Wheel of Life(Bardo), which is separated into two highly contrasting sections.

In the White area, future people, gods, and demigods are portrayed while in the black section are the hell beings, animals, and the hungry ghosts who are being directed towards the lower domains.

“ “Mendicants, there are these seven kinds of wealth. What seven?

Faith and ethical conduct are kinds of wealth,

as are conscience and prudence,

learning and generosity,

and wisdom is the seventh kind of wealth.

When a woman or man

has these kinds of wealth,

they’re said to be prosperous,

their life is not in vain.

So let the wise devote themselves

to faith, ethical behavior,

confidence, and insight into the teaching,

remembering the instructions of the Buddhas ” “ ( Saṁkhittadhanasutta - AN 7.5. Wealth in Brief )

“ Mendicants, these five people are found in the world. What five? One gives then scorns, one lives together then scorns, one is gullible for gossip, one is impulsive, and one is dull and stupid.

And how does a person give then scorn? It’s when a person gives someone robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick. They think: ‘I give; this one receives.’ They give to that person, then they scorn them. That’s how a person gives then scorns.

And how does a person live together then scorn? It’s when a person lives with someone else for two or three years. They live together with that person, then they scorn them. That’s how a person live together then scorns.

And how is a person gullible for gossip? It’s when they’re very quick to believe what a certain person says in praise or criticism of another. That’s how a person is gullible for gossip.

And how is a person impulsive? It’s when a certain person is fickle in faith, devotion, fondness, and confidence. That’s how a person is impulsive.

And how is a person dull and stupid? It’s when they don’t know the difference between qualities that are skillful and unskillful, blameworthy and blameless, inferior and superior, and those on the side of dark and bright. That’s how a person is dull and stupid.

These are the five people found in the world. ” ( Avajānātisutta - 5.141. Scorn )

“ Someone with three qualities is cast down to hell. What three? They themselves kill living creatures. They encourage others to kill living creatures. And they approve of killing living creatures.

Someone with these three qualities is cast down to hell.

Someone with three qualities is raised up to heaven. What three? They don’t themselves kill living creatures. They encourage others to not kill living creatures. And they approve of not killing living creatures. …

” ( Kammapathapeyyāla - AN 3.153 )

The thangka painting of life of Buddha narrates the most relevant episodes of the life of Siddhartha Known as the “Twelve Great Deeds of Buddha’s Life”. The twelve deeds carried out by the Buddha Shakyamuni are:

1. Transferring to the Southern Island- continent from a Pure land of Tushita, after having transferred his throne to the next Buddha for the eon, Maitreya Buddha.

2. Entering his moms womb.

3. Taking Bath

4. Becoming skilled and learned in the arts

5. Enjoying himself with his wife and his circle

6. Setting forth from family as a renunciation

7. Undergoing difficult ascetic practices

8. Proceeding to seat for enlightenment under a Bodhi tree.

9. Taming the demonic forces (Mara).

10. Manifesting full enlightenment

11. Setting flow rounds of transmission of the preventive measures of Dharma (Turning the wheel of Dharma)

12. Demonstrating a total release from all suffering (Nirvana) by passing away.

“ At one time the Buddha was staying near Vesālī, at the Great Wood, in the hall with the peaked roof.

Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, entered Vesālī for alms.

Now at that time around five hundred Licchavis were sitting together at the Sārandada shrine, and this discussion came up among them, “The appearance of five treasures is rare in the world. What five? The elephant-treasure, the horse-treasure, the jewel-treasure, the woman-treasure, and the householder-treasure. The appearance of these five treasures is rare in the world.”

Then those Licchavis sent a man out on to the road, saying, “Mister, please tell us when you see the Buddha.”

That man saw the Buddha coming off in the distance. He went to the Licchavis and said, “Sirs, the Blessed One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha is coming. Please go at your convenience.”

Then those Licchavis went up to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side, and said to him, “Please go to the Sārandada shrine, out of compassion.” The Buddha consented in silence.

Then the Buddha went up to the Sārandada shrine, where he sat on the seat spread out, and said to the Licchavis, “Licchavis, what were you sitting talking about just now? What conversation was unfinished?”

“Well, Master Gotama, this discussion came up among us while we were sitting together: ‘The appearance of five treasures is rare in the world. …’”

“You Licchavis are so fixated on sensual pleasures, that’s the only discussion that came up! Licchavis, the appearance of five treasures is rare in the world. What five?

The appearance of a Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha.

A person who explains the teaching and training proclaimed by a Realized One.

A person who understands the teaching and training proclaimed by a Realized One.

A person who practices in line with the teaching.

A person who is grateful and thankful.

The appearance of these five treasures is rare in the world.” ”

( Sārandadasutta - AN 5.143. At Sārandada )



Dhammacakkappavattana sutta is included in the Dhammacakkappavattana vagga, of the Sacca samyutta of the Mahā Vagga. Having attained enlightenment and become a Sammā Sambuddha under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India, on the full moon day of the month of May, Lord Gautama Buddha spent the following seven weeks contemplating and enjoying the happiness of ultimate freedom and peace under the Bodhi tree as well as nearby places. The Buddha was initially hesitant to start preaching His discoveries to others as He thought that the people may not be wise enough to understand the deep teaching which is hard to see and hard to understand. It is said that following a request by a deity named Sahampathi Brahma, who was concerned that if the Buddha did not preach the path of liberation that He had discovered to the others it will be lost to the world, the Buddha decided to preach the teaching.

The Buddha first wanted to teach the path of liberation that He had discovered to His previous two meditation teachers Ālāra Kālāma and Uddaka Rāmaputta, but they had already passed away. The Buddha then decided to give the first sermon to the five ascetic companions who had supported Him during the previous six years. They were at that time staying at the Deer Park in Isipathana, now called Sārnath near Vārānasi in India. The Buddha walked from Bodh Gaya to Isipathana, a distance of around 150 miles, to deliver the first sermon to the five ascetics named Kondañña, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahānāma and Assaji (panca vaggiya bhikkhu). The discourse delivered by the Buddha to the five ascetic companions is Dhammacakkappavattana sutta, meaning “Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in motion”. It is the very first discourse delivered by Lord Gautama Buddha following the attainment of full enlightenment.

“ “Mendicants, there are these seven kinds of wealth. What seven? The wealth of faith, ethical conduct, conscience, prudence, learning, generosity, and wisdom. These are the seven kinds of wealth.

Faith and ethical conduct are kinds of wealth,

as are conscience and prudence,

learning and generosity,

and wisdom is the seventh kind of wealth.

When a woman or man

has these kinds of wealth,

they’re said to be prosperous,

their life is not in vain.

So let the wise devote themselves

to faith, ethical behavior,

confidence, and insight into the teaching,

remembering the instructions of the Buddhas ” “ ( Saṁkhittadhanasutta - AN 7.5. Wealth in Brief )

The Five Remembrances

“There are these five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained. Which five?

- I am subject to aging, have not gone beyond aging.’ This is the first fact that one should reflect on often.…

- I am subject to illness, have not gone beyond illness’.…

- I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death’.…

- I will grow different, separate from all that is dear & appealing to me’.…

- I am the owner of actions [karma], heir to actions, born of actions, related through actions, and have actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir’.…”

No matter who you are, these five facts, one should become deeply familiar with/reflect on. - Buddha, in the “Upajjhatthana Sutta”

Today is Chotrul Düchen — one of the four major Buddhist days of the year.

These first fifteen days of the new Lunar year commemorate the event when The Buddha performed a different miracle each day to instill devotion and increase merit among heretics.

Today (February 15th of the lunar calendar) is the day Shakyamuni Buddha entered Nirvana. Although he has passed away, the Dharma and Sangha are still there. Be diligent in your practice, find your own way of liberation based on the Dharma. Namo Buddhaya ❤️ .

“Not hoarding,

having comprehended food,

their pasture — emptiness

& freedom without sign:

their trail,

like that of birds through space,

can’t be traced.

Effluents ended,

independent of nutriment,

their pasture — emptiness

& freedom without sign: their trail,

like that of birds through space, can’t be traced.”

( Verse 92-93, Dhammapada - Path of Buddha’s Teaching )


What is Nibbana

Nibbana, the third Noble Truth relating to the complete cessation of suffering, is the final state of liberation from suffering and the repeated cycle of birth and death (samsara). Nibbana can be attained in this life itself, here and now, and hence is not a state that can be attained only upon one’s death. Nibbana is the ultimate goal of a practising Buddhist within Theravada Buddhism. Whenever Theravada Buddhists perform various forms of meritorious deeds they aspire to attain Nibbana by chanting:

“Idam me punnam, asavakkhaya vaham hotu”

“Idam me punnam, nibbanassa paccaya hotu”

“May I attain the extinction of the defiled outflows by this meritorious deed”

“May my meritorious deed be the cause of Nibbana”

However, it should be noted that Nibbana cannot be attained by merely wishing or praying for it but by cultivating the Noble Eight-fold Path as expounded by the Buddha in His first sermon.

In the Abhidhamma, Buddha’s higher teaching, the Buddha described two realities in the world, namely conventional reality (sammuti sacca) and the ultimate reality (paramattha sacca). Conventional reality includes things that are expressed in conventional modes of expression such as man, woman, person, being or other objects that do not exist in their own right as irreducible realities. Ultimate realities are the things that exist by reason of their own intrinsic nature and are irreducible into any components and the Buddha has described four such ultimate realities in the world, including Nibbana:

1. Consciousness (citta)

2. Mental factors (cetasika)

3. Materiality (rupa) and

4. Nibbana

The word Nibbana in the Pali language consists of two constituents – Ni and Vana meaning absence of craving. Ni is a negative particle indicating ‘absence’ while Vana means ‘craving’. In the Sanskrit language it is known as Nirvana, meaning to blow out or extinguish, with Va meaning ‘to blow’ and Nir meaning ‘out’. Hence, Nirvana means to blow out or extinguish the flame of craving since craving is the basic and fundamental cause of repeated birth in the cycle of birth and death (samsara).



Gautama Buddha is described as a Samma Sambuddha meaning the ‘Perfectly Enlightened One’, samma = perfectly; sam = by himself without a teacher; buddha = Enlightened or Awakened One, by realisation of the four Noble Truths. In his very first sermon titled “Dhamma cakkappavattana Sutta” or “Turning the Wheel of the Truth” delivered to the five ascetic companions at the deer park at Isipathana (now called Sarnath) near Varanasi in India, the Buddha expounded on the four Noble Truths and the Noble Eight-fold Path (ariya atthangika magga) also known as the Middle Way (majjhima patipada).

The four Noble Truths

1. Truth of universal suffering (dukkha sacca)

2. Truth of the origin of suffering (samudaya sacca)

3. Truth of the cessation of suffering (nirodha sacca)

4. Truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering (magga sacca)

The first Noble Truth is the fact that all forms of existence are subject to unavoidable and inevitable suffering, both physical and mental, due mainly to the following:





Sorrow, lamentation, grief, pain and despair

Association with what one dislikes

Separation from what one likes

Not getting what one desires

The Buddha then summarised all suffering by stating concisely that it is our clinging to the five aggregates that constitutes suffering. The five aggregates of clinging are material form (rupa), feeling (vedana), perception (sanna), mental formation (sankhara) and consciousness (vinnana) which, according to the Buddha, are the constituent parts of the psycho-physical unit of name and matter (nama-rupa) that is known as an individual, a person or a personality.

The second Noble Truth is the cause of suffering which is craving or tanha. Gautama Buddha, during His first sermon, described three types of craving:

Craving for sense pleasures (kama tanha)

Craving for becoming or existence (bhava tanha)

Craving for non-becoming or non-existence (vibhava tanha)

The third Noble Truth is the cessation of suffering by attaining Nibbana through total abandonment and elimination of all forms of craving (tanha) - Attaining Nibbana.


O Blessed One, Shakyamuni Buddha,

Precious treasury of compassion,

Bestower of supreme inner peace,

You, who love all beings without exception,

Are the source of happiness and goodness;

And you guide us to the liberating path.

Your body is a wishfulfilling jewel,

Your speech is supreme, purifying nectar

And your mind is refuge for all living beings.

With folded hands I turn to you,

Supreme unchanging friend,

I request from the depths of my heart:

Please give me the light of your wisdom

To dispel the darkness of my mind

And to heal my mental continuum.

Please nourish me with your goodness,

That I in turn may nourish all beings

With an unceasing banquet of delight.

Through your compassionate intention,

Your blessings and virtuous deeds,

And my strong wish to rely upon you,

May all suffering quickly cease

And all happiness and joy be fulfilled;

And may holy Dharma flourish for evermore.

How to Solve our Human Problems

There is no end, because

every end will be death.

And life knows no death; it goes on and on and on.

So this is simply a preparation

it is always a preparation for a new journey.

You can have a little rest, but remember

It is just an overnight stay in a caravanserai.

In the morning we have to go, so rest well, be ready.

As the sun rises, our journey starts again.

Life is from eternity to eternity"

“ These five are a person of integrity’s gifts. Which five? A person of integrity gives a gift with a sense of conviction. A person of integrity gives a gift attentively. A person of integrity gives a gift in season. A person of integrity gives a gift with an empathetic heart. A person of integrity gives a gift without adversely affecting himself or others.

"Having given a gift with a sense of conviction, he — wherever the result of that gift ripens — is rich, with much wealth, with many possessions. And he is well-built, handsome, extremely inspiring, endowed with a lotus-like complexion.

"Having given a gift attentively, he — wherever the result of that gift ripens — is rich, with much wealth, with many possessions. And his children, wives, slaves, servants, and workers listen carefully to him, lend him their ears, and serve him with understanding hearts.

"Having given a gift in season, he — wherever the result of that gift ripens — is rich, with much wealth, with many possessions. And his goals are fulfilled in season.

"Having given a gift with an empathetic heart, he — wherever the result of that gift ripens — is rich, with much wealth, with many possessions. And his mind inclines to the enjoyment of the five strings of lavish sensuality.

"Having given a gift without adversely affecting himself or others, he — wherever the result of that gift ripens — is rich, with much wealth, with many possessions. And not from anywhere does destruction come to his property — whether from fire, from water, from kings, from thieves, or from hateful heirs.

"These five are a person of integrity’s gifts.” “ ( AN 5.148, Sappurisadana Sutta: A Person of Integrity’s Gifts )

“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.” ☸
