

Hello everyone!! It’s time to vote! 

Please, help me choose the next heir for the 1900′s generation of my Decades Challenge. If you have missed the story you can click on the links to read the related posts or if you are on mobile you can also click on the tags with each name to read more!

Vote to choose between:

Ernest MacLagan

Gilbert MacLagan.

Josephine MacLagan.

VOTE HERE. Please be fair and vote only once!

The poll will be closed the 28th of Feb (on my birthday yay!)

From Ernest POV.

I’m looking at her, she is fine, she smiles a lot, she says all the right things at the right times. It seems quite orchestrated. Perhaps she could teach me how to be like that?

Mother insisted I should spend my afternoon taking tea with the women today. I know, I’m about to come of age and she worries I waste all my time in the farm and barely go out to meet anyone these days.

I’m tired of hearing this from her, all she talks about is how am I going to meet a woman if I don’t go out. Well, who says I want to meet anyone?

Now she has begun arranging these meetings, they happen to always involve some young lady and mother acts all innocent about it. This time I had to meet Bethany Smith, she came accompanied by her mother and his father is the smith of town, no wonder where their last name comes… 

The rest of the girls I met all seemed so uncomfortable to be around me, and I can’t blame them. But this one, she seems genuinely delighted to be here, it even looks like her mother didn’t force her to come. I wish I could say the same about myself…

Of course I thought about marriage, it is what a man is ought to do, it’s just that I haven’t felt the need to find someone yet, but I suppose I could see myself with someone like her, she is a simple one… you can tell by her looks, not like the other girls mother has brought here, looking all neat and wearing fancy clothes for no reason.


They keep talking, I don’t know what they’re saying, all I’m thinking now is I should be preparing a pesticide, we’re having a lot of bugs lately, and I’m worried about what it might turn into if I’m not careful.

