

Hello everyone!! It’s time to vote! 

Please, help me choose the next heir for the 1900′s generation of my Decades Challenge. If you have missed the story you can click on the links to read the related posts or if you are on mobile you can also click on the tags with each name to read more!

Vote to choose between:

Ernest MacLagan

Gilbert MacLagan.

Josephine MacLagan.

VOTE HERE. Please be fair and vote only once!

The poll will be closed the 28th of Feb (on my birthday yay!)


One night, like so many others, Jo heard noises coming out of her window, immediately she knew what it meant: Louis was throwing rocks to let her know he was there.

Jo made sure no one was awake before letting him in, as she always did.

It was cold that night, yet she noticed Louis was not dressed to match the temperature outside, she worried about him like so many nights before.


He said he was tired and rested his head on Jo’s lap. She knew it was one of those nights again, he must have fought with his father and ran away from his home. She thought at least this time he didn’t have any bruises on him, at least none that Jo could see.

She sighed before speaking. -This has to stop

-What do you mean?. His voice sounded frightened -you don’t want me here anymore ?

-No Louis, I mean this with your father. She began speaking softly -I worry… what he might do to you… if this keeps going. Jo trembled at the thought.

-There has to be something we could do, maybe if you would let me tell my parents, we could… Maybe you can come live with us? You already spend so much time here, I don’t think it would make such a difference.


-You don’t need to worry anymore. Everything will be over soon. He is getting old and sick, alcohol now makes him weak, I’m not afraid of him and neither should you, either he will be gone soon, or I will.

-Please, don’t say that.

- You know I mean gone, as from this town, I want to travel the world. And I have been waiting to tell you, I’ve heard there is a job as a fisherman in a city called Brindelton. I don’t wish to be a fisherman but I have to learn my way into a ship before sailing anywhere else, so I thought this is as good as I can get… I wish you could come with me.


Jo immediately searched for his face, looking for a clue of what that meant. The silence began feeling thick in the air, and all she wanted to do was kiss him.

Jo had thought about this moment for so long, she was expecting to feel a soft kiss, but she was suddenly stopped by a strong grip in her hand.

- I’m sorry, Jo. I didn’t mean it like that… You… and Gilbert… what I want to say is… you are like a sister to me.

Josephine’s world fell down with those words, the embarrassment made her unable to say anything else.

-I’m sorry Jo, I have to go.

For the first time that night, Louis didn’t stay to sleep on the floor next to her bed.



Jo has turned 13 years old and she has become a precious little lady. She is quite adorable, kind of shy, always hiding her face behind that red fringe. She likes to help her mother and grandmother with the housework, but she also spends a lot of time outside. Nina doesn’t want her child to be restrained from working inside the house at such a young age, she says the time for that will come eventually and she has to enjoy her youth. . 


With Gilbert working and studying so much, the trio is left with Louis and Jo alone seeking fun around the woods.

One sunny day they were walking around the pond when suddenly their hands accidentally touched. Before thinking too much on it, Jo grabbed Louis’ hand and began running towards the pond..


As they reached the docks, Louis ran past her and dove straight into the water. Jo stopped first thinking about what her mother would say if she came home with her clothes soaking wet, but she quickly forgot all about that when she saw Louis’ face inviting her to jump too, she felt a sudden warm invigorating feeling and jumped after him.

He was waiting for her and caught Jo by her waist, they stared into each other’s eyes, that warm feeling Jo felt before jumping into the water was now more present than ever and she could feel it traveling all the way up to her ears and down her neck.

That instant ended quickly as they both started laughing and playfully splashing each other.

