#estelle and percy


Estelle, refusing to go to sleep:

Percy, babysitting and about to make up a story about a monster he fought who specifically attacked little girls who didn’t listen to their older brothers: Oh, haven’t you heard?

Estelle and Percy’s relationship must be the best sibling relationship ever.

Imagine Percy running through the halls of a hospital, dodging empty wheelchairs and stretchers, frantically searching for a certain room. And when he finds it he bursts in, panting like he just ran a twenty mile marathon, and there in the bed is his mom and his new baby sister. He kisses his mom’s forehead, whispering to her softly and making sure she’s okay. Then, she gently hands him Estelle, sleeping peacefully in her warm bundle, and Percy is immediately captivated. As soon as he saw her he knew, that he would do anything for his little sis.

As the years go by and Estelle grows up, Percy is there for it all: her first steps, her first words, her first laugh. Every diaper change and meltdown and sleepless night.

When she’s young, she is his top priority to protect and care for (tied with Annabeth and Sally ofc) and he is her role model. But once she’s older, they are best friends. They tell each other everything, build pillow forts and have movie nights together, create secret handshakes, go on long-weekend road-trips just the two of them, sneak out to get McDonalds at 3:00 am, cover for each other when one gets caught breaking rules, and always always have each other’s backs.
