#eternals ikaris



Eternals Spoilers

I watched the Eternals today and I think it was good, but I really Don’t like what they did with Ikaris , making him the villain was a bad decision, I mean in the comics he was main Eternal, the one who always was in front on covers. And even if they had to make him a villain they didn’t have to kill him, they could leave him alive for the sequel where he could have redemption arc, but that’s problem with MCU they have to kill off their villains. Still I hope he will reborn in the sequel considering they were able to do that in the comics. Besides it would waste of a good actor such as Richard Madden


Marvel’s Eternals are fantastic

No Spoilers. Eternals is one of the best Marvel movies I have seen. I don’t know if the critics saw the same movie; the movie was just great and I just love Ikaris (Richard Madden) in this movie. I can only recommend you to see this movie in the theaters.



Hi, local psychology student here:

I am MAD about Ikaris beauce they did him sodirty.

Ikaris was the perfect little soldier.

And that’s because he didn’t know what else to be. He was scared of loosing the only thing he knew. He was like a little kid whose whole world consisted of his parents. And those parents told him what to do, praised him for being a good boy when he listened to them and scolded him when he tried to tell them what he thought and what he felt. So he learned to do and not think. To act and not feel.

He even only said to Sersi that he loved her afterAjak told him he should do it!! Because he was so scared she would think it would interfere with his job as an Eternal!!

When Ikaris told Ajak that he didn’t think it was a good idea to separate the eternals who had always been together (paraphrasing here; I saw the movie in French) what I heard was “I’m scared of loosing my family, my purpose and everything that makes me who I am. I don’t know what to do.”. And to that Ajak said “shut up, I know what’s good for you all”. But where the others had some knowledge of themselves and of what they wanted, Ikaris had nothing and was left alone; a soldier without a mission that had been in the army for so long he had lost every part of his identity other than the one that followed orders.

And even WORSE, he was given a secret that kept him away from the only other thing that ever meant anything to him.

No one told him “ It’s ok to be scared and vulnerable and to not know where to start but you are more than your job and I’ll help you see that ”. Probably because Ikaris was the strongest of them all so they just assumed he would get through this as easily as he burned through a Deviant’s head. But Ikaris had psychological weaknesses just like the rest of them and even more.

So when he was left with this secret, alone, he focused even more on his mission as an Eternal because it was the only thing about him that he knew thought was real. That really moved me because I know what it is to feel incomplete. To feel like you only live for others and for what they want from you. He was even more scared to loose the only thing that gave a sense to his life than he was of loosing his loved ones. Even tho in the end he couldn’t endure the pain of hurting his family and the one he loved and finally let his feelings and instinct tell him what was right to do.

All I wanted was for SOMEONE to tell Ikaris to learn to know himself.

“What do you like Ikaris? What’s your favorite color? Food? Animal? Music? Do you prefer winter or summer? Would you rather go to the mountain or the beach? ”

Who is Ikaris other than an eternal.

When he arrived in front of Sersi, unable to kill her and he got those flashbacks, I felt like he saw her, the woman he loved, but that he also saw for the first time the humanity that she loved and cherished so much too. When he went to space and saw for the second time this beautiful planet, I thought he was finally realizing that he could also be a part of this world, like Sersi and the others, and that he could live a life for himself instead of living for someone else’s goal.

I thought Sersi was gonna tell him that he didn’thave to follow Arishem’s big plan and that he could start thinking and living for himself.

But no. She said nothing and he flew himself into the sun.

And what message does that sends? You can’t make an error and redeem yourself? (Sprite certainly did) If you are in emotional distress no one will help or understand you? (But Gilgamesh helped Thena… oh… but Ikaris is a big strong man and those don’t need help!) That you need a purpose to live? Absolutely not! You don’t need any justification to exist and live!!

I’m just saying:


Picture from a deleted Scene in Marvel’s Eternals
