#ethan choi x reader



Secret Relationship- Ethan Choi

Description: You and Ethan have been dating secretly for quite a while.

Words: 857

Request: Yes

Warnings: I don’t think there’s any

A/N: Hi lovelies! Sorry for not posting in a while. This is a repost, I didn’t realize it had been cut off, I am so sorry for that I thought it completely posted and maybe it did and it just messed up today, I am not 100% sure what happened. But here it is again if it was messed up previously and I just never realized it. I do have a posting schedule, and I will be posting imagines every Sunday. I won’t have an exact time frame, but they’ll be up later mornings or early afternoon. Thank you all so much! Much love! -A

“Good morning, sunshine.” Ethan smiled.

“Good morning.” You replied, snaking your arms around his waist and laying your head on his back. Your eyes closing from the warmth radiating off of him.

“Breakfast is almost ready and there’s a cup of coffee sitting on the island for you.”

“You are way too good to me, Ethan Choi.” You kissed his shoulder blade and made your way to grab the cup.

Once you grabbed the cup, you made your way back over towards Ethan and hopped up on the counter by the stove. You and Ethan chatted a bit, while he finished up breakfast. When breakfast was done, you both ate and then got ready for work.

“Want me to take you to work?” Ethan asked.

“No, I’ll take my car, that way we won’t be seen together.”

“It’s been 7 months, Y/N. Why can’t we just tell everyone already?” Ethan pouted.

“One, because the last time I dated a colleague, it didn’t bode very well for me. Two, I like us being a secret. No drama and no inputs from anyone else.”

“Fine, fine.”


You made your way to the ICU area to check on one of your patients from a couple of days ago. Addison had come into the ED with RSV, and the nurses up in the ICU said she was doing much better. You walked up to the sliding glass door and knocked. As soon as Addison saw you, her face little up like a Christmas tree.

“Dr. Y/L/N!”

You smiled. “Hi, sweet girl. How are you doing?” You asked while walking up to her bed.

“Soo much better. Mommy says I can go home tomorrow.”

“I heard the same thing. Are you excited?”

“Yes! I miss all my stuffed animals and so does Snow the Polar Bear.” She said as she held up the stuffed Polar Bear.

“Alright. I have to head out. But if you ever need anything, you know where to find me.” You said.

“See ya, Dr. Y/L/N!” She waved as you walked out.

As you made your way down the hall, you saw Ethan leaned up against a wall.

“What are you doing?” You giggled.

“This.” He replied as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a supply closet.

As soon as the door was shut, his lips were instantly on yours. You wound your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. After a moment, you finally pulled away for air. Heavy panting sounding in your ear from both of you.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” You asked.

“Just missed you is all,” Ethan said as he planted a couple of kisses on your lips.

“You saw me this morning.” You laughed.

“I can’t miss my girl or what?” He smiled.

“Never said that-“ you started but Ethan cut you off with a kiss. “Ethan. We. Really. Need. To. Get. Back. To. Work.” You said in between kisses.

“Fine, fine. But we’re finishing-“ and before he could finish, the supply room door swung open.

“No freaking way!” Natalie squealed.

Yours and Ethan’s head both snapped towards her. The color-washed from your face from embarrassment at being caught. You shoved your face into Ethan’s chest and groan. The rumbling in his chest letting you know he’s let out a laugh at the situation.

“Natalie, what are you doing here?” You asked.

“Babes, this is the supply closet.” She laughed. “I’ll leave you two to it and go collect my money.” She smiled.

“Wait! What money?” You questioned pulling your head off Ethan’s chest.

“Oh, we had a bet going on to see if you two were actually together or not.”

“Natalie!” You screeched.

“Sorry.” She hollered as she walked off.

“What a bunch of asses.” You said still in shock that your friends betted on your relationship.

Ethan laughed and brought you in for one last kiss. “Well, at least we don’t have to tell them.”

“You’re terrible.” You laughed as you swatted his chest.

You both walked out, going separate ways. Unfortunately, you had to go back down to the ED, where you knew everyone was gossiping right now. As soon as you stepped into the ED, Maggie’s eyes immediately found you. A big smile adorned her face, as your cheeks flushed red. She, Natalie, and Doris were at the nurse’s station. You wished a black hole would magically form and swallow you whole.

“Well, well, well. Miss Y/L/N, got something you want to tell us?” Maggie smirked.

Your face turned red instantly. “No, not if Natalie already said something.”

The three of them laughed.

“Alright, so spill. How long have you two been going out?” Natalie asked.

You tried to hide the smile from forming on your face, but just knew you couldn’t. “7 months.”

“Pay up!” Maggie said excitedly.

You looked at the 3 of them, mouth agape. “How many bets did y’all have going on?”

“We just kind of made this one up on the spot.” Maggie shrugged. “I was the closest.”

You shook your head and started walking away. “You guys are terrible.” You chuckled lightly.


Word Count: 1,749 words.

Warnings:It talks a little about anxiety and a panic attack, not in a very graphic way, but still be careful when reading if you feel triggered by any of those topics. Also some angst.

Request:Hi, can I get a reader x Ethan Choi imagine, please? Something along the lines of Ethan Choi hooking up with Vicky, the VA doctor and him not being able to sleep and telling her he’s heading over to the reader’s place as the reader is the only one who can calm him and help him sleep which led to Ethan and Vicky to argue the next time she sees him. The ending is up to you. Thank you x

A/N: Hi!!! Thank you for your request and for waiting this long for me, I really appreciate it, this is my first time writing for Ethan so I hope I did some justice to your request. Thanks for reading and hope you like it

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


Laying in bed he kept tossing and turning, sleep nowhere to be found as her body was in a peaceful slumber next to him.

He thought that after spending the night with Vicky everything would feel alright, all pieces fitting perfectly together, both understanding each other in such a profound level given the background they shared but as she rested next to him, her arm wrapped around his waist and her face nuzzled in his neck, he couldn’t stop feeling uneasy, an anxiety beginning to form intensely in his chest and quickly spreading inside him, something was wrong and he didn’t know what it was.

That’s when your face popped into his mind, the image clear and welcoming leaving him with a warm sensation, he needed to see you. You had been friends for a long time now and you always had make him feel better, you always had been a constant in his life and he knew you were the only one who could help him in a moment like that. 

Quickly he stood up, the sudden move waking Vicky up leaving her confused.

“Ethan? Where are you going?” she asked rubbing her eyes when she noticed him putting in some pants and a hoodie.

“Sorry Vicky, I gotta go, I need to go see (Y/N)” he answered in a hurry tying his shoelaces, the thought of getting out of there more important in his mind that the conversation they were having.

“(Y/N)? The doctor? Why would you…” she started but it was too late, he was already rushing down the stairs and out the door leaving her confused, hurt and jealous among other things.

You stirred in your sleep, some knocking bringing you back to reality, you tried to ignore it but it only got louder.

Groaning you opened your eyes and stared at the red numbers of the digital clock in your bedside table, 12:55 staring back at you almost like mocking you, the first time you got to bed early in a long time and someone decided to pay you a late night visit.

Pushing the covers to the side you stood up lazily, ready to send away whoever was at your door at such hour.

“I’m coming!” you said almost reaching the door, turning the living room light on on your way.

Opening the door you were ready to give someone a not so friendly greeting when you were faced with Ethan’s distressed face, worry filling you quickly.

“Ethan? Oh my god, come in” you said stepping out of the way and grabbing his hand to pull him inside, the wet sensation under your hand turning your attention to his drenched clothes, you never noticed it rained until now.

“Stay here, give me a second” you told him before rushing to your bedroom to grab a fresh towel from the bathroom and some clothes he had left at your place a few weeks ago you spend the night together watching some movie marathon.

It was a common thing between you two to spend the night in each other’s place, watching movies or stupid tv shows until 3 a.m. and sleeping together after that if your shift started late or you had a free day, you had that kind of trust, so it was no surprise at all to find some Ethan’s old shirts at your place or some of your makeup in his bathroom.  

“Take that off” you ordered as you sat him in the couch and started taking off his shoes and socks, both dripping wet. You had to warm him quickly or he would get sick.

“Change your clothes while I go look for some blankets, don’t worry, you’ll be fine”

You didn’t even wait for a response already gone and missing the soft small smile that started forming in his face, he felt at home with you and even if he was dripping wet and still felt agitated he started to feel a little better, your presence doing more for him that anything else, you tended to have that effect on him.

Once you made sure he was dry and comfortable in your couch you sat next to him, unsure of what to say.

“Ethan… what happened? Are you alright?” you softly whispered grabbing his hand in yours, it was still a little cold.

“I’m not sure” he finally let out after a long minute “I was at home with Vicky and everything seemed fine but suddenly I started getting anxious and I knew I had to come see you, I feel bad for leaving her alone but I didn’t know what else to do” you squeezed his hand as he spoke, you knew it wasn’t easy to talk about that kind of things.

“Would you like to talk about it?” 

“The thing is I don’t even know what I should talk about, (Y/N), I don’t have any idea why I feel like this. Everything should be fine and I try to cope, but I can’t sleep…” he said looking in your eyes, his filled with unshed tears making you wonder how many sleepless nights he have had in the last month.

The vision was completely heartbreaking, such a strong brave man breaking slowly in front of you so you did what you knew made him feel better, you took him in your arms, his head resting in your neck as you stroke his back calmly, letting him know it was okay to let everything out. 

You felt bad, he was your best friend and you had no idea of any of this, you thought that Vicky was the one for him, they were alike in so many ways but now you saw that you couldn’t been more wrong.

You stayed in the same position for a while, Ethan finding comfort in your embrace as he tried to even out his breathing, it felt fine to finally let some one know what had been going on and if he truly had to be honest with himself it was like a little part of him always knew that being with Vicky wasn’t right, your current position being more intimate than anything he had ever done with her.

All this time he had been fallen for you and neither one of you noticed it, the realization hitting him like a truck. Now it all made sense, that was the reason why you always felt like home, why he felt like himself with you and only you. How could he not know it sooner?

It took him a couple more minutes until he felt ready to separate from you, already missing the calmed sensation you emanated.

“I’m sorry for waking you up”

“It’s okay, do you feel better?”

“Yeah, a little” he said scratching the back of his neck and looking down, his new discovery making him feel nervous.

“Do you feel ready to go back to bed?”

“Let’s go” he said standing up afraid of feeling again the way he felt an hour ago but not wanting to keep you up any longer, tomorrow you both had to get to the hospital early.

As you were getting into bed you noticed Ethan hesitating a little so you quickly got comfortable to pat the spot beside you inviting him in. 

It took him a second before accepting the invitation and crawling in with you so you immediately pull him closer to have his head resting on your chest. Quickly your hand went to his head to stroke his hair like your mom used to do to you when you were little and you were afraid of thunderstorms, that seemed to help him relax and no longer than 15 minutes later he was sound asleep next to you, you were happy he could finally have some decent night sleep.

The next morning came faster than you would’ve liked but spending time with Ethan was always fun as you got ready to go to the hospital.

The night before had been by far the best of the month for him and even when you have had barely 5 hours of sleep, you both felt fine, ready to face the day ahead as long as you were together to keep each other centered.

You arrived to the hospital just in time to start your shift, laughing and sharing a cup of coffee because of course he was going to say he didn’t need one and then regret it the moment you stepped out of your place.

As you got into the break room to put on your scrubs you heard someone clearing her throat behind you making you both turned around to find Vicky there, the tension immediately palpable in the room.

You finished getting ready and give a Ethan a reassuring palm on his back before leaving the room and closing the door behind you.

“Look Vicky, before you say anything I just want to apologize, last night I didn’t feel like myself but it’s no excuse at all to leave you like I did”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t have but instead of talking to me you just ran to her” she said motioning to the door you disappeared behind. “You just left me there like I didn’t mean anything for you”

“You know that’s not truth, you do mean something to me but I just think I can’t give you what you deserve”

“You think that or did she tell you that?” he tried to stay calm, they were still in a hospital and it wasn’t the right place to have an argument.

“She has nothing to do with this so leave her out of it, please, this is all me Vicky, I’m sorry, I really like you but I don’t think that’s enough, you deserve better, someone who can give you everything of him and I just realized I’m not that man” he insisted calmly, he didn’t want to hurt her anymore.

“I can’t believe that, Ethan, everything was just fine until she got in the way”

“No, this has nothing to do with her” he stated firmly.

“If that’s truth then look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel anything for her becauses this is it, you have to choose, her or me but you have to know that I won’t be living under her shadow”

“Then I guess that won’t be a problem” he said looking fiercely into her eyes “because I choose her”.


