#one chicago drabble


Word Count:  1,453 words.

Warnings:I don’t think so…

Request:Hi there, can I get a Will Halstead imagine, please? Like when Will had just come home from New York and was offered a job at the ED and he’s late on his first day as he wasn’t taking it seriously and was thinking of just going back to NY but when he step foot into Med, he caught sight of the reader, the only girl he has ever loved but screwed things up with and suddenly he found his reason to stay. Thank you x

A/N: Hi!!! First of all I feel like I need to say that I think I’ve never struggle so much with a story before so sorry in advance if it kinda sucks, with that being said this story took me so long because I couldn’t figure out exactly what I wanted to do so I ended up kinda sticking to the original plot presented in the “I Am The Apocalypse” episode where he’s introduced. :/ Anyway, I hope you like it and thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


He knew it had been a bad idea going out to have some drinks the night before his first day on a new job, the naked girl next to her who kept him awake most of the night proof enough of his mistake but truth to be told it wasn’t like he was too bothered about it either, it was only a job, a job he had accepted just for his brother Jay. 

The water in the shower was already running cold but he stayed there thinking about his life, the reason he was now in Chicago and everything he has left behind in New York, he couldn’t believe how fast and how much his life had changed and how he truly wasn’t feeling excited about his new life, his purpose lost behind, yeah. of course this new job could be a great thing but honestly nothing was better than being a plastic surgeon in New York, that was action. Well, it didn’t matter, he wasn’t planning on staying much longer.

As he got out of the bathroom a couple minutes later he realized he was a bit late and he felt a little guilty about it but not enough to rush out the door, still taking his time to dress, prepare his bag and go to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

Stepping outside his room he came face to face with the girl from last night, a quick good morning kiss before she was lost once again in his bedroom.

Entering the kitchen he was faced with Jay pouring himself a cup of coffee, the space was tight but this was only temporary, in a couple days he would be back at New York and he would have his old place back.

“When do you have to be at work?” Jay asked.

“Ten minutes ago?” he answered faking to look at his watch.

“It’s your first day”

“Uh, first and last, as it turns out” he added nonchalantly while looking for some fresh milk in the refrigerator “Almond milk? You don’t have any regular milk in here?”

“You’re joking” said Jay with a blank face, making him turn around.

“No, I got to get back” he said, taking the milk out to pour some in his flask to add coffee then.

“To what? I thought the partners kicked you out of the practice”

“They did, but, now, this may come as a shock to you, there are other practices in New York City” Will answered with a bit of humor, Jay really seemed to not get it at all.

“Hey, how ‘bout, for once, you see something all the way through” Jay said in the same tone as him.

“Wow, you sound like the old man” he couldn’t stop himself from saying it, 

“There it is” Jay sentenced not surprised at all, this wasn’t new “I mean, that is why you’re blowing back out of town, right?”

“What do you care?” Will finally let out, he had no right to tell him anything.

“Just give it a couple weeks, at least” Jay said now defeated while following him out the kitchen as Will kept taking his things to get going. “You never know” 

“I got to go” he finished before watching his clock again and leaving out the door.

The way to the hospital wasn’t long but it did nothing to keep him from repeating the conversation over and over again in his head, if he didn’t get a headache from the night before, he definitely had one now. Why couldn’t Jay just let him go? Half of his life he had been away, what was the big problem now?

Stepping into the break room letting out a frustrated sigh he realized he wasn’t the only one there, some clattering noise coming from behind the fridge.

“When I took this job I didn’t know we did our own maintenance work” he said stepping closer to see who was it. A woman in her blue uniform working on the inside panel the fridge had at the bottom.

“I have a theory, Goodwin likes broken appliances ‘cause it means we have to spend more money at the vending machines” he heard muffled from his position but the voice had a familiar sound to it though he couldn’t figure where he had heard it before, a memory trying to make its way to the surface of his mind.

“The great vending machine conspiracy. You could get published in JAMA with that” he said playing along when suddenly a buzzing let them know the fridge was back to life. “Nice work” he added coming to the front to open the door and check it was actually working.

That’s when your form finally emerged from behind the fridge, now face to face you recognized each other, a million memories flashing to both your minds of your previous college romance, the most intense and passionate relationship either of you had ever had, never being able to feel the same ever again after that.



You both said in unison with the same shocked expression in both your faces but you were quicker to recover.

“What are you doing here? The last thing I knew about you was that you were leaving to Sudan” you questioned trying to put on a strong front and keep your feelings hidden, the pain of your break up coming back to surface after years of him being gone but you couldn’t stop yourself from asking, you needed to know if the reason he left you behind for had been at least worth it.

“Yes, I went to Sudan and worked there as a doctor, it was amazing but after a while I came back, well, not here but to New York, I’ve been living there since and I spent some time working as a plastic surgeon but it doesn’t matter, tell me about you, please, I haven’t see you in years” he said nostalgic, the realization of how much he had missed you downing in on him.

You two had dated during your time in college, your connection was almost instant and before you knew it you both were dating. the two of you inseparable for years until one day he came to your place with a box full of your stuff in his hands, he was leaving, not only you but the country too.

He said he needed something more, that he couldn’t stay stuck in Chicago and it was his time to finally be free and, of course, that included being free from a long distance relationship that eventually would be doomed to end, leaving you behind with so much emotions to deal with, anger, frustration, pain and hope because despite it all you loved him and you only wished the best for him, hoping for him to found the happiness he was looking for.

“Well it’s going to sound so boring in comparison but, as you can already tell, I stayed here, went straight from college to a hospital and I’ve been working my ass off to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, I’m almost there now” you said looking into his eyes, a shy smile coming to your face knowing he had been happy all these years like you had hoped. 

“Hey, it’s not boring, this is what you always wanted, I’m proud of you, you followed your dream and now you’re living it” he said smiling softly at you, the same smile you had fallen in love so many years ago. Stepping forward he reached out to caress your cheek, the simple gesture still sending electroshocking pulses. 

Clearing your throat you took a step back, his hand falling from your face.

“Yeah, I guess, it’s been good, anyway, I’m glad to see you again, as it seems we’re coworkers now and I’d love to keep catching up but I need to go, I have a patient that needs me” you said quickly before turning around and leaving, he couldn’t know how much his presence still affected you, he had left you behind, he couldn’t just like that came back into your life and pretend everything was alright or like it had been before because it wasn’t, you were different now and so was he, you needed to get to know eachother again before anything could happen again between you two, even if it was only a friendship.

As he saw you exiting the door only a thought came to his head, he now had his reason to stay in Chicago, you, he was going to get you back because there was no way he was willing to let go again of the only woman he ever loved.




Word Count: 1,749 words.

Warnings:It talks a little about anxiety and a panic attack, not in a very graphic way, but still be careful when reading if you feel triggered by any of those topics. Also some angst.

Request:Hi, can I get a reader x Ethan Choi imagine, please? Something along the lines of Ethan Choi hooking up with Vicky, the VA doctor and him not being able to sleep and telling her he’s heading over to the reader’s place as the reader is the only one who can calm him and help him sleep which led to Ethan and Vicky to argue the next time she sees him. The ending is up to you. Thank you x

A/N: Hi!!! Thank you for your request and for waiting this long for me, I really appreciate it, this is my first time writing for Ethan so I hope I did some justice to your request. Thanks for reading and hope you like it

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


Laying in bed he kept tossing and turning, sleep nowhere to be found as her body was in a peaceful slumber next to him.

He thought that after spending the night with Vicky everything would feel alright, all pieces fitting perfectly together, both understanding each other in such a profound level given the background they shared but as she rested next to him, her arm wrapped around his waist and her face nuzzled in his neck, he couldn’t stop feeling uneasy, an anxiety beginning to form intensely in his chest and quickly spreading inside him, something was wrong and he didn’t know what it was.

That’s when your face popped into his mind, the image clear and welcoming leaving him with a warm sensation, he needed to see you. You had been friends for a long time now and you always had make him feel better, you always had been a constant in his life and he knew you were the only one who could help him in a moment like that. 

Quickly he stood up, the sudden move waking Vicky up leaving her confused.

“Ethan? Where are you going?” she asked rubbing her eyes when she noticed him putting in some pants and a hoodie.

“Sorry Vicky, I gotta go, I need to go see (Y/N)” he answered in a hurry tying his shoelaces, the thought of getting out of there more important in his mind that the conversation they were having.

“(Y/N)? The doctor? Why would you…” she started but it was too late, he was already rushing down the stairs and out the door leaving her confused, hurt and jealous among other things.

You stirred in your sleep, some knocking bringing you back to reality, you tried to ignore it but it only got louder.

Groaning you opened your eyes and stared at the red numbers of the digital clock in your bedside table, 12:55 staring back at you almost like mocking you, the first time you got to bed early in a long time and someone decided to pay you a late night visit.

Pushing the covers to the side you stood up lazily, ready to send away whoever was at your door at such hour.

“I’m coming!” you said almost reaching the door, turning the living room light on on your way.

Opening the door you were ready to give someone a not so friendly greeting when you were faced with Ethan’s distressed face, worry filling you quickly.

“Ethan? Oh my god, come in” you said stepping out of the way and grabbing his hand to pull him inside, the wet sensation under your hand turning your attention to his drenched clothes, you never noticed it rained until now.

“Stay here, give me a second” you told him before rushing to your bedroom to grab a fresh towel from the bathroom and some clothes he had left at your place a few weeks ago you spend the night together watching some movie marathon.

It was a common thing between you two to spend the night in each other’s place, watching movies or stupid tv shows until 3 a.m. and sleeping together after that if your shift started late or you had a free day, you had that kind of trust, so it was no surprise at all to find some Ethan’s old shirts at your place or some of your makeup in his bathroom.  

“Take that off” you ordered as you sat him in the couch and started taking off his shoes and socks, both dripping wet. You had to warm him quickly or he would get sick.

“Change your clothes while I go look for some blankets, don’t worry, you’ll be fine”

You didn’t even wait for a response already gone and missing the soft small smile that started forming in his face, he felt at home with you and even if he was dripping wet and still felt agitated he started to feel a little better, your presence doing more for him that anything else, you tended to have that effect on him.

Once you made sure he was dry and comfortable in your couch you sat next to him, unsure of what to say.

“Ethan… what happened? Are you alright?” you softly whispered grabbing his hand in yours, it was still a little cold.

“I’m not sure” he finally let out after a long minute “I was at home with Vicky and everything seemed fine but suddenly I started getting anxious and I knew I had to come see you, I feel bad for leaving her alone but I didn’t know what else to do” you squeezed his hand as he spoke, you knew it wasn’t easy to talk about that kind of things.

“Would you like to talk about it?” 

“The thing is I don’t even know what I should talk about, (Y/N), I don’t have any idea why I feel like this. Everything should be fine and I try to cope, but I can’t sleep…” he said looking in your eyes, his filled with unshed tears making you wonder how many sleepless nights he have had in the last month.

The vision was completely heartbreaking, such a strong brave man breaking slowly in front of you so you did what you knew made him feel better, you took him in your arms, his head resting in your neck as you stroke his back calmly, letting him know it was okay to let everything out. 

You felt bad, he was your best friend and you had no idea of any of this, you thought that Vicky was the one for him, they were alike in so many ways but now you saw that you couldn’t been more wrong.

You stayed in the same position for a while, Ethan finding comfort in your embrace as he tried to even out his breathing, it felt fine to finally let some one know what had been going on and if he truly had to be honest with himself it was like a little part of him always knew that being with Vicky wasn’t right, your current position being more intimate than anything he had ever done with her.

All this time he had been fallen for you and neither one of you noticed it, the realization hitting him like a truck. Now it all made sense, that was the reason why you always felt like home, why he felt like himself with you and only you. How could he not know it sooner?

It took him a couple more minutes until he felt ready to separate from you, already missing the calmed sensation you emanated.

“I’m sorry for waking you up”

“It’s okay, do you feel better?”

“Yeah, a little” he said scratching the back of his neck and looking down, his new discovery making him feel nervous.

“Do you feel ready to go back to bed?”

“Let’s go” he said standing up afraid of feeling again the way he felt an hour ago but not wanting to keep you up any longer, tomorrow you both had to get to the hospital early.

As you were getting into bed you noticed Ethan hesitating a little so you quickly got comfortable to pat the spot beside you inviting him in. 

It took him a second before accepting the invitation and crawling in with you so you immediately pull him closer to have his head resting on your chest. Quickly your hand went to his head to stroke his hair like your mom used to do to you when you were little and you were afraid of thunderstorms, that seemed to help him relax and no longer than 15 minutes later he was sound asleep next to you, you were happy he could finally have some decent night sleep.

The next morning came faster than you would’ve liked but spending time with Ethan was always fun as you got ready to go to the hospital.

The night before had been by far the best of the month for him and even when you have had barely 5 hours of sleep, you both felt fine, ready to face the day ahead as long as you were together to keep each other centered.

You arrived to the hospital just in time to start your shift, laughing and sharing a cup of coffee because of course he was going to say he didn’t need one and then regret it the moment you stepped out of your place.

As you got into the break room to put on your scrubs you heard someone clearing her throat behind you making you both turned around to find Vicky there, the tension immediately palpable in the room.

You finished getting ready and give a Ethan a reassuring palm on his back before leaving the room and closing the door behind you.

“Look Vicky, before you say anything I just want to apologize, last night I didn’t feel like myself but it’s no excuse at all to leave you like I did”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t have but instead of talking to me you just ran to her” she said motioning to the door you disappeared behind. “You just left me there like I didn’t mean anything for you”

“You know that’s not truth, you do mean something to me but I just think I can’t give you what you deserve”

“You think that or did she tell you that?” he tried to stay calm, they were still in a hospital and it wasn’t the right place to have an argument.

“She has nothing to do with this so leave her out of it, please, this is all me Vicky, I’m sorry, I really like you but I don’t think that’s enough, you deserve better, someone who can give you everything of him and I just realized I’m not that man” he insisted calmly, he didn’t want to hurt her anymore.

“I can’t believe that, Ethan, everything was just fine until she got in the way”

“No, this has nothing to do with her” he stated firmly.

“If that’s truth then look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel anything for her becauses this is it, you have to choose, her or me but you have to know that I won’t be living under her shadow”

“Then I guess that won’t be a problem” he said looking fiercely into her eyes “because I choose her”.



Warnings: Not at all

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: Hello!!! I bring you a little drabble with Sean Roman, I was thinking about who else I wanted to write about for the day and Sean immediately pop into my mind. Hope you enjoy it! This belongs to Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration!  Thanks so much for reading

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Thanks for reading <3


You had a difficult decision to make, in one side you could stay patrolling with Sean, your boyfriend, as your partner, on the other side you could be in the Intelligence Unit with Kim and Kevin, your best friends since academy. 

You certainly felt in the middle of a crossroad, worried about the income of any choice you made, scared of the consequences, if you stayed with Sean you could lose the opportunity of a lifetime, being in the best unit of the whole city, but if you took the job as a detective you feared you could lose Sean.

That was the kind of thoughts that kept you up at night when Sean was sound asleep next to you after a long day, the same thoughts that made you act weird around him when he told you how much he enjoyed being your partner, having the two things he loved the most together.

“So, did you finally make up your mind? You know Voight won’t be waiting much longer before he goes ahead and offers the job to someone else” he casually said one day at lunch.

“Are you saying that I should take the offer and transfer to Intelligence?” you tried to act like you really weren’t dying to hear his opinion.

“Well, I’m surprised you didn’t take the offer the second he told you there was an opening upstairs, I thought that was what you always wanted”

“Well… yeah but…”


“I’m afraid, I’m scared that I won’t be good enough for the job and more importantly I’m scared I might lose you, I know how much you love what we do” you let out avoiding his stare.

“Hey, look at me, no matter what you choose, I’m not going anywhere, I promise. You’ll never be alone”




Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: This is the last one for the day, tomorrow I will be posting much more 300 words drabbles for my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration, hope you like it. Thanks so much for reading

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Thanks for reading <3


When your first received that call it was like everything just stopped for a second, your brain denying to believe what your ears were hearing, the voice on the other side losing all meaning after the first few words Will said: Jay’s been shot. 

You took a moment to breath and close your eyes, focused on going back to reality and erase all bad thoughts out of your mind. He needed you to be strong, if you couldn’t get back to your best self you wouldn’t be of any help. 

Swallowing the knot down your throat you put your phone back in your ear. 

“Where is he? Is he with you?” you asked trying to remain calm and brave, already grabbing your car keys. 

“Yes, he is getting into surgery”

“I’m on my way” you said hanging up. 

Twenty minutes later you arrived at the ED.

“Will, is he going to be okay? I just need you to tell me the truth, how bad is it?” you asked when you reached him. 

“It was bad” he said after a moment of surprise and hesitation “The bullet grazed an artery, he had severe blood loss but he arrived here just in time to get him to the OR, all is left to do is wait”

Waiting was definitely the worst, without knowing what was going inside, almost driving you crazy. 

A few hours later you heard the sweetest words ever spoken, he was out of surgery, he was going to recover and he was asking for you. 

“I thought I’ve lost you” you said as you entered his room, sitting next to him making sure you wouldn’t hurt him. 

“Nah, it’s going to take more than this to get rid of me” he said smiling, he was going to be okay.




Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: I was inspired by The 1, one of Taylor Swift’s new songs, This one belongs to my 300 Follower Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


Your first day as candidate at Firehouse 51 had you all kinds of excited, you couldn’t believe you were going to be working in such great place, its reputation being one of the best in the city, but when you stepped in and saw a pair of familiar blue eyes everything changed, for a moment all the memories by his side came back at you with the force of a tornado. 

You were just kids when you had dated, barely 20 years old and had already planned to take over the world but life’s funny that way and it had different plans for the both of you, you were both growing and you needed to focus on your future, at least that’s what he said the day you broke up.

You have dreamt about this moment several times, wondering what you would say, how he would be and hoping to find him happy, new adventures in every corner for him like he always wanted, apparently he had made it.

All day you tried to avoid him, tried to focus on your job, still feeling unready to face him considering the string of crazy thoughts in your mind, making you think that if he wanted you he really should’ve showed because seeing him now made you realized that if your wishes came true it would’ve been him. You couldn’t stop asking yourself if one thing had been different would everything be different today?

All those times together, all the moments shared, made you believed you were one of the greatest loves of all time, making everyday count, it really would’ve been fun, if he would’ve been the one.

And that night as he came closer to say hello all you could say was “We really were something, don’t you think so?”




Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: This one belongs to my 300 Follower Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


The night was going slowly, your place at the front of the restaurant as the hostess not being as interesting as other days, only a few older couples here and there going in to have a relaxed evening.

You looked at the clock for the seventh time in like 5 minutes and let a deep breath out, you knew you shouldn’t get your hopes high but it was too late for that.

When Will had told you that tonight was going to be a special night you got more than excited, your emotion only growing bigger when he asked you if you were going to work this day, your answer immediately being yes to let him know you would, in fact, be here but now you couldn’t wait to know what was particularly special about this thursday night.

Maybe he got a raise on his job and he wanted to celebrate it with you, maybe he was finally going to introduce you to some of his friends or to his brother or maybe he was finally going to ask you out on a date, the idea bringing a dreamy smile to your face.

The air coming from the open door brought you back to reality and you prepared yourself to receive whoever was walking in.

“Good night, welcome to Acadia” you said taking a couple menus from your station.

“Hey, (Y/N), it’s me” you suddenly heard Will’s voice, your head quickly raising to be faced with his beautiful smile.

“Will, I thought you weren’t coming anymore”

“I told you tonight was special, didn’t I? So table for two, please”

“Of course, is your brother coming?”

But before he got to say anything a beautiful brunette appeared next to him taking his hand in hers.

“(Y/N), this is Natalie”




Warnings: Nop, just fluff.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: This is the first 300 words drabble from my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


“Kelly! Quick, come see this!” you yelled for him from your shared bed. 

“What happened? Is everything okay?” he said rushing through the door, for a moment panic visible on his features. 

“Look” you said lifting up your shirt, a tiny baby foot marking on your skin from the inside as your baby boy kicked at the sound of his father’s voice. “He knows you’re here, he can hear you. Say something else” you asked as the baby stood still again. 

“Hey there, baby, are you ready to come home with us?” Kelly whispered to your swollen belly, another tiny foot making its appearance as he sat next to you on the bed. 

“No yet, daddy, this baby still need to be right here for a couple more weeks, is that right, honey? Of course it is” you said, the two of you in your own personal bubble of happiness, all noises from the outside world blocked out. 

Grabbing his hand you could see a little of hesitation on his eyes, always being extra careful with you since you found out you were pregnant. 

“It’s okay, I want you to feel” you reassured him. 

Very slowly, as your baby kept kicking, you placed Kelly’s hand over the most prominent spot of your belly.


“I love you very much, baby, your mama loves you very much too. We can’t wait to meet you” he spoke to your belly as happy tears came to your eyes, your baby boy instantly reacting to his daddy’s words. 

“I can’t believe we made him, Kelly, our baby boy” you said, your voice really quiet in fear you would start crying if you spoke louder. 

“Our baby boy” Kelly repeated with the same look as you, nothing but pure love and adoration in his tone. 



Words:4,653 words


Request: Can you do a Connor Rhodes x reader where the reader is on squad and no one knows they’re dating cause they wanted to keep it on the down low and she comes into the ED hurt and Connor looses it?

A/N: Hi!!! I’m sorry it took me so long but it’s finally here! I gotta say, when this request appeared I was so excited and now I can say that I’m so happy with the final result, almost 12 pages!! Can you imagine? I have never wrote something so long but the ideas kept flowing and at the end I finished with this monster made out of more than 4K words  Hope you like it as much as I do!!! 

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading


You woke up to the feeling of light traces on your back and a ray of light peeking through your curtains.

“How long you been awake?” you mumbled still with your eyes closed, savoring every second of this stolen moment.

“Maybe around twenty minutes, we should have closed your curtains a little better last night” he said in a low and husky voice, internally making you melt.

You loved moments like this, you and Connor, alone and tangled up in your bed just savoring each other’s company.

When you started dating, around six months ago, you decided it was best to keep it low key, a secret until you felt ready and stable enough to let the world know about the two of you, but, with the pass of time, you both found yourself very fond of keeping it all in private. You didn’t have to worry about noisy people or gossips everywhere you’d go.

Dating someone as important as Connor always brought along several consequences like living up to the Rhodes last name, being approved by his high – class father and being the object of jealousy of a bunch of other doctors and nurses who were constantly harboring a crush on the hottest cardiothoracic surgeon of the very prestigious Gaffney Chicago Medical Center and even when you were ready to deal with them all, truth to be told, along with avoiding all kind of uncomfortable situations, you wanted to keep as many memories and moments with him just for you.

Maybe it sounded a bit selfish but you already had to share him with the rest of the world when he was saving lives at the hospital so was it really too much to ask to just have a few moments with him now and then that only belonged to you two? You didn’t think so, especially not when you were finally getting ready to tell him you loved him.

You weren’t sure if 6 months were too soon or kinda late but neither of you had said it before because you both wanted to make sure it was truly how you felt when the time was right.

Just as you were about to ask him for 5 more minutes in such a blissful state, both your alarms started beeping, effectively breaking the quietness of the room and making you both groan, you weren’t ready.

“Time to go back to reality” he said stretching a little bit to get up.

“Do we really need to?” you pouted “I love having you here, just the two of us cuddling and watching a movie or cooking dinner or  just talking”

“I love it too but we wouldn’t be able to afford half of that if we just stayed here” he said laughing a little bit and leaving a small kiss on your forehead before standing up. “Also, I know how much you love your job, being the only woman on squad 3”

“I hate it when you are right” you said now with a big smile, he was right, you were so proud of your job and how much you had accomplished, you were the only female on Rescue Squad 3 and one of the youngest to make it to the team, Kelly did it when he was 23, you were just a little bit behind with 25, it was really impressive. 

30 minutes later you were both at your kitchen having some scrambled eggs, toasts and orange juice for breakfast, something “quick and light before going to save some lifes” as Connor liked to put it.

“So, will I see you tomorrow after your shift?” you asked

“Sorry, I can’t, my father wants to go have dinner, I don’t know what he wants but he says it’s important and I been trying to avoid it for a week now, I’ll just go so he stops calling me when I’m at the hospital” 

“It’s okay, I’ll still have you all for myself this weekend” you said flashing him a big smile, you had waited for this weekend for almost a month when you made a reservation for a nice B&B outside Chicago just to celebrate your 7th month together far away from the chaotic life you both had.

“Just you and I” he finished before leaning to kiss you, sweet and slow but full of passion, it was amazing and it made you feel better about your decision, this weekend you were going to tell him you loved him.

You separated after a couple moments to take a breath before leaning your forehead against his, looking right into his eyes, taking in the silence of the morning and the man in front of you, your heart swelling with nothing but pure love and raw happiness, you never had felt like this before.

“Now I think I’m ready to go” you said smiling at him and pulling apart to take the dirty dishes to the sink.

“Well, that’s not fair because I’m the one who’s not ready now” he mentions while he stands up to go to you and hug you from behind, his arms sneaking around your waist.

“That’s a shame sir, because if we don’t go now we both will be late” you said playfully as you turned around in his arms to wrap yours around his neck. “So go  grab your coat and let’s head out” you firmly stated leaving a peck on his jawline.

“Yes ma’am” he added before laughing a little and head to your door, you close behind him.

All the way to the parking lot of your building you joked around and enjoyed your last minutes together, his hand never leaving yours until you are in front of your car.

Before you could reach for the door, he grabbed your arm and turned you around to leave one final kiss in you lips, one hand on your waist, the other going directly to you cheek to deepen the kiss.

And just as sudden and fast it all happened, it ended leaving you breathless and a complete mess in front of him. He knew the effect he had on you and he loved to take advantage of that, so without any other word he opened your car door for you, gave you a final cocky smile and left to his car.

Frustrated you got into your car and closed your door, maybe a little bit harder than you should but making sure Connor heard before leaving the parking lot.

15 minutes later you were outside the firehouse getting ready to walk in to start your shift.

“Hey (Y/L/N), ready for another day on the job?” Kelly said from out your window.

“Hell, yeah!” You said as you stepped out your car and you locked it before heading inside with Kelly by your side telling you all about his latest date, him being one of your best friends.

The morning went by slowly, only a call around noon about a multiple car accident that needed the whole team to get the victims out of the wrecked cars but that had been all the action you have had all day, it wasn’t common to have days that quiet and it had everyone nervous about it, it was a bad sign. 

You had spent most of the day playing around with the guys, chatting with the girls and beating the squad’s ass playing Monopoly, you had a bad feeling about this day in the pit of your stomach but you pushed it away and tried to enjoyed the free time with your friends.

The day was almost over, the night slowly coming down and you barely had started to relax when you heard the alarm went off letting you all know an apartment building had caught on fire and you were needed.

You all quickly suited up and drove to the fire as fast as you could, ready to face whatever was coming your way.

5 minutes later when you arrived, you knew you had been right all day long, this was bad. There was actually two buildings, 10 stories each and both on fire and for what you could see there was many people still inside.

Immediately Kelly and Matt started shouting orders and organizing everyone to go inside on a primary search, still unaware of how many people was actually inside and under what conditions, the fire growing with every second.

As soon as the squad got into the first building, Capp and Tony stayed on the first floor and you followed Severide to the second floor.

“Fire Department! Call out!” you yelled going into the first apartment, quickly making your way through all the rooms, all empty. 

You went outside and met with Kelly on the hallway, him going into the third apartment and you entering the fourth were you were received with some coughing coming from the back.

“Fire Department! Call out!” you yelled again trying to figure out the origin of the sounds while making your way to the back.

“Help! I’m in the bathroom”

Running to the bathroom in the master bedroom you noticed that the ceiling was collapsing and the debris was blocking the door so you started to remove some of the bigger pieces and throwing them to the other side of the room, just enough to make room to open the door. 

“Come with me” you yelled to the woman once you managed to open the door “keep your head down and do not take the wet cloth from your face, well done” 

Once on the hallway you noticed Kelly guiding a family towards the stairs to exit the place when Capp called him, he needed some help on the third floor since Tony had taken a couple outside.

“Go, I got them” you yelled taking the hand of one of the members to guide them through the smoke.

Once you were all out you took a moment to change your oxygen tank while everyone was being treated by the multiple ambos waiting for the victims, all of a sudden you felt a tug on your arm and you turned around to see a crying woman in front of you, a teenager close behind her.

“Please, you gotta help, my baby is inside, I live in the 9B”

“Ma’am, you need to calm down, we are going to get him but you need to stay here”

“Please, help me!” she yelled.

“Brett!” you called Silvie “please, help me. Take care of her while I go inside for her baby”

Once the woman let you go and you made sure Silvie got her you ran inside straight to the third floor.

“Kelly, there’s a baby on the 9B, I’m going up”

“Wait for me! I’m coming with you” he said taking his hooligan with him “Capp, Tony, I’m going with (Y/L/N) to the ninth floor, we’ll make the search from top to bottom and we’ll meet at the middle”

“Okay, Lieutenant” they both replied before going into another apartment.

7 floors above you and Kelly splitted to each cover two apartments on the tenth floor, all being empty so you both descended to the ninth were you knew at least someone was in.

As Kelly took care of the 9A you knocked down the door to the 9B and went inside directly to the back were you could hear the baby crying. It was a relief knowing the baby was still alive.

You could see the fire was getting worse and you all really needed to hurry to take everyone out so the bomb could take charge of the building, there was just to many to do and just for a moment you let yourself get worry, maybe you weren’t enough.

You almost got lost in your train of thought when you suddenly heard Kelly calling for you.

“Back here, the baby seems okay but we need to take him out immediately”

“Go, I’ll finish the floor”

“No, you are faster, take the baby out and I’ll finish here, I’ll see you on the 8th” you said taking the baby and handing him to Kelly, his arms instantly taking the baby and putting him close to his body. You could see the hesitation on his face but you had no time for that “Go!! Now!! Take him out, I’ll be fine”

He knew he couldn’t argue with you so he handed you his hooligan and ran outside as fast as he could to leave the baby and get back to you, the same bad feeling everyone had the entire day settling on his stomach again.

Once you made sure the whole floor was empty you went down to the 8th, trying to move as fast as you could but making sure no one was left behind.

The flames were growing and you feared Boden was going to call you all out, that was one of the worst possible scenarios you could picture because it left you without any chance to save everyone.

Luckily, the 8th floor was empty, most of the doors already opened from when all the residents left and you could quickly moved to the 7th, only two more to go to be able to leave the building. 

You met Kelly on the stairs, letting him know it was all clear from 10th to 8th so he could report back to Boden.

Once again you both separated, both knowing the routine you had to follow.

You were inside the 7B when you heard a loud noise above you, barely having enough time to look up before the ceiling collapsed over you, knocking you down and letting you unconscious.

Kelly had just left 7A when he heard the loud thump of the ceiling falling down, stopping in his tracks trying to figure out where the noise was coming from when he heard something ten times worse, your pass alarm signaling you hadn’t move in the last 20 seconds.

Running to the sound of the alarm beeping, he found you under a big pile of wrecked ceiling.

“Capp, Tony!” He yelled through his radio “I need backup on 7th, (Y/L/N) is down”

From where he was he could see it was bad, your leg trapped and your whole torso covered by a lot of wreckage. Starting to work to get you out as fast as possible he started to took the ceiling that was at the top to eventually get to you, two pairs of hands suddenly helping him.

They all moved around you, taking everything out as fast as they could in the limited time they had, a minute later only your leg left to be freed.

“Alright, lift that final piece over her leg so I can slide her out” Kelly instructed to the guys positioning himself above your head and grabbing your arms to pull you out.

It was heavy and Capp and Tony had to pushed a little harder to lift it enough for your leg to pass but a few seconds later it was over, each of them grabbing one of your legs to help Severide take you down were Silvie and Gabby were waiting for you to arrive.

Everyone was already outside, the truck had finished with the other building and the last two floors you had missed and the bomb was taking charge of the fire, all in silence wanting to know more about you but unable to enter to your rescue in case the weight was to much for the structure on fire.

It was a general relief when the squad came out through the door with you in their arms, setting you on the gurney and giving the girls space to work, they going in professionally to make sure you were properly treated, opening your suit and checking your vital signs.

They put a collar around your neck and immobilized your leg to transport you to the Med, getting help from Kelly to put you in the ambulance and hopping in to go with you, never leaving your hand. 

After losing Shay, he swore he would do everything in his power to never lose anyone again, specially you, you had came when he most needed it and offered him a sincere friend, someone who never judged him and was with him through thick and thin.

“She’s going to be okay, Severide, we got her just in time” Gabby tried to assure him, knowing what was going through his mind.

She was about to say something else when your heart rate started to go wild on the monitor, catching her by surprise and making her jump to her feet immediately.

“Start CPR now!” She yelled to Kelly “I need to intube her, Brett hurry!” she said while taking the equipment she needed to make the procedure, completely focused on her task to put the ambu bag as fast as she could.

“I got in! How much longer, Brett?!” she asked worried.

“We’re two minutes away, they are waiting for us”

Once you arrived it was crazy, Gabby letting the doctors know of your situation, starting with possible ribs and right leg fractured as well as a dislocated shoulder, while April and Ethan started to wheel you into Trauma 1 on the ED, leaving Gabby, Silvie and Kelly outside.

Connor was just leaving the OR ready to take on another patient when he saw you, all bloody and unconscious being moved to a trauma room, his worst nightmare becoming a reality just in front of him.

 “What happened?” he yelled going behind you ready to take action.

“The ceiling collapsed, Dawson and Brett just got her in” Ethan informed unaware of the real state Connor was in, trying to hide his emotions as best as he could. “We need some x - rays and maybe a CT scan to make sure there is no internal bleeding” he was going over the routinary examination when a single sound send shivers down Connor’s spine, a flat line on the monitor.

“She’s crashing, charge the defibrillator to 150 and send one epi in” he said as the nurses laid her completely down and started with chest compressions again.

“Charged to 150” April handed Ethan the defibrillator and applied some gel to it before he used it.

“Clear” he said before shocking you once and waiting for a second “No change, charge to 200”

Connor was watching the whole scene going unfold right before his eyes, the rage going through his veins faster than the team who was trying to bring you back to life. He turned for a moment to take a breath when he saw Kelly standing at the doors of the ED.

He wasn’t sure what controlled him but he went straight to Kelly and pushed him to the wall grabbing him by his collar, face to face and ready to fight him.

“You were supposed to take care of her! Where the hell were you when this happened?”

“What the hell?! Back off!” Kelly said pushing him back, as angry as him because he had no idea what he was going through “What the hell do you care?!”

By now, everyone’s eyes were on them, their voices the only sound of the room.

“What do I care?! She is my girlfriend, you idiot, and she trusted you with her life!” Connor replied, not caring anymore of your secret. Everyone stayed silent for a minute, the revelation causing a big shock among the presents, that’s when Connor realized something and all the anger faded away, leaving him all weak and desperate. “She is my girlfriend and I love her” he finally whispered “I can’t lose her… I can’t lose her, damn it!” his mood swings were insane, he didn’t really know how he felt, it was all mixed up, he was angry, sad, desperate, hopeless, stressed, it was all too much.

Just when Kelly was about to say something, the gurney from Trauma 1 was being wheeled out, a bunch of nurses, medical equipment and Dr. Choi behind it going straight to the OR yelling instructions to the whole team.

“What happened?” Connor ran behind them “What’s going on?”

“We need to take her to the OR, we got her back but she has some internal bleeding going on. We’ll take charge of the rest after we control it” Ethan said before the elevators doors closed.

He felt lost, he couldn’t do anything and it was killing him, stumbling he entered the break room and broke down on the couch, his hands to his face hiding the tears that wanted to spill from his eyes.

“She is going to be okay, she’s a fighter after all” Will said sitting next to him and patting his back. 

“She better be because I don’t know who I am anymore without her” he said in a low voice, afraid it would break if he spoke louder.

“Why you never told us anything?” 

“At first was we wanted to make sure it was the real thing, you know? But then she just loved the privacy of it all, having little dates on new places where it was only her and I and no one knew about us, the Med’s surgeon and the newest squad member, you know? She just wanted to keep it all away from our crazy lives and dangerous jobs” he finished letting out a sigh.

“It really sounds like her” Will added laughing a little “I don’t know her that well but we have talk a few times at Molly’s, she is so sweet and funny and so open all the time but it’s annoying because at the end of the night you still don’t know much about her. You’ll only know what she wants you to know” he said remembering the few nights you had spent with the whole ED team, having a beer and getting to know everyone.

Now it all made sense, you were getting to know the people who Connor worked with.

The sound of Connor’s laugh broke the silence for a moment, taking Will by surprise, it was just odd considering the state of the man just a few seconds ago.

“Yes, she is like that. You don’t know how much effort it took me to get her to say yes to a date, it was all worth it though” he laugh again, Will joining him this time “Will, she’s the most amazing woman ever and we’ve been together for the last 6 months and I’ve been the happiest man ever since we made it official. This weekend we were going somewhere special, you know? She had it all planned so we could go away for a couple days and just be away from the chaos of the city, she was so excited and now we won’t be able to go”

“Don’t worry, you’ll go, maybe not this weekend but I bet that in a month she will be good to go”

“You can’t promise me that”

“I can, I’m sure of it because right now she have the best team of doctors taking care of her, and she doesn’t let anything stop her from what she wants, isn’t it right? That’s how she got into squad 3 in the first place and how she managed to keep your relationship a secret for over 6 months. She is unstoppable, Connor, I know she will be fine”

“Thanks, man. It’s really nice to hear it” he finally said after a moment, taking Will’s words in. 

“I have to go but I’ll come back later to check on you”

Will left and there was nothing more to do than wait, it was awful. Standing up again and breathing a few more times he exited the room and went to the wait room, there was one more thing to do. 

“Hey, man, I’m sorry” he said standing in front of Kelly “I just… I lose it when I saw her lying there. I know it wasn’t your fault”

“I didn’t know you were dating, she never said anything”

“I know” Connor said taking a seat next to him “She wanted to keep it all a secret. Could you… could you tell me what happened?" 

"We were on a big fire, two building, 10 stories each. A woman told (Y/N) her baby was in the ninth floor so we went up to get him, I asked her to take him out but she send me instead, said I was faster and I didn’t want to argue with her so I went. We met back at the 7th doing our primary search and we splitted to cover each 2 apartments, the fire was getting worse and when I was about to catch up to her I heard the sound of the ceiling collapsing, it fell on top of her so the rest of the squad and I rushed to take her out. She was just on the wrong place at the wrong time”

“Thanks, for taking care of her and bring her as fast as you could” 

Hours passed and you were still in the OR, the tension on the air was palpable and everyone was on edge, the whole firehouse already there waiting to hear news about your state.

Mrs. Goodwin quickly heard about the delicate situation so left Connor without duties for the rest of the day, he wasn’t in the right state to keep attending patients so he was as nervous as the rest, so when Ethan walked through the door of the wait room it was like a blessing. Everyone immediately stood up to approach him, Connor and Kelly right at the front more eager than anyone.

“She is still sedated” he said knowing they were her family “we put her shoulder back in place and she’ll have a cast for the next 6 weeks on her right leg, we were able to fix all damage and stop the internal bleeding but she’s still dealing with a couple broken ribs which will make a it a little harder to breath but she’s fine. We’ll have her under medical observation for the next couple 48 hours but you can go see her now”

“Go” Kelly told Connor “We’ll go after you” he added with everyone behind him nodding their heads.


Once in your room it was a hard vision to watch, tubes and machine all connected to you but it all went away when he saw your eyes fluttered open.

“Hey, babe, I’m here, you are okay” he said grabbing your hand.

“Connor? What’s going on?”

“You had an accident but you are all fine now, the guys took good care of you. (Y/N), I… I’m just glad you are okay, for a moment I thought I would lose you and I wouldn’t be able to tell you how much I love you” he whispered looking you in the eyes, tears once again forming in his eyes but this time it was all relief.

“Connor, babe, you are not going to lose me, not ever” you reassured him giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “Not when I love you so much too” you added blushing a little and a smile coming to your face “I wanted to tell you this for a while now and I was waiting till our trip to make the perfect moment, guess that’s out of question now”

“We just made our perfect moment, you and I and all the beeping of the hospital machines” he said making you laugh but quickly regretting it, your ribs making it difficult.

“That’s so not fair, it hurts” you said giving him a light punch to his arm.

“I love you though” he winked at you and send that cocky smile from earlier this morning, the memory feeling so far from where you were now.


