#exactly this



The thing that really let me think in the right way about parenting was realising that raising a good person and raising a “good child” are incompatible.

How can a child develop the ability to challenge and question authority if they cannot challenge and question adults? How can a child learn to value and defend their autonomy if they cannot refuse the demands placed upon them? How can a child learn to fight bigger injustices if they cannot fight over something they feel isn’t fair? How can a child learn to be at peace with their emotions and the emotions of others if they are not allowed the freedom to express their emotions without consequence? How can a child learn to listen to and care for their bodies if they are not allowed to sleep when their body asks or eat what their body demands?

Unquestioning obedience is not a good trait. Fear of authority is not a good trait. Always being sweet with a smile on your face is not a good trait. Being unable to create conflict is not a good trait. Being unwilling to fight is not a good trait. Compromising your boundaries is not a good trait. Prioritising pleasing others over your own needs and autonomy is not a good trait.

Good parenting means intentionally making your life harder. A difficult child is a good person. Your job is to guide your child into becoming the best adult they can be. It is not to make your own life easy. It is not to have the approval of others. It is not to make their teacher and grandparents lives easy. Your priority is your child and nothing else.




i love translations i love the act of translation i love it so so much

translation is so fun because people feel so strongly about it and for good reason because ultimately it’s all about sacrifice. do you sacrifice form for content? content for mood? mood for form? there are no solutions just compromises. as anthony burgess said, “translation is not a matter of words only; it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture”. nabokov referred to a bad translation as giving “the impression that I am witnessing a murder and can do nothing to prevent it”. the husband and wife translators of russian novels, pevear and volokhonsky work in tandem, translating and reading and polishing in a process pevear referred to as “raising questions”. douglas hofstadter asked multiple people he knew to translate a short 16th century french poem and came back with wildly varying results. to use eliot weinberger’s words, “every reading of every poem, regardless of language, is an act of translation” and the actual literal act of translating from one language to another exposes so much about the languages and the author and the translator and the reader of the translation! it’s a deeply intricate analysis that expands continuously outward!

#love this love translation its like painting on a wall to show someone what’s on the other side(via@katadesmoi)


Basically what having a Tumblr blog feels like:

Hi, yes, this is my trash wall. Feel free to have a look around.



I wonder how many people who are into piratecore would actually be interested in committing actual historically accurate piracy.

I would not commit historically accurate piracy in modern times but if you can find me a time machine I’m in


I’ve read all kinds of posts both from writers and readers lamenting about comments on fic. Authors are upset when they don’t get any, readers don’t know what kinds of comments to leave, etc. And it finally clicked in my brain why I think a lot of people don’t bother writing comments. 

And this is what it boils down to:

Writers do not want praise. 
We just want to talk about our story. 

I can’t speak for everyone obviously - but I think the majority of writers don’t care so much for the “omg you’re a brilliant writer!!” comments as much as we just want to hear your thoughts on the story. Even if it’s just your thoughts as you’re reading of “oooh x happened! I can’t believe y said this! What’s going to happen now that z has happened?!” We literally just want to talk about what we’ve written like you would with a friend about a tv show. We’re not out here demanding praise like some entitled narcissist. 

While praising our writing skills or writing style is appreciated, it doesn’t need to be said on every fic and every chapter that you read. If you regularly comment on someone’s work that’s telling enough that you like our technique. Readers shouldn’t feel pressured to have to praise a writer’s abilities every time they want to comment. 

In the grand scheme of things, talking about the fic/chapter is actually more helpful to us writers instead of spewing praise. It’s the same with artwork. As nice as it is that people tell me “wow your art is so pretty!” it’s a LOT more useful to me to get comments like “I love their expressions!” or “the lighting on this is gorgeous!” because then I know WHAT people are liking about it. If no one ever comments on my backgrounds, I now know what to improve. If most people comment on liking the expressions, I now know the strong points of my art and can use it to my advantage to make even better art in the future. 

The same goes for fic. If multiple people tell me they liked a certain part of the story I now know that things similar to that are a hit. It’s feedback I can use to improve the story and give my readers more of what they want. Without that I have no idea what they like about the fic.

Talking with a writer about their story also gives them inspiration!! Nothing gets us more in the mood to work on a fic than to have people wanting to talk about it. A lot of times just talking about one of my fics with someone will give me that push to continue working on it. Getting a comment that just says “great chapter” or “you’re a great writer” doesn’t do much to motivate us to continue that particular fic. But if you talk about the story and the characters it gives us motivation to continue working on it, may even give us ideas for future chapters. I would hope that those of you with “comment anxiety” find this approach so much easier than trying to praise the writer every time you read.

So that fic the author hasn’t updated in forever that you’re dying to read? Talk to them about the fic and the elements of the story! It will make the writer want to talk to you about it and will get their mind thinking about it, hopefully inspiring them to continue where they left off. Fics that are left in silence are more likely to be abandoned or even deleted because nothing feels worse than putting your heart into a story to have no one say anything about it. 

TLDR; Writers do not want praise, we just want to talk with our readers about the story itself, and these are the kinds of comments that inspire us to keep writing more. 


hot girl summer but only in air conditioned spaces


you’re not a capitalist. a capitalist is a person who owns or manages capital. the word for a person who neither owns nor manages capital but who believes in capitalism is ‘sucker’

artmaniacsblog:The Shapes Of Ideas [Illustration]artmaniacsblog:The Shapes Of Ideas [Illustration]


The Shapes Of Ideas [Illustration]

Post link




This is a horrible website for art. This is a horrible website for artists.

The only art that ever gets attention here is fanart, or artists who already have thousands of followers. 

Nothing new is ever added to the mix, nothing else ever gets out there, because you guys see art, and while you might think it’s cool, you keep on scrolling because it isn’t Undertale or Homestuck or whatever sports anime is popular right now. You only give attention to fanart, and even that is an elitist club where attention is only given to the chosen few fandoms.

Artists who create original work are getting less and less support all the time. I’m feeling it, and I’m seeing my friends get less support too. We’re losing followers. Our note count is going down.

“Do art for yourself!” People say. But that only goes so far. No matter how you slice it, getting ignored and snubbed constantly on pieces you spent precious hours on while you watch the notes on a quick fanart doodle soar into the thousands hurts.We don’t create art to place it in a dark room and never be looked at. No artist ever posts art here thinking “I hope no one looks at this and it gets no notes.”

Encouragement and praise go a long way to help artists with original ideas, but you guys don’t care about original ideas. They’re falling by the wayside. Soon there won’t be any new things to make fanart of. How many movies that have come out in recent years have been sequels or remakes? A lot more than new, original concepts, that’s for sure. When you look around in a few years and find that everything is stale, boring, and overdone, know that you have no one to blame for that but yourself.

Ideas need support. Ideas need to be shared and fostered and encouraged. Otherwise, they die off into nothing. 

Reblog more than just fanart, please.

You know, it’s not even just artist that have thousands of followers. 

I have 5k+ followers as of a couple months ago. My original works hardly get any notice, and a lot of the time my fanart doesn’t get noticed. People are ridiculous when it comes to reblogging people’s art. They’re ashamed of it for some reason. Like, I’ll have art that has 100 notes. two of them are reblogs, and they were MY OWN REBLOGS. TO MY OTHER TWO ART BLOGS.


I’m divided. As an artist, I took down most of my ‘original’ art because the literal zero notes looked too pathetic next to my fanart and I felt sorry for the poor dears. Same with my ‘original art’ Tumblr account; I haven’t touched it in almost a year.

But I get why fandom stuff is more popular and easy for people to connect with so I feel it’s futile to feel bad about people doing something that is quite natural (i.e. favoring/seeking things that are familiar and dear to them over completely new things they don’t even know about). I know it’s not because my art sucks, it’s just the nature of the beast.

But, yeah; there is nothing like the feeling you get when your one and only Sailor Moon drawing gets literally 10x the amount of activity than ALL your other original artwork combined. It’s… special lol.


Worst part of Dracula Daily is I can’t email my friend Jonathan Harker back being like

Subject: ???

Dear Jonathan,



do you guys remember being little and hearing marceline discover the song simon wrote before he forgot her asking her for forgivness and she sat him down in her living room and played music with him. and you were never ok again

atavus: Geraldine Pilgrim - Dreams of a Winter Night Photographed by Susan McKeon. atavus: Geraldine Pilgrim - Dreams of a Winter Night Photographed by Susan McKeon.


Geraldine Pilgrim - Dreams of a Winter Night

Photographed by Susan McKeon.

Post link


i think they have a very funny dynamic






If they could now please make an entire movie of Kurt Wagner walking around the school and exploring and being his pure cinnamon roll self that’s all I need and want thanks so much


I did not like this nightcrawler…. like at all. Something extremely upset me about him

@spaceshipsandpurpledrank the fact that he doesn’t look or act like the night crawler from the comics or animated series?!

That. Also he had no spark to him. Kurtu no mattercthe situation has an uncontainable optimism and spark of life. This kurt did not have that at all.







the word “queer” being used by someone who uses that word to describe their own experience of love and their cherished community should not ever sound the same to you as it does coming out of the mouth of a homophobe. acting like these two types of people are the same is unbelievably cruel


Adding on once again: there is no word for our experiences that has not been used as a slur and isn’t *still* used as a slur.

My mother never said fag but she sure could say “gay” in a way that made it clear that was what she meant

“Homosexual” in the mouth of a Southern Republican US Senator is more vile than “faggot” in the mouth of a 50-year-old gay man from Seattle, where they made an attempt at one point to reclaim the word. (Unlike queer, it didn’t really work.)

Hell. “Those people” in the mouth of a homophobic mom to a closeted gay teen is probably fouler than either of those.

Just chiming in here from over on the disability side of things, where we can testify that it doesn’t matter what you call yourself, your terminology will get used as a slur by people who don’t want you to exist because you fuck up their ideas of how the world should be. So, call yourself whatever you want, and don’t yield to the people who don’t care what you’re called, because your greatest crime is existing in the first place.  They’re never going to have a polite word for you anyway.

I’m old enough to remember when gay was used as a slur. Gay was used as a synonym for stupid, broken, gross, or disgusting. You can’t tell me that me describing myself and my existence as a trans person and my love with another queer person is the same as that. How dare you? How dare you take the word I use to celebrate my transness, my gayness, my part in the community of love? Fuck off and huff paint.

Speaking also from the queer disabled side, “autistic” is currently used as a slur. You really can’t escape it. What it comes down to is that, to them, our existence is a slur.

You can’t dictionary your way out of that.



I cannot stress enough how important it is to speak up for yourself when someone is crossing your boundaries or dismissing your feelings. You are your biggest advocate. No one else can read your mind or feels what you feel.

I’m trying. It’s hard to feel like those boundaries/needs/wants matter or aren’t unreasonable. It’s hard to feel like I can enforce them without being met with retribution or guilt. It’s hard to feel like anybody is going to listen when I speak up because, historically, they rarely do so why would I bother? I’m trying. I’m trying to teach myself that those types of behaviors and people aren’t the norm, that they aren’t acceptable, that I’m worth respecting and caring for. I’m trying to teach myself that if being firm in my boundaries garners disapproval, their approval was worthless in the first place. It’s hard. It’s gonna take a while to unfuck 2 decades worth of trauma and manipulation and hurt. But I am worth it. You are worth it. I don’t deserve to hurt anymore and neither do you.


we don’t talk abt how stressful buying new glasses frames is. ur shopping for your whole personality there. life on the line. do or die. all for two pieces of glass and some sticks


one of the reasons I love The Amazing Devil is their range. some songs make me feel powerful enough to start an empire and other songs make me feel like the softest person on the planet
