#except for triggering my anxiety big time



Oh hell no, not some kid from middle school trying to argue w me why our 5th grade teacher was so great, when he was an abusive ass who put his hands on a student, encouraged kids to Moo at the fat girl & call the boy who played w Barbies a Sissy…only then to reveal this dude was friends w teacher & his fam. Teacher was fatphobic, ableist, racist, classist, elitist & homophobic (irony, dude praising him is gay & I hate to tell him but Mr S would damn him for it, Mr S was *rabidly* religious). I’m fired up. He ended his comment w “I’m not trying to argue, just adding my view ” which really means he wants to have the last word. Instead I responded, “Duuude, no. Just…no. I’m not gonna argue w you, bc it sounds like you had a personal relationship w him & his family & don’t wanna hear it, but pls don’t diminish the damage he did to me or my brother from having him as a teacher. That guy messed us up back in the day.” I was engaged w a friend about some of our worst teacher experiences & he just felt the need to come to Mr S defense. Read the room. It’s hard to hear that someone you have a good memory of maybe being not as good as you thought, but tell it to someone who wants to hear it & not the person talking about how it fucked them up. So, I probably lost that FB follower, but eh, he doesn’t have kids so wasn’t buying any of my future books anyways ‍♀️ (what? What do you have FB for if not to sell books? I enjoy some other aspects of it, but is def why I got a FB. That & pics of niblings. Is why I rarely post on politics & never post on religion. I thought Sucky-Teachers was a safe subject, Lol). Someday I should write up the ableism from this teacher. It’s an interesting study on how being over-invested in someone’s disability can actually be ableism.

Addendum… After I responded w “pls don’t diminish the damage my bro & I suffered from this teacher” the dude responded back w passive aggression “thanks for shaming me for stating my opinion and experience. I certainly didn’t do that to you. I’m surprised.” Also apparently I bullied him in 2nd grade which I guess negates my right to complain about bullies? & dude was bullied in middle school too (I remember, he got it p bad) but idk why he was pointing that out unless he thinks it means he has the right to defend a bully bc of it? (The bully in question being a teacher, a grown man in position of power bullying literal children, mind you) Pièce de résistance was his final line tho, “But we make due with what hand we are dealt and make the best of it.” What kinda minimizing shit is that? Yeah, I made do w my hand, buddy. But am also allowed to talk about upsetting shit from my childhood on my own page without having to tolerate people coming to this shit teacher’s defense. Fuck him. I was happy to reconnect w him but if hes gonna talk over my pain, he can fuck off. Think I’ll delete the post, maybe unfriend him, be done w it.
