


Taking requests of places for me to jerk off at, The best ones that are reasonable I will record and post.

M: “Blake! Wake up, it’s almost noon!”“Mom, but I’m…”(Mom pulls the covers off the bed)M: “We

M: “Blake! Wake up, it’s almost noon!”

“Mom, but I’m…”

(Mom pulls the covers off the bed)

M: “Well, it looks like someone is already up! Since when did you start sleeping naked?”

(Rolling over to cover morning wood)

“I uh..”

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Looks like he’s waiting to be let outside like a good boy.

Looks like he’s waiting to be let outside like a good boy.

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Parker was on his way to the shower when his parents told him to come downstairs the Morning of his 18th Birthday! Wearing only a robe, Parker rushed down the stairs.

“Happy Birthday, Parker!” His parents shouted joyfully.

“I can’t believe my baby boy is an adult!” his Mom grinned.

“My little slugger is all grown up!”

Parker’s Mom and Dad were so proud of their son. So proud of him in fact they rewarded him for his hard work at school and great behavior by getting him a car for his Birthday.

Parker was completely unaware.

“Hey son, your Mom and I got you something, but you have to open this card first!”

Parker jolted over to where his parents were sitting so fast, his robe became slightly undone, the belt becoming less fastened, but he was too excited to care and grabbed the card from his proud father instead of adjusting what he was wearing.

“I love you guys so much,” Parker gleamed.

As Parker opened the card, he noticed there was a key inside.

“No way!” Parker jumped, causing his robe to become slightly more loose.

“Read the card first, honey!”

Parker opened the card, and read the sweet words that were inside.

“To our baby boy on his 18th Birthday, we love you and are so proud of you! Here’s a car for all your hard work this year! Love, Mom and Dad!”

Parker was so happy he was nearly in tears. He ran over to his parents and hugged them both simultaneously, jostling his robe more unsecured.

“Why don’t you go out front so we can take a picture of you with your car, Son,” his Dad gleamed.

Parker loved that idea. He grabbed his sunglasses off the table and ran toward the door!

At this point Parker’s robe was nearly open all the way, but nothing was going to stop the 18 year old boy from seeing his car.

Parker’s Dad, noticing the robe was becoming ill-fitting, hurried up to his son to tell him before Parker ran out the front door.

“Parker!” His Dad shouted, stepping on his son’s robe belt dangling on the floor, only in an attempt to stop him in his tracks so he wouldn’t expose himself to the neighbors, “Fix your ro-“

But when Parker’s Dad stepped on the robe belt, Parker didn’t stop bolting toward the front door, and Parker’s Dad inadvertently caused the robe to pull right off his son’s body.

This didn’t phase Parker one bit, who didn’t even realize he was heading out the door naked as the day he was born, aside for the sunglasses in his hand.

Parker ran toward the driveway freaking out in the best possible way. He jumped up and down all around, his wiener bouncing every which way possible.

Parker’s Dad could not believe his eyes. He almost wanted to laugh. “Should I tell him,” he thought, after seeing his son’s bare nakedness glisten in the Morning sun.

Parker, on the other hand, couldn’t believe his Mom and Dad did this! He was so happy that he jumped on he hood of his new car and struck a pose, in nothing but his Birthday suit.

Mom hurried out the door with her camera. “I can’t wait to get a picture of Parker!” she exclaimed.

Mom got to the driveway and couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of her baby boy showing off on his new car. “I don’t even think he knows he’s naked, honey.”

“Just take it.” Dad laughed.

Parker’s Mom stood in front of Parker, and got in position to snap a few cheeky pictures of her son posing on the hood of his brand new car.

“Parker, say cheese,” she laughed to herself.

“Chee- WHOA! I’M NAKED, MOM!” Parker panicked, using the card to cover his dick and balls.

It was too late though. Parker’s Mom ended up getting the embarrassing picture of her baby boy on his 18th Birthday.

“Playing In The Yard”

An ENM story.

Part 1


It was strange being home from college during COVID-19. It was just me and my parents. But one thing I did love was that I had the house to myself while they were at work. Without homework and tests to study for, I became so bored. There’s only so much a 19 year old can do for fun on a farm.

So, running out of ideas, something came over me. I don’t know if it was out of boredom, or that I was so horned up from being stuck in quarantine, but all I wanted to do was strip naked and parade myself around.

I ripped off my t-shirt and pants, and stood in the kitchen wearing just my grey briefs.

I slid the waistband down, and stepped my feet out. Those underwear were off, and even better, I tossed them clear across the room.

Standing buck naked in the kitchen felt so freeing. I was just happy my Mom and Dad didn’t have any indoor security cameras, because explaining this would be so embarrassing, especially the visual of me stripping off my underwear and throwing them across the kitchen, and why the dog bed, son? Why did you go lay down and grind on it?

Like I said, pretty bored.

Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice what a beautiful day it was outside. I so badly wanted to run out there and be free for a little bit. I knew it was private enough to pull it off, but I only had about 30 minutes or so before Mom and Dad arrived.

With that thought, and my poor impulse control, I wiggled my naked butt out the side door.

While propping the door open, I could see my neighbor’s house, which is a football field or so away, and the idea that they might see me was arousing.

I figured I’d stay outside naked for a little bit while the opportunity presented itself.

Enjoying the breeze on my naked body, the tickle of the grass on my recently shaved groin made me feel so alive. Like an animal with no care in the world. All 19 years of me on display. Every inch of my body. Nothing to shield myself with. Completely exposed.

After I got my kicks from playing in the yard naked, I figured it was time for me to head back inside before my parents got home. Last thing I would want, even though the idea of getting caught makes me hard af, was them seeing me pleasuring myself in the yard.

I ran my naked butt over to the side door I had propped open.

“Hm, that’s weird,” I thought to myself. “The door is closed…”

I saw the door stop lying on the walkway, but my heart started to pound knowing that the door could possibly be locked.

I ran over to the side door, dick and balls flailing in the open air. I turned the knob, hoping and praying it would open.

The door wouldn’t budge. I tried and tried again, putting my body weight on the door, desperately trying to push the door open, but to no avail.

I was locked outside my parent’s house, naked as the day I was born.

How was I going to face my parents in my bare naked state? They were due home within 10-15 minutes. It was just supposed to be a short thrill, running around the yard naked before they got home. My pecker loved this tho. It was sticking straight out. There was no way I could hide it. I was so embarrassed already, knowing I was locked out in this manner, my naked body completely exposed to the outside world. The idea Mom and Dad might see me was so humiliating to think about, but the more nervous I got, the stiffer my dick became.

All I could go was hide behind a bush on the side of the house, hoping I could potentially sneak my way in after they got home.

About 10 minutes had passed. I was crouching behind a shrub, still without a stitch of clothing, on the side of the house. The next closest neighbor was a football field away, so I was in the clear, unless of course, they were nosy and had binoculars or something.

The branches and leafs on this moderately sized shrub, big enough to wear it came right below the start of my v-line when standing, felt so good on my naked body. It was ticklish almost, but felt completely orgasmic, especially when I leaned the head of my wiener against it.

In the middle of enjoying brushing my exposed cock and balls against my shield, I heard the sound of a car coming up our gravel driveway. I leaned over to peak, and it was in fact my Mom and Dad returning home from work.

I started shaking from the thought of them seeing me buck naked. Sweat began to form on my forehead, and my heart was beating fast. I crouched back down behind the shrub hoping they’d walk right past me, leaving the door unlocked so I could eventually sneak my naked ass back inside.

The car door slammed, and I heard Mom and Dad coming my way.

M: “What a gorgeous afternoon, lover. To bad we were stuck inside. Hopefully it’s this nice on the weekend!”

D: “Here’s hoping! I’ll have to get my fishing poles out and head back to the pond. I’m sure Freddie would like that. Not much else going on.”

I heard their footsteps on the pavement. They weren’t more than 10 feet away.

I peeked through the bush and saw my Mom unlock the side door with her key. Her and my Dad walked inside.

“Leave it open. Leave it open. Leave it open,” I thought to myself.

As they shut the door behind them, my heart dropped to my stomach. Now, I was locked outside naked, and my parents were inside, and to make matters worse, my shirt, shorts, socks, and my briefs, were scattered throughout the kitchen, and those briefs I just mentioned, were still laying on the dog bed.

Knowing them, they’re gonna yell for me to come pick my clothes up, and that’s not something I ever do. I never leave my clothes on the floor like that. My car is in the garage and my cellphone is inside. They’re gonna know I’m home. What are they gonna do when they call my name, but I don’t respond?

Moments later, I could hear my Mom yell for me from outside. I was still crouched behind the bush, my heart still very much racing. I looked down at my dick. Still completely exposed to the outside. My balls were hanging lower because of the warm weather, and I could feel a bit of sweat trickle down my asscrack. I felt like an animal being outside like that. Really, all I was missing was a collar, and even just that would have made me feel better, because I would have felt a little less naked.

End of Part 1

This story topic was voted on by the wonderful Avid Readers on my Patreon! For November’s poll the winning story prompt was “Thanksgiving (Food) Stuffing”

The Pig Show (Part 2)

It has been eight months since Tobin took you out to the first adventure of unabashedly gorging in a public place at the All you can eat buffet on behalf of The Pig Show.

 After recovering from the night’s massive food coma Tobin excitedly described the whole event as a ‘rousing success. Following that party, Tobin soon started incorporating more and more trips to all-you-can-eat buffets and other high calorie plate packing restaurants into your normal feeding shows. Tobin was able to jury-rig some phone gear, battery packs, and go pros to live broadcast those eating sessions at the restaurants as live streams.

Following that advancement Tobin started experimenting with you and the show; weight-shaking tutorials, tips and tricks for the best feeding results, and casual talks where he talked to the viewers in a Q&A format after you slipped away in your frequent food coma. 

All that innovation and content caused the viewer and community to grow in size, to the point where you and Tobin were starting to get noticed by the super heavyweights of the greater online gainer scene. The Pig Show was getting popular enough to start picking up sponsorships for some whey shake companies and afford to do some ‘food vacations’ and vlogs along the way.

As The Pig Show’s online presence grew, so did your own body. The toll of the redoubled and extra feeding streams for the show along was the more intimate personal gorging with Tobin starting to show now. 

Your face started to fill out and then blossomed as your double chin developed from a shadow of potential to a full time permanent addition to your face. Your arms and legs thickened up as your ass ballooned beneath you.

But out of all of it, your gut experienced the most radical change. The constant fatty food feasts and Tobin constantly pushing you to the limit, resulted in a stomach stretching out to accommodate all of the food packed into it. Between that and the thick layer of soft flab that encased it from the outside, Tobin and the viewers quickly started calling it the ‘half ton tank’ but the way it jiggled and inflated after a feeding session. 

As your body naturally expanded by the Tobin The Pig Show, Tobin stepped in and made some executive decisions to modify your body as well, now a pair of thick golden rings were pierced through your nipples. After you popped a strained shirt button during a live stream at another all-you-can-eat restaurant Tobin loudly commented to the chat that he was going to commemorate the experience by getting your almost buried belly button pierced the next day.

The summer months ended. The holiday was quickly approaching, and Tobin was well aware of that. Much to your dismay Tobin announced that he had to go away for his family for Thanksgiving, leaving you alone at your place for Thursday evening with a few plates of store bought prepared thanksgiving meals to eat by yourself.

Later that night, as you were watching T.V was when you received a series of exciting texts from Tobin, informing you that he had a big surprise for you. He ordered you to head over to his place late tomorrow morning. As you went to sleep your mind began racing about the cryptic order as you absentmindedly rubbed your gut you realized that without Tobin there to push you further past your limits, you felt a bit less full than you could be. 

Come Friday morning you received an early morning text from Tobin, ordering you to not eat a single bite before you made your way to his place. Confused and aroused you sat in your small, and shrinking apartment, surrounded by cabinets packed with snacks as your stomach growled away. With nothing to do except watch the hours creep by, you finally received the all clear to head over. Making sure to wear the next size up sweatpants and baggy shirt, you lumber out of your apartment and ease into your car as you head towards ‘something special’, all the while staying completely erect. 

Rushing the best you could through the packed streets of Black Friday traffic you eventually made it to Tobin’s place. After catching a bit of your breath from climbing the stairs, you approached the front door. The first chime barely had time to finish its sound off before the door swung open as Tobin appeared, grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, and pulled you inside.

Once stumbling inside you finally saw what got Tobin in such a rare mood. Tobin rearranged his entire living room by moving his dining table to be perpendicular to the sofa, where you sat and were subjugated to countless feeding sessions. 

On the table was an entire spread of Thanksgiving leftovers. Mountains of tupperware, tin foil, wrapped dishes, and plates. Right at the head of the table was a serving tray with a set of silverware. 

Looking over the table in astonishment, you saw Tobin beaming back at you. He enthusiastically explained that his family always holds huge thanksgiving dinners with his extended family. Through his silvery tongue, he was able to persuade most of them to let him take home the leftovers, and now it was going to be your responsibility to pack away. From right now, through the long weekend, until it is all finished. 

Taking in all the food and aroma, while processing the fact that Tobin will make sure to be good on his word, your mouth started to water as your dick tented against the sweatpants. You were about to make his first step towards the feast before Tobin stopped you. 

“Oh, not quite yet piggy. We have to make sure that we have plenty of documentation before you and your gut deal damage to the table” he said as he retrieved his phone from his pocket. ”And you need to be properly dressed.” With a slight groan at the impediment, you agreed and quickly started the process of stripping down to reveal your now signature pink piggy jock. Tobin took the traditional side and front photo of ‘your tank completely empty’ before he allowed you to make your way to the sofa.

Whether planned or not, you had to try your best to gracefully squeeze in between the wooden table and the sofa before you could perform a controlled crash onto the couch cushion that has a permanent impression of your wide ass.

Tobin was busy taking a few more shots of the mountain range of food and some of you at the head of it all before sending it out to The Pig Show’s social media accounts before he turned his greedy eyes on you as he picked up your tray, a serving spoon and started scooping the reheated food.

There was moist turkey, seasoned stuffing, fluffy mashed potatoes, perfectly prepared squash, warm rolls, boiled potatoes drowning in butter, piled on with sour cream, chives, and crispy bacon, homemade cranberry sauce, and sweet potatoes with a layer of marshmallows.

He slowly prowled through the table going up and down each side of the table, making a show to carefully select what food to pile higher and higher on your serving tray. Once he was satisfied with the mini mountain of food, he finally made his way back to you, stopping to stand right over you as he held the tray above your head. There he waited until you looked up to him from your spot on the sofa.

Tobin just stared back with steely eyes as you were moments away from you starting to gorge yet again. The combination of the smell of the leftovers and your empty stomach caused you to become crazed with impatience. Your eyes darted between the tray, to Tobin, the rest table then back to the tray as you licked your lips with anticipation.

With a loud growl that from your stomach your lips formed the start of begging before Tobin smirked and lowered the tray down to the table, allowing you to begin.

You started eating between Tobin’s presence and the hunger from your stomach, eating was practically an automatic response. In your own acquired wisdom of the past eating sessions, you started at a moderate speed, pacing yourself with all the food ahead of you. As you steadily worked through the full tray with mouthful after mouthful of home cooked goodness. You saw from the corner of your eye you saw Tobin fish out his phone again, as the flashed started snapping pictures of video clips of your feasting. The moment after you took your last bite from the first place, Tobin swooped in to scoop up the tray and start the process of refilling the tray again.

With the start of the second and the third tray of food, Tobin came in to provide more intimate interactions, by whisperings encouragement, telling you what to eat next, followed up with comments on how good the leftover dishes were, as well as reading aloud the outpour of online comments that people saying about you. All that was fuel for you to power through to eat more and more of what was on your plate.

By the fourth plate, Tobin was getting handsy. He started feeling your moobs while tugging on your nipple rings as you ate. Moving down his fingers started skating across your gut, running up and down the stretch marks and gently pressing on your stomach, to see how much room you had left.

“Oh looks like piggy’s almost at his limit,” Tobin muse as he pressed down again, “let’s see how much we can pack in before you throw in the towel” as he lightly made his way to your groin.

Wiggling and snaking his hand between your thick thighs and encroaching gut Tobin eventually he reached your pink piggy jock and your erect cock that was buried under it all. While one hand was rubbing on your groin Tobin pressed his body against your filling torse as his other hand went back to exploring the rest of your body.

That sent your body into overdrive. 

He kept his stroking, groping, and teasing in perfect rhythm as you continued eating. If you slowed down, Tobin would step up and redouble his efforts to make sure you keep up the pace. The persistence of his hands and his words teasing caused you to power through with your eating more than you did the night before.

As you were about to reach the end of the fourth massive plate was when the strain of your stomach and cock became too much. Between bites, you let out a groan and a full-body shudder as your cock erupted through your jock. 

After that climax, you start to feel winded as you begin to feel your lust-fueled gluttonous ambition begin to fade, leaving you to recognize the bulk of food, leaving you with the weight of the action resting inside of you.  With your energy starting to fade, you placed your fork on the tray as you dropped your arms to your side, too busy basking in the afterglow of your orgasm.

Tobin wormed himself free from under your gut, examined his hands before wiping his hand on your stomach before reaching for the fork. to scoop up a bit of the mashed potatoes.

“Now now, don’t waste a drop of food,” as he scooped up some mashed potatoes, “here comes the airplane~,” as he brought the fork up to your lips. Spent and too tired to protest, eyes dazed, you just parted lazily and opened your mouth. From there you allowed Tobin to continue to spoon feed you, forcing you to power through the rest of the plate.

Once completed Tobin got up from the sofa and made his way to the kitchen. A few minutes later he returned with a tin of apple pie, a tub of ice cream, and a bottle of baby oil. He delivered a dessert victory lap with an extra-large slice of pie with more than generous scoops of vanilla ice cream on top. 

From there Tobin allowed you to relax on the couch as you slurped the ice cream and pie as he started applying the slick oil all over your sensitive and distended stomach. As you swallowed the last bite of dessert you soon gave into the familiar allure of the food coma right there on the sofa.

A few hours passed when you finally stirred awake. After slowly opening your eyes, you noticed that Tobin was busy. He removed all the serving dishes that you demolished before and fixed your tray with another heaping helping of Thanksgiving leftovers. Looking down it looked like Tobin had fun with your passed-out body as well, judging by the load of cum that ran down your extended gut.

As you looked around the living room, you saw Tobin in the kitchen, glued to his phone as he was nibbling on a meager ham sandwich and chips. He quickly noticed you and put the food away as turned his attention to you

“Hey you, you’re finally awake,” Tobin said with a smile. 

“Your content has been spreading like wildfire online, so many people are rooting and cheering you on. They all want to see you finish his table of leftovers,” as he gestured to the remainder of the food on the table.

“And I intend to show them that final result.” he followed up as he approached the table with the trusty serving spoon in his hand and the reignited glint in his eye.

With a satisfied groan of an acknowledgment as you struggled to learn yourself forward for the next wave of feeding.

“Other locals were even asking about your food disposal services for their thanksgiving leftovers…. They’ll be over shortly” 

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The Pig Show (Part 1)

It has been a few months since the official launch of The Pig Show and it showed. Under the guidance of Tobin and his, now, weekly live web broadcasts to all of your growing fans.

The continued popularity and financial success of the show resulted in Tobin funneling some of that money back into the show’s production value. It started with a better camera that recorded in Ultra HD and proper studio lighting and a boom mic to record your stomach gurgles. He even bought a mini fridge that he kept stock with thick ice cream bases whey shakes for the show sessions. 

After that Tobin moved on to props, soon every other week new packages were arriving at his place.He purchased jocks for him and you, outfitted you with suspenders, harnesses and a neoprene pig mask to wear during future broadcasts and photo shoots. The gear started to become costly since every few weeks after that Tobin had to place an order for a new pair of jocks because you outgrew it, a fact he would constantly tout online.

Tobin was even upping his presence over you and your fat ass more and more in the public space. He started pressuring you to keep your tighter shirts as you went out shopping with him and every time he would bring you to the local convenience store and order you to clean out the convenient store hot food displays. All while he was standing just over your shoulder as you were forced to stand there awkwardly as the store clerk rang up the half dozen cheeseburgers and whatever chicken tenders or pizza slices were left under the heat lamp. Then he would record you as you scarfed it down on the beach outside of the store for additional ‘extra content’ for the twitter account.

He even pressured you to take the work option to work from home, just like him. From there he had full control over you. Tobin would make you work and walk around the house with just your jock and suspenders most days and nothing else on the others. Throughout the day he would order delivery for you and make you drown every snack and meal with a tall glass of protein shake.

With both working from home and no commute to factor into it meant that your Pig Shows could go live early and go on longer. To spice things up Tobin switched between force feeding you shakes and solid foods, always with the intent to push your gut and your limit to the absolute limit over and over again through the sessions and weeks. There were some shows that were so intense that you couldn’t move after the camera went off, with your gut being so heavy and tight that it literally pinned you down until you could digest parts of your meal after a long food coma.

After a while of broadcasting, Tobin wanted it to be special. He sent the word out and built up hype for a special live showing of The Pig Show and placed a reservation at an All You Can Eat restaurant.

You were ordered to spend the full day fasting before your big show, soon three thirty rolled around and Tobin picked out your clothes, a plus Extra sized sweatpants with a failing elastic and an old t-shirt that you wore on your first date with Tobin. Now the shirt was so small on you that even on an empty stomach your massive gut protruded from the bottom, showing off a band of bare fatty flesh between the shirt and the sweatpants.

Once in your designated ‘going out‘ attire you lumbered behind Tobin he led you to his pickup truck and opened the passenger door. As you lifted yourself up to your seat, you felt the truck rocking back and forth as you settled into the seat. Once you squeezed your ass and monstrous gut into place, Tobin gave your stomach a soft pat before starting up the car and shifting it into gear and slowly accelerated out of the driveway and down the street.

You two were the first to arrive and once Tobin told the staff the reservation you two were led to the back of the restaurant, towards the biggest table they had. Walking past all rows of buffet food sizzling under the heat lamps made your stomach let out an audible growl of protest and hunger as you made your way to the table. Apparently the staff had to clear one segment of a room and put the two longest tables together to accommodate Tobin’s reservation. 

As you took your seat Tobin took no time to leave you at the table and make his way to the buffet. He grabbed two plates of the stacks and started to prowl his way through the aisles as he loaded up the plates with piles upon piles of food.

Starting with a base of fried rice one one and noodles on the other, he then started mounting piles and piles of meats, dumplings and pizza slices on top of that. He made his way back and slid you the two tall plates of food in front of you and your watering mouth. As you dug into your plate Tobin got up and went back to fix himself a third plate to himself, a small salad with light dressing.

As you ate people started trickling in towards your table. Apparently Tobin’s cover story for this evening was that it was your birthday party, since some greeted you with balloons with cartoon pigs on them as they wished you a Happy Birthday. They were all welcomed by Tobin as they took a seat at the table and every time they got up and made their own plate they also took the liberty of providing you with another tall plate of fried food, all so you didn’t have to get up from the table.

As the evening rolled on more and more people from the local side of your community were showing up at your table, some fans some were aspiring feeders and feedees, but they were all there for you. Each one provides you plates, free drinks as well as encouragement and jabs about you and your filling gut. One couple even brought a bottle of appetite enhancers, which Tobin immediately served to you and all of the other feedees there.

Tobin acted like he always did on stream, and acted as the host for the event, relying comments, stories, commands from the table towards you on top of live tweeting photos and video clips of the mountains of food you started putting away as he made sure that you kept going, plate after plate that was ‘generously donated’ from the table.

You felt a new wave of excitement at the prospect of eating and performing to a live audience. You were in the spotlight, everyone was here because of you and your feasting and as you looked up between plates, you noticed that there were always at least six pairs of eyes on you as you went to grab another plate. It didn’t take long for you to get into your well practiced rhythm of chewing and swallowing. Through the mouthfuls, the stack of empty plates in front of you began to grow taller and taller.

Despite your training and Tobin’s best efforts you reached your limit after the sixth or seventh plate. Once you finished that plate you lifted your fork in a dramatic fashion and let it drop and clatter onto the empty plate to the roar of the crowd. That is where you sat, basking while everyone at the table worked through their plates but always waiting for you to make room for another bite.

There was no need to get up or fetch another plate or drink, since Tobin was on the ball making sure that someone was always on their way back to the buffet also helped you out to get another plate of appetizers or get the attention of a waiter to bring you another soda or milkshake.

All of the guests had had their own books, phones and portable chargers. They were here for the long haul and committed to the event, and to see your got your money’s worth from the all you can eat buffet.

As the evening turned into night the guests became more and more rowdy, dropping any established facade that it was a birthday part as the cheers, jeers and chants after completing another plate. The party kept going for hours and hours. You ate so much good you had to make adjustments to your attire, untying your sweatpants for starters, freeing up some much needed space for your encroaching gut.

There you stayed, going through phases of stuffing yourself, resting as others took up the slack and ‘ate for the table’ as Tobin slipped you another appetite pill followed by the slowly regaining your hunger to tackle another few plates. All while as your gut expanded and rode against your old shirt. 

It was getting late and the restaurant staff were long past wary and started sliding your table dirty looks as they kept having to wait on the entire party that had long lost their own table manner in the craze of the moment. And you were so close to the goal.

At the last hour Tobin went up and gave you one last massive plate of food, while whispering into your ear, “hurry up pig, you got one last shot to show them all what you are”. That little whisper rekindled your appetite-enhanced hunger and you began to dig into this one final plate. Eating past the protest of your stomach and stuffing yourself to past your limits as your gut pushed further forward and out from under your taunt shirt

You let out a deep moan as the shirt hem creeps over the apex of your stomach, you keep chugging more and more, pushing yourself until your stomach pushes out and finally pushes the shirt past the top of your now firm gut. In a rush of sensation you felt the shirt material come rushing up your gut and bunching up with the rest of your shirt at your pecs.

Underneath the now retreated shirt was the most recent purchase that Tobin made with the show’s money. In big black blocky text the words “BIG HOG” was permanently tattooed on your stretched stomach, just above your belly button.

The party let out a huge roar at the sight of your new tattoo. They let out waves of hollers form the table, loud enough for every waiter and remainder staff to glare at all of you. You were too busy, letting out a series of belches and gasps as you felt everyone’s hands on you, all rushing to rub your now exposed gut as they whoops and cheered in celebration. 

After a while Tobin came swooping up besides you and eased you out of your chair. Staggering to your feet Tobin directed you towards the door as the crowd joined you, all chanting “BIG HOG! BIG HOG!” over and over again in a drunken and horny craze they followed behind you to the parking lot. 

It was a slow and slugger walk as you made your way to Tobin’s truck. Someone dashed ahead of you two and opened the passenger door, from your oncoming food coma you heard Tobin bark out, “Oh no, he was just on his way out from out growing that seat, here…” as you heard a beep from the truck and he followed up with, “pop the tailgate. We’ll load him in there.” That was met with a roar of hearty laughter as men started coming from behind to help Tobin. 

With still so much food in you, there was not much you could do to contribute the action, save for the tiniest little bunny hop when they counted down to lift. With a well-time countdown Tobin and the others were able to slowly lift you up to the truck.. It was a slow and sluggish struggle but soon enough they were able to get you off the ground and slide you into the bed of the truck, as you heard and felt the truck groan and sag as more of your weight was placed on it.

With help from the group, you were pulled and pushed to the center of the bed as you just stared at the starry night, too dumbfounded and stuffed to the brim to make any sense of what was happening around you. 

You heard Tobin thank everyone for attending and wished them the best, followed by feet walking away. You felt Tobin get into the driver side, rev up the engine and the small jostle as Tobin backed up and slowly drove you back home.

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You received a text message while you were at work. Sam, an old co-worker of yours from a past job, reached out and asked if you were free to meet up somewhere to catch up and talk over this weekend. It was out of the blue but you had nothing better planned, you accepted the invite and hashed out the time and place.

As you finalize the details of the meet up, you could not help but notice how quickly Sam was responding to your replies. It was like he was actively waiting by the phone during the entire conversation.

That Saturday you arrived at the location, a nice locally owned coffee shop. You got there a bit early so you went to the barista, got your cup of latte and took a seat at a table in the middle of the floor, facing the front door. As you sat down with your coffee, sipping and idly fidgeting with the paper cup with your fingers you began to think back to working with Sam.

You met Sam at your old job a few years ago. He was a young small, little dude with a petite frame and a mop of messy brown hair on his head that covered his eyes. He was a good worker but just incredibly timid. He was so meek at work some of your co-workers started to call him ‘Shy Sam’. You took him under your wing for training, showing the ropes, and worked with him for a while before you got a better job offer and left the office.You did remember that he was always wearing plain clothes and he never talked about this hobbies, never discussed his social life, as if there was anything to talk about with him. He was just always just plain and boring.

As you were thinking of the past, the door chime rang as the door swung open, and a man stood in the middle of the doorway. He was tall, strong, built like a truck. He wore a polished black leather coat and  motorcycle pants. He was sporting a clean cut haircut and a 5 o’clock shadow covering over his strong jaw. His brown eyes were hard as flint,as he stood there, scanning the room. He finally laid his eyes on you and those eyes sparked to life.  He acknowledged you with a wry smile and then with a glace over his back. The man walked in and took a step of the side to reveal what was standing behind him. 

It was Sam.

You would not believe it was him, if not his still petite body structure and his own persistent expression shyness and uncertainty on his face. Now Sam’s moppy brown hair was dyed bleach blonde and shaved into a military buzz cut. His face acquired a half dozen piercing, a few silver studs on both of his ears and a shiny golden ring was placed right on the side of his nose. It all totally clashed with his weak and mild expression, he had no confidence to pull it all off. 

On his neck was a thin metal chain link necklace, brazenly exposed for all to see. After doing a quick take you noticed that the other man was sporting the same kind of chain necklace but his chain necklace had bigger and thicker chains.

Resting underneath the necklace was a black fishnet shirt, with his pail torso showing underneath. On his hands were bracers and on inspections you saw that they were well padded with mental hoops on each side. He had black jeans on his legs and matching black short ankle military boots just beyond that. Sam’s eyes skittered around the room before he found you. He blushed and after craning up to the man, he received a firm head hod and slowly moved towards you. 

As Sam broke away, the other man marched to the cashier and placed his order, then deliberately made his way to a far away table and sat down in a chair to face directly at you two. Everything he did was the relay that he was there to watch you two talk and he was not hiding that fact from anyone in the cafe. 

Sam approached with that memorable weak smile, awkwardly pulling a chair across from you with an awkward laugh and a weak apology as he sat down. You were thrown for a bit of a loop and you still had no idea how to even begin to respond. So you just answered with stunned silence. Taking that as a cue, Sam made another nervous laugh and tried to restart the conversation. “So ….erm. How’s life?”

Regaining some stability, you replied with a shaky, ‘it’s.. all good’ and after a bit you went off listing off the mundane and mild developments of your 9am-5pm job. Then you bounced the question back to Sam, ‘Son… ahh you have been through some changes?” guesting to his attire.

Sam blushed and stole a look at the man he came in with, who continued to monitor your table through the crowded cafe. He Sat with a wide stance, posed to strike, with his eyes locked on Sam, not you. He kept stuttering as if he was bracing for what was coming next and then he told you. 

He told you how he was in a bit of a bad place, mentally, a few years. Between work and personal stuff and he started to spiral. That was about the time when Sam found him, Xander.

Apparently Sam was a big admirer of the alternative scene as found Xander on a special dating app. After a bit of talking Xander took Sam under his own wing and ‘collared’ him two and a half years ago. He paused in hesitation before concluding with “and here we are” as he gave another glance at Xander.

After hearing that impressive tale, he slouched in his seat with a sigh. Looked at you expectantly, you were re-staggered into stunned disbelief.

You always heard about BDSM relationships and saw a fair few videos and posts during your most depraved late night browsing but you never thought that you would ever meet someone in that, let alone little meek Sam being able to be a part of one.

Before your brain could process it all your mouth sprung to life, “So you’re the….” training off. “the Sub yes.” Sam said sheepishly. “But Mr. Xander has had me describe myself in more …. colorful terms”. Instinctively you followed up with a “and that you’ve….”   

Sam blushed as he replied with, “yes I have done… a lot of things. He is a very experienced Master.” Sam embarrassed arose in his voice for a bit as he explained it but judging on how he was going through the phrases he had this conversation before. Just like old times.

‘Oh?’ you immediately replied, as your dick started to twitch. And before you could stop yourself your mouth once again added on “like what?” Sam shuttered, glanced back at Mr. Xander, took a breath and began listening to them all. In detail. He wasn’t lying in saying how Xander was an experienced dom.

Sam had been through things that you only saw in the most perverse BDSM comic and stories and then went beyond that. Apparently under the guise of Xander’s leadership Shy Sam was quite used and popular. He initially stammered but then his voice became more solid as he went off on stories and tales about being ordered to dress every day. Ordered to track the total length of times he was able to a butt plug in him, down to the minute and second. He was offered and auctioned off at parties. Apparently had his pictures and videos posted all over the web, with plenty of professional photo shoots with all types of outfits and  sensory deprivation gear.  As you spied at his fishnet top, you saw a few ‘on brand’ tattoos on his chest as well, evidently also at the behest of Xander.

As he went on, while you felt pangs of jealousy, arousal and appreciation to Sam’s commitment. You quickly snapped out of your growing fog of arousal as you realized you two were just talking about Sam’s recent history of hardcore bdsm in a very busy cafe in the middle of the day, with his dom watching this conversation.

 After coming to your scenes you asked, “Wait, why are you even telling me this?” Sam’s emboldened persona broke down as he stammered a rehearsed tone . “As a part of Mr. Xander’s Social Rehabilitation program, he had ordered me to.. To contact and … show off to everyone… “ Sam’s face went beat red, “to everyone that I have ever had a crush on. And offer myself up to them” then quickly clammed up.

That hit you like a ton of bricks. All you could do was stare back with wide eyes as you went over everything. He had a crush on you? You would never have guessed in a million years, not that he would tell you back then but still… And he was offering himself to you, to make up for lost time. 

No way this was happening. 

You said nothing, you didn’t even move a muscle. After a few seconds of waiting, a flash of disappointment flashed over Sam’s face and sadness then set in as his shoulders slumped even more. You then saw Xander quietly walked towards you two, he put his hand on Sam’s shoulder and quietly told him to get up.

As they were about to leave through the door you finally snapped out of your daze and louder than you intended proclaimed, “Wait!”

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After a long month of long term servitude, experimenting with impact play, and sleeping in a create it was now the one day off from going to the club, activities, and being the subvert to your handler.

At the stroke of midnight, your handler released his control over you starting with the removal of your chastity cage and locked leather choker collar. After a long peaceful night sleep in the handler’s bed, you woke late with the smell of breakfast in the air. Taking a moment to savor the sensation of the luxury bed sheets across the king sized bed you eventually slid out of bed to join your handler for your meal. Once seated at the table Your handler handed you a plate full of fluffy pancakes, sizzling bacon and fresh fruit.

As you ate, your handler informed you that because of both of your patriotism within the local community, the club gave him a pair of tickets to another city’s club event for later this evening. He then pulled out a pair of two rectangular theater theater tickets and gave them a little shake. After giving him a inquisitive look, he restated his promise that this was still your day off and that this was just going to be a nice day trip to the other local scene. With that reassurance you accepted the offer and went back to eating your breakfast.

From there you spent the day with your handler with him, just relaxing and decompressing in the living room, watching TV and browsing the web. But soon it was the late afternoon and it was time to prepare to head out. Your handler ducked into the bedroom and returned with a pair of matching button downs and ties for both of you. Once changed it was time to head out.

It took over an hour in the car to get to the location of the event, but soon enough we were at the location, an art museum in a quiet yet still respectable part of the city. The building’s lights were on but once you got to the entrance you saw a sign that notified that there was a private event scheduled tonight and it was invitation only.

Your handler pulled into a parking lot that was still mostly filled considering the time of day. Walking up to the new bouncer, your handler flashed him the pair of glossy tickets and you were directed towards the annex wing of the building. Once there was another set of doormen standing by to check for tickets yet again before welcoming both of you in.

With another ticket check the doors were pulled open and you were welcomed to the private museum wing. White walls, bright overhead lights and classical music faintly played above the polite chatter.  The hall below was packed with people mingling around ,through the crowd you recognize some of the doms and subs at your club were sprinkled in with the crowd of complete strangers. Interweaving through the crowd were servers, using around with silver trays of finger food and glasses of champagne. Everyone was dressed up, just like you. 

All of them were wandering around, pursuing the hall and looking at the exhibits against the walls. Against the walls were the exhibits, in their own roped off spaces were the art pieces on displays, the exhibits. Just gazing around you saw a hallway of subs on display, all of them were posing, acting or suspended within the kinky bit of artwork. 

You had to take a minute to properly take it all in, stunned that this sort of display could be held at such a place. As you walked past the door you noticed the other side of the doorway had two statues coated from head to toe in white plaster. Both were sculpted into poses that showed off the absolute perfect muscular human, an act of chiseling that could only be done by an artist professional. They stood stock still and as you looked upon them you noticed that the only part of them that was not covered in plaster was their eyes. Two sets of living human eyes were staring directly at you and they kept tracking you as you walked past them.

As you headed down the stairs and around the crowd you saw all the other exhibits on display, with their artists standing tall and proud next to their creations that their subs were showing off with a mix of professionalism and dominance. There was a latex designer from a company well known for their latex beds with his prized art piece of two subs encased and suspended a few feet above the floor in a custom made queen sized vacuum bed. To add extra insult to injury, the subs were posed in a permanent cuddling pose, facing together,  sharing their own breathing tubes. Upon the latex cover was matching blue and pink sleeping cap secured on top of both of them.

Next to it were additional statues like the ones at the entrance that were meticulously recreated to mimic great famous statues, Farnese Atlas, The Thinker and David but with a distinct chastity cage on the crotch. Just like the other at the front door, the entire body was covered and sculpted except for their eyes , it was the only part of them that was allowed to freely move, as each one was scanning around watching the people who were examining them. This artist was standing by in a conventional heavy smock and ass-less chaps going on about how much time it took to sculpt the bodies after the initial plaster was set.

Beyond that an European man was smoking a cigarette standing next to a giant sized canvas splattered with fresh paint. Standing next to him were the latex covered gimps that were still dripping in bright wet paint.

Further down the exhibits there was the animal segment where these artists showed off their custom stable full of leather ponies which was next to an enclosed playpen where a dozen of human pups were playing around in the area. Each one of the puppies had custom patterns and matching hoods, harnesses, collars and tails. You watched them all play and prance around with their chew toys and pressing up against the playpen fence wall, begging and whining for pets and belly rubs from the onlookers.

Soon you just started to wander around the exhibits by yourself, snacking on the free food and drinks seeing other subs being subjected to the whims of the dom and for the entertainment of others. There was an exhibit  detailing the intricate strings and counterweights to suspend a near naked sub within a metal frame. Beyond that were subs in colorful latex outfits that were being inflated by a tube attached to a motorized air pump.They were all awkwardly standing there as the artistic dom was going over his intentions of the color patterns and the hot air balloons that inspired him for that piece.

In the corner was a hypno tape mixed media artists that had his sub strapped into a custom built chair while he was staring slack jawed at a tablet screen that was strapped onto his head. The sub looked like he was aware where he was, just zoned out for who knows how long.

All of them just there to be ogled, observed and presented for the guests, like you have done so many times before. Soon your excitement was starting to die down, sure it was an exotic exhibit but it was becoming bland and boring as you spent more time on this side. You were just standing there as the passive observer of their scenes, and becoming slightly envious that you were on the other side to experience what was going as one of the art pieces.

After a few hours of going back and forth, viewing and examining all of the art pieces on display your handler approached you to ask if you wanted to check out the gift shop. It was almost a relief when he asked you just to be offered to do something for him, even if it was just to join him at the gift shop. 

Your heart started to flutter again when you fell back to your place as you walked behind him as he led you to the gift shop which was redecorated with some posters, special kinky items, and specialty kits from this exhibit.

As soon as you walked in your handler spun around on his heels, looked you dead in the eyes  and with a smirk commanded you to stand right by the door as he went shopping. He gave you a wink before you left you there, as you started to breathe heavily as you felt as the control being placed back on you.

From that point you saw your handler move with a hunter’s prowl as he stalked up and down the aisles and picked out the various sex toys and gear that were on display. Without ever talking beforehand, you spied that he picked all of the toys you were eyeing the most. After paying he returned back to you with a shopping bag full of wrapped toys, flyers and a few CD disks and a delightful smile.

“I was chatting with the artists as you were wandering around. After checking you out they had an interest in using you as a prop for some of their next art projects” your Handler continued  “But, enough about that. It’s late and time to head back … and judging from the traffic, we’re set to get home after midnight. Which is just about the time,” as he rustled his plastic shopping bags, “that I am going to feel inspired to do some of my own art projects” 

Your heart skipped a beat with that last sentence as you followed him back to his car for the last peaceful night ride back home for a long while.

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“Thank you for waiting, please enjoy your  t-Time.” you stuttered out the last word as you gave them a goodbye nod as the two men walked past after the bouncer waved them in. Soon after the next group of people from the line moved up to take their place, bringing back to the familiar sight of pant belts, and waists obscuring your vision while offering you a slight relief from the chill of the night wind blowing by. That wind also offered a harsh contrast of the warm humid air you felt on your waist and legs.

Like before you steady your breath and repeat the greeting phrase that you have been repeating all night long, “WElcome to the Hole in the Wall…. Erkd, I’m the doormat today….I-i hope you have been doING WH-well. All you could do was smile and nod as you tried to stifle a moan as another load got deposited into your rear, followed by a quick parting slap on the ass before, you assumed, that person left you alone.

That greeting, like the rest of the night, was met with fascinated comments and cooing of the spectacle of you from the guests.

“I cant believe that they can do this.” “It must be illegal.” “Can you imagine what the rest of the inside looks like if this is on the outside?” All you could do was just grin and bear it from having to listen to the same questions yet again as you felt another playful spank on your rear from an unknown hand.

As you were stuck there you mind wandered back to how exactly you got there.

It all stemmed from a running joke from what your handler would do at the VIP members only monthly events. During every VIP night he would always make a point to arrive with you at the club incredibly early, some time you got there with him even before some of the club staff members were supposed to clock in.

Once there you were ordered to stand by the front door and to greet all the other VIP members, as well as offering them any initial services before they entered.

This was all done as your handler kept a vigilant eye on you from across the floor to make sure you always maintained your proper posture, that you personally greet everyone and that you followed through with any of their requests.

At first it was viewed as a novelty by the other members, as they smiled and nodded as they walked by but your handler continued to restate his demand at every VIP event. Soon the other members started to accept your ordered offer of services, first it was just the doms then they allowed their subs to be serviced by you. Your handler kept it up for so long that the rest of the members gave you the nickname ‘Door Matt’.

During last month’s event as you were stationed at the door, you spied the club owner approach your handler, lean in and whisper something into his ear. Whatever he said you then saw your handler lock his eyes on you and smiled with pure delight before he turned towards the club owner and energetically shook hands.

That interaction gnawed at you for the rest of the night as you carried on with your duties. In the car ride after the event your handler nonchalantly informed you that he already ‘booked your next appointment’ but stayed tight lipped about any questions or pleas of information for the rest of the ride home.

Over the next few weeks, you almost forgot about the comment he made, until the day he stepped out for personal errands by himself. Hours later you received a text from your handler with instructions to be a new address at 4:00pm sharp. Feeling uncertain of what was expected of you but you had a gut feeling that it was somehow related to the conversation your handler and the club owner had last month.

The directions took you to a small parking lot, where your handler was there waiting for you. As you pulled into the spot next to him, you stepped out and immediately handed over your keys over to him as he led you down the closest alley.

From your memory of this side of the city you were down by the seedier part of the city, a far ways from the club or the usual haunts.

As you followed your handler down a maze of side and back alleys your handler eventually stopped by a back door of a building. Pausing for a dramatic effect he rapped on the metal door and a moment later the door opened, washing you with harsh fluorescent light as your handler ushered you through.

As you walked in you were greeted with the smell of new paint and freshly cut lumber. As you blinked your eyes to adjust to the light, you saw it. Rows of asses lined each of the recently remodeled walls, all on display. Dozens of men’s lower half bent down into a presenting pose as the top half of the body disappeared into a padded hole in a recently installed drywall.

Scanning the room you noticed that every imaginable type of ass was there; there were twinks with their bubble butts, muscular sculpted ass of jocks, feminine fannies, chunky to down right huge asses. Despite only seeing their bottom half, from their fidgeting and shifting of their stance you knew they were all anxiously waiting for whatever was coming next.

Upon closer inspection each ass on display had a little engraved plaque above them, a permanent marker on a string to the right of each one, a small hanging wire frame basket of lube and wet wipes. Your handler firmly grasped your shoulder from behind and compelled you to walk forward, across the room to the far opposite wall, as you crossed the room your handler talked.

“Yeah we all started working on this a few weeks ago. The club owner approached you as he explained how he got of this crazy fundraising idea after being inspired by your actions. It took a while to rent out a building and a bit more to refurbish it to meet our… specific needs.” 

As you walked by each rear on display you noticed that the plaques had a the name of the doms that frequent the club, as you walked by the second plaque of the same dom name it finally clicked with was happening.These were the club member’s subs, they were here to be on display and used for everyone who walked in, just like what you have been doing for the past few months.

With that drawing realization you finally noticed something else, next to each presented ass was a small black credit card reader and just above that was a white strip of label maker that listed the price.

As you keep looking at each ass and comparing them to their price, walking by the makeshift bar and ending up at an empty padded hole just left of the front door to an empty hole in the wall that brought in a draft of the outside city life. Looking above the hole you saw a plaque that had your handler’s name engraved on it and to the right was the price tag. All it said was “Free”.

Turning to your handler, he greeted you with a beaming smile as he proudly stated, “I made sure to install this one personally.” Glancing between the padded hole and your handler, you took a deep defeated sigh and did the only thing you left for you to do. You started to unbutton your pants, take off your underpants and slowly slide your arms, then head, and finally your torso into the padded hole. The height from the floor and the dimensions of the hole fit your body perfectly and soon you were in position.

Once you wiggled in you looked around the outside of the building. It was a standard store building but with all of the windows boarded up, craning your head left and right you then realized that you were sticking out onto a quiet side street. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the club’s sign illuminated just between you and the front door, in bright neon lighting it spelt out the words “Hole in the Wall”.

You then felt a light slap on your ass and a moment later you saw your handler emerge from the front door, inspecting you to make sure you were securely in place. After that he ran down your orders for the night.

You were given a standard welcome greeting to recite over and over again to every group of people. While there were plenty of other asses to tap and pay for on the inside, you were going to be the face of this fundraiser. Thus you were expected to pose with the customers and answer any question about you, your kinky life, or about the club.

From there your handler told you that the boys were going to make the online announcement of where the popup club was going to be and that it’s officially open for business. He then gave you a nod and walked back inside as one of the club’s bouncers came out and stood at attention in front of the door.

When the club officially opened up, there was a rush of men eager to line up and get in. During that initial time all you could do was stay in your position as all of the guests hurried passed you only giving you a pass glance, a condescending comment, a tussle on the head or a slap on the ass once they walked around. 

Within the half hour the club filled to max capacity, and the bouncer had to stall the flow of horny men from entering. That was when you had to step up and make awkward small talk to all as those waited to get in. The wait in the line was pretty small, all things considered, but it was still enough time for them to gawk, jeer and ask intrusive questions and you were ordered to entertain them all. All the while maintaining your composure as guests from the inside was freely using your ass in whatever way they wanted.

Back to the present the current group got waved through by the bouncer and the cuter one said, “I’ll say hi to your other half for you.” with a wink as he walked inside as he grabbed his groin. As he did that you couldn’t help but notice the imprint of his huge cock against his skinny jeans.

A few seconds later, you felt a tender hand tap your on the right outermost thigh and it then glided over your right check with the faintest touch of his fingertips before they were lifted as they passed over your crack before touching back down on your left cheek. It caressed it for a bit before the rest of his hand came down to forcefully grab it accompanied by his right hand seizing your right cheek and spreading them wide open.

Despite knowing it was going to happen you couldn’t stop your body from letting loose a spasm of anticipation, which unleashed a trickle of lube and cum to come dribbling out of you running down your taint and eventually clinging to your balls.

There was a distinct and undeniable sensation of spit forcefully landing on your lower back before you felt his cock flopped on top of that spot. Then that cute guest dragged his head and shaft down, slowly running down to your rear and towards your asshole.

As that all happened behind from the other side of the wall, you  were just left with a mental image of what that guy was packing. The head was one the biggest you ever felt in a while and his shaft was as big as your two thumbs pressed together. As the massive cock kept getting dragged down it soon lined up itself into position and then….WHAM!! 

In a fraction of a second you experienced all of what he had to offer at once. The head of the penis parted your partially gaped hole, rushing past your prostate and followed by inches and inches of incredibly thick and sturdy shaft.

The head kept burying deeper and deeper inside of you, followed by the exhilarating sensation of getting immediately filled up by that gigantic cock. It only stopped penetrating you when you felt his hip collide into your cheeks, followed by his nuts slapping against your balls a split second later. You were left breathless during the insertion but as you felt the impact of his hip, some part of you registered that it reached the deepest point inside of you and your body finally allowed you to take a catch your breath.

You then felt his hands fasten on to your hips as he pulled back removing every inch of his cock out of you before ramming it back in again at the same speed and intensity. He repeated the process over and over again, no foreplay, no warm up, just plowing you at full speed. The length, size, speed and pace was all too much for you and by the third thrust you were overwhelmed by the waves of raw feeling cascading over you like a tsunami. 

You tried to maintain composure but you couldn’t hold out and soon you were drowning in pleasure as you finally let loose a moan of long held back pleasure as you broke down to just panting and gasping as every powerful thrust continued to overwhelm you. Some part of you realized that you were fully at his mercy in every aspect as he carried on pounding on your prostate over and over again.

You were totally lost in ecstasy, so much that it wasn’t until you heard, “Damn, he must be getting some amazing dick in there” before you saw that you the line moved up and the next group of strangers were staring directly at you as you were bent over and getting fucked silly.

Casting your eyes up you gazed upon the people with unfocused eyes. Remembering your orders you tried to regain some control to gather enough of a breath to recite the canned welcome that you were able to spout out dozens of times before this moment. But you could never find a moment to fill your lungs with enough air and as a result all you could do was push out a sputtering gasp of the first word a few times before giving up as a particularly strong thrust interrupted your efforts of a civil greeting with a primal moan.

“Well sounds like he’s getting a bit too loud right now, might draw the attention of some nosy citizens or a patrolling police car and ruin the fun for the rest of us who haven’t gotten in yet. Best to keep him real quiet”, he said as he undid his belt and in one quick motion he whipped out his cock and trusted it into your gasping and gaping mouth. 

Even though you saw it all unfold right in front of your own eyes, the mental haze of the pounding was so strong that you were still not prepared for it. Which left you choking and suffocating a half minute before your well trained instincts kicked in as you switched to breathing through your nose and started to take on the responsibility of sucking the cock that was in your mouth. 

Your brain was properly fried and the only thing you could do was squirm in your hole in the wall and to try your best to catch up to be in the moment. Off in the distance you heard the crowd murmuring spread throughout the crowd.

It continued for an eternal moment until the guy pounding your ass delivered one final thrust as you felt the waves and waves of his cum shooting deep into you and coating your insides. Finally felt him slowly pull out and wipe his cock on your cheeks as he finished off with a compassionate pat on the back as he left. 

With that burden from your rear relieved, you dedicated your tattered focus on the man who now moved on to straight up throat fucking you. A few minutes later he pressed his groin right on your lips as you felt his load go shooting down your throat. He left it in there for a moment, in his own post nut bliss before he slowly pulled out his cock from your mouth and wiped the spit and cum mixture on you, painting your entire face before he put it back into his pants. 

The bouncer then commented, “If you guys are all done with the Door Matt, there’s space for you now.” and like that, the man moved on without even saying goodbye.

After that encounter you were completely spent, sputtering with cum and exhaustion as you tried to catch your breath. With tears in your eyes you looked up and saw that all of the men in this group were looking at you with lust in their eyes as each was already rubbing their freely exposed cocks, raring to go.

The only thing you could do was to gather your breath and recite the repeated phrase you were instructed to say, “Welcome to the Hole in the Wall, h-how can I help you to-day?”

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You met Tobin on a gainer chatroom, he was nearby and absolutely perfect. He was only slightly taller than you, with pitch black hair and a build that suggested that he was a star football player during his high school years. But most important of all, he was absolutely wild at the idea of accepting you under his wing as he takes control over you, dictating when, where and what to eat.

It started with deciding to make all of your dates with him at restaurants. With every waiter he would always step in and order the sizes of your meals along with desserts for the two of you afterwards, while always leaving some leftovers on his own plate for you to finish off afterwards. Throughout the first few weeks he would push you farther and fatter than anything you’ve even gone by yourself.

After a while it was becoming clear the food that was offered by most restaurants weren’t enough for his standards nor your increasing gluttony, which was why he told you to meet him at his place for more intimate feeding sessions.

With you coming over directly to him after work, he had the control to prepare any meals he wanted for you to eat and craft them well beyond the healthy proportions. Under his roof, every big dinner was always topped off with deluxe ice cream sundaes with all of the toppings as well as a second course and after dinner late night snacks follow some tummy rubs and after dinner sex. 

He also took control of you in other ways while you were with him, ordering you to go back to those food chat rooms and type out exactly what you ate each day along with pictures of your bare stomach after every feeding session with him.   

During those weeks of frequently going over to his place you noticed that your clothes were tighter, especially around your waist and gut, in fact your entire body was taking on a new shape with new layers of fat accumulating everywhere. It was all thanks to Tobin’s constant encouragement and pushing as he served you bigger and bigger plates at dinner time.

It got so much that your stride started to get impacted, your steps became bogged down, more heavy footed with each passing day. When you first met Tobin you were able to easily keep up with him but now you had to make a conscious effort to do so as he eagerly led the way through the isles of a store as he gathered ingredients for his next meal with you.

Then it happened. After a long evening of binging you crossed a feedee milestone, your first busted button. Tobin went wild when he realized it happened, he whipped out his phone and went into a flurry, snapping pictures of your crotch from all angles, documenting the event. Then he followed it up by sharing the photos with all of the chat rooms he was in, as a mark of his accomplishments over you. 

Something clicked inside Tobin that day. After popping your button, he became more aggressive with your meal times, calling the dinners with you as ‘training sessions’ and he became more aggressive in pushing more and more food into you during those meals as well as increasing the dinner time binges until each meal he made for you took an hour to eat through. All for the sake of your ‘endurance’ he said. With more food, Tobin also started introducing whey protein shakes into your daily diet, you could never figure out what ingredients you used for the thick concoction, but he always assured you that it was ‘the most amount of calories he should cram into a liquid form’.

From there it wasn’t long until one day you arrived at his place and was greeted to him with a giant pitcher of whey shake and a tube. Soon the binging sessions changed, it was no longer about eating but providing the most effective amount of calories per session by stuffing you with nothing but the high calorie shakes over and over again.

You loved every moment of it. For the first time Tobin never left your side as you slurped and chugged how ever much he handed to you. He just stayed there, constantly rubbing your expanding gut and stroking your cock as you went through the whole pitcher, gulp by gulp.

It was then the flab started to really pile one like never before and with every pound you packed on Tobin became more adamant and determined with your diet as continued to constantly post more revealing pictures of your growing gut and even stepped it up sending out a few clips from your feasting. 

From his postings you became increasingly popular within the weight gain channels, to the point where Tobin decided to make a twitter account about you, documenting all the food and gains you were going through as well as a link for additional donations from your growing admirers. 

It was not much but all the money he raised from your hedonistic acts went straight into busting your gut with more dishes, foods, and shakes throughout your day. Soon you there was no fear in either one of you running out of whey shake powder anytime soon and on top of that there was enough dough that Tobin could send you additional hot meals and snacks anytime of the day while you were at work, all delivered straight to your desk.

Everything he did was all building up to a fabled ‘main event’ he kept hyping up, whatever that meant, only promising to tell you more once he believed you were ‘ready for it’.

With the continuous meals delivered directly to you whenever Tobin decided, you began to experience noticeable changes to your body as well. On top of the bigger gut, you started to develop long stretch lines that Tobin made sure was highly publicized ‘because of the financial help of the FLABous community’.

Then a few weeks beyond that Tobin texted you Thursday night, ordering you to not each a single bite of food tomorrow as well as instructing you to clear your weekend schedule with a follow up tweet that only states, “It’s time big boy”

It was absolute agony following Tobin’s orders, you forgot how long it has been since you had a specially made Tobin protein shake on your way to work, nor the last time you missed out on an impressively large hot meal for lunch followed by another ‘afternoon snack’ of the same size.

You made sure to arrive first thing in the morning on Saturday at his place and no sooner did you ring the doorbell, Tobin swung open the door and grabbed by your shirt strained collar and dragged you into the place leading you directly into his bedroom. Caught in your usual daze of excitement and arousal, you just let Tobin glide you to where he wanted to be. You stood there as Tobin’s greedy hands moved around your body, unbuttoning your shirt revealing your empty gut, undoing your pants and after a quick jiggle of your rolls, pushed you on to his extra wide bed. Like most recent sessions Tobin went to each side and brought your hands up to the headrest and restrained them in place with some handcuffs attached to the bed, added by a particularly horny fan that said he would pay for the gear in exchange for a photo shoot.

From there Tobin ducked out of the room and practically skipped down the hallway. You heard the distant and familiar sound of the fridge opening and closing followed by the staggered steps as Tobin came back into the room with a big and sturdy five gallon orange plastic cooler that sloshed slightly as it swayed with every step. It took a bit of effort, even for Tobin, but he managed to hoist it onto the small stand next to the bed.

This was the first time you have ever seen him use a cooler of that size before and your body started to squirm at the implications. Ducking under the bed he retrieved the familiar thick clear plastic tube and started to fasten it to the bottom of the cooler and bring the other end to your mouth. 

From your fixed position you saw Tobin lean over and press down on the cooler’s facet and tape it in place. Craning your neck over, you eventually saw the creamy white shake slowly slide out of the cooler and creep slowly down the tube and into your mouth. The taste of familiar Tobin whey shake coated your tongue and continued to pour in, filling your mouth.

Your eyes roll back into your head with pleasure as your mouth begins to fill up with more and more of the chilly shake until you had to swallow the mouthful down. You could feel the cold wave slide down your throat into your empty stomach with your own moan of pleasure. By then the tube was already halfway done filling up your mouth again at the same unrelenting pace.

After that first moment of pleasure you had to quicken your swallowing and pacing to get the next few mouthfuls of whey shake under control. You almost choked but after a bit of sputtering you reined it in and maintained control. 

You were able to find the rhythm of swallowing the meal, taking moments to savor the experience, and of course allowed time to breathe. As you discovered your ideal pattern you quickly got lost in the exhilaration of the moment as you kept swallowing more and more at it as the steady flow of the shake kept marching on the same pace. “Yes, that’s right keep going. Find your balance… there you go” Tobin cooed to you as you struggled to get the right rhythm going.

As you were basking in yourself, you heard more movement from Tobin as he moved to the foot of the bed which was obscured by your own flabby stomach. You didn’t want to crane your neck around too much in fear of loosening the tube and spilling your precious shake everywhere.

Just as he was done moving, a light illuminated from the far end of the room as he fiddled around with something, then soon started talking, as if to a theater full of people,

“Welcome one and all! I’m glad you could. I’ve given you all tastes and nibbles of what I’ve done to my pig of a sub but this time….oh this time we’re going full hog tonight! I have the not-so-little sub tied up,” you felt a playful slap on the underside of your gut at that remark “and tonight we are going to fill him up and keep him topped off ALL DAY LONG! You can see from everything behind me, I have it all set up right here!”

Tobin paused as he grabbed the source of the  light and walked over to the head of the bed to reveal him holding his phone with LED flash shining bright. The camera phone panned over your naked groin and gut, then towards the cooler. Tobin lifted the lid and knocked on the side a few times, then followed the faint sloshing sound. 

Tobin then brought the phone down to focus on the valve that was still pouring out the shakes and then he pivoted, following the tube down and then up to your face. “Look everyone, Piggy’s first face revealed!” Tobin taunted with a hunger in his voice.

Even by closing your eyes shut, the light was still too uncomfortable to look, instinctively your hands tried to cover your face but failed as they uselessly rattled on the bed restraints. In a futile attempt you were just left with trying to turn your head from side to side, finding an angel to best hide yourself from the revealing camera light. That was met with a laugh from Tobin.

He panned back over your again, pausing to grab a handful of your slowly filling belly and gave it a shake that caused deep ripples that you felt spread all across your massive body. Tobin then resumed back to the foot of the bed as he set down the phone, judging from the lights it was still facing straight at you.

He then laid out to the unknown number of audience members the game plan:

You were going to be strapped to the bed, pumped full of Tobin’s special weight gain formula and only that.  He then revealed that he has been tracking how much you have normally binged to get yourself filled up. On top of that, he recorded how long it took for you to eat more once you hit your limit and how much you consumed to get you back up to full again. He followed up with a joke about he was constantly readjusting the numbers because you kept stretching the gut more and more after every binge.

With all that spelled out, you flashed back to all of the times he made you pig out and then always prodded you with more shakes in those measured plastic shaker bottles. Hearing all of that laid out like that blindsided you for a moment, caught in a daze of pure amazement and astonishment. He managed to do all of that behind your back, without you ever catching on.

It stunned you so much that you forgot to swallow and the shake started pooling up, just barely making it past your lips before you came back to your senses  and quickly redoubled your efforts to get the surplus feed back under control. 

And true to his word it all happened the way he laid it out. 

Initially he just stood off to the side, as the camera was pointed at you and your ballooning belly. Occasionally he would read off a comment or answer a question from the stream’s chatroom. Whenever Tobin read off an extremely lewd comment that either complimented your growing form or that was highlighting the extreme embarrassment of your situation your body instinctively squirmed. 

All you could do was stay on your back, confined to the bed while helplessly slurping down the steady stream of shake.  Tobin would always make sure to step in and give your stomach a squeeze and a shake or caress your cock to keep it from falling below half mast. Considering everything leading up to this scenario, it was not a difficult take for either one of you to accomplish. 

You soon felt your stomach ache from the familiar strain of a full gut of food pressing all out and all around, that was when the stream began to wane down, ever so slightly. With the pressure inside of you began to build, the stream of fattening liquid continued to lessen. It soon became a trickle and just as you thought that you were going to burst the cooler finally ran dry, just as you grazed upon your physical limit. ‘Whoa,’ you thought to yourself, ‘he wasn’t lying, he actually measured the actual limit down to the ounce.’ Through your own food induced haze you let out a victorious moan of pleasure and conquest. 

Following your cue, Tobin chimed in, “Looks like we just finished it all off, give him a hand everyone!” A few moments later of silence he followed up with a “I really wish you could see the chat, they are going WILD right now.” That comment sparked a bit of kinky pride from within you and you responded the only way you could, by tilting your hips from side to side allowing your now full gut to sway along with the motion. As you did that you could feel the shake of the bed as well as the shake sloshing inside of you.

Your little dance was met with a hearty chuckle from Tobin as he said, “Good Pig”.

Tobin then spoke to the audience again “Folks, we got a full tank here, let’s give him five minutes to allow him to settle down before we open up the fundraising and stretch goals. Again, it’s five dollars for your message written on any part of him and $25 for a message and to extend the duration of the stream. Don’t worry everyone, I made plenty of shakes just like this to keep him nice and full no matter how long we go.”

So you stayed there, strapped to the bed as Tobin continued to interact with the chat as he started to approach the bed, you felt the felt tip marker on you as he started writing the messages that the chat paid to have on your body. 

Since there was no way to look over your gut you couldn’t make out most of the messages written on you but between the hypersensitivity of your stretched out gut and some of the marker’s repetition, you were able to make out a few phrases. It looked like, “PIG’, ‘HOG’, ‘FAT’ and ‘SLOB’ were the most popular words.

Not far after that Tobin’s watch started beeping. At that he said “Oh, hang tight everybody it’s time to top off the tank”. With that he left, walking out to go back to the kitchen leaving you alone with the on going live camera feed. An awkward minute arises as you just laid there. No music, no voices, nothing. 

With nothing going on, you took a gamble and decided to put on your own show for the viewers.

You let out a loud moan through your tube, rattled the chains on your wrists as you kicked your legs, as you tried to put on a convincing display of you writhing against your restraints. Following that you swayed your hips back and forth, left to right again, letting your gut rock and sway with the movement. 

Then, in a true act of hedonism, you readied your legs underneath you, lifted your hips and arched your lower back up into the air, which caused your belly to shift and roll up to your pecs. Once in position you started to hump the air a half dozen times, feeling your stomach bounce along with it. Exhaustion began to take you as you crashed back down onto the bed panting heavily. As you caught your breath, you spied from the corner of your eye Tobin returning back to the room, holding a medium sized plastic container.

“Oh were you keeping our viewers entertained while I was gone? How considerate.” he moved toward the set up and chuckled to himself and followed up with a “….What’s this ‘flying pig’ they keep going on about?” with a sly tone in his voice. He then approached you with the thing he walked in with, a clear container filled with high calorie shake and slowly poured it into the cooler. As he did it he whispered to you, “Whatever you just did, it just added three more hours to the stream.”

You began to comprehend the haunting fact that you didn’t quite have any idea how long this was supposed to go, nor how much time did the chat decide to extend with their donations. Just as you were about to try to puzzle out all the time Tobin thanked or commented on a donation and weighed it against the numerous messages on your body, the chilly shake flowed through the tube and into your mouth.

From there the day continued like that for the rest of the day, cycling between Tobin feeding you until you hit your limit, then moving on to entertaining the chat by taking requests for new messages to be written on your body then playing with your body for the people’s amusement. Whenever the timer on his watch would go off he would excuse himself to get another tub of the stuff. It kept going like that, endlessly rotating through each of those stages with only slight stream intermission for you to be freed for bathroom breaks.

You remained chained and fed for hours and when it was done, there was no more daylight shining through the window. Tobin thanked the virtual crowd and finally you were allowed to leave the bedroom, practically waddling as you got off of the bed and walked down the hallway. Tobin handed over your spare set of Pj’s as you put it you felt the shirt and pants be noticeably snug against your belly, which was now as tight as a drum.

As Tobin walked you to the living room and eased you to the couch, if only for the change of view. Despite doing nothing but eating you felt exhausted and you were about to drift to sleep Tobin whispered into your ear, “There was no way we went through all the hours that was bought during that stream. I expect you to bring your A game next week when we do it again and try to finish that debt off.”

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This story topic was voted on by the wonderful Avid Readers on my Patreon! For January’s poll the winning story prompt was “Photo-shoot”

You and your handler woke up on a weekend, as the norm began your day by attending to your regular routines and morning rituals performed. After making a full breakfast for both of you, Your handler informs you that you two will be going to a special event today. “You remember Jerry?” your handler casually said after he finished his last bite

Your mind races back to the last few encounters your handler had with you and Jerry. He was a owner of a local sex toy company, specializing in the… interesting and hardcore designs. Every time he was invited he was always there with a big box of goodies to try out on you. Kinky gear as well as exotic dildos of mythical size and shape. As you were ordered to put them on or use them, he was always there demanding you give him feedback on the toys, in deep intimate detail.

“Well, he received some new final products for his online shop” your handler continued, “and he needs a model….flexible enough to show them off for their website.” Your body surged with exhilaration at that last sentence. Even with the recent development, public stuff was still new to you and your face began to flush with the comprehension of what it would mean to be a model like that. Watching you react and squirm to the announcement of the day’s new agenda, your handler just gives you a flat reassuring comment, “Don’t worry.” After you cleaned the table and the plates, you two left the house and per your handler’s request, both of you were in normal street attire.

You were commanded to take the wheel as your handler idly gave directions that had you criss-cross through the city. Eventually the drive brought you to a warehouse complex off the city. Your handler gave you the specific building and you soon parked in a slightly occupied lot and followed your handler made your way towards one of the near identical warehouse buildings. You step inside and are greeted to an almost normal inventory warehouse full of crates and cardboard boxes but off to the side you see a makeshift photo-shoot set of various steps goods and stage platforms against a backdrop of black leather sheets with a small crowd of people fiddling with the cameras and lighting equipment surrounding the area. 

As you and your handler walk towards them, you spied Jerry talking to another man but as soon as he spotted you he dismissed the man and made his way towards you, “HEyyyy!~ Glad you could get him to come along! Our normal model has been sick for days. You’re being a real lifesaver volunteering your sub like this” “

“Oh it’s no big deal” Your handler says brushing off the comment, “Where do you need him?” Jerry, still focused on your handler, “Oh he needs to go to make up first, the lighting guys almost have everything set and we are still trying to figure out how much of our inventory we can show off today.” he said, signalling a pair of cute girls to lead you away form the conversation and towards the makeshift make station just behind the photo set. The last thing you heard from the conversation between Jerry and your handler was, “oh put him down for everything, he’s good for it”. 

Makeup session was surreal, as you got to the illuminated vanity table the girls immensely undressed you from head to toe, commenting on the cute choice to have your chastity cage be colored baby pink. Once naked they started stylizing your hair, applying foundation and blush all over your body, and constantly talking about your physique and features while never directly any of those comments to you. It felt like you were just a human doll, just there for them to dress up for the camera. Oddly enough they left your face alone, unchanged and untouched.

As they finished putting the finishing touch on your body they walked you back to the set, where you were instructed to stand square in the middle of the set as the continued to talk about you, your body, your size, what light and colors would work best with your complexion and what inventory they thought would be best for the session. All you could do was just stand there, on display for these professionals who had no interest in you at this very moment.

You couldn’t help but look down at your body with makeup on, “enhancing your beauty” one of the makeup artists said, you couldn’t help but feel impressed in how your body looked under these circumstances. All the blemishes were covered up and used perfectly placed contour lines to highlight your pecs, torso and hips, it fills you with confidence from some unknown well within you. As you stand there trying your best to model your best idle pose as your mind drifts away in your own imagination, as you tried not the slump in awkward silence.

After a while they were finally wrapping up their studio prep talk with a “…and it looks like we’re good to get started!” Jerry proclaimed. You came back to your senses and asked “what about…” you said as your gesture towards your makeup-less face. “Oh yes, your handler mentioned that this was a concern of yours, so we got you this from our stock to hide that cute face of yours." 

Jerry hands you a leather pup hood, it felt new with a fresh unmarked black leather base and red highlights accenting the muzzle and ears and the eyes were covered by tinted lenses. As you put it on, your nose was greeted by the scent of new leather as you adjusted the pup hood to align with your eyes . "See that looks great on you! Can we get makeup on the set again to smooth everything out?” As the makeup staff returns to address the area where the mask ends on your neck, the only thing going through your head is that you pray that it covers your face enough to ensure that no one could identify you from the eventual magnitude of pictures. There were no mirrors near by to see if your prayers were going to be answered.

The photo shoot began with you being handed various sex toys from a display table with the instructions on how they want them to be posed with, some action angels across your body, some playful body shots as you hold it inches away from your new mask and each toy almost always had a shot dedicated to it standing tall next to red soda can for reference. The inventory ranged from dildos of all shapes and sizes to motorized inserts, cock sleeves, harnesses, cuffs, and all the obscure accessories you could think of. And it almost became fun, taking your cues from the camera man and striking numerous poses with the toys. It was a pretty easy and tame photo shoot, well as tame as a photo shoot like this can be.

After going through all the items in the ‘to be modeled’ table you thought that you were done what was until you heard Jerry bark out to the crew, “Ok we got the vanilla shots squared away, time to get the action shots going! Someone get the boys and lube!” You heart fell to the ground at that comment, 'of course’ you think to yourself, 'how silly am I for forgetting where I was’ no sooner did you finish that train of thought you saw as two burly men decked out in harnesses, black military boots, latex thongs and elbow high latex gloves walks on to the set, carrying what you hope to be enough lube.

The crew hand moved behind you to place a spare table onto the set, draping it in a matching black leather sheet. Jerry then instructed you to get on to the table, ass towards the camera, you hear the staff behind you continue their talks about getting the cameras prepared and deciding what items to use first. You stood stock still, every bit of the small amount of confidence from the makeup and anonymity of the pup hood came pouring out through your feet. It was only until your handler barked out, “Hey! You heard Jerry.” that you came back to your senses and did what you were told.

With your stomach flat on the table and facing away from everyone, you could only hear the rumbling of heavy equipment moving towards you and the lights reflected off of the backdrop, it looked like they were getting ready for the close ups. The crew continued to talk to the burly men about what toys they should start off with first, the angle to enter it and at what speed. 

They finalized their order and small details you heard ‘Quiet on the set. Ready….. And ACTION!” There was only the faintest tap on your ass before the first toy, poked and then entered your bottom, your body finally slipped out of control as your cock, which was moving between completely soft to half mast, jumped against the plastic walls of your cage.

“Hey boss, do you want us to uncage him up?” one of the gloved men said after you let out a weak moan. “Oh yeah! Great call, everyone loves rock hard cock for the action clips” Jerry replied off in the distance. There was a moment where the men and crew paused as a familiar stride approached the set and the warm touch of your handler graced your groin as with a small jingle of keys he unlocked and removed your cage. Fresh air kissed your cock as it freely swung around. 

Once the footsteps of your handler walked away you heard the crew begin to start back up. Jerry shouted “Alright men, you have cock for the shoot, just make sure he doesn’t blow his load, we still got a tone of inventory to go through.” One of the men gave you a gloved spank on the ass and shouted back “Alright boss, we’ll make sure he’s nice and hard for the rest of these shoots’’.

True to their word, the stunt men made sure you were rock hard and on edge for the rest filming. It was almost magic on how well they could get you going and stop just before you went over the edge and then kept you quivering as they showed off to the camera how every single toy would look, inserted into an asshole. Granted with all the new merch entering and leaving your body, they hardly needed to rev you up, just give you time to cool you down a bit.

After hours and hours of pleasure, always teetering on the edge of an orgasm, you finally heard the phrase that promised you a different kind of relief. “Alright that’s a wrap everybody! good job” the burly men unhanded you, lifted you from the table and set you on your feet while everyone started putting the cameras away and breaking down the set. Your handler met you on the set, with a cup of coffee from a local cafe down the street. From the looks of it he actually stepped out during the shoot and you were ashamed to say that you couldn’t pinpoint the exact time he left. Jerry approached him and started complimenting your handler on your submissive participation during the shoot.

As you grab your clothes from the makeup set, Jerry hands your handler a parting gift of some the, cleaned, toys you used today along with permission to keep that puppy leather mask that you were still wearing, “the color suits you and besides we need you to be back here bright eyes and bushy tail when we host our live telethon broadcast for our official launch!”

If you enjoyed this story consider supporting me on Patreon!

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And she’s doing a live AMA on Cuckold Chat on Monday, May 13th, at 12pm Central. 

Sorry for the big black bar. I put it there so it wouldn’t get flagged by Tumblr and so that the pics is SFW. 

Spread the word!


And she’s doing a live AMA on Cuckold Chat on Monday, May 13th, at 12pm Central. 

Sorry for the big black bar. I put it there so it wouldn’t get flagged by Tumblr and so that the pics is SFW. 

Spread the word!

Some morning exhibitionism.

Some morning exhibitionism.

Post link