#f12 moves sideways


Professor Yagami keeps an apple on his desk, shining and red and the personification of sin.

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

[…] he laughed and Harry felt a chill down in his spine, like the moment he begged Tom for help and received nothing but scorn.

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“Professor Yagami is dazzling, is charm and elegance and charisma so great it’s deadly.”

12 Moves Sidewaysby Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“…L…" he says, and laughs again, a little tired and a little broken and all his otherworldly gleam stripped from him by whatever it is he sees in the glass.

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“Professor Yagami has little interest in politics, in Dark Lords or the Ministry or Hogwarts. The world that purebloods take such pride in defending means little to nothing to him; he shrugs it off like it could mean less.”

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“He watches him tilting his chair back with the sun on his face, some trick of the light making his eyes gleam bright arterial red beneath his lashes”

12 Moves Sidewaysby Silver Pard [K+, 2k]
