#fact check


Just saw this important article about the effectiveness of Plan B emergency contraception and body weight.  (Note:  source is an “x free articles a month” site, but the incognito window trick works if you’re out of articles.)

The gist:

  • The  Plan B “morning after pill” has lower effectiveness/a higher failure rate in individuals with higher body weight, with the effect becoming statistically significant around 155 pounds.   
  • It does not, however, simply stop working at that weight cutoff, as some social media posts have suggested.  
  • There’s a bigger chance it won’t work, but if you are in a situation where you need EC, and Plan B is what you can get, it’s still worth taking it.
  • Another pill EC pill, Ella, works well for users up to 190 pounds (but requires a prescription and is more expensive).
  • Planned Parenthood recommends the copper IUD for patients with larger bodies.  If you need advice for your specific situation, they offer chat (free)  and  telehealth services (fee-based, but they have options).  

The actual article has tons more information and links to sources.  

The Satanic Temple cannot help you get an abortion, and it does not deserve your support

Legal opinions from the article:

In an email to Lead Stories on May 11, 2022, Ric Simmons, the Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer Professor at the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University, wrote that RFRA would not likely be a substantial enough claim:

Laws that ban or restrict abortion apply indiscriminately to everyone, so there would be no religious exemption to them under the first amendment, and it would be difficult to argue that obeying the law would create a substantial burden to exercising their religion (it may, of course, impose a substantial burden on women generally, but that is not RFRA’s test).

[Mark Tushnet, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law emeritus at Harvard Law School] wrote in detail to explain the full complexity of this issue

1. If the new member holds the beliefs associated with the Satanic Temple sincerely, and not opportunistically, she would be able to claim​ protection under the federal RFRA for actions against her by the federal government (not at all likely under current statutes because there aren’t many federal statutes regulating those who have abortions) and under state RFRAs where they exist (in about 20 states, I believe, but of course, you should check).

2. A sincere belief would trigger RFRA protections but that doesn’t mean that the action would in fact be protected. All RFRAs allow the government to override the religious belief for compelling reasons, and governments would certainly argue that protecting what they regard as human life is a compelling reason. I’m reasonably confident that the governments would prevail on that ground – so, in the end, I think it unlikely that joining the Satanic Temple would actually provide protection against prosecution for having an abortion.

3. In addition, the point in #1 about “sincerity” is important. Courts have been reluctant to find that a litigant isn’t sincere in asserting her religious beliefs, but everyone’s aware of the fact that the more personal benefit you get from the claim, the more likely it is that you’re not sincere in asserting what your beliefs are. I think there’s a decent change that many judges would find that people who joined the Satanic Temple recently and didn’t do anything else weren’t sincere – but again that might vary depending on what each individual member actually does.

Samuel D. Brunson, the Georgia Reithal professor at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law, wrote in an email on May 11, 2022, that he’s “pretty sure that the Satanic Temple is positioning itself to challenge anti-abortion legislation in various states.”

The federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as well as most (if not all) state-level RFRAs don’t say that the government cannot infringe on a person’s free exercise rights under any circumstance at all. Rather, they say that to infringe on an individual’s religious practice, the government must have a compelling governmental interest and the law it enacts must be the least restrictive means of furthering that interest.

Is it possible that a member of the Satanic Temple can successfully challenge laws against abortion based on a religious belief in bodily autonomy? Yes, it is possible. But I suspect that the state would have the better argument.

As much as we want an easy, costless way to deal with potential anti-abortion laws in a post-Roe world, something that seems easy and slick and too cute by half is probably not going to work. Protecting a woman’s right to choose is, rather, going to require us to do the hard work of demonstrating, writing to representatives, and voting for people (at the federal and state levels) who will ensure that that right is protected.

the Satanic Temple’s approach is clever. And it highlights a real inconsistency among people who insist both on untrammeled religious liberty and prohibitions on abortion. But joining the Satanic Temple is unlikely to allow an individual in, for instance, Texas or Louisiana ignore state abortion bans.






Soapparently at Wizard World, someone grabbed and force-kissed Chris Evans.  This is generally not okay as a rule, but Chris apparently has some social anxiety and this really bothered him.  He apparently had to stop and run back stage to calm down.  (And the rest of the Avengers cast at Wizard World stopped to go back and check on him.  Aww…)

I think the Chris Evans fanbase should officially condemn this.  Very vocally.  Because IF this is okay, then they’ll have to raise security and do less shows. It ruins everything for everyone.  

I hope the fallout of this is that Chris instead finds out how much his fans care about him and will defend him.  He should feel safe around his fans, shouldn’t he?

If a guy had done this to a female actress, it would have been just as deplorable.

Call it what it is. It’s sexual harassment/assault.

Female fans need to understand that it’s disgusting and rude to shout sexual obscenities, and inappropriately physically interact with their favorite stars.

IDK what it is about the hype of being in fandom spaces offline that makes people more likely to act manically when they’re around fellow fans or even the actors/creators/contributors to their fandom

They’re people too. Being treated this way affects them too, just like it does to us. The same way that a strange man catcalling us or putting his hands, lips, or any other body parts on us would make us feel.

That’s what happened to Chris Evans. And what probably happens to other male stars like musicians, other actors, and even cosplayers.

It is not okay, and it’s disgusting. Men can be sexually assaulted by women too. Don’t be one of the disgusting women to do that.

Support for victims should be universal! 


While I support the message about not being an abusive asshole at cons, it should be noted that this story is fake.

marimbamaestoso:can someone PLEASE help me disprove these two screen caps - I’ve seen them all ovemarimbamaestoso:can someone PLEASE help me disprove these two screen caps - I’ve seen them all ove


can someone PLEASE help me disprove these two screen caps - I’ve seen them all over facebook and (besides the fact that they came from bill o reilly’s bullshit factory) i know something is fishy here. i want my brother - a soon-to-be cop - to KNOW that this shit is fucked up instead of sharing it

Now, I can’t disprove these facts, because what he reported is technically true, however he did choose to only report SOME of the facts. The ones he omitted are quite telling, if I do say so myself.

In 2013, Blacks committed 5375 murders. In 2013, whites committed 4,396 murders.

Using the same source used by O'Reilly, the numbers are correct. However, checking on the FBI’s definition of “murder”, it states that

The classification of this offense is based solely on police investigation as opposed to the determination of a court, medical examiner, coroner, jury, or other judicial body.

which means that these are not all convictions, so using the term “committed” is misleading and inaccurate. The proper terminology to be used should be “investigated for”. 

Whites are 63% of the population, Blacks are 13%

According to Table 1 of “The Black Alone Population in the United States: 2012” from the United State Census, the Black population is 12.85%. Whites are 63.19%. However, according to Table 29 of “The Black Alone or in Combination Population in the United States: 2012”, which includes persons who are multi-racial as well, the Black population, including multi-racial Blacks, are 13.84% of the population. 

Police killings of Blacks down 70% in the last 50 years.

Again, using the same reference as the O'Reilly factor, “The rate of police killings of African Americans has fallen by 70 percent over the last 40-50 years…” However, in that SAME VERY SENTENCE, it continues, “but their risk remains much higher than that of Whites, Latinos, and Asians.” There’s even some nice little infographics to show just how much higher that risk is. 

How convenient of them to miss the rest of the facts in the same exact article they referenced. Cute. Especially this one: 

While younger African Americans were the victims in 1 in 4 killings by police in the 1968-74 period and 1 in 7 in 1975-84, today, that proportion is 1 in 10.

Let me repeat that: “today, that proportion is 1 in 10.” That’s 10%. Let’s use this article again to tie into one of the earlier points O'Reilly mentioned.

African Americans, 13 percent of the population, are victims in 26 percent of police shootings. Law enforcement kills African Americans at 2.8 times the rate of white non-Latinos, and 4.3 times the rate of Asians.

Deaths from police killings in 2012

Going to the CDC’s website, it was hard to locate published data on 2012 fatalities. Using their search engine, and searching “legal interventions” and “firearm” for 2012, you will get the same numbers as reported on his show. What he didn’t discuss, however, is that “Whites” includes both White and Hispanic people, not Whites alone. And, actually, I found this PolitiFact article regarding these very numbers and why they’re skeptical, so you don’t have to take my word on it. Don’t feel like reading it? Here’s the main message 

He referenced recent federal numbers but failed to mention their well-documented flaws. We have not found any experts who will vouch for numbers that purport to represent annual fatal shootings by police, as there are gaping holes within each dataset.

O’Reilly’s statement contains an element of truth, but it’s not the full picture he makes it out to be. We rate the claim Mostly False.

Hope this helped!

Post link











Interspecies lesbianism

It’s cute guys

nothing but respect for MY lesbian big cat couple

Butch/Butch couple

This is actually hella interesting, bc in simple terms, tigers are extroverts and lions are introverts. There’s more to it, but that’s the gist.

Whenever zoo’s tried to put lions and tigers in the same enclosures, the tiger would eventually try to groom the lioness and play constantly. The lioness would lose patience and snaps at them

So basically what I’m saying is that you have a regal and refined gf who stands at the edge of a balcony during parties, sipping champagne

Then you have the other girl who drank all of the little flutes on the servers platter, and is now drunkenly pointing at her gf and telling everyone that that’s her gf and doesn’t she look beautiful I love her so much


So I had to draw them in human form???

You drew them in the corresponding ethnicities for their Geographic locations!!! Bless you, you have no idea how sick and tired I am of white human lion king characters.



Listen, it is incredibly heart-warming, and I like everybody’s enthusiasm, however, this personally alarm me, because Tigers and Lions live in different habitat and never interact in wild. I don’t know what that tiger is doing in what appear to be an African savannah. So, I decided to look into the backstory of the screenshot.

Disclaimer, I am not an expert and all information are simply gathered by search engine. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Edit:I slowly write this essay as I am going through sources. By the end of it, I am exhausted and crushed. My tone slowly shifted from hopeful to despair. I do not wish to ruin your hapinness, but it is important that we must expose false information and harmful practice disguised as good. Warning of animal death below.

TL;DR : Both animal are killed by other tigers as they are housed in a small, over crowded enclosure with terrible management. They live in a privately owned “nature reserve” that claimed to rewild them, but they never get to be free. They all died.

The Introduction, who makes this video? Where was it filmed?

First, I find the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNkFMMAjNm4

TW: Animal Death

Unfortunately, Savannah, the lion has passed away, killed by another tiger in the reserve. The tigress Julie, who has become old, relied on her to help defend their territory. She was soon also killed by another tiger.


Savannah is Julies adoptive daughter, and she is exhibiting her Lion’s nature by staying with her “pride” and help Julie raise her siblings and defend the territory. I don’t‘ know if they engage in same sex behaviour. It is possible because it is documented in male sibling lions living together.

Tigers are a highly violent and solitary animal, and they won’t tolerate each other, only socialize face-to-face during mating season. It is possible that they engage in same sex behaviour too, but it has not been documented as any interaction is so rare.

Male and female tigers may kill each other over violent territory competition, and it becomes much more violent and bloody as their natural habitat is being destroyed.

But it is what not happening here. There’s no known South China Tiger, a sub species of tiger, population in wilderness of China, let alone Africa. This story took place in a nature reserve, Tiger Canyon.

The video uploader name is changed to JohnVary. (https://www.youtube.com/user/sunettefou/videos) But this name has connection to Tiger Canyon, as it is one of his private nature reserves. So, it is most likely the exact same video in the screenshot.

John Vary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Varty

He is a South African wildlife filmmaker, and he makes few documentaries regarding his reserve, such as, Living with Tiger(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_with_Tigers) and he appears in National Geographic Tiger Man of Africa.

Part 2 : South China Tigers in Africa

South China Tiger(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_China_tiger) is a critically endangered species, and it has never been seen in the wild since 1980′s. Which leads us to the fact that there are accredited organizations desperately breeding them to keep the population from disappearing, with the hope that they can be return to the wild. (https://savechinastigers.org/biodiversity.html#why_africa)

Save China’s Tiger(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_China%27s_Tigers) is an internation breeding programme that take tigers from zoos, breed cubs, and tried to teach the cubs to survive in the wild. It is founded by Li Quan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Quan_(wildlife_conservationist) who will later collaborate with John Vary.

John Vary himself, is connected to a few reserves, Londolozi (that’s also a resort)  (https://www.youtube.com/c/LondoloziGameReserve/videos),Tiger Canyon, and Laohu Valley (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laohu_Valley_Reserve)

TW: Animal Death

I can’t find an article about Tiger Canyon, but it is appeared that it is a part of Laohu Valley. This article (https://min.news/en/animal/57dacbf19a1b42c9b81d081c3b495864.html) mention Savannah and Julie by names. While the source video plays a song mourning Savannah’s death, this article get into more details of their time as they were alive and how they died.


Laohu Valley is a home of self-sustained, free-roaming South China Tigers in Africa. They hunt medium-sized prey animals normally eaten by lions. This project is met with concern of introducing an invasive species, but they were assured that the tigers are kept in a fenced-off area, completely tiger-proof. And the area was previously damaged from over grazing, and it will be beneficial to rebuild it into an ecosystem that can sustain tigers.

This is where I felt it is a red flag.

Part 3: TW Animal Death

TW: Animal Death, point of no return

Despite being named “Laohu, Tiger” the only place that is fenced to house tigers in the valley is only 1.8 Square Km (0.694 square miles). In 2019, it is reported to house 18 tigers and, 1 lion. I don’t know how much space a tiger need to thrive, but we have discussed that both animals were killed in territory dispute. Horrifyingly, this lethal fights seem to be common occurrences. These passages are copied from the article:

Thedensity of tigers in Laohu Valley is very high.The competition between tigers for territory is very fierce.

…and the other tigress, Mirage, had been the best for a long time. The territory of Savannah and Julie have also been defeated steadily by the joint fight of Savannah and Julie, and even failed to raise her own cubs in a few years.

There is no concept of closeness between each other. Many tigers will fight for territory with their parents when they grow up.

Two cubs that grew up with Savannah at the same time. That’s it, they are the tiger boys who killed their father’s male tigers when they grew up.

It is clear that this is not a facility that provide them good quality of life. Julie survived for so long because she had Savannah helping her.

Part 4: Savannah

Then,where does Savannah came from? That’s no natural population of lion in that area. In the original video, the song which mourn her death mention that she was:

Savannah born in darkness. Confined by wire cages, Is offered a chance of freedom, By a tigress and her cubs.

There is no proper explanation, even if it sounds like she was raised as an exotic pet. But in a different article (https://min.news/en/animal/57dacbf19a1b42c9b81d081c3b495864.html) wrote:

In the Laohu Valley Reserve in Africa, those with good things have done such an experiment, putting lion cubs that have lost their mothers in the tiger’s den, hoping to see whether the tiger will destroy it.

I do not know much, but I don’t think putting a defenceless cub inside an enclosure and left it at the total mercy of a tiger is a proper animal care.

Tiger Canyon is surrounded by a large body of nature reserve that house native African animal. So, it is entirely possible that they have stolen the cub. They claimed that Savannah lost her mother, but at this point I have doubt.

Part 5: Scandal concerning Tiger Canyon, and The Vartys

I am tired, I am sad. At this point I will just copy-paste articles.


Wildlife conservationist Li Quan initially enlisted the help of John Varty (wildlife filmmaker) and Dave Varty (eco-tourism developer) in South Africa to assist in the rehabilitation process.[7] However, Li Quan and her husband, investment banker Stuart Bray, became concerned that the Vartys were misusing the project’s funds to buy land for themselves. Later, in July 2002, the Vartys admitted to borrowing a small portion of Bray’s money.[7] After a legal audit, it was discovered that over R5-million had been borrowed by the Vartys, having been used to pay off the Vartys’ Londolozi Productions debt on unauthorized salaries. Some of the money was also said to have gone into the Vartys’ personal loan accounts and towards paying off their Betty’s Bay seaside property.[7][8] Finally, in  October 2002, a few weeks before an agreement was due to be signed with Chinese authorities after the Chinese Wildlife Department began to recognize the project’s conservation value,the Vartys pulled out of the project.[7] John Varty has since founded his own “tiger rewilding” project, Tiger Canyons, also near Philippolis, using the land he acquired with Bray’s funds. However, because Tiger Canyons uses unendangered hybrid breeds of tigers, it has been criticized as having no conservation value, as well as for being used solely for the purpose of creating the film Living with Tigers, which would air on Discovery Channel.[9]


This documentary features a Bengal tiger re-wilding project started by John Varty in 2000. This project involvestraining captive-bred Bengal tiger cubs by their human trainers so that the tigers can regain their predatory instincts.

A strong criticism about this project is with the chosen cubs. Experts state that the four tigers (Ron, Julie, Seatao and Shadow) involved in the re-wilding projectare not purebred Bengal tigers and should not be used for breeding. The four tigers are not recorded in the Bengal tiger studbook and should not be deemed as purebred Bengal tigers. Many tigers in the world’s zoos are genetically impure, and there is no reason to suppose these four are not among them.[2]

The tigers in the Tiger Canyons Project have recently been confirmed to be crossbred Siberian/Bengal tigers. Tigers that are not genetically pure are not allowed to participate in the tiger Species Survival Plan, which aims to breed genetically pure tiger specimens and individuals.[6]

Thedocumentary has been alleged by some to be a fraud.[7] One source claims that the tigers are unable to hunt, and the film crew chased the prey up against the fence and into the path of the tigers just for the sake of dramatic footage. Cory Meacham, a US-based environmental journalist mentioned that “the film has about as much to do with tiger conservation as a Disney cartoon.” An additional assertion is that the tigers have not been releasedandstill reside in a small enclosure under constant watch and with frequenthumancontact. Some conservationists fear the public’s being misled by false representation of footage.[8] (dead link)


TW: Animal Death

Both animal are killed by other tigers as they are housed in a small, over crowded enclosure with terrible management. They live in a privately owned “nature reserve” that claimed to rewild them, but they never get to be free. They all died.


Foot note: R5 million is most likey mispell of 45 or 55.

⚠️Thank you for the Fact Checking and Fact Gathering ⚠️

seriously. This was a lot of work and it is a horrendous emotional toll. I feel a little guilty I hadn’t looked deeper into this even though I was aware tigers and lions don’t cross paths in the wild. I was too captivated by everything else and I guess I assumed this had all happened under decent circumstances. However, I am glad you paused and took time to bring this to light.

Thank you. Its important. (And I hope others who have read the original post see this and reblog this)
