#failed miserably

Personal log. Captain Philippa Georgiou. Stardate 1104.8. The rescue mission aboard the Dirac provedPersonal log. Captain Philippa Georgiou. Stardate 1104.8. The rescue mission aboard the Dirac proved

Personal log. Captain Philippa Georgiou. Stardate 1104.8.

The rescue mission aboard the Dirac proved more challenging than expected even after Michael’s successful (and death-defying) Hail Mary. Because of the significant damage sustained by the outer hull, we may have to tow the ship home with most of her crew aboard the Shenzhou.

Saru is not ecstatic about the idea. The crew is accomodating but already cramped.

On the bright side, Michael discovered naps.

[Image 1 description: a digital drawing of Michael Burnham and Philippa Georgiou from the chest up against a plain orange background. They are sitting side by side, wearing their uniform. Michael is resting her head against Philippa’s shoulder, while Philippa is leaning on the top of Michael’s head. Their eyes are closed and their faces relaxed. End description]

[Image 2 description: a close-up of the first image, focusing on Michael and Philippa’s faces in rest. They are relaxed, bathed in soft orange light. End description]

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