
Broken Heart.The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, IBroken Heart.The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, IBroken Heart.The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, IBroken Heart.The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, IBroken Heart.The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, IBroken Heart.The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, I

Broken Heart.

The Prequel to Snow Angel, Thank you everyone who left nice comments about my comics, I’m very grateful!

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Lady Ascelina and the sisters of the ‘Nunnery of Our Mother’s Weeping Graces’Lady Ascelina and the sisters of the ‘Nunnery of Our Mother’s Weeping Graces’

Lady Ascelina and the sisters of the ‘Nunnery of Our Mother’s Weeping Graces’

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The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!The Snow Angel.For this year’s Screamtober.Thank you for reading!

The Snow Angel.

For this year’s Screamtober.

Thank you for reading!

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FAI♰H BREAKERIn a land far from the seas and forests, there lived the hunters who faith would destroFAI♰H BREAKERIn a land far from the seas and forests, there lived the hunters who faith would destro


In a land far from the seas and forests, there lived the hunters who faith would destroy even the most malicious of evil.

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So, it’s with a heavy heart I have decided to close this blog. I’ve been thinking on it a lot since Sunday and I just can’t.

For one thing, I never had enough time to dedicate to it. I had a grand ambition for it, but never the time to give it the proper attention it deserved, though I had some really awesome friends who sure as hell helped give it its best shot.

You may disagree with me and that’s your prerogative, but I am absolutely disgusted the way the writers handled Neal. There was no reason he needed to die and I do not believe for one minute that his death was story driven. For one thing, it’s repetitive and unoriginal, they already “killed” him once. If they saw him dying then they could have easily left him dead at the end of season 2. It accomplished absolutely nothing. Nothing got resolved with Emma (not even ship wise, they needed to work things out either way), or Henry, or Rumple, or even Hook, there are an obnoxious amount of loose ends left in his passing. If they needed a way to bring back Rumple, I’m sure they could have thought of something else, especially with their need of bending their own canon rules about magic. I am especially angry about them writing his line of “thank you for teaching me about true sacrifice” and while I don’t hate Rumple persay, Neal has already known about sacrifice, from a very young age, far sooner than he should have ever had to. And then to kill him while his son still hates him and has no memory of him is just abhorrently cruel. All he wanted was to see his family again and know they were okay. He didn’t deserve to die for that. He didn’t murder anyone or cast any curses or step on anyone to do it either.

Yes it’s just a Tv show, but Neal was more than a fictional character for me. I have so much love and respect for him and I almost never get this attached to fictional characters. But I sat there a good majority of Sunday night crying my eyes out. What he represents is so important to me. I looked forward to watching him because I loved his optimism and his incredible inner strength and heart. To know that you can make the worst mistakes and go through hell your entire life and instead of giving up or becoming heartless and bitter and taking it out on others, you keep putting one foot in front of the other and you do what you can to make things better and keep fighting because it would all be okay in the end. And I can count on one hand the amount of characters on ouat who can say they have the same resilience and heart. I can think of ten different ways even now, at 1:30 in the morning with a headache that Neal’s story could have gone differently without needing to kill him. It’s lazy and malicious imo (to your own original character no less!!). Tv is supposed to be an escape, fairy tales are supposed to be an escape, why drag reality into it and slap everyone with it?

I will not support this show any longer, so I will not keep this blog up on principle. It’s a fanblog and I refuse to devote time and attention to a show that couldn’t care less. I will still reblog and maybe make things for my own enjoyment and for Neal’s memory and write for my own/friends enjoyment but it won’t be tagged and it will be on my personal/rp blog. It’s also possible I might end up making a Michael Raymond James blog because I will honestly follow him forever, Dylan Schmid as well, that kid’s future is bright.

A huge thank you to faithbreaker and tinkerbellreturns, who helped make this blog glorious while we could.This blog wouldn’t have been even half of what it was if it wasn’t for you two.

And lastly thank you to everyone who followed and supported this blog. It was a very nice ride while it lasted and if you’re continuing to watch, I wish you luck and pray you can still get some enjoyment out of it.

—— Announcement for the last time;
                                                       - Mod Aria

PS: Please don’t make this about ships. This isn’t what it’s about.
