#fallout 4 nuka cola quantum

Here is something I just made today when I got home from work. It is the Nuka Cola Quantum rolling i

Here is something I just made today when I got home from work. It is the Nuka Cola Quantum rolling ice box from Fallout Shelter that someone challenged me to make. Well, she didn’t challenge me, she just suggested it in a post! Hahaha! Someone else had mentioned it to me and I can’t remember who so I’m sorry I forgot who you are. The quarter is there for scale. I made the bottle using mighty putty, Sinatra and a hot glue cast for the cap. The ice box is sintra, wooden dowels for The legs, a cut up hot glue stick for the wheels, crushed fish tank quartz rocks and craft foam for the lid seal. Now I need to mold and cast the bottle and make necklaces or something. I hope y'all like it!

#L1B3RTYPR1M3 on Instagram

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