#familial fos


Imagine being comforted by your Familial F/Os!!

Doesn’t matter why you’re upset, you don’t have to tell them. They’re there for you in an instant!

Your Parental F/O(s) will buy/make your favorite treat and bring it to your room. They’ll sit beside you, letting you rest on their shoulder as they gently stroke your head. If you want, they’ll offer the best advice they can. If not, they’re more than happy to sit with you as long as you need.

Your Sibling F/O(s) will do whatever they can to cheer you up! They’ll bring by your favorite games, movies, books, etc. If that’s not what you’re looking for though, they’ll listen as you rant or cry about what’s happening. (And if it’s a person making you feel this way, they’ll gladly beat their ass)

Your Child F/O(s) will also be there! If they’re young, they’ll give you crayon drawings of smiley suns, flowers, or whatever makes you happy! If they’re older, they’ll help out with chores around the house so you can have some time to relax.

Even if they’re not mentioned here, just know that any and all of your Familial F/Os will be there for you. You love and care for them so much, so of course they’re going to return it tenfold!
