#parental fo


For those with Parental F/Os

Imagine planning a nice outdoor activity of your choice with them! Whether it be you two sight seeing throughout the city, a beach day, fishing on the lake, hiking, playing sports outside, you name it, imagine it.

They make sure you stay hydrated, always encouraging you to drink water, taking a drink of theirs when you do so you don’t have to worry about their health- and it means a lot to them, that you genuinely care about their well-being– the feeling is absolutely mutual!

Your parental f/os remind you often to apply sunblock, keeping an alarm set/keeping it in the back of their mind. They’d hate for you to get a sunburn, and if you ask them to help apply it they absolutely will, always so happy to dote on you!

They bring a camera with them, always asking to take photos with you so they can put it in an album or send it to you. These precious moments together with you mean the world to them.

You’re able the chat and joke around with them all day, having a pleasant time in the lovely weather, talking about whatever has been on your mind recently and if you need advice or comfort, all you have to do is simply ask and they’ll do it.

Your parental f/os enjoy when you seek them out for assistance because they know that means they can help you, take away the stress your feeling and give you peace. They want nothing more than to see you happy, healthy, and thriving.

Your parental f/os love you. No matter how old you are or how old you get, they’ll always see you as their kiddo and any quality time you’re able to spend with them never goes unremembered or unappreciated.

Imagine being comforted by your Familial F/Os!!

Doesn’t matter why you’re upset, you don’t have to tell them. They’re there for you in an instant!

Your Parental F/O(s) will buy/make your favorite treat and bring it to your room. They’ll sit beside you, letting you rest on their shoulder as they gently stroke your head. If you want, they’ll offer the best advice they can. If not, they’re more than happy to sit with you as long as you need.

Your Sibling F/O(s) will do whatever they can to cheer you up! They’ll bring by your favorite games, movies, books, etc. If that’s not what you’re looking for though, they’ll listen as you rant or cry about what’s happening. (And if it’s a person making you feel this way, they’ll gladly beat their ass)

Your Child F/O(s) will also be there! If they’re young, they’ll give you crayon drawings of smiley suns, flowers, or whatever makes you happy! If they’re older, they’ll help out with chores around the house so you can have some time to relax.

Even if they’re not mentioned here, just know that any and all of your Familial F/Os will be there for you. You love and care for them so much, so of course they’re going to return it tenfold!

Teacher: Your children have been misbehaving all day! They even fought several kids on the playground today-

Parental F/O: Oh no! Did S/I get hurt?

Teacher: y-you’re only concerned about S/I?? What about Sibling F/O??

Parental F/O: Sibling F/O is tough, they can walk off anything

Teacher: Um yeah, about that, S/I is fine, but one of the older kids kinda snapped Sibling F/O’s Leg-

Happy Mother’s Day to Claiyen, the best mom I could ever ask for!


While this is a holiday typically celebrating the bond between those who are involved romantically, don’t lose sight of the fact that all of your F/Os— whether they’re romantic, platonic, familial or parental— intend on showing you as much love as they can possibly fathom today.

Your F/Os love you, and that’s a fact that is never going to change!

Imagine a warm, peaceful winter night inside with all of your F/Os, all huddled together in blankets near the gently crackling fireplace.

It was quite an eventful holiday for you all, but perhaps for your parental F/O(s) especially. They hoped to make sure today was nothing short of excellent for their deeply loved child, whether that meant preparing you a large meal for you and your other F/Os, spoiling you with gifts, and making absolutely certain that you’ve ’dressed warm enough’ every time you wanted to go outside and frolic in the snow. They still think you could have used another layer of clothes to keep warm, but they can rest easy knowing you’re definitely warm now.

Your familial F/O(s), too, have spent the entire day right by your side. Perhaps the most fun aspect of their holiday with you was getting to see your reactions to every present they gifted to you, no matter how big or how small they may have been. Every one of your familial F/Os took quite some time thinking of the perfect gift to give you this year, and the reason why isn’t just because it’s in the spirit of the holidays— it’s because seeing you happy is a perfect gift in itself.

And who could forget the time you spent out in the snow with your platonic F/Os? Depending on how conditioned you are in terms of the colder weather (Or how much you chose to follow your parental F/Os’ recommendations in dressing warm), your platonic F/Os make sure that the time you do spend outside with them is nothing short of a thrill. Playful snowball fights and snow fort crafting were abound earlier that afternoon, and just before you go inside, your platonic F/Os are eager to show you something they whipped up when you weren’t looking… a snowman, sculpted lovingly in your image.

Naturally, throughout it all, your romantic F/O(s) stuck with you throughout the day, too, to a much larger degree compared to your familial F/Os. Pretty much any time you and your romantic F/Os even get a smidge intimate, there’s always somebody rushing over to you to hold a mistletoe above your heads… typically, it’s one of your platonic F/Os, though your parental F/Os are also prone to doing the same.

Though… maybe this time of the year isn’t very easy for you. No matter the reason, there are plenty of people who have a particular disdain of the holiday season, and if you happen to be a part of that group, your F/Os- especially your romantic F/Os- find that to be perfectly valid.

Hey, Y/N…” your romantic F/O(s) would say to you gently once you and them are spared a moment by yourselves, cupping your cold face in the warm palms of their hands, “I know that December is not an easy month for you. It can be really hard to not think about the things that made it that way, but…

They envelope you in a safe hug.

Please don’t forget how loved you are, okay? We want you to feel as safe and comfortable as we can manage, so… if there’s anything that we can do to help you… please don’t hesitate letting us know, okay?

They loosen their embrace a bit to press their forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes a bit before giving you a brief but loving kiss on the lips.

We love you, Y/N.


for people with fan kids or parental f/os!!!

I just remembered something my dad did with me a lot that I really liked and wanted to share for you’re loving thoughts!! :D

when I was younger, when going to store, I would purposely wear shoes with little to no grip because the store floors were slide-y and I would hold onto my dad’s arm and he would drag me around the store while my shoes just slid across the store floor

like this !! :DD
