#fan precure

Name: Charlotte HunterAge: 10 years old Gender: FemaleTheme Color: Pink (Main) White (Sub) Alter Ego

Name: Charlotte Hunter
Age:10 years old
Theme Color: Pink (Main) White (Sub)
Alter Ego: Curse Play Time


Charlotte is a immature spoiled brat. Back in California she was a much happier sweeter girl, that would often give her friends gifts. She didn’t even care that she knew a lot of her friends had been using her for her money. She was fine with them making her pay for things or asking for presents  Because they were her friends. Charlotte didn’t care that she overheard them talking badly about her when they thought she wasn’t around. Because they were her friends. When they teased and mocked her to her face, they were just joking it was all in good fun. After she moved to Japan this changed, she became closed off and hateful. She realized how her friends had been using her and she felt like she couldn’t make any friends in her new school. Charlotte’s mindset has turned into “I’m a princess so everyone better listen to me.” In reality she’s just a sad lonely girl who rather hurt others than be hurt. She’s the self proclaimed leader of the Curses.


Charlotte is a rich girl that grew up in California. Only recently did she moved to Japan. After learning how her friends were using their daughter for their money and bullying her, her parents decided moving would be the best. Japan was decided since they had always wanted to live there. Charlotte believed that meant she would be the popular new foreigner that everyone would want to learn about and her parents would be home more often. But, in the end that wasn’t what happen at all. She went from being the most popular girl in elementary to finding herself rather lost in her new school. Suddenly she didn’t know anyone, she could barely understand anyone. Her class didn’t care that she had all the newest coolest toys or clothes. They didn’t watch the same cartoons as she did or read the same comics. Charlotte grew angrier and angrier at her parents for making her move here. In her anger she realized that back home wasn’t much better. Sure she had friends but being teased and used for her money always hurt. It was harder to pretend it didn’t now that she was gone. Now her parents were the only ones she could talk to and they were always busy. Just like in Califorina, the only thing that had changed was she had no friends.

Of course her parents felt bad and bought her more gifts, soon she had toys that her classmates liked as well. But, Charlotte didn’t care. She didn’t need friends! But, that all changed when she found a odd stuffed animal on the ground, it wasn’t like anything she had seen before. The moment she went to pick it up however, it opened it’s eyes. Introducing himself as Dolos he explained how he had traveled from a fair away land. Charlotte was amazed she understood him perfectly! The first person, thing that she could understand in Japan. He told her how he could see she was special, sick and tired of living in such a boring place. He offered her a simple deal, he would give her powers to help him make the world more interesting. Charlotte took the chance without a second thought.


  • Toy Box Change - Her main attack this changes any non living item into a toy (for example a car would be turned into a giant ride on car)
  • Wake Up (Toy’s name) - This attack takes a lot more energy out of her, but when the magic hits a toy it turns into a monster. (for example Wake up Ball, when it hits the ball it turns into a monster)


  • Daniel Hunter and Ellie Hunter - Her parents love her very dearly, but are often busy. They buy her anything her heart could want. But, their relationship is still very strained. Her mother is an actress and her father a owner of a popular toy company. Which means they travel a lot.
  • Dolos - He is HER fairy, and the closest thing to a friend she has. She calls him Dolly because it’s cuter. He lives with her since she’s rich. Both them have a mutual I don’t care about you, but I do relationship. She takes Dolos everywhere with her often carrying him and claiming he’s a stuffed animal.

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Character From: Reality Break PrecureName: Dolos Age: 1000 years old (Fairy form, on par to a 10 yea

Character From: Reality Break Precure

Age: 1000 years old (Fairy form, on par to a 10 year old) 25 year old  (Human and Curse form)Gender: Male
Theme Color: Black (Main) White (Sub)
Alter Egos:

  • Dillon Geist (human form)
  • Curse Chaos


Dolos is a trickster. The thing he loves most in life is having fun. He hates order because it’s so boring. He doesn’t care about anyone, but himself.  He doesn’t care who he uses or hurts. He’s selfish liar who will do anything to benefit him. At times lazy, especially if they are things that don’t interest him. Dolos wants nothing more than to see the world turn upside down. He’s a bad influence to anyone who would listen to him. He’s a fun loving unreliable fairy. Dolos is rude snarky manipulator. He’s a total brat  


About 500 years ago Dolos got out of the Karma Realm and caused a total mess of things. His older sister Themis created a group of warriors calling themselves Cures that helped defeat him. He was locked away back home in order not to cause anymore damage. However when things lean towards his favor the chains that bound him would get weaker. Until one day, he was able to break free enough to return to the human world. It took all his energy and power to escape.

The next thing he knew he was waking up to a girl holding him. But, not any girl. Dolos could see the desire in her soul, the dark energy that fueled him the last time around. He was given the idea to turn this girl into his own warrior. He took the energy and turned it into her transformation item. While he could have just fed on the energy to grow stronger. He took his sister’s example, with a team he could make far more of this energy to feed on


  • Chaotic Energy Release  - He is able to manipulate dark energy in a person’s soul turning them into a Disster OR Curse Magical Girl
  • Chaotic Energy Eater - Not a attack per say eating the same energy he can use to transform humans he can also make himself stronger
  • Chaotic Disguise - He is able to turn into a human once he has gotten enough dark energy for himself
  • Chaotic Change - This power is only able to be used in Curse Chaos form, he can do massive changes to the world once he unlocks his Curse form


  • Themis - He hates her with a burning passion. For locking him up, for never letting him have any fun. She’s Order he’s Chaos. He’s the most boring person in existence. Dolos has also been very hurt by her because he feels like she would rather him not exist
  • Charlotte - First victim, very useful “pet / servant ” He likes how she’s rich and carries him around. He definitely doesn’t care for her at all and wouldn’t care if she got hurt or anything like that.


  • Can only access his Human form once he’s broke the legs and neck beads (by getting enough energy
  • Can only access his Curse form once all beads are broken
  • The first fairy form was before he escaped the first time

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