#fan precure

The newest released Self Care Cure has stolen my heart. I might hate cleaning, but I love Cure Clean

The newest released Self Care Cure has stolen my heart. I might hate cleaning, but I love Cure Clean.

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Another Fanfancure this time Lets Wish Precure by @letswishprecure Name: Phoebe JuvvenCure Name: CurAnother Fanfancure this time Lets Wish Precure by @letswishprecure Name: Phoebe JuvvenCure Name: Cur

Another Fanfancure this time Lets Wish Precure by @letswishprecure

Name: Phoebe Juvven
Cure Name: Cure Youth
Age: Civilian age 32, Cure Age starts out as 16 but changes
Fun facts
-Has the power to make people temporary younger
-However whatever age she turns them she turns too, the youngest she can turn and be turned into is baby
-The poor people she regresses the younger she gets (example if she turns 2 adults into a teenager she turns into a preteen)
-The regression isn’t mental but it is emotional
-Victims remember their real age but acts like their temporary new age
-Her power has a time limit and until it runs out even if they transform back into their civilian form
-Abuses her Curedom and rarely fights

Fairy: Founta (Fawn-ta)
Animal: River Otter
Wishing Item: Water Fountain
Wish: To be young again
Cure: Cure Youth
Fun Facts:
-Founta is longer than normal mascots
-The blue parts feel like water
-In water her blue parts turn pink but her inner mouth turns blue
-Even if it’s just a foot is in the water all her blue turns pink
-Water comes out of the “hat” when she’s angry

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Heres Cure Witchling, I hope you don’t mind the hair isn’t ombre hair I use paint. Prete

Heres Cure Witchling, I hope you don’t mind the hair isn’t ombre hair I use paint. Pretend the split is an ombra LOL. Also did a tiny version of her civilian form. This is a Fanfancure of Meta Magic Pretty Cure by @shelfieshelf

Name: Sofia Harrison
Cure Name: Cure Witchling
Age: 24 years old

Fun Facts:
-Is a giant Doremi fan, both Magical Doremi AND Ojamajo Doremi
-Her outfit has elements of all Doremi’s outfits
-Is a witch in real life
-Can use magic like in Doremi

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Did a couple requests on the discord and really liked how cure song came out, she belongs to @salsas

Did a couple requests on the discord and really liked how cure song came out, she belongs to @salsasprecure

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All the cures in Playtime’s Not Over PrecureCure House (Marshmallow)Cure Hide n Seek (Cotton Candy /

All the cures in Playtime’s Not Over Precure

Cure House (Marshmallow)

Cure Hide n Seek (Cotton Candy / Fairy Floss)

Cure Tag (Lollipop)

Cure Rock Paper and Scissors (Neapolitan Ice Cream)

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A new series I’ve been working on. Episode 1 isn’t done yet, but I wanted to post the over anyway. I

A new series I’ve been working on. Episode 1 isn’t done yet, but I wanted to post the over anyway. I worked so hard on this I hope you guys like it and are excited to see what happens next

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I did another set of request cures, this time based off profile icons, this was my favorite of the g

I did another set of request cures, this time based off profile icons, this was my favorite of the group

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@dazzlingmahous​ made me this cure in the chat and I wanted to draw her

@dazzlingmahous​ made me this cure in the chat and I wanted to draw her

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Another Cure I did  for a friend

Another Cure I did  for a friend

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I did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord. The first one requested me to change the moon cI did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord. The first one requested me to change the moon cI did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord. The first one requested me to change the moon cI did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord. The first one requested me to change the moon cI did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord. The first one requested me to change the moon cI did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord. The first one requested me to change the moon c

I did a bunch of Cure Emoji requests on the discord.

The first one requested me to change the moon cake to a moon pie to explain the theme

The third one had kermit emoji so I made a joke one where kermit is a cure and a frog based cure because I didn’t want them sad they didn’t get a real cure

TBH my favorite is the first one, though the purple winter bell one was cute too and I love the frog heart bango

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Page 1 of What The Kira Kira Precure?So what is What The Kira Kira Precure?, it’s a fan series takin

Page 1 of What The Kira Kira Precure?

So what is What The Kira Kira Precure?, it’s a fan series taking place in Kira Kira’s manga chapter 7, but when a piece of ice from Cure Gelato’s attack hits Salty Pepper’s head, things start going off course.

Sure it’s not like a normal fanseries where the whole team is original, but I hope you all enjoy What The Kira Kira Precure?

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salsasprecure:@jammymagicalgirls now its time for wish pals!! I love how this one came out! Salsa’s


@jammymagicalgirls now its time for wish pals!!

I love how this one came out! Salsa’s Wish is shy and mine isn’t fully shy, but the fact that she isn’t that strong makes her a little uncomfortable because she thinks she’s not as strong.

I love seeing them together!

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A while back ago one of my lovely fans sent me this picture of their curesona! Cure Wish! It had been my very first fan letter and picture, I even hung it on my wall! Well I’m happy to say that somehow, a very similar Care Bear Cure has been spotted! Going by Cure Wish as well! I guess you can say if you wish hard enough anything is possible! This new Cure has quickly became the star of Negai Mori Machi! She is rapidly becoming one of the most powerful cures! Of course she couldn’t do it without her fairy Twinkers. The largest currently known fairy this little bear has the ability to make Cure Wish’s wishes come true! They’re bond is extremely strong!

Now I know for a fact that Miss Cure Wish out there is a fan, because she sent me a care package and a letter! It was full of wonderful little things. I got some tea and home made star shape cookies! They are delicious!  Star themed bandaids I always need those! But, I think my favorite thing was probably the picture she sent of herself and Twinkers! I’m just so happy a real Cure is a fan of mine! How amazing is that you guys?

In her letter she filled on what is going on in Negai Mori Machi. They have their own Dark Magician, but he’s not so much of a Magician. But, rather a no good wizard! What started out as a mysterious illness she has discovered No Heart is stealing people’s heart wish, and when those wishes are gone they loose all their emotions! How terrible! Luckily Twinkers and her have a special attack Purifying Wishing Star, a move Cure Wish can only do with her fairy! How cool!

She wanted to remind everyone how important it is to keep your deepest wishes protected and work hard for them! I know I’m gonna protect my wish and no one will take becoming a cure from me! Cure Wish came into her magical girl self with Twinker’s powers and the help of the Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures! Maybe I’ll get to meet you in person one day Wish! Until then though I hope you keep reading my blog!

I want to let you know whoever you are Cure Wish, that I’m supporting you! I know you and Twinkers can beat No Heart! I’m rooting for you!

Twinkers seemed twice the size of the average fairy mascot. According to her it was because she was special! Hotaru loved her little new bear friend. They talked for hours and hours, she tried to wish for a cure to the mysterious illness. But, sadly Twinkers couldn’t undo someone else’s magic. However the star bear was sure they could find another way to help the victims. When her father saw Twinkers she lied and said it was a stuffed animal that her grandmother had gotten before she got sick. Despite how much her father hated wishing themed things, he never took away the things her grandmother got for her. Despite his distaste for his daughter and mother’s love for wishes he didn’t want to punish his daughter for his mother getting her things.

She took the large fairy bear, everywhere with her. Even to school. Hotaru didn’t really care what other students thought, she just didn’t feel comfortable leaving the poor princess on her own. Miki agreed they shouldn’t call her by her princess name and just call her by her nickname so no one might find out who she really was. Hotaru wasn’t sure that would really work and just thought that Twinkers just liked being called that more. They tried brain storming through ideas on how to help the victims, though it was hard in class.  Twinkers heard her wish to do  well on the test, and suddenly the answer sheet was on her desk. Gasping she put it under her backpack.

“Thank you Twinkers, but I can’t cheat” Hotaru whispered, the teacher scolded her for talking. After apologizing she tried to focus on the test. But, it was so hard and her mind just going back to the answer sheet. If she had used it she could get an A! Her parents would be so happy if she got an 100 on her test for once! But, it was wrong…. she shouldn’t. Twinkers had made her wish come true… would it be that bad if she had actually used the answer sheet. Finally she tried focusing on the test it self. The questions were awful, she tried her best. Finally when time was up, since it wasn’t a serious test they were told to give their test to the classmate next to them so they could go over the answers together. She hated when they marked like this. It always made her feel worse and like everyone was making fun of her.

In the end she only got a 30 percent on her test, though unlike normal no one last time the girl had checked her test was the first victim of the mysterious illness. Didn’t make her feel much better though.   Luckily that was the last part of gross school! Before leaving school she used the computer lab to check Oopsy Cure’s blog. It was her favorite website to check. He was so funny and his blog was full of great information on the cures.

Finally Hotaru went to her grandmother’s backyard so she and her new star buddy could talk without worrying about anyone seeing a talking bear.  She used to spend a lot of time in her grandmother’s garden. Now no was taking care of it. As she watered the flowers Twinkers and her talked about things they could do to fix everyone. “I wish the Sunniville Care Bear Cures were here, they would know what to do ” Hotaru sighed, suddenly Twinkers glowed brightly and in a burst of glitter the Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures were standing very confused in front of them.

“What’s going on?” Cheer asked confused. “Twinkers you did it! Thank you!” Hotaru squealed hugging her bear. “This is Twinkers and we need your help there is this wizard guy and he’s hurting people and he was trying to steal Twinkers’ magic. But I saved her” She babbled excitedly as she held her friend protectively. “Is that a fairy?” Friend asked “She’s larger than any one I saw before” The cheerleader magical girl said brightly.

Kokoro gasped “That is not just any large fairy-” “I think my size has no matter in this” Twinkers mumbled with a bright blush. “She’s Miki Kibo, what are you doing in this world princess?” The heart bear questioned. “The wishing kingdom was attacked by No Heart, I barely escaped, this human saved me before he could steal my magic” The princess spoke softly her voice filled with shame. “What happen to the Queen?” Twinkers hid her face in her human friend’s chest. “Princess Miki what happen to the Queen?” The heart themed fairy asked more firm this time. “No heart took her magic and feelings” She finally whispered Hotaru rubbed her friend’s back as she felt the tears soak though her shirt.

The blond moved the star bear to looking at her. “We will find a way to fix everyone” Hotaru said firmly. “Maybe it’s some sort of spell like the Dark Magician cast on his victims” Secret whispered softly. That made the rather normal girl smile brightly. “So you guys can fix it?” The hope in her voice was a little overwhelming to the cures “Yah!” Cheer said “Maybe” Secret corrected. “I’ll take you to where I met him, but I’m not sure if you’ll be able to not get lost. The forest is weird” Hotaru offered. “Thank you!” Friend said brightly.

Wandering in the forest Hotaru held Twinkers’ protectively she didn’t want her new friend to get her. “Is it a good idea to let the human lead? She could get hurt” Kokoro said confused. “If you wanna go where the weird man-” “No Heart” “No Heart was you’ll follow me, my family is the only one who can actually not get lost, a lot of times people still get lost. I just wish that you guys won’t get lost following me” Twinkers glowed, but it didn’t seem to do anything.

When they got to the center it was horrible all the plants were wilted and clearly corrupted. It made Hotaru want to cry. There were the chiming bell like sounds again, the care bear cures didn’t seem to notice as they looked around. Hotaru followed the sound to a group of 3 small stars. “Hello” She spoke softly the floating stars let out a odd sound that sounded like a scream? They started shaking. Twinkers started talking. “It’s okay this is a friend, she is a good guy” Soon Hotaru found the small stars trying to hid in her clothes, it tickled. “These are some of my subjects, you don’t mind if they come with us? They can’t make wishes to protect themselves like us” The star bear explained. “Of course” Hotaru agreed giggling a little, though it wasn’t funny, they were just tickling her a little on accident.

The stars were still chiming, but Twinkers face fell and she started to tear up a bit. “Most of the stars were taken by No Heart” She explained to her human. “We’ll free them don’t worry” It was hard, but Hotaru had to believe that they could do it! “He doesn’t seem to be here anymore” Secret soft voice brought the normal human back to reality. “I wish we could find him somehow” The blond sighed.

Of course hearing the wish Twinkers made it come true a sparkling trail of foot steps. Hotaru walked behind the cures. They were so cool! If only she could help. She felt so useless. What use did she really have to offer? Finally they found No Heart. He had 4 dark stars in a cage. “Ah ah ah you brought the princess to me perfect” The wizard said as he went to use his magic to take Twinkers. The cures started to fight him.

However, No Heart was far stronger than the Dark Magician. Hotaru hid behind a tree. “What kind of friend am I? I can’t even protect you. All I can do is hide” She started to tear up. “I can’t do anything” she growled hugging the star bear tighter. No Heart started to laugh. “A heart turning black how delightful” He spoke like a cat who had just caught a mouse. Suddenly in a puff of black smoke No Heart was in front of her. “Just hand me the princess and you can go back to your boring useless life” He pulled down his hood giving her a wickedly charming smile. “NO! I’ll never give you her” He kicked the man in the shins before starting to run.

“I wish there was something I can do! I wish I could protect you like a real good friend!” Hotaru yelled, Twinkers glowed brighter than she had ever done before and suddenly it felt like she was floating. She wasn’t running anymore. The world had changed.

Everything was purple, blue, and pink blending into each other with beautiful stars everywhere. She felt weird, her clothes were now a sparkling blue color. Twinklers was right in front of her something shot out of her stomach mark, a shooting star with 3 tiny stars following her. It shot up into the sky? Before coming towards her, without a thought she went to reach out for the odd star but it twirled around her arm traveling to the other arm.

Her body felt a tingling feeling that was refreshing and nice. It felt like she could do anything. The star traveled around her hair and suddenly she felt it growing and changing. Her ears felt weird she went to touch them, her hands went to the top of her head, there were two bear ears she tugged on them a little and suddenly as she let go she felt a pop sensation, it wasn’t painful.

It swirled around her body before the trailing ribbons were wrapped around her, and suddenly with a slight poof feeling she was now wearing a whole new dress. The star’s work didn’t seem done as it traveled around her legs the mysterious yellow sparkling stuff glowed brightly until with a poof of stars, blue rain boots with stars on them. Once more it flew up into the sky before shooting down on a cloud by her hip, where had it came from? And suddenly everything stopped the cloud was now a purse.


“Wish upon a Star! Care Mission Accepted! Cure Wish!” The words had just came to her along with the pose. “She’s a Cure?” Cure Friend gasped. The world returned to being normal for her. What had felt at least a full minute and 22 seconds, was really just a second. “Wow! You look amazing!” Twinkers said brightly landing, she was still in her arms. Everything was a little confusing. She didn’t fully understand what was going on.

No Heart went to grab the princess fairy, but Wish jumped backwards stumbling. “I will never let you have my best friend” She yelled throwing one of her hands in a stop motion, “Shooting Star Blast!” Some how she knew her giant shooting star charm shine brightly before sending a copy of itself at No Heart. It only pushed him a little. “Star Bullets!” Wish shouted waving her other hand, as Twinkle landed in her other hand, the 3 stars suddenly lit up this time before three tiny stars went towards No Heart. This time however with a wave of his hand they fell to the ground without even hitting him.

He laughed “How patience you’re not even a real cure.” No Heart said cruelly. “Keep the princess for now. I’ve wasted enough time” and with that he was gone, taking those poor 4 corrupted stars with him. Hotaru fell to the ground clutching her best friend tightly. “I could barely protect you. If he hadn’t gotten bored he would have” She started to tear up as Twinkers hugged her “Wishing only gets someone so far, you’re a new cure. You’ll get better. It just takes hard work” Secret spoke ever so softly kneeling down next to her. “Welcome to the family!”Cure Cheer said pulling her up on her feet. “You’re do wonderfully” Friend patted her on the back.

Current Cursed Cure Puppy using my Care Bear and Reality Break series

Current Cursed Cure Puppy using my Care Bear and Reality Break series

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All art in this chapter was made by the lovely @curefanseriesooc

The town of Negai Mori Machi was a odd town. It wasn’t that small because it was built around a large lush forest. The forest wasn’t like any forest in the world. The legend told was when the town was much smaller the founders of the town with their family saw a burst of light in the forest. And a shooting star shot up leaving a rainbow trail in the night sky. No it did not crash into the forest it came from the forest. The next morning the bravest went to search for the cause of the weird lights. The leaves of the trees had changed sparkling like gems. And so did the flowers. They tried to pick a flower to bring back to show, but it turned a sickly gray version of the once beautiful color loosing all it’s sparkle. Soon the search party got lost, even though they had just went straight some how they ended back in their town. All, but one.

A young man Mamoru Hoshi came back with a story to tell. The further he got in the odder the plants became, they lost the normal green leaves would have, and turned into pastels of the rainbow. He spoke of pink trees with heart shaped apples and pastel blue bushes with yellow star shaped berries. Curiosity had gotten to him and when he picked one of the star berries it didn’t loose it’s color. It was the most wonderful thing he had ever tasted. He brought as much as he could with him, and every person who ate one of the berries had their heart’s wish come true. Old people were suddenly young again, dead love ones had returned. One person was suddenly rich. But, the berries only worked once, when they tried to eat another nothing happened. Mamoru was told to take them to the berries, but no matter who went with him, only the young man was able to find them. Each person who followed him ended up lost. Even with rope it would randomly break when no one noticed and once more the followers would lose their leader.

It was decided to protect this forest they worked on building a their town around this forest, keeping 7 feet away from the sparkling trees afraid what would happen if they built on the sparkling land. People all over came to help in payment for their wish to come true. Mamoru started a family and his son was blessed with the same ability to find the tree. But, after Mamoru passed and his son passed no one seemed to be able to find the fruit again. Mamoru’s grandchildren weren’t given the same talent to find them. People came all around the world to find these wishing fruits. But, no one could find them again.

Soon the stories became just that, stories. People didn’t believe that wishing fruits truly ever existed that it was just a trick, a lie told to make some money. Tourism started to decline. Of course there would still be those dreamers who hoped to find the fruit again. But, no one was able to. It seemed as if the forest was starting to become more dangerous though the years. And no one knew why. Mitsuko Hoshi had been gifted the ability to travel in the forest like her ancestries. She brought back the star berries, but something had changed, they were duller than the stories had told. They didn’t shine as bright. And they didn’t seem to make the big wishes come true anymore.

They couldn’t wish a dead family member back to life like the stories had claimed. Small wishes seemed to come true, a sick person suddenly getting better, a little kid getting the pet they had been begging for. But, these things were push aside as just coincidences. Some of the town folk even grew bitter about the forest and ideas of wishing. Many people disagreed with the whole idea. The town had a vote on the matters and it was decided Mitsuko Hoshi would not bring any more fruit to the town and that the forest now was forbidden to enter.

This didn’t stop the people who really wanted to believe in the forest. People still would sneak into the forest to look for the fruit, they would still beg Mitsuko to get some for them and she would. Because it filled her with happiness helping others make their wishes come true even if it didn’t always work. Her son, Hikaru resented his mother’s choices to risk getting in trouble and giving people false hope. He hated how much wishing meant to her. He focused on hard work instead, because no one ever got what they truly wanted by wishing. He focused on a new goal Hikaru became the mayor of their town, he wanted to change the town for the better. Show the world, and his mother that wishing was useless, that action was all that mattered.

When Hotaru was born Hikaru asked his mother not to tell her about their family history. It wasn’t anything that talked about anymore in the town and he wanted his daughter to have nothing to do with the forest. With heavy heart Mitsuko agreed wanting to still be in her granddaughter’s life. As she got older, Hotaru was drawn to the forest and her first word wasn’t mama or daddy, but rather wish. This upset her father, but the more he pushed her away from her true heritage the more she was drawn to it.

As she got older it felt like only her grandmother understood her. She didn’t really have any friends and she didn’t understand why in a town known for wishing, people were always telling her to stop wishing for things and work for them or how wishing never got anything done. Even though her father wanted her to stay away from the forest, she asked her grandmother so many questions, but very little of them were ever answered, to honer her promised to her son. So instead Hotaru looked for answers herself. She learned about her family’s history and the town’s history. It was all so amazing to her.

Everyone was always telling her wishing for things didn’t make them come true. All her wishes to get better grades never helped. Her parents were always wanting her to study more, but it was so hard. It was just so boring and her brain just couldn’t focus. She wanted so bad to be able to be a good student like her parents wanted, but she could never focus on the boring stuff. She found herself trying to do something better. Her classmates would get angry at her for getting them in trouble when she tried talking to them during class. Hotaru didn’t mean to get them in trouble she was just trying to make friends. But, she was just the weird wishing girl to them.

After a really bad no good day, where a girl she had been really hoping to be friends with asked her what was wrong with her. Why couldn’t she ever just behave and do her work, why did she always just wish for things and never just worked hard like the mayor. She went to the only person who understood her, her grandmother. Mitsuko who took her to a nice man who played some games with her, before telling them she had ADHD. While her parents wanted to put her on medication, but it had been her grandmother’s idea for her not to go on medication. Instead she focused on helping her study, she made learning fun. While she still struggled making friends in school at least she had her grandmother and wishing!

One day everything changed, a girl in her class had sneaked into  Negai Mori and ended up coming back with no emotions. When doctors checked her out she had a odd black heart on her chest. No one could explain it. She came back to school, but she wasn’t the happy loud girl she used to be. She was quite and only spoke when spoken to, and it was a monotone voice. It was like she was a robot. The girl wouldn’t be the only victim. People were starting to be more and more afraid.

It broke Hotaru’s heart seeing the victims, they had wanted nothing more than to make wishes come true and now they were suffering from this mysterious illness. Wishing meant everything to her and she loved seeing them coming true.  Her grandmother went to find answers in the forest. When she came back she wasn’t her self anymore. Mitsuko had gotten the mysterious illness. But, unlike the others who didn’t remember how it happen. When Hikaru asked his mother what had happen she explained how a a wizard and pet monster who were turning the star fruits black, before attacking her. No one knew if they could believe the old woman, she had started talking about some pretty odd things with age. Things like seeing star like creatures in the forest hearing talking in a weird language. Nothing she could prove. However, now she was just like the other victims a shell of a person who would answer when spoken, but felt nothing.

Hotaru knew her grandmother wasn’t crazy! She knew whoever this wizard was, was the one hurting everyone! And now he was ruining the wishing fruit that helped wishes come true? Maybe if she managed to find some wishing fruit that were still okay she could wish her grandmother, wish for everyone to be cured of this mysterious illness. So in the middle of the night, when her parents slept, Hotaru grabbed a flashlight and packed a backpack of things to help her. Getting into the forest was easy, it was the first time she ever went into the forest. Her mother and father never liked how obsessed she was with wishes. They didn’t really understand how wonderful wishes were! Wishing would be the only thing that could cure everyone, she knew it in her heart. The doctors couldn’t fix it, they couldn’t even understand what was going on!

The forest was much bigger than she had ever thought it was. She had wanted nothing more to see the forest herself. It was more beautiful than she ever imagined it would be as she got to the oddly colored trees she heard whispering, it didn’t sound like anything she had ever heard before it was like a chiming twinkling sound. Suddenly there was a loud crying sound. Something drew her to running towards the sound. That was where she saw it. The weird evil wizard her grandmother was talking about was trying to grab a odd little star bear, something about it made Hotaru instantly feel a connection with the creature. Grabbing a stick on the ground as the wizard demanded for the creature’s magic. And with a hard swing aiming for the man’s head he fell to the ground.

Picking up the odd little bear, the man started to groan. “Come on lets go before creep wakes up” She told the shaking bear as she took off running. She could hear the weird wizard man yelling, but she kept running until she made it home. Only once she was safe in her room did she finally collapse on the bed. “What are you?” She finally questioned petting the soft fur of this mysterious creature. “I’m Miki Kibo princess of the wishing kingdom!  But, my personal friends called me Twinkers” The creature spoke happily. “Who was that?” She asked the creature, Miki. “A meanie he goes by No Heart! He’s trying to stealing magic from wishing! He attacked my kingdom! I barely made it out!” She explained. “You poor thing” Hotaru whispered softly. “Thank you for saving me! You didn’t have to risk your life! You didn’t even know me!”

Giving the creature a hug, Hotaru felt a connection with Miki that she had never felt before. “Well maybe now we can be friends” The human girl suggested shyly. “My first friend!” Suddenly the fairy creature blushed brightly. “I mean-” “You’re my first friend too Twinkers” Hotaru said hugging her new friend tightly. “I won’t let that mean No Heart hurt you. I promise you! I just wish I had something to make you feel more at home” Twinkers’ marks suddenly grew brighter and a picture of Twinkers with what looked like her parents appeared “Wow! How did you do that?” The human asked amazed “I’m the princess of the wishing fairies silly! I’m one of the most strongest of them” Twinkers giggled adorably.

Character From: Care! A Lot! PrecureName: Unknown Age: 13 year old boyTheme Color: GreenAlter Ego: C

Character From: Care! A Lot! Precure

Age: 13 year old boy
Theme Color:Green
Alter Ego: Cure Oopsy
Team: None, runs a Cure Care Bear Blog, but unofficial forth member of the Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures
Magical Statues: Doesn’t have any magic, but has helped the caring meter a lot for a normal human.

Info:Living in Sunniville the Cure Care Bears there are rather friendly and can be often found not even fighting monsters just helping like picking up litter and helping upset kids. They have let Oopsy work with them when it’s not dangerous. He knows everything Care Bear Cures. He had been a fan before all the new Care Bear Cures started popping up around the world when there was only Cure Noble and Cure True though they have gone missing before he was even born. He was heavily bullied in first grade for being clumsy. But, his father would tell him stories about Cure Noble and Cure True. Oopsy decided to take what they were teasing him for and become his own cure. He was a (not magical) cure far before the new ones started showing up. At this point no one but his dad remembers his real name.

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salsasprecure: we love us some ultimate same hats! two cheers!! @jammymagicalgirlsThank you for dr


we love us some ultimate same hats! two cheers!!


Thank you for drawing my Cure Cheer. Since mine is 16 and yours is 14 I def think at some point my Cheer would lift her up!  It’s crazy seeing them together

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Characters From: Care! A Lot! PrecureName: Kokoro Nakama Age: Young FairyTheme Color: PinkAlter Ego:

Characters From: Care! A Lot! Precure

Name: Kokoro Nakama
Age: Young Fairy
Theme Color:Pink
Alter Ego:???
Team: Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures

Info:Kokoro Nakama is a little fairy from Care A Lot with a bunch of her siblings and cousins to find humans who could become cures to protect help them. She tries her best to help any way she can!

Name:Shizuka Hisoka
Age: 18 years old
Theme Color:Pink
Alter Ego: Cure Secret
Team: Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures

Info: Shizuka is a very soft spoken teenager who was diagnosed with social anxiety at a young age. She just came out to her family as transgender. They were very accepting of her, but the first person she ever told was Tomomi her best friend who also helped picked her new name. They had been best friends since they were little kids. Even though Tomomi is very outgoing and popular and Shizuka is very shy and reserved. Often struggles and fights for her title of leader. Since Cure Cheer believes she should be leader

Name:Tomomi Maki
Age:17 years old
Theme Color: Peachy Orange
Alter Ego: Cure Friend
Team:Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures

Info: Tomomi is the most popular girl in school. She’s a senior in high school and part of the cheerleading team. She has a big heart and tries to make time for all her friends. Even if someone is shy or mean she will do her best to befriend them. Tomomi is often found dragging Shizuka everywhere. Despite how shy the poor girl is. Tomomi isn’t afraid to call Shizuka her best friend and put her needs over her other friends (since after all she is Shizuka’s only friend) Kioko and her have been friends since the younger girl joined the cheer squad to the point where Tomomi stepped down as Cheer Captain because she knew Kioko deserved to be the captain even though she was younger.

Name:Kioko Fukuyama
Age: 16 years old
Theme Color:Pink
Alter Ego: Cure Cheer
Team: Sunniville’s Care Bear Cures

Info:Current cheer captain of the school she is close friends with Tomomi often conflicting with Shizuka. Kioko tries her best to live up to her name and bring happiness to everyone around her. While she shares more in common with Tomomi it always bothered her a little that Shizuka was her best friend. When she becomes a precure she believes SHE should be leader being pink and social, but Secret is better at plan making.

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Hi there internet people Cure Oopsy here! The Cure Care Bears #1 Fan! Everyone knows the Cure Care Bears! Cure Secret is their official leader, but Cure Cheer has often times tried to take her place!!! Cure Friend seems to be the glue that keeps the team running! Today after one of their fights with the Dark Magician and his fairy. They had casted a spell on a popular guy which made him all mean and cruel and then turn into a monster! But the Cure Care Bears were able to purity him! And then I saw the whole thing! They even let me take a picture of them!


Cure Secret seemed pretty uncomfortable but Cure Friend, Cheer and their fairy Kokoro Nakama seem to like it! Of course they aren’t the only Cure Care Bears! There are Cure Care Bears and even Cure Care Cousins all over the world! It’s just these are the best because they live in my home town Sunniville Japan! They are so nice and friendly! You can find them helping people out even when there isn’t any monsters around! I’ve even gotten to hug Friend and Cheer, Secret is a lot shyer. Oh and those ears are totally real and they have cute little tails too! I think Secret hides her though! Cheer and Friend both have tails and they move! They don’t seem to have human ears. Maybe the Cures aren’t even humans?????

I wish I had finished my cure outfit! But, i just finished it


Maybe one day I’ll be able fight along side with the Cure Care Bears! For now at least I can report on them! Maybe I’ll be able to take some pictures of them fighting next time! Or of the Dark Magician! I have no clue! Till Next time this has been Cure Oopsy!
