#fandom shenanigans



What is Consent Event? 

It’s a fanfiction exchange inspired by thispost. It focuses on clear consent given by the characters of the ships, from simple touching to sex. Consent is super important, and we want to highlight it. 

When is it? 

We’re currently looking at hosting it mid-January and having reveals happen on February 14th. We understand that’s  good bit of time away but we’re entering peek writing season with NaNoWriMo and the holiday exchanges. 

Additional Info:

We are in the very beginning stages of this event and need help getting it off the ground. We are currently searching for admins to help run the tumblr and discord, as well as help with the exchange itself. Please DM us if you’re interested! We’re also looking for some graphics if anyone has any ideas. 

Oh, hell yes! A cool event inspired by an even cooler (and important) post by an equally cool mutual. I am IN. Will try to see how I might best be able to help, and will at the very least participate.



Greetings to the first ever Ladies of Thedas Appreciation Week!!! It’s actually eight (8) days because we wanted to appreciate women longer than a week. The way this event will work is, we will need content creators to make Stuff ™, submit it as per our submission guidelines, and we will reblog it here. It’s all pretty straightforward, but if you have any questions, hit that ask button and send an inquiry. Without further ado…

Event Rules

1. The main point of this event is to cherish and appreciate women of Thedas so they have to be the main focus of your submission. Men are allowed to be involved in some minor way (as your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor LI, as friend or family member etc), but the spotlight needs to be on the women. Hence m/f pairings are allowed, but this week is the time to celebrate women-loving-women (wlw) and f/f pairings in particular.

2. All forms of art are allowed: fanfiction, fanart, mood boards, mods, gifs, songs, videos, etc. If you make it, we will reblog it.

3. This event is supposed to foster appreciation and overall positivity. Any promotion or condoning of bigotry, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. will not be allowed. Please be mindful of others. Mods reserve the right to refuse a submission if they feel it violates this rule.

4. This week is meant to celebrate women of Thedas in all shapes and forms. Thus graphic depictions of abuse, gratuitous violence and general depictions of incest, pedophilia, bestiality, etc are not allowed. No underage or dub/non-con either. Keep it positive, consensual and use your common sense, please.

5. NSFW works are absolutely allowed during this event. Please mark them with appropriate tags when you make your submissions.

If anything on this list is unclear, or if you have questions about how your creation fits within the rules, please send an ask and we will get back to you ASAP. Please see submission guidelines to find out how to submit your work.

Submission Guidelines

There are two ways to submit your work–


If you created something specifically for Ladies of Thedas please post it to your own blog on the appropriate theme day, then tag it with #LadiesOfThedas and which day it is for. Please don’t use ’@’ as a main way of tagging for this blog because Tumblr is known to ignore those and we’d hate to miss your submission.


If you created something in the past, but you still wish to share it, please submit a link below with appropriate tags and a mod will reblog from the original source. It can be from Tumblr or from AO3, either is fine.

DO NOT submit the same creation through link submission and through tagging. It creates extra work for the moderators which makes them irritable.

Do allow for some time for your creation to show up on this blog. People have jobs and need to sleep. If you still don’t see it after a few hours have passed, contact us and we’ll investigate.

Themes of Each Day

Keep reading

If I am lucky, I will still be able to participate in this even from where I am, because I have been so stoked for this event. The minds behind it have been working their butts off to make sure this is as awesome as it can be, and I hope it leads to lots of beautiful new things to read!


I really like fictional couples that actually enjoy spending time with each other. It seems like such a simple, mundane thing. But, often, I see fictional couples who are completely enamored and dramatic and willing to die for each other, which isfine.But like… do they enjoy hanging out? Do they have private jokes and would they be friends even if they weren’t in love? It feels like such a basic thing, but it’s something that I actually don’t see that often. And it feels so refreshing and honest compared to these over-dramatic romeo and juliet-esque romances. Just two people who become good friends and becausethey enjoy each other’s presence so much it grows into a strong attraction. It feels more real and tangible than two attractive people meeting and “falling in love at first sight” - like, of course, you fell in love at first sight! You’re both supermodels! Sorry, can’t relate.

fandom shenanigans


Back to talk about this shit

It’s nearly 2021 and people still compare trauma as if it’s funny? #lutherhate is so fucking last year (literally) I can’t believe some people still like this shit

OP is missing a few knives in Luther’s back. Namely: 

-isolated from siblings due to parental favoritism
-brainwashed into thinking Reginald’s abuse was for his own good
-has only had one love interest likely due to inability to relate to anyone outside the family 
-never had friends outside the family
-suffers from severe body dysmorphia esp. in S1
-sent on a most likely thinly veiled suicide mission to THE most isolated location possible
-suffered from effects of prolonged solitary confinement, including suicidal ideation, self-harm, and perhaps hallucinations 
-frequently starved while there and ignored by parent
-eating disorder
-told by parent he was unwanted

Did I miss any? 


reading fanfiction is like. you are misinterpreting this character incorrectly. i am also misinterpreting them but i’m doing it the correct and sexy way. you dont know him like i know him














Me, watching an Avengers movie: Where’s Batman?

…in Mortal Kombat, incidentally.

My 90s college campus had an arcade room with Mortal Kombat and a Batman game so this is extra hilarious.

Chun-Li, meanwhile, is hanging out with the Avengers.


This is all far too convenient. I love Tumblr.

She’s also been a Power Ranger.


Though to be fair, the Ninja Turtles were Power Rangers and they will crossover with everything.

The Power Rangers also crossed over with Batman.

As did the Ninja Turtles

I love comic-book crossovers

Batman Vs The TMNT became one of my favorite animated movies too. The IDW run of TMNT overseen by Kevin himself has been one of the best things to happen in independent comics in decades when original Mirage TMNT in the 80s was already the best thing to happen to independent comics. And all the crossovers were even better.

“Michelangelo. Press some buttons.”


Poor Damien never gets to press the buttons.

Bruce has four more adopted sons by the way.

Alfred: Master Bruce, you cannot take in four more sons- especially when they live in a different city.

Bruce Wayne, already planning to meet Splinter to talk about custody: You know nothing can stop me Alfred.

@venusdeservedbetter look what’s happening it is so beautiful

Legitimately surprised that it didn’t go further, trying to tie in Archie or something. That rabbit hole is both dangerous and fascinating.

Crossovers are certainly an interesting beast, I’ll give you that.


Archie Comics (which typically take place in the same universe) DID publish a Scooby Doo series and the Scooby Gang has met Batman so it fits…kinda! It aslo means that the gang could meet the turtles…Mikey and Shaggy would really get along!





Sooo, what if Douxie had accidentally used the Aspectus Stone by Maddrux the Many to create a thousand copies of himself? What would they be?

I say forget Bully Maguire or Hunter Jim, get ready for… Hisirdouche

*snort* Hisirdouche……….


One would be insufferable theater kid Douxie that only speaks in Shakespeare quotes.

#one of them would be french 

#one of them would also be a lizard

Ok people, we’ve got Hisirdouche, Hasardeur (the daredevil/gambler), Lizardoux, Ribbetdoux, Moppet/Hisirlute, and…Hamletdoux Capulet.

Nooo @prismarts@nikibogwater@stuck-in-arcadia​ hahahhaa


The fact that Ribbidoux is on this list implies that there is at least a tiny portion of Douxie’s soul that is genuinely just a small frog and that is hilarious as a concept but also somehow makes complete sense at the same time. 

I would also suggest Brotherdoux, since we know Douxie has the uncanny ability to pick up Found Family on a whim. All the other Douxies have to physically restrain this one from adopting every moderately-sad-looking child he sees. 

All the Douxies:*racing down the street after a monster of some kind*

Brotherdoux:*skids to a halt in front of a coffee shop window* 

OG Douxie: Mate, what are you doing?! The Nyarlagroth is getting away!

Brotherdoux: That girl in there needs help with her homework! You guys go on without me, I’ll catch up later!

OG Douxie: NO! 


“they’re not the main character” incorrect! they’re not YOUR main character. they are mine though xo
