#fandom star trek




Title: Starry Eyed

Ship: Captain James T Kirk / Reader

Rating: Explicit (NSFW 18+)

Word Count: ~3.5k

Tags: Starfleet!Reader, first dates, flirting, jealousy, buried feelings, childhood best friends, fluff, smut

AO3 Link

Summary: Romantic feelings could end an 18-year-old friendship… Or could they start something new?

Created for: @ultimatechrisbingo (Square Filled: Captain Kirk) // @anyfandomgoesbingo​ (Custom Star Trek Card Free Space)

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ds9 polycule my beloved

(click image for optimal quality!)

brbdaly:Congratulations to Star Trek: Lower Decks for the first officially confirmed bisexual main c


Congratulations to Star Trek: Lower Decks for the first officially confirmed bisexual main character in Star Trek!

[id: A waist illustration of Beckett Mariner, a Black woman with her hair in a ponytail wearing a red Enterprise uniform with the sleeves rolled up, standing in front of the bisexual flag with her hands on her hips. At the top of the flag in pink it reads, “to boldly go.”] 

In S2:E3, Mariner affirms her attraction to bad “boys, girls,” and “nonbinary babes.”

Post link



yes star trek is about exploring and hope and helping others and reaching out a hand even when you don’t think it’ll work, but ultimately star trek is about bisexuality

“star trek is about exploring” yeah exploring each other’s bodies


It was not a thing that chiseled cracks in his impassivity, but a who, the fissures appearing well before he knew to be aware of them.

9501 Words, Rated G, written for @fandomtrumpshate

