#fangirl inthe us


Hey! I just wanted to pop on here and give you guys an update! I’m planning on uploading the next part of OOH on the 10th. However, that’s just a lose date. I’m 85% sure I shouldn’t have anything due until later this week so it should be okay.

I also wanted to let you guys know that the 9th chapter won’t be uploaded until after finals. I’m hoping that will give me enough time to get finals finished, edit chapter 9, and write chapter 10. Here’s to hope it works out that way.

Heyo! I wanted to give you guys a little heads up on what’s goin’ on. I have chapter eight of OOH written and I’m almost done with chapter nine. We’re finally getting out of the city! Yay! I hated this part of the game because I felt so stuck. However, I’m realizing how fast things go after you get out. I’m playing the game as I go and I’m seeing just how many chapters I have left. I’m estimating about five or six chapters to go. It’s crazy to think that we’re close to the end! It’s been super fun to write even if I haven’t been consistent.

That’s not all that I wanted to say. As I come closer to the end of the game, I start to really think about what I’m going to do in the next part. I’ve clearly expressed how I feel about the second game. The whole purpose of me writing this series is because I didn’t like it and wanted a redo. Therefore, in order for the next part to work, I’m gonna change the ending of the first game. I’ve already made changes to the first game anyway (you will see that in the next two chapters).

That being said, I don’t think you’ll throw too much of a fit. Anyway, I wanted to bring up the idea of how the next part will go. I’m going to link the videos but Game Theory made some brilliant ideas that got me thinking. These videos pretty much gave me the plot for the second part and I wanted to share you. I will also link them in the next series as a reminder. That’s all. Have a nice day/night!

Video 1

Video 2

I’m Back Bitches!

Hiya! Long time no write… Okay, I have reasons for my year-long disappearance. The big one was mental health (again) and a lot of life drama that ended with me moving.

That’s not why I’m making this post though! I have been struggling to get a job after moving. With all the newfound free time that I have, my Joel fic welcomed me with open arms.

Slowly, I have been working away on this fic. I have finished a few chapters but I want to get ahead while I can. School starts on the 23rd and I’m focusing on getting the words on the page. Editing is a little easier to do during school/ Let’s hope I can crank out a good five chapters before then. This being said, I will only be pushing out a chapter per month. I want to be the person that writes a chapter a week but it’s not possible with my schedule. I hope you can forgive me for that.

I also hope to start working again. Finding a job that wants me is the issue. I’m thinking of opening a ko-fi where you guys and support me and get frequent updates as well as sneak peeks of my writing.
