#hopefully im staying for good


I’m Back Bitches!

Hiya! Long time no write… Okay, I have reasons for my year-long disappearance. The big one was mental health (again) and a lot of life drama that ended with me moving.

That’s not why I’m making this post though! I have been struggling to get a job after moving. With all the newfound free time that I have, my Joel fic welcomed me with open arms.

Slowly, I have been working away on this fic. I have finished a few chapters but I want to get ahead while I can. School starts on the 23rd and I’m focusing on getting the words on the page. Editing is a little easier to do during school/ Let’s hope I can crank out a good five chapters before then. This being said, I will only be pushing out a chapter per month. I want to be the person that writes a chapter a week but it’s not possible with my schedule. I hope you can forgive me for that.

I also hope to start working again. Finding a job that wants me is the issue. I’m thinking of opening a ko-fi where you guys and support me and get frequent updates as well as sneak peeks of my writing.
