#faridagh speaks


Hi! So uhh, I said back in January that i’d be leaving the blog. I think….after some consideration and half-lurking on my own page from my phone, I realize I cant stay away for long. I think Im gonna come back. Maybe that’s happy news for some of you, maybe it’s not and that’s okay!! As I’ve always said, I appreciate you spending a bit of your day on my page and reading what I make. So thank you

This Dragon is back

I don’t know if any of you remember me at all because I haven’t been active in….maybe 2 years? It’s me Faridagh…or at least I used to be. A lot has changed irl and with me and all that stuff. I’m a Senior in college now! I have a romantic partner who ive been with for 2 years and change…I’m trans…I started this blog….fuck me, like 5 years ago? and my original account Hornedandtoothless even longer ago. I apologize for being gone for so long without really saying anything. I really enjoyed being here and im going to try to stick around, maybe pick up posting again. We’ll see, I love you all and I hope you’ll welcome me into the community again with open arms. And just like i’ve changed irl, I will be changing the aesthetic of this blog to better reflect the introspection and self discoveries i’ve made with my kintype <3

Imma take advantage of my lil platform here to promote something. I….do art! I draw! Or…….i try my best?

I made a tumblr and an instagram a lil bit ago dedicated to my art stuff it’s @honeymothart on both and trust me it’s not great but i’m on a path to better myself and my art. I’m almost exclusively active on there and my personal so thanks for being a great community here you otherkin cuties

I hope you enjoy what i’ve done!!


I may be a dragonkin but boy oh boy GOBLINS G O B L I N S

