

You are a human, you breathe air, some of you eat meat, some of you don’t. You aren’t a fucking plant. I don’t know which hipster idiot thought it would cool to take “Be one with nature.” to the next level but this shit has to stop. Also why is everyone hating on straight people now? “Just think what they did to us!!11 They t00k our rights as people omg!!1”  Please realize that your hate for a thousand group of people is stupid. They do not oppress you. People you do not know do not oppress you. You cannot judge someone from being different from what you’re used to or what you are now into. Though being plantkin is pretty fucking stupid, I can see how some people like to enjoy nature on another level. Naming your children flower names doesnt fucking stab and oppress other humans.Nor does having a nice salad. Also everyone needs to stop self diagnosing, When I was 12 I THOUGHT I had multiple personality  disorder because I related to it. It turns out I was bi-polar. Just guughghuhgh please stop

me: huh, otherkin

otherkin: *delusion of grandeur intensifies*

me: are you okay, man?

otherkin: it’s a coping mechanism, don’t be ableist, dude.

me: uh, ok, bye




if somebody identifies as something telling them that they are not something is kind of heartbreaking no matter how ridiculous it may sound to you

getting upset is a universal feeling, and when somebody goes “you can’t be that because it makes no sense to ME” people are bound to get upset especially if they truly identify with that.

i am not an otherkin - however i can empathize with them. imagine how you would feel if somebody said “your sexuality is not valid - just love a guy” or “your gender is not valid - you can’t change it if you were born with (insert genital)”. otherkin are often beaten down the same way, minus the support network.

just because YOU can’t understand how someone feels doesn’t mean they can’t feel that way. 

it doesn’t matter if somebody’s black or white, tall or short, fat or skinny, mentally ill or able - if somebody identifies as something, don’t be a dick and at least respect them. how on earth are they hurting you?


Yes.  Yes that.  THANK YOU.  Why is this so hard?


You’ve heard of nonhumans who want to eat raw meat, now get ready for: nonhumans who want to pop an entire egg inside their mouths shell and all

I don’t have any proof for it but I feel it’s kind of an alterhuman thing to find comfort in things that are often considered scary/disturbing. I feel at ease in dark, cramped spaces, and being out at night when it’s so dark you can barely see anything. There are depictions of body horror that look somehow right, because being a shapeless polymorph makes me drawn to creatures looking like shapeless mass of something. I’m drawn to so many things that should reasonably not be attractive in any way and so much of it is because I’m not a regular base human

Also, joy of joys, LycanTheory, also known as “that guy who has provably committed multiple acts of bestiality and should be in prison”, has cropped his head up on tumblr.

He’s at @mountainshep17. Wouldn’t it be a shame if he was mass-reported for bestiality and driven off-site?

I think it’d be funny.

-Southern Star

Moments of weakness are only that.


There is not a single thing

That can keep me down, ever again.

Frequently you cross my mind

I just observe you

Fleeting and blue

Like a field full of forget-me-nots

This …..fits me too well I’m in tears


yo yo! what’s up? i’m B and this is our silly little kin help blog! We’re a system ran blog with a few alters helping out here and there! We do a lot of cool stuff from icons & stimboards to positivity & tarot readings! Make sure to check out our carrd before following and requesting, please and thank you! Can’t wait to make you guys happy! Love, love! ♥

tagging ; @lilypadedits@hexedits@mahoukincare@standpride

★ Friday ★vampire themes ; for anon!★ Friday ★vampire themes ; for anon!

Friday ★

vampire themes ; for anon!

Post link

and so the sun sets on the final day 

lace and flowers hide the ruin so well

do not unbury the buried

they are there for a reason

prayers might not save you this time

a crumbling church sits abandoned, do not go inside. you will not be the same thing when you come back out. there is nothing in there but empty space to spill devotion to a god that does not exist. those who remain there would eat away at what little of you is left until you also do not remember the beautiful tragedy of being human

am i the one you dream about at night? 

how do you see me? 

you told me once

and i asked you

how could you make something so beautiful

out of crumbling ash? 

in your eyes

i am something i do not recognize 

how do you claim to love something so unholy? 

you have war in your blood

that surges through your veins

every waking moment

you carry the weight of you ancestors

in your soul

when the stars bloom

I will come for you

harbor you

until then speak

speak your woes

and speak your joys

for I will listen to it all

you will never be alone again
