#fathers design used to kill me but now i dont even blink

Full body of a woman with ash blonde curly hair tied back into a ponytail that reaches her neck. She has brown eyes and pale skin. She's standing with her arms folded, wearing a white dress shirt, suit jacket over her shoulders and dress pants. She wears a dark pale purple suit vest over her white dress shirt. She has a purple tie with criss-crossing lines forming diamonds going from light green to blue to purple. She wears dark purple shoes with white, blue and purple socks just barely visible.
Full body of a man with long orange/brown hair tied back in a loose ponytail with a fuzzy blue hair tie. He has piecing magenta eyes with light skin. He wears a coat decorated with patches of orange, purple. yellow, red and green, with a brown hood, with feather tassels along the edges. The coat is held together by a gold coloured clasp. He wears a light green yellow to green shirt under his coat and faded jeggings. He wears bright pink leg warmers and sneaker sandals from MONOCROW. He wears rainbow striped gloves and toe socks of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and grey, all offset in their patterns.
A collection of Mother poses, a blonde haired woman wearing a white suit, dark purple suit vest. One is a full body of her standing with arms crossed. Another with her smiling and a hand raised to her chin. Another front view with her arms crossed. Then two more in a glowing white form with a gradient going from green to blue to purple. One with her leaning on a railing with her head resting on her hand. The other is a glowing form of the front view of her arms crossed.
A collection of Father poses, a man with long dark blonde hair tied back in a low loose pony tail. He wears a green shirt with an orange patchy coat, rainbow gloves and toe socks, faded jeggings and pink leg warmers and sneaker sandals. One is a full body pose with one hand on his hip and hand raised up by his shoulder. Another is a white glowing form of the full body with a gradient from teal to pine green to brown. Another pose is torso upwards, laughing, one hand covering his mouth and the other waving raised up by his shoulder. Below that is the same pose but his hand has stopped swinging, hanging limply by his head. A smile barely visible from behind his hand, curving mischievously upwards. His speech bubble is darkened as he says "You do realize...".

Mother and Father Quick Introductions.

TWEWY OCs: A pair of Angels assigned to Joshua as his Mother & Father. They’ve been working together for a long time, overseeing the lower planes of Shibuya & nearby regions from the Higher Plane. They read over all the reports from Their regions to aid the Higher Plane’s research into the cycle of life & death, the Soul, & more recently, the rise in impurities in the lower planes. They’re both high ranking Angels that will not hesitate to take proper action towards any disobedient Angels to maintain the safety and order of the Higher Plane.

It’s merely a coincidence that Mother’s hair has a striking colour and style resemblance to Joshua’s - it’s a very popular style in the Higher Plane, truly! Her suit jacket looks harmless, but it’s well known by the Higher Plane entities to not come into contact with it, for it will feel like it’s searing into your Soul. She cares a lot about the state of the Higher Plane and those who reside there, sometimes going a bit beyond what is deemed necessary to keep it in order and running smoothly.

There’s great debate whether Father understands fashion since he’s greatly amused by the reactions he gets, or if it’s another example of him not grasping certain “human traits”. No one stops him from dressing the way he does, provided that he doesn’t shift the patterns on his clothing in front of lower plane entities as he’s a fan of doing. While he appears more approachable than his partner, there’s something unsettling about his expressions, as if he’s trying them out and swapping them to see how it affects those around him.
