#the world ends with you spoilers

A blonde long haired man in an orange/red/green/purple patterned coat with rainbow gloves happily holds a scruffy looking Mr. Mew doll to his chest, The Mr. Mew doll is wearing sunglasses and has an unamused cat like mouth and eyes.
A glowing figure with long white hair and flaring coat holds up a black Mr. Mew cushion to a fiery orb of white. The glowing orb is surprised by the cushion.
A glowing figure with long white hair and flaring coat holds up a black Mr. Mew cushion to a white glowing version of the cushion. The glowing figure is happy to see the cat shaped glowing figure.

Father has an unhealthy obsession with cat shaped Souls.

He may have discussed at great lengths the wondrous marvels of CAT’s work to Shibuya’s own Composer. He may have had juuust aslight influence on the development of the Mild and Wild Mews. He may have, once given a Mr. Mew cushion, happily carried it around and taken great delight in converting helping formless Angel Souls settle on a satisfactory form.

He may be likely to try out mannerisms of cat adjacent Souls, for better or for worse. But he never seems to want to appear like one and may be in denial about their influence.

Panel 1: Rhyme & Kaie are talking to Coco. Rhyme says "It's an Angel detection app. But we haven't had a chance to test it. Coco happily replies, "Mini-moto and I will gladly test it out for you!" Panel 2: Kaie starts to say "I have a client coming in soon, so unfortunately-" before he's cut off by a DING from Coco's phone. Coco exclaims "Wow! It went off!" Rhyme says, "Already? But no one has come here..." Panel 3: A door opens & someone with black spiky hair enters. Panel 4: The newcomer is revealed to be Hanekoma wearing a white dress shirt. He half smiles, saying "Oh. Hello ...Everyone." while facing Minamimoto, Coco, Rhyme and Kaie. Panel 5: Minamimoto praises the app with a "No bad." Coco chimes in false surprise with "Like. Oh. My. Goooosh~!!". Rhyme through her shock claims that "N-no way that can't be-" before focusing on Hanekoma in front of her. She greets him "Um, hi Mr. H! I-it's nice to see you again!" Hanekoma responds, "It's nice to see ya too, Rhyme...?"

Welcome back Hanekoma!

Post NEO AU: Coco and Minamimoto run into Rhyme and Kaie, who happen to be developing a very handy Angel detection app that could be quite useful to them. And it looks like with a very small sample size, it might actually work.

A Healthy Dose of Chaos Master Post

Hanekoma wanted to visit Kaie to get advice on how his art will be perceived when shared digitally (NEO SR 11). Combine that with wanting Coco and Minamimoto to talk more with Kaie and Rhyme… what if all of that happened at once? It provides an opportunity for Rhyme and Kaie to get further involved with Higher Plane plot in the AU. The current plan is they won’t be leaving their normal planes, they will still be help Coco and Minamimoto out.

A gif of the Composer from The World Ends with You - a blurry, white glowing figure - leaning sideways and having his features fade in and out and slide around, making it hard to focus on him. He has a grey scribbly aura behind him that shifts around as well.
Two images of the Composer from The World Ends with you leaning against some light grey surface. The one on the left has a white body and coloured lines and shadows, going from blue to green from top to bottom. He is looking to his left, bored and unimpressed. The one on the right is the same image but inverted in value - the body is darker and is a gradient from blue to green. the outline and shadows are darker shades. The top and right outline of the figure are in white, as if that's where the light source is coming from. The Composer is looking at the viewer.
A gif of the Composer from The World Ends with You - a blurry, white glowing figure - leaning sideways and having his features fade in and out and slide around, making it hard to focus on him. He has a grey scribbly aura behind him that shifts around as well. Occasionally an second image of his face slide in from the lower left to the center of his face.

Your Perception.

I tried not to make it eye-straining or dizzying, but a warning just in case!

Playing with Composer effects, based on an old panel from here. (Contains NEO/TWEWY spoilers!) I was messing with layer blending modes and shifting them around and decided to try to make an animation about it. The second animation has an additional “offset” effect which is a second image of the Composer’s face that slides in from the lower left and aligns with the center.

Full body of a woman with ash blonde curly hair tied back into a ponytail that reaches her neck. She has brown eyes and pale skin. She's standing with her arms folded, wearing a white dress shirt, suit jacket over her shoulders and dress pants. She wears a dark pale purple suit vest over her white dress shirt. She has a purple tie with criss-crossing lines forming diamonds going from light green to blue to purple. She wears dark purple shoes with white, blue and purple socks just barely visible.
Full body of a man with long orange/brown hair tied back in a loose ponytail with a fuzzy blue hair tie. He has piecing magenta eyes with light skin. He wears a coat decorated with patches of orange, purple. yellow, red and green, with a brown hood, with feather tassels along the edges. The coat is held together by a gold coloured clasp. He wears a light green yellow to green shirt under his coat and faded jeggings. He wears bright pink leg warmers and sneaker sandals from MONOCROW. He wears rainbow striped gloves and toe socks of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and grey, all offset in their patterns.
A collection of Mother poses, a blonde haired woman wearing a white suit, dark purple suit vest. One is a full body of her standing with arms crossed. Another with her smiling and a hand raised to her chin. Another front view with her arms crossed. Then two more in a glowing white form with a gradient going from green to blue to purple. One with her leaning on a railing with her head resting on her hand. The other is a glowing form of the front view of her arms crossed.
A collection of Father poses, a man with long dark blonde hair tied back in a low loose pony tail. He wears a green shirt with an orange patchy coat, rainbow gloves and toe socks, faded jeggings and pink leg warmers and sneaker sandals. One is a full body pose with one hand on his hip and hand raised up by his shoulder. Another is a white glowing form of the full body with a gradient from teal to pine green to brown. Another pose is torso upwards, laughing, one hand covering his mouth and the other waving raised up by his shoulder. Below that is the same pose but his hand has stopped swinging, hanging limply by his head. A smile barely visible from behind his hand, curving mischievously upwards. His speech bubble is darkened as he says "You do realize...".

Mother and Father Quick Introductions.

TWEWY OCs: A pair of Angels assigned to Joshua as his Mother & Father. They’ve been working together for a long time, overseeing the lower planes of Shibuya & nearby regions from the Higher Plane. They read over all the reports from Their regions to aid the Higher Plane’s research into the cycle of life & death, the Soul, & more recently, the rise in impurities in the lower planes. They’re both high ranking Angels that will not hesitate to take proper action towards any disobedient Angels to maintain the safety and order of the Higher Plane.

It’s merely a coincidence that Mother’s hair has a striking colour and style resemblance to Joshua’s - it’s a very popular style in the Higher Plane, truly! Her suit jacket looks harmless, but it’s well known by the Higher Plane entities to not come into contact with it, for it will feel like it’s searing into your Soul. She cares a lot about the state of the Higher Plane and those who reside there, sometimes going a bit beyond what is deemed necessary to keep it in order and running smoothly.

There’s great debate whether Father understands fashion since he’s greatly amused by the reactions he gets, or if it’s another example of him not grasping certain “human traits”. No one stops him from dressing the way he does, provided that he doesn’t shift the patterns on his clothing in front of lower plane entities as he’s a fan of doing. While he appears more approachable than his partner, there’s something unsettling about his expressions, as if he’s trying them out and swapping them to see how it affects those around him.

The first panel shows sign says "Mystery Circle" witha paw print and scratch lines to the left of the words on a building. The second panel shows an empty and dark café with a hooded figure looking at it. The third panel reveals the hooded figure is Sho Minamimoto with a frown. His eyes are hidden by the shadows of his hood and cap.
In the first panel Minamimoto slams down on the countertop. In the second panel he looks up to the doors at the back of the café. Third panel is a side view and mouth slightly open. Fourth panel zooms in on the doors he's looking at. Fifth panel is a flashback to Hanekoma leading Sho Minamimoto through the doors.
First panel, back in the present, Minamimoto pushes open the door. In the second panel, Minamimoto is looking at a small backroom filled with bookcases containing blank books, a chair, tables, a coffee apparatus, and art supplies all over. There is a tiny window at the upper left corner of the room providing some light. The third, fourth and fifth panels are flashbacks. The third is Hanekoma showing Minamimoto a book called "Fractals: Form, Chance and Dimension" by Benoit B. Mandelbrot. In the bookbase behind them some book titles are partially visible: "The Consistency of the Continuum Synthesis" by Kurt Godel, "Liber AL vel Legis" ("The Book of the Law") by Aleister Crowley and a book by Mandelbrot. The fourth is a close up of Minamimoto's mouth looking unsure, the fifth is a fang-y grin.
First panel is a flashback of some books on the bookshelf with titles on their spines. The partially visible spines are from the following books: "Pythagorean Triangles" by Waclaw Sierpinski, "Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum" by Elias Ashmole, "Transcendental Magic" by Eliphas Levi, "Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers" by Waclaw Sierpinski. The second panel is back in present day, with the same shot as the first but the spines are all now blank, and Minamimoto is reaching out to one of the books. The third panel shows Minamimoto looking at the other bookbase, which also has all the book spines blank. In the fourth panel, Minamimoto sits down in the chair by the book cases, head in heads, shown from a high angle. In the fifth panel he looks up, with a mix of anger and frustration, and maybe a bit of hurt, shown by his mouth.

There Was A Time When…

Some of them who know what I am occasionally try to contact me, but I cannot respond.

My old café on Cat Streetーthe one that served as my base three years agoーis always open to them. I hear that some drop by on occasion.

Inspired by the above NEO Secret Report with an appearance of the everchanging library and scenes from the fic Signal, Noise and Distortion as a bonus.

In the fic, Hanekoma has a backroom called “the everchanging library”. The books always seem to have what is required. So to further show that since Hanekoma isn’t around, his library only contains blank books.

While it’s ambiguous about what sort of relationship Minamimoto and Hanekoma had, I have a feeling Minamimoto would have at some point sought out Hanekoma since he wanted to save Shibuya before.

So,where the factor are you now?

Bonus: Books!

Hanekoma shows Minamimoto a book called "Fractals: Form, Chance and Dimension" by Benoit B. Mandelbrot. In the bookbase behind them some book titles are partially visible: "The Consistency of the Continuum Synthesis" by Kurt Godel, "Liber AL vel Legis" ("The Book of the Law") by Aleister Crowley and a book by Mandelbrot.
  • “Fractals: Form, Chance and Dimension” by Benoit B. Mandelbrot
  • “The Consistency of the Continuum Synthesis” by Kurt Godel
  • “Liber AL vel Legis” (“The Book of the Law”) by Aleister Crowley
  • Another book by Mandelbrot. Was intended to be “Multifractals and 1/f Noise: Wild Self Affinity” but it the title got covered up
A bookshelf showing partial titles of the following books: "Pythagorean Triangles" by Waclaw Sierpinski, "Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum" by Elias Ashmole, "Transcendental Magic" by Eliphas Levi, "Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers" by Waclaw Sierpinski.
  • “Pythagorean Triangles” by Waclaw Sierpinski
  • “Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum” by Elias Ashmole
  • “Transcendental Magic” by Eliphas Levi
  • “Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers” by Waclaw Sierpinski

Art Summary for 2021!




Template source in the reblog!

There’s been a ton of Higher Plane and Composer Neku arts for many months before NEO’s release.

September was the only month where I had one piece of art posted. Otherwise every month had a picture and comic options to pick from.

If I had to pick a single favourite, it would be January’s followed very closely by April’s. Very pleased with how art has gone this year but did hit a bit of a snag around NEO’s release. NEO gave me a break and so did TWEWYtober. I let myself do whatever for TWEWYtober and it helped me iron out more of a style that I want when not drawing Composers. Was very freeing even though I did burn out a bit from that but pulled out before it actually was an issue.

Thank you all for the support and comments! I learned even more to draw for myself first this year but I always love seeing other people enjoy my art too!

Joshua in his Composer form surrounded by his two Angel summons from TWEWY. The long haired Angel is to his right, and the smaller Angel is to his left. There is a starry background behind them.
Close up of Joshua in his Composer form surrounded by his two Angel summons from TWEWY. The long haired Angel is to his right, and the smaller Angel is to his left. They are looking at each other. There is a starry background behind them. A white painted border with the edges tinged in blue surrounds them.
Close up of Joshua in his Composer form surrounded by his two Angel summons from TWEWY. The long haired Angel is to his right, and the smaller Angel is to his left. They are looking at the viewer and their eyes are glowing in a darker environment. Joshua has a diamond shape in his iris, surrounding his pupil. His two Angel summons have diamond shaped pupils and darkened sclera. There is a starry background behind them. A black painted border surrounds them.

Chain of Command - Unification of Minds

OG SR 18 - The unification of minds is the natural state of the Higher Plane.

NTWEWY Spoilers!

Since Joshua is an Angel and from a higher plane, that means he qualifies for the hivemind! Congrats, buddy!!

With his Angel summons, I’m thinking that they could be lower ranked Angels that he can call upon. But then also, if his summons had some agency, (say they aren’t like…artificial, mindless, etc.,) that if they didn’t agree with their purpose, it’s likely that the summoner could override their will. Whether this is a conscious choice or just something natural for a higher plane being is fascinating horrifying to think about.

For the diamond iris notation here: the diamond outline in the iris means you’re part of the unification. The filled in whites, sclera, with diamond pupils means you’re 100% under control of someone above you in rank. I used purple to help show that it’s Joshua who is the one in control, since it matches his eye colour.

Joshua is talking to Hanekoma, "Me? Join you? No, I'm just here to watch." Close up on Hanekoma's eyes which has a faint diamond in his irises, surrounding his pupil. The diamond is a light pinkish yellow. "You're here to watch?" The "You're" is emphasized. Close up on Joshua's eyes. There is also a yellow diamond outline around his pupil too in his iris. Joshua pauses with "..." before responding, "You heard me."
Hanekoma tries to press for more information, "Josh-" but is cut off by Joshua saying, "We should get going." Minamimoto and Coco are watching this exchange. Coco has had enough, she leans over to Minamimoto and flicks her hand back with an annoyed expression on her face, saying, "Mini-moto, ignore what Fuzz Face said." A high angle view of Coco, from Minamimoto's perspective. She has a dangerous smile on her face as she continues, "Take him out if he even tries to stop us. *Got it?*" The "Got it" is surrounded by stars. Joshua looks back at Minamimoto and as he continues his conversation with Hanekome. "Wouldn't you say?" There are no visible diamond outlines in his eyes. Minamimoto stares back at Joshua.

You heard him.

Post NTWEWY Fun: They’re going to get along just fine, one big happy group! But not Joshua of course, he’s just tagging along.

Previous-ish||A Healthy Dose of Chaos Master Post

I haven’t quite decided on the… stages of the diamond marking in their eyes but I think the outline is for us readers to be aware of that a certain somethingcan be present, not that anyone can necessarily detect it. But if it’s filled in that does mean something else is present and at that point it would be clearly visible.

If I don’t around to it, what Coco is referencing is one of the conditions Hanekoma has for working with Minamimoto and Coco is that Minamimoto should not try and take down Joshua on sight. Especially if Minamimoto is still after the Composer’s seat.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Just a lil chibi comic to celebrate a zine I recently got accepted into! It felt very appropriate for Valentine’s Day lol

My favorite TWEWY girl with her plushie companion

[The Original Drawing] [The Warmer Edit]

Check out my other social medias down below! (I’m most active on Twitter btw)

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the thing that’s so good about the ending of twewy is just like. there’s that duality between neku hating joshua for what he put him through vs loving him for everything he did for him.

that duality between ‘you murdered me in cold blood and the reapers game was a three week traumatic nightmare of fighting for my life every day in literal hell’ and ‘it was because of this experience that i met people who became my friends and they taught this cold and broken heart how to love again and see the beauty in life.’

it’s the ‘do the ends justify the means’ thing. it’s the ‘can you ever consider pain a good thing, even if it makes you stronger’ thing. it’s the ‘if you had the ability to turn back time and undo that pain you suffered, to un-traumatize yourself, even though you learned so much from the experience, would you’ thing.

and the game leaves the question open ended. because you can’t turn back time and undo everything whether you want to or not. this is your life now, for better or for worse. it’s up to you how to feel about it. and they handle that nuance so well.

neku acknowledges how much he really has grown as a person. and how glad he is that he met everyone and expanded his world. he cares about the others. he even cares about joshua, despite everything. it’s what the game’s narrative has been pushing along. so we should be happy, right? it’s all cool for neku now, isn’t it? but then he also acknowledges how difficult those three weeks were for him, and how badly he’s been hurt by everything that joshua is responsible for. he didn’t deserve any of it.

certain wounds won’t heal. joshua was wrong for having done what he did, regardless of what good things later came out of it. it can’t be justified. and yet we can still celebrate and enjoy those good things and live beautifully in the present moment. neku himself says it well. ‘i can’t forgive you, but i trust you.’



‘but neku, i thought you couldn’t afford to lose…

give up on yourself, and you give up on the world.’

YOOOOOOUUUU. YOU get it. i was about to say this in another post. this quote is two related things and that’s why it drives me wild

firstly it’s a reconstruction of the title, ‘the world ends with you’, in that it equates “yourself” with “the world.” the world’s shape is in your hands. as is the world’s very fate.

secondly it’s like joshua telling neku not to make his same mistakes, not to give up on his life, because there’s a lot of stuff that implies that joshua committed suicide. he was dissatisfied with his existence in the rg and thought the ug was more suited for him. but now that he’s here (and in charge of the place, even) he’s still alone and miserable. but it’s irreversible. and seeing neku, someone who used to be just like him, finally growing and thriving and making connections with other people is making him jealous. but joshua is encouraging him to live that life and do what he can’t.

joshua can’t expand his world anymore. he made a choice and now he’s stuck here eternally in purgatory until someone else erases him for good. his world ends with him. he gave up on himself and thus he gave up on the world. but maybe he can prevent the same thing from happening to neku. and that’s why he spares him at the end.
