#fe fates


costume design and emotional fulfillment feat. rosamund. hhaahaahahahahaaahahahaa

i went absolutely ham with the fatesona spring alts today.

(from top left to bottom right)

rosamund - mine ☺️✨

mikaela - morgan (not on tumblr)

alexei - @iavenjqasdf

jerelyn - @ofalloftheginjoints

i mean this will never happen but intsys can’t stop me from dreaming can they

happy birthday shura ❤️ 12/21/18

look @ this fool smirkin all cool but his face is bright red……. Big Cute™️ rosie held mistletoe over his head and surprised him with a cheek kiss so she could embarass the shit out of him. ssh it’s what spouses do

thank you for the request- i’m actually happy with how these turned out! (considering i don’t like a lot of what i’ve made in the past month, orz…..)

as for the itabag- i bought all of my charms/buttons at anime expo los angeles, so i just kind of…. got all of them in person. i did recognize a lot of the artists and i know they have tumblrs and etsy stores as well, so doing a few specific searches will most likely give you the husbando content you desire ✨

everything is doodles and nothing is finished!!!


some things are finished, but only because they’re due for class (the first and third ones are also school-related)

have the smattering of whatever i managed to draw in the time since i last posted. i heard about tumblr going dicks up, so i’m @rujellyroll on twitter if anyone wants to follow. i should say in advance that i don’t use it much, but i probably will, if tumblr ends up becoming a giant dumpster fire

@colio-draws had the right fuckin idea,,,,, so of course i had to draw my own dream!shura. thank u for the inspo.

i mean he’s got his own dream of rebuilding his sacked homeland!!!!! perfect candidate!!! god this game is never gonna give me what i want


Saizo, you better tell Kagero that you were glad she was born.  Because if she wasn’t, you wouldn’t have gotten laid.

thank you drawing for @baraturtleboyfriends

thank you drawing for @baraturtleboyfriends

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Lobster Lord for the winnnn(I’ve been up sine 8am working on this im so tired OTL)

Lobster Lord for the winnnn

(I’ve been up sine 8am working on this im so tired OTL)

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Here is my ballet, I did not get to vote on the last day.

Continuing the Fire Emblem characters in acrylic charm form! I’ve had them for like forever bu

Continuing the Fire Emblem characters in acrylic charm form! I’ve had them for like forever but never listed them haha, hopefully soon!

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just thinkin’ about them again and decided it was worth indulging myself again.

just thinkin’ about them again and decided it was worth indulging myself again.

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