#feels like yesterday


5 years ago TVD has come to end, Stefan died, lots of emotional damage and lots of happy reunions in one EPIC (I was feeling epic to write it) finale, I truly miss the entire TVDU fandom ♥️ let’s all remember the good times of those beloved characters, even the toxic and short living ones

Ps, if anyone ever feels like spilling their guts on this kind of trash, I would HAPPILY join and be there


basically, last night, brendon and sarah were at adam levine’s halloween party. we know this because sarah posted several gifs of herself and brendon on the app PHHHOTO, with the tag image for adam levine’s party on it. see here for an example of one of them.

now, we knew that ryan was at some party last night, because of this picture:


…but we weren’t sure if it was adam’s party! (by the way, that skeleton in the background is NOT brendon, although the makeup is very similar to brendon’s). 

then, this morning, langley fox (a friend of ryan’s) also posted a PHHHOTO with adam levine’s tag image on it. see here. we weren’t sure if this meant that ryan was at the party specifically, though. 

buuuuut then there was this picture, of ryan and langley hanging out at the party:


so yeah, ryan and brendon were at the same party last night and i Die
