#female director

SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although SUBLIME CINEMA #588 - THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLESOne of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although


One of the most infuriating movies ever made. Although Jackie Siegel is strangely sympathetic, it’s a portrait of extreme decadence and tacky, wasteful spending unlike much else I’ve seen. 

It did however prove that Lauren Greenfield is one of the most interesting documentarians around. 

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