




This twitter thread about Ferengi starships is genius

“Basically if you want to imagine the nightmare world of Ferengi starships, merely take one of the many pieces of bullshit we have to deal with every day and put it in space.”

THIS GUY GETS IT. This is indeed the crux of the best Ferengi worldbuilding in my opinion. We’re already a bunch of clowns living in clown world. Putting it in space just makes the inanity jump out.

Full transcript under the cut because there is some gold in this whole thread:

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some dumb thoughts for a quark pin,, i’m too much of a coward to get this produced though

i AM interested in doing some trek pins however- i’m open for suggestions!

hey guys!! the quarks are now up on etsy if you want to pin a tiny capitalist goblin to your bag/hat/coat/miscellaneous accessory

i am VERY happy with how he came out and would love to justify making more :eyes:

QUARKS ARE ON THE GO! I should get them towards the end of the month and also get my store up and running again

In Star Trek Deep Space Nine Ferringi women got the right to wear clothes. Unfortunately civilian clothes in the TNG-DS9-VOY era of Star Trek is known for being hideous

I’m still in the process of rewatching DS9, I totally forgot the ferengi basically pull off a Weekend at Bernie’s with a Dominion dead guy.

More Bravely Default crossovers. This time: Quark from ST:DS9 in the Bard asterisk from BDII (altered a bit to make it look more like a normal Ferengi suit). I thought this costume would make a good Ferengi outfit with its long tails and green colors. And the Ferengi are basically peafowl anyway…


Oh no….

I’ve got more Ferengi pregnancy headcanons.

TW for weird alien biology and fake biological terminology and canon typical misogyny.

Okay, dipping into the biological aspect:

Yoom-Lox is not the same as going into heat. Rather, the Ferengi going through Yoom-lox sends a biological signal to all the Ferengi around them to start ovulating.

Consequently it tends to make the Ferengi around uncomfortable, off-balance, and a little horny. Which is why it’s preferred a Ferengi in Yoom-lox sequester themselves.

As discussed previously, all Ferengi have the same genitalia. It changes internally based on hormone levels. When no yoom-lox are taking place they’re effectively infertile because all the relevant parts are closed off.

In a Ferengi going through Yoom-lox, an opening to a chamber not dissimilar to a uterus opens. In Ferengi affected by the Yoom-lox, a penile shaped ovipositor engorges in preparation for depositing the egg.

You can likely deduce what goes on from there.

It is biologically possible for a Ferengi to carry four children at a time.

Social implications:

It used to be that someone in charge of a Ferengi female could contract their wombs out to multiple partners at a time. But back in the days before they were advanced enough to have paternity testing, there was no way to determine which child belonged to which father. So depending on the type of contract it was easy to say that the strongest belonged to the one most willing to pay the most for a strong baby, or if one died early on they could ditch the cheapest contract.

It was quite common to accept one very expensive contract and a couple of lousy ones so that you had a couple of babies in reserve just to beat the infant mortality rates.

But eventually enough people got mad about the broken contracts that it had to be regulated.

So now they’re only allowed to take one contract per yoom-lox.

They have the technology to do paternity testing nowadays, but these regulations are more effective in keeping the poor people poor. Limited contracts means a more competitive market.

Reblogging myself because I forgot all about this

Being a woman, fucking a ferengi would be disgusting. But if a was a man, fucking a ferengi would be one of the hottest happenings in my life. Hope this helps.

Sometimes I see ASMR videos in which there is a girl who is seductively basically giving a blowie to an ear-shaped microphone. And I ask myself: who tf is the target audience for this?

Ferengi. The target audience is Ferengi.

Did the @trek-rarepair-swap

Ishka/lwaxana for @gluecookie

Ishka likes to spoil her girl and Lwaxana likes being spoiled

Spock visits the optometrist

Ferengi beach holiday

Spock birthday party

Janeway dance party
