#drawn with krita


“I got you, moonlight, you’re my starlight / I need you all night, come on, dance with me” – Levitating by Dua Lipa

Thing #2 I drew for Quodo Mini-fest II.

Thing #1 I drew for Quodo Mini-fest II. I kind of cracked myself up the entire time drawing this because it was fun pushing Quark and Odo’s designs in such an extreme cute direction. (In some ways, chibis are kind of my natural drawing style.)

Starlancer!Riesz with Rogue!Hawkeye and Nightblade!Hawkeye. Inspired by this fic.

More Riesz and Hawkeye (SNES flavor). Drawn for Multifandom Doodle 2021.

Ringabel, Yew, Therion, and Seth in their respective thief costumes. Drawn for woodland-knight for Bravely Santa - I’m reposting as a separate piece just to organize my art blog.

“In the name of the Moon, I’ll punish you!” - Magnolia in woodland-knight’s “Crystal Soldier” design. I’m really happy how holographic the colors ended up looking here (it was sort of a happy accident).

(I’m crossposting this art separately to make it easier to organize in my art blog.)

A piece of art I drew to accompany this fic - Odo as a Kaguya-hime-like figure, donning a hagoromo (feather robe) / morphing into a hawk.

Oh yeah, I drew this back in November and forgot to crosspost. Dark Majesty and Isabella/Belladonna from Trials of Mana, drawn for Trick or Treat. Belated Happy Halloween!

Me, half-asleep in the morning:

My brain: What if… Quark and Odo… in yukata?

Maybe DS9 is celebrating a Japanese festival? Sorry, I don’t know how to explain this other than that I am and always will be a weeb. (Also, I probably could have given this a more elaborate background but I kind of just wanted to finish this quickly to exorcise it from my mind.)

Fem!Quark and Conveniently Placed Odo, an art remix of this fic, done for Remix Revival. Full art under the cut because it’s mildly NSFW:

My favorite things about TOS

I drew this to celebrate finishing Star Trek TOS (although I haven’t seen the animated series or the movies so no spoilers). Things I enjoyed:

1) Kirk’s chaotic fighting style,

2) The cut of these Starfleet uniforms,

3) The creative costume designs,

4) Seeing young Lwaxana and Pulaski (I realize it should be the other way around).

Art I drew as a followup to this fic. This is what goes through my head whenever I try to figure out why Sabin thought Vargas killed Duncan in Final Fantasy VI when he was alive the whole time.

Duran x Hawkeye from Trials of Mana, drawn for Rare Male Slash Exchange. In their Light-Light looks because I can. In particular, I love Hawkeye’s pale hair in the concept art.

Sand and Fire - Elazul and Rubens from Legend of Mana. Another art drawn for Little Black Dress exchange. (I can finally post all this art now. I’ve been a busy little art bee!)

I wanted to contrast the way Elazul openly shows his core vs. the way Rubens hides his.

Justice will prevail! …Just kidding. *boop*

Chai Xianghua and Liang Lingyu, drawn for Little Black Dress exchange.

clawsoutspotsoff:streaming while I play with the DC/Miraculous sketches because I need some relaxati


streaming while I play with the DC/Miraculous sketches because I need some relaxation/serotonin. 

just music because I don’t wanna go get my microphone


Still streamin’

I do not have the hang of Krita but it is fun to slllloooooowly figure out

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Oh look, more. More or less something to do while everyone else does things.Kentsugi used to be a doOh look, more. More or less something to do while everyone else does things.Kentsugi used to be a doOh look, more. More or less something to do while everyone else does things.Kentsugi used to be a do

Oh look, more. More or less something to do while everyone else does things.

Kentsugi used to be a doctor. Specifically, a surgeon. But he had to quit before he got in trouble because he likes blood a little too much, and there’s too much temptation. So now he does more nefarious things where nobody can see in the name of science, though the specimens don’t always survive. Hi he’s a villain.

Amun is technically a vampire, so naturally he’s pretty okay with blood. He’s usually a pretty clean individual though so the fact he’s a mess is a little troubling. Happy Spooktober?

Vasa being Vasa. Decided to give my eyes a rest from all the red going on, and blue is a nice soothing color. Even if the character in question is far from soothing anymore.

I feel like I’m drawing Otome characters. .-.

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