#ai generated



i fed the ai behind inferkit a list of all chuckle sandwich podcast episodes that do not have guestsand made it generate new titles. think of this as the high-tech version of that generator i made

all titles under the cut because it’s long as hell

Breaking News About Schlatt’s Foolishness

Ted and the Bear Fist

Schlatt’s Lonely Origin Story

Don’t Download the Podcast!

My Dad Is a Liberal

Let’s Go to Detroit

Schlatt Is My Friend

Macabre Consequences

Ted, Baby!

The Mythical World of Charlie Slimecicle

Ted’s Multiple Fatalities

Charlie is a Serial Killer

We Just Died and Now We’re All Dead

We Never Were In Charge

Schlatt’s Cold War in Russia

The Podcast Might Come to an End

All the best to our wonderful listeners. Thank you for being part of our show.

So, using poems posted on Poetry Daily in the past month or so, I loaded InferKit with arbitrary combinations of three-to-eight-line chunks of poems to see what kind of “literary poetry” it would generate

This is, of course, intended as a criticism of literary poetry, demonstrating

  • that an AI, given a random mishmash of lines from literary poetry published recently, can write about as well as a bunch of people with PhD’s in writing
  • that the AI can “figure out” that it is supposed to include suicide, awkward sexual metaphors, hating motherhood, quotes from Freud, and hating being alive.

Reader interpretation does about 80% of the work in poems like this. I don’t think this is entirely, unilaterally bad, though. The human ability to see meaningful patterns in noise enriches us with a lot of beauty, it’s true. That’s maybe why the AI often throws lines that seem meaningful.

Despite the fake deep edginess, I kind of like poem #2. “You’re going to hell” the printer tells me is a favorite line.

Here are two that are dear to me old heart.
Two stubby little Fighting + Psychic Pokemon generated from the Nokemon AI website.
Behold, Garrapple and Hadrunt!


So I recently stumbled upon one of those AI-generated art websites, specifically one that specializes in creating new Pokemon. I generated a whole bunch of them with the intention of drawing them all later.

But first, here are some utterly naff ones the website generated for me

Drew these inglorious reject mons!

Honestly, I kinda loathed them at first and didn’t want to bother drawing them. But now that I have, they’ve kinda grown on me!

ai generated


AI art from the prompt: Teddy Bears working on new AI research underwater with 1990s technology

[pt. 3 here!] – i legitimately rushed to get this ready before late-night work yesterday and then hit “draft” instead of “queue,” I’m an idiot

As we enter the homestretch, I’ll warn you… things get a little surreal. 

Like, even more than usual.


Like,Scrappy being a butterfly and fishmonger.

He may admittedly be in the seafood transportation sector, but that’s really up to the reader’s interpretation. 

Seriously now, things get weirdas it devolves. Here’s another section generated, verbatim:


Who’s talking? 

What’s the competition? 

What vendetta does the hand-ghost have against it? I don’t have answers.

…frankly, if I did have answers, that would be even moreconcerning.

But hey, new character alert! There’s a Captain Ramsey now.


…oh yeah, and let’s not forget about Mr. Velma too.

Earlier we had Mr. Daphne, now Mr. Velma… the neural network discovered fanfiction!

Of course you may rightly be wondering – what’s Mr. Velma’s area of expertise as a scientist?


…it’s space. 

Yes,the gang is going to outer space.

Don’t ask me who Felicious is. My money’s either on “rapper”or“Shakespearean nobleman.”

So yeah, they’re in space now, asking questions – when a planet glows in the dark, what causes that?



C’mon, people. You shouldn’t have to rely on Mr. Velma to explain this stuff.

They somehow manage an almost real-sounding planetary discussion…


…oh yeah, and D.B. Cooper is with them too.

We looked everywhere on earth for him… but he wasn’t on earth at all.

Only three excerpts from the end, however, we’ve exhausted our supply of normalcy. Reality melts down further by the second.


For instance here, I find myself asking:

1. Are they back on Earth now?

2. What?


I’ve spent five minutes just trying to find what to say here… I’ve got nothing.

At least fortunately, a (maybe) spooky creature shows up in typical Scooby-Doo fashion…


unfortunately… Scooby is now Velma’s uncle.

insert “monkey’s uncle” joke here or something, my brain hurts

After an adventure so grand, so chaotic – even bringing them to outer space – what could possibly conclude a saga like this?


…of course. I should have known.

Some random nonsense and Velma not being old enough to be elected governor. 

Ok.We’re done. It’s all done. It’s over. If you need me, I think I’m gonna go lay down and see if my brain can unmelt.

[pt. 2 here! / pt. 4 coming!]

We rejoin our intrepid adventurers doing what they do best…


…whimpering, panicking, and… callingthemselves for help?

The 3 of you that are old Homestarrunner fans will see the Best Caper Ever similarities. The rest of you will, rightly, just think us weird.

With the introduction of a plane crash, we get somewhere in the vicinity of a real plot…


…which may have been caused by a… pizza factory.

Pizzeria,pizza factory, taqueria,taco depot. Same thing.

And speaking of food, a new character is introduced, bringing a small sandwich. Shaggy responds…


by screaming, and then immediately chilling out.

I especially like how it’s “this time.” The implication that this is a repeat situation, and Mr. Moss primarily just brings them sandwiches.

Butoh no! 

…like,really oh no. They all agree.


…though I gotta say, Fred has a very optimistic perspective on the future of sea beasts.

Sea Beasts of Tomorrow: the ‘50s educational short we desperately need.

Next, everybody, um… they sorta… well, they…


…well,they get really into sea cows.

Imagine it as a real episode. The plot just comes screechin’ to a halt, and everyone gets obsessed about an extinct sea-bound mammal for a bit.

Which is shortly followed by a scene that can only be described as a carbon monoxide leak…


or an excerpt from a lost Samuel Beckett play.

“…what shall I say of today? That with Shaggy my friend, at this place, until the fall of night, I waited for Fred-ot? That Scrappy passed with his carrier, and he spoke to us? But in that, what truth will there be?”

But then, out of nowhere… Tonyshows up.


And with him ushers in the… Blue Shaggysubplot?

Oh, that’s just classicTony.

I’m trying to follow, here. So they met some alternate Shaggy in an alley?


Who can read minds, and they have to run from?

…wait,is Blue Shaggy actually a cohesive villain?


He’s a robot! Blue Shaggy is a mind-reading robot, impersonating a member of the gang!

I can’t believe it. The neural network actually has a plot going!


…aaaaand Fred’s making up words and putting blood on his hands to keep vampires away.

Guess things are back to normal, folks.

…normal as AI-generated Scooby-Doo can get, that is.

[april fools 2022 – introductory post/pt. 1 here!]

We re-join the gang with mystery already in process, humming along to themselves…


…and thus begins the recurring theme of speaking in triplicate.

You’ve got your garden-variety mysteries, your mysteries about mysteries, and then your mysteries aboutmystery-mysteries.

Scrappy is, as some of you may be glad to hear, in some kind of peril…


…and he’s Scrappy. Scrappy is Scrappy. 

We must be certain about this fact.

Anddang, son, the sass comin’ out of Scooby at the end there.

Next, Velma uses the phrase “up-vote”… which feels weird enough already…


but the fact that someone “gaspers” just takes it up a notch.

Y’see, y'got your three basic kinds of noises. Roaring, rumbling, and gaspering.

Shortly after, Shaggy informs Scooby he must… prepare to splat?


…and now I’m starting to think there might actually be three Scrappy-Doos.

Fun fact: in the stuff left on the cutting room floor, the phrase "prepare to splat" recurs a surprising number of times. 

This next section actually comes out fairly normally, though!


…including scrappy suggesting Scooby cluck like a chicken if he’s in the mood.

But this next bit, um… where do I even begin.

It generated no names, the formatting is all wonky–… 

…y’know what, here. This is it verbatim.


Do with this information as you will.

Somehow, I doubt the AI will ever get Ghosts In The Fog And A Butt-Touching Dog adapted into a real episode.

[pt. 3 here!]

[introduction here! /pt.2 here!]

Our artificial episode starts the same as any real episode – with Daphne forcibly taking over an island.


Ah, “Acting dumb is for fools”. Words to live by.

But then the mystery begins! The gang learns of some ghost-beasts being searched for…


…which Shaggy soon solves bytaking 150 ghost-beastsand just… placing them elsewhere.

Insert gif of Patrick here. Y’know, thatone.

Next, the gang gets… gets, um… a little confused.


…ok, maybe a lotconfused.

Tune in next week to the exciting conclusion of “was a ghost a ghost.

We’re also treated the first appearance of Scrappy-Doo…


…who’s…performing some kind of ritual? Maybe? Any guesses?

Also, Daphne, technically it’s SirScoob.

Now, the apparent ghost-capital they’re exploring is, as we learn, located by a cliff cliff…


…and Fred has a line so delightful it should be in a real episode.

Ghost-beasts, man. Even geological formations are scared of ‘em.

At this point, the neural network generating this gets a little… audio-notation-happy.


…oh yeah, and “Mr. Daphne” happens too.

Even gumming and crowding can’t really compete with that.

It’s only after a discussion on supernatural employment, though, that the first audio-notation peak is hit…


…and no matter how hard I try, I can’t even imagine.

Whose giggly yelling is it? Velma’s? The ghost’s, during its ghost work? 

Scrappy then reprises his concerning messages from the demon sequence…


and is somehow more-concerning than when he was summoning a demon.

The laughing? Maybe his. The hisses? Maybe the demon’s. The gulf? …Mexico’s?

Of course, it has to cap off with the greatest stage direction of all time…


most scooby mumbles.

Which coincidentally was the name of my grunge band in college.

ai generated gamer shirts


Art and the inspiration






this ai bitch gonna put me outta business

mark summing up my two moods

So I’ve been fiddling around with AI art recently, and last night I decided to run an experiment: without any photo references or art style preferences, I plugged in each of the Linked Universe Links’ names into the art generator, along with two words I associate with them. This is what happened:

“Time, gods, moon”:

“Warriors, scarf, commander”:

“Twilight, wolf, shadow”:

“Sky, birds, sun”:

“Legend, seagulls, traveler”:

“Wild, amnesia, knight”:

“Hyrule, magic, lightning”:

“Four, colors, blacksmith”:

“Wind, sailor, sister”:

This is as good as faces get with DALL•E. Imagine the technology in a few years…

Spock visits the optometrist

Ferengi beach holiday

Spock birthday party

Janeway dance party

Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos! Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos!

Some AI generated Pokemon I’ve been working on for a while! Enjoy these weirdos!

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Made this ai image generator make me some funky dudes to draw as fakemon! Generated image under the read more

himbofisher: you wouldn’t believe the sound i made at these. xenie baby :)


you wouldn’t believe the sound i made at these. xenie baby :)

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love wins ️‍
