#ferrus manus


If I really wanted to write a cheap shot shitpost fanfic

I’d put Poison Ivy’s brand of genocide versus that of Ferrus Manus and the Iron Hands as an evil vs evil scenario.

In the left corner you have Ivy, who believes herself an embodiment of Plant Life and thus all humans are evil and deserve to die along with all herbivores and anything that harms plants. Yes, bees and pollinators 100% count in Ivy-land as to ‘life that needs to die.’ Animals are forbidden to live, only glorious plants (someone SHOULD try to tell Ivy that killing off pollinators will kill off most plants but she’d just mind-whammy them and send them to be a suicide bomber for the effort).

On the right corner you have grimdark Robber Baron Ferrus Manus with his Grimdark Satanic Mills and he, Iron Hands whose Iron Hands gave the name to the Iron Hands symbol of the Iron Hands Legion would seek to be the fist of retribution. The 'all flesh except plant life needs to die’ versus 'the flesh is weak and the machine is strong, humanity is at its best when it’s a machine with a brain and a spinal cord and the rest are gears’.

Both views are completely nonsensical in any outside context, and Ferrus Manus is a guy with a marked habit for losing his head and no different to other superpowered beings in the DCU in one sense, with Ivy canonically established as able to mind-whammy SUPERMAN whenever she wants to have a pet genocidal agent.

Glowy Ferrus and Fulgrim

I’m still on the glowy-pic-roll. And since @relax-and-read-on had this neat little headcanon-post for their AU for those two guys yesterday, I could put my evil powers of 80s neon to good use.
