#fezco oneshot


Her Daddy

Title: Her Daddy

Alt Title: Little Miss. Novalie Jude O’Neill

Warnings: teen parenthood and swearing

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own you or the euphoria franchise , I own the writing

You sighed, shaking your head. “Novalie, you are ok.” You spoke to the wailing baby in your arms.

“You just ate pumpkin, what do you need?” You patted the four month old’s back, who continued to cry into your ear.

“Bad timin’?” You heard a familiar voice. “No, perfect timing.” You responded, sarcastically.

“Let me see her.” Fezco walked over. “Gladly.” You responded, placing Novalie in his arms.

“You coulda called and told me she was fussin’. I woulda come over.” Fez said, patting her back, holding her close to his chest. “You’d be over everyday then.” You laughed a little.

You and Fezco dated for a year, before he broke up with you after Rue did fentanyl. Three weeks later, you found out you were pregnant. Little Miss. Novalie Jude O'Neill.

“Novalie Jude, you’re just fine, stop being dramatic.” Fez hushed Novalie, who quickly quieted down.

“You got the magic touch.” You sighed, slightly irritated at how quickly he got the baby to calm down within minutes when you were struggling for hours.

“Shit, she just wanted her daddy.” Fez shook his head. “What about you?” He asked, looking at you as Novalie began to fall asleep.

“What about me?” You asked, touching Novalie’s hair. “You want her daddy?” Fez asked, the lop-sided smile you fell in love with moving across his lips.

“What’re you getting at Fezco?” You crossed your arms. “Shit, never mind.” He shook his head, walking through the house to your room.

“Don’t do that…”

“Do what?”

“Never mind-ing me. You know that’ll piss me off quicker than any other thing you’ll do.” You listened as he opened the door and placed Novalie in her bed.

“Shh.” He looked at you. “You’ll wake up lil ma. Ain’t your own rule; you wake, you take?” He walked back out to you to the living room.

“Fezco O'Neill I am working on three hours of sleep if you don’t make your point within the next minute I’m punching you.”

Fezco snorted a little, before cupping your face in his hands.

“Fez?” You looked up at him.

“I miss you.” He said, his forehead resting on yours. “And I regret lettin’ you go, I miss you every minute of everyday.” He spoke softly, closing his eyes.

“I missed you so much, ma. You have no clue.” His hands moved to your hips.

“I missed you…” Your hands moved up his chest to your shoulders.

“Lemme have you again. I won’t ever let you go.” He was practically whispering. “I love you.” He lifted his head, making eye contact with you.

“You have me. I love you.”

“Thank god.” He hugged you tight, pressing his lips onto yours. You laughed, kissing back.

And once again, life made sense.

Don’t Disrespect My Girl - Fezco x Reader

Summary - You’re finally discharged from the hospital, only to come home to a desperate Lexi at the doorstep.

Words - 1.5k

Warnings - angst, fluff

A/N - I’m thinking of making this a series, what do you think?

Part 1 here

The moment a child is born, a mother is also born. She never existed before. The women existed but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. Being a mother is learning strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.

Two days of being a mother to a beautiful baby boy was an absolute blessing to you. Beau was born healthy and that was more than you could have ever wished for. The rollercoaster of emotions that came after birth were something you’d never imagined.

All of you had finally been discharged. The nurses gave you the all clear that you could go home and you were extremely grateful. You weren’t just blessed with a baby, you were blessed with an overwhelming sense of joy. This was gonna be a whole new journey to experience.

“You ready to go home Ma?” The question you’d been waiting for. You nodded your head and he grabbed the car-seat in which your baby was peacefully sleeping in.

“I sure am.” With his other hand, he grabbed your hand. The two of you were really leaving this hospital with a whole ass extra life to keep protected. Ash was waiting in the parking lot impatiently. There was nothing he wanted more than to have his family home.

“Bout fuckin’ time, I’ve missed ma nephew.” Ash spoke as Fez placed Beau’s car seat into the car. Triple checking all of the straps were done correctly, you were all ready to go.

“He’s missed you Ash.” You chuckled, taking a seat next to the baby. Fez decided to ride in the back with the two of you. As the car began moving, you reached over and let Beau grasp your finger with his hand.

“He’s definitely gonna be a mommas boy.” Fez laughed, snapping a photo.

“Nah he gon’ be an uncles boy.” Ash groaned. The drive home didn’t take to long and as you pulled up, you saw someone knocking on the front door.

“Is that fuckin’ Lexi?” Ash almost shouted, remembering that his nephew was peacefully sleeping. Your lips turned into a thin line as rage practically filled your body. It made you think about what happened just days before between you and Fez. Was it the fact you were going into labour and needed him that you just forgave him like that? What a dumbass you felt like.

“This bitch is gonna be the first one to see I’ve had the baby? For real?” You snapped.

“Ion know what she’s doin’ here.” Fez groaned. Lexi noticed the car and turned around. The three of you got out of the car and you carefully grabbed your son. Lexi’s jaw dropped when she noticed your family of three had turned into four.

“The fuck do you think you are showin’ up to our house like dat?” Ashtray was not happy. You weren’t pregnant anymore and your hormones were all over the place.

“Y/N gimme my nephew, ima take him inside in case ya need to fuck shit up.” Ash gently grabbed the baby from you and headed inside - not forgetting to shoot glares in Lexi’s direction.

“Was me not hitting you enough?” You crossed your arms over your chest.

“Fucking answer me Howard cause I swear to god I ain’t afraid to do it again.” You rolled up your sleeves.

“I um, I…” She was stuttering on her words.

“Come to admit your feelings to Fez or what? I never forgot how cute you two both looked on my sofa the other day.” Fez knew you hadn’t let it go. He doesn’t blame you though. His actions were fucking stupid.

“Gonna tell me that the only reason you two were holding hands was because you were practicing for a non-existent boyfriend? Fucking talk Lexi.” You shouted at her.

“Oh really Y/N? You think you’re some fucking saint don’t you? You get the family, the man, the baby. You get everything. Your attitude makes you seem incredibly unappreciative to what you have in your life right now.” Oh how you wanted to spar her right there and then.

“My attitude is what’s gonna help raise our son into avoiding bitches like you.” She seemed slightly gobsmacked against that comment.

“Bitches like me? What do you mean bitches like me?”

“Lexi listen’ obviously you have some sorta feelin’s towards me. I ain’t fuckin’ with ya if ya think I was holdin’ yo hand romantically.” Fez admitted.

“But I thought, I thought you liked me. You knew I related to that movie and you willingly held my hand.” Lexi sounded like she was about to cry.

“Cause you was sad, ion like seeing people sad. I also don’t like you like dat.” Fez simply replied.

“I could give you everything.” Lexi tried to reason with him.

“Are you fucking delusional? We just had a baby and you come here fantasising about being with somebody else’s boyfriend? Fuck me, you’re really behaving like your sister right now.” There it was, your lowest yet almost amazing blow at her.

“How dare you-” Fez cut Lexi off.

“You on her property too right now. Don’t disrespect my girl like that Lexi.  The fuck is wrong with you?  I got feelin’s for one girl, it sure as hell will never be you.” Fez finished.

“Think that’s your queue to take your crazy ass back to your car and never come near my family again.” You got up in her face. For once she stopped being so defensive and ran off in tears.

“You good baby?” Fez asked, wrapping his arms around you.

“I just think we need a conversation okay? Just a little bit of communication so I can see where we’re both at.” He nodded at your response and the two of you walked into the house together.

“This here is the TV, we gon’ be watching so many fuckin’ movies together kid.” You overheard Ash. You and Fez stopped dead in your tracks to watch how Ash was interacting with Beau.

“You gon’ be such a badass Beau, jus’ like me and your dad.” Ash continued and that made you snigger. Ash quickly shot around as you and Fez started laughing.

“Laugh all you want, but I love this kid.” You nodded and allowed Ash to continue giving his nephew a house tour.

“So, the whole hand-holding thing? It was just because you were just reassuring her?” You asked Fez, taking a seat on the sofa. He sat beside you.

“Ma I know it looked hella fishy but I swear to you it’s all it was. Ion know why I reacted the way I did either. Must’ve seemed fuckin’ suspicious and shit. I ain’t ever want you to doubt my love for you. You know that?” You nodded, slowly processing the information.

“What about when you said and I quote I wouldn’t have agreed to have this baby if this was going to happen.” Fez took a deep breath, recalling the memory of him speaking so down to you.

“I always vowed to ma self’ that I wouldn’t let myself say shit outta anger, and I really went against my word when I did.” He began, at least the two of you were getting somewhere.

“Lookin’ back at how I reacted, no fuckin’ pregnant women should have those words said to them. Ion know why I fuckin’ said that shit Ma, because you goin’ through all of that with Beau was crazy. You grew a whole ass life in there.” Now it was your turn to take a deep breath.

“I can’t say I appreciate it because you’re right, those words were a bunch of shit. It all started on New Year’s Eve. She was all over you.” You frowned and he reached over to grab your hand.

“Listen to me ma.” The two of you looked each-other in the eye.

“I’m oblivious to the obvious, I swear ima get better at that. I can’t risk hurtin’ yo damn feelin’s’ no more. My actions were terrible and I’m so sorry.” He sincerely apologised to you.

“If you ever pull that fucking shit again, I will leave and won’t look back, you hear me?” You threatened and he knew you were serious. A weight had been lifted from both of your backs.

“Now gimme some love sugar.” You joked and he laughed, reaching over to give you a kiss. You winced slightly as you leaned in.

“You good?” Fez panicked.

“There’s pain in places that I didn’t even know you could get pain in.” You groaned and your boyfriend frowned.

“You wanna lay in bed or on the sofa?” You were more than happy to remain on the sofa. You were slightly over the thought of laying in a bed again. Fez draped the knitted blanket over the two of you.

“Ima take you to yo mom.” You heard Ash say. Coming back to the living room. You smiled upon both of their arrivals and he handed you the baby.

“Uncle Ash is so on night duties with you baby boy.” You whispered loud enough so that he would hear.

“I been tellin’ you sis, I will die for that kid.” Ashtray’s response was different from his usual sarcastic self.

“He finna have yo blonde hair from when you was younger.” Fez noticed the lightness in his hair.

“But he’s got your beautiful eyes baby.” You smiled, taking in the very peaceful moment.

“He gon’ have ladies running after him.” Fezco’s comment made you scoff.

“Beau ain’t having no girlfriends that’s for sure.” He chuckled at your response and put his arm around your shoulder.

“No fuckin’ way, he gon’ need to be a king before he gets a girl.” Ash warned.

“See how protective he is?” Fez whispered to you.

“Lucky for you Ash, his nursery is right next to your room. You can make sure no bad bitches come near him.” You told him with a smile.

“No girl’, no fed, no nothin’ is taking this boy away from me.”

Empty Spaces - Fezco x Reader

Summary - This is part 2 to I was there for you. With nasty weather coming into town, you hesitantly sat in your car blasting heartbreak anthems. Was Fez going to come to his senses and run after you?

Word Count - 1.1k

Warnings - angst, fluff

It is a very strange thing, to be in love. It changes you. Your thoughts constantly drift towards this person, no matter what you’re doing. Sometimes we fall in love by chance, but staying is the choice.

It takes a strong heart to love but it takes an even stronger heart to continue to love after being hurt. Our hearts are meant to be broken so that the right person could come and fix them. What if the person who was breaking your heart was the only one to fix it.

You hadn’t known how long you’d been sitting in your car. It shocked you how your neighbours rarely got involved with anything they’d heard. It was a rainy day, the water spilling from the clouds just like the tears down your cheeks.

Adele was on your radio. It felt convenient that the British heart-break songwriter was blaring through your speakers but it wasn’t making you feel any better (even if you did own all of her CD’s.)

Ash and Fez had to put up with years of sad songs by Adele. Not because you were genuinely sad all of the time, but because her music was so relatable. Now it really felt relatable.

Each minute passed and you knew it had been way over ten by now. The pit feeling in your stomach felt horrendous. Your heart and your head were both encouraging you too think Fez would come running after you in the pouring rain.

Fez was contemplating his life decisions as the clock ticked away. He hadn’t been thinking straight lately and that was evident now as he watched you walk out of the door. Ash didn’t leave the room, fearful of whether his brother would just let you walk out of their lives.

“I fuckin’ meant it bro. She goes, I do. I wouldn’t be shit without her.” Ash continued to persuade his brother.

“Ion know what you wan’ me to fuckin’ do Ash. Run after her and tell her I didn’t mean it?” He tried not to snap at him but his emotions were running extremely high.

“Don’t you wanna do that?” Ash was right. Everyone in the world could see that Fezco’s business partner had his head screwed on.

“Fuck man.” Fez cursed to himself, running a hand over his shaved head.

“If I was lookin’ at this from an outside perspective, I’d say you don’t love her no more.” Ash admitted and Fez practically had steam coming out of his ears.

“Cause if ya did, you’d have never let her leave like that.” Ash shook his head. The storm was definitely coming down a lot heavier now and Fezco recalled a time where he’d held you in his arms to calm you down. You hated thunderstorms. It was a fear you’d had ever since you were a little girl. The roar of thunder was just enough to send you into a full-blown meltdown.

“She fuckin’ hates this weather.” Fez ran as his fast as his legs could carry him. The rain was pouring down fast. His heart nearly jumped into his throat as he watched you begin to reverse. Ash watched through the security cameras, praying you wouldn’t go anywhere.

“No, no, no.” Fez ran towards your car and banged his hands on the bumper - making you fully aware he was there. You slammed on the breaks, cautious of your next moves. He moved over to the passenger side and tried opening the door but in this case the doors were locked. Fez tried to hide the smile on his face. He’d always told you to lock your doors before driving anywhere so no asshole would try and kidnap you.

“Ma please.” He was soaking wet and if it wasn’t for the love you had for him, you would’ve left him there. You unlocked the door and he was quick to sit.

“What do you want?” You sniffled, not making eye contact with him.

“Jus’ come inside and we can talk.” Fez told you, turning down Adele who was still blasting but you turned it back up.

“This song is how you made me feel, so no you’re not turning it down.” The song was Love In The Dark. He recalled a time you’d argued in the past and this was the song you had on repeat until he’d found his way to be forgiven. It felt like de ja by but that argument never resulted in your practically being kicked out.

“Baby I know you’re hurtin’.” Fez sighed, wanting ti kick himself when he saw the tears pooling in your eyes again.

“Do you? Do you though? What the fuck was that all about huh? Y/N go, Y/N come back in so we can talk. I don’t think you know anything about how I’m feeling right now Fez.” You finally snapped.

“Aight’ so we doin’ this in the car.” He thought to himself, trying to muster up the correct words. Fez had never really been amazing at apologies, he’d never emotionally hurt that many people in his lifetime. Other than drug dealers who wanted a fix and he refused to sell. But this was different.

“I don’t wanna be cheesy and shit and say you complete me. Ion believe someone needs to be completed by another person, anyone can be find on they own.” He began and you turned to glare at him.

“But I ain’t gon’ lie to you Y/N, you fill up all my empty spaces and I am so grateful for that.” Fez admitted. What he was saying was indeed true, whether you believed him or not.

“You can sit here and be mad at me, tell me how you’d take a bullet for me and Ash, but that’s what fuckin’ scares me the most ma.” Fez sighed.

“Ion doubt that you can defend yourself. Fuck baby, you’ve had so much shit happen in yo life, I got lucky with one badass chick. The thought of you bein’ involved with some of the most fucked up shit, it freaks me out. I ain’t gonna live wit’ myself, if you end bleeding out on my livin’ room floor.” Fez finished. He was searching your face for any kind of response but all he got was more tears.

“You really upset me Fez, you haven’t done that to me before.” You told him, finally looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

“I kno’ and for that I’m sorry.” You nodded, taking in his apology that seemed somewhat sincere.

“You push me away one minute, the next you come back. I love you Fez, I have since I was thirteen and I ain’t ever gonna stop. I probably will forever. That’s because you’re worth it, everything that comes with you is worth it. You just gotta understand that.” He pursed his lips together, not wanting to get emotional in front of his girl.

“I love you too. I do understand. I shouldn’t have let you walk out of that door, that shi’ gon’ hurt me for a long ass time.” He reached over and grabbed your hand, knowing right now was probably the best time to give you support.

“Why did you let me walk out?” Your voice was hoarse from all the crying and singing you had done in the car.

“Cause I got scared.” You nodded, not wanting him to repeat anymore of his dark thoughts. It was hard for you both. You both understand where each-other was coming from, it was just harder to communicate that.

“Truth be told, I was actually gonna go to the diner and think about that whole ordeal. I don’t think you’d ever be able to get rid of me that easy. I’m not going anywhere and if you push me away I will never leave. Not in a creepy way of course but I don’t care if there are a hundred million reasons to leave, you’re the only one I’ll ever need to stay.” For the first time in years, Fez had a tear roll down his cheek.

“You and Ash are my everything Ma, don’t ever fucking doubt it. If this shi’ were to ever happen again, which I won’t let it happen, but if it does, fuckin’ smack me.” Fez told you, making you chuckle slightly.

“I think your brother will beat me to it.” Fez reached over and padded away your tear stained cheeks.

“Hate it when you be cryin’, even worse when I’m the reason fo’ it.” Fez whispered. The two of you leaned in for an awkward kiss, considering the car wasn’t the best place for a kiss and makeup.

“I love you.” You whispered.

“I love you way fuckin’ more.” Now you were the one to switch off your radio.

“What do ya say? You wanna move back in wit’ me?” Fez questioned and you playfully rolled your eyes.

“If you carry my bags.” The two of you rushed back inside, trying to avoid getting anymore wet from the god awful weather. Ashtray’s face lit up like a kid at Christmas time. The two of you embraced each-other into a tight hug.

“Don’t ever pull that fuckin’ shit again.” Ash warned his brother.

“Word.” The two of them fist bumped before you all headed for the sofa.

“We’re both wet and soggy. This is gross.” You groaned, resting your head in Fezco’s shoulder.

“We can go take a shower?” Fez smirked, making Ash groan.

“Yeah I get it, you two made up, but ion need nieces and nephews running around when I’m just tryna pay off our mortgage.”
