#euphoria fez



Fezco has to go to a parent/guardian meeting at Ash’s school, and he really doesn’t want to. Ash has had some problems with fights but does well in his classes.

But then Fez meets Ash’s English teacher, Miss Lexi Howard and….well being dragged into school doesn’t seem like a bad thing anymore.

I’m writing a fic where Ashtray has to go to a parents teacher evening with his older bro n Lexi is one of his teachers lmao idk why

Inject all Fexi instagram au’s into my V E I N S

Funny when you think how Ashtray, A CHILD, is on discord chatting to people probably about goods etc and keeping an eye on stocks. When Fez, an older teen, is sat on the sofa watching Stand By Me, laughing, crying, and fucking singing.

May I remind everyone that when Lexi & Fez ‘meet’ again on that sofa at the party…

She has LOVE engraved on her necklace.

That thing is custom…anything could have been put on it but they chose Love….

The image of how Fez side glances at Lexi after telling her she’s the coolest person at the party just FLASHED IN MY BRAIN and I’m not okay

It’s like he’s looking at her reaction but also just wants to look AT HER, YA FEEL?!

Home | Fexi - ch.9 - When We Met

Warnings: swearing, lol, drug use/talk etc, anything you’d expect from Fez/Ash/Lexi etc it will probs show up

Chapter 9: When We Met

Chap summary: Lexi and Fez talk on the phone EVERYDAY.

One night Fez mentions that he remembers when he first met her…

Previous chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Rue’s Voice:

They spoke every single day.
Every. Single. Fucking. Day.
About anything.
Fezco would call up Lexi to talk and she would do the same.
Laughing, smiling, sharing personal stuff.
They consoled one another.
One night Cassie didn’t come home.
Lexi felt bad that she started to not even worry about her sister.
To tell the truth, she didn’t feel like her sister anymore…
Lexi missed the old Cassie.
And Fezco was always there for her to talk to.
He would sometimes just close his eyes and lay back, listening to her voice.
He could listen to her forever.
And she would do the same.
As if they were meant to be there for each other.


Lexi laughed as she sat on her bed, knees up with a book faced down on her legs. Long forgotten as soon as she saw her screen light up with Fezco’s name.

“So what book was you readin’?” He asked.

Lexi actually forgot the item was still in her lap and blinked down at the book and then smiled.

“Oh! Erm…it’s just a collection of short stories from various writers.”

She looked at the cover and closed the book, putting it at the end of the bed and moved back to leaning against the headboard. 

“You really are smart you know that?”

Lexi felt her cheeks burn. He would always do this. Compliment her, and she wasn’t used to it but the feeling she got was intoxicating. 

“Fezco, I just read-“

“Nah, I remember when I first met you. And I thought, ‘damn.’ Especially when you started to come by more with Rue and hang out more. The shit you would say would just blow my mind shawty.”

Lexi smiled and bit let lip to hearing her nick-name. He started saying it a week ago and she loved it.

“You remember that?”

She heard and huffed laugh come through.

“Course I do. How can I not? Ya kno?”


Lexi thought back to that day.

Rue has asked her to hang out and of course she obliged. Rue told her they would just walk around, here and there and maybe get some food and watch a movie.

Sounded grand to Lexi.

“Can we stop by here?  Get some things for…you know later and stuff?” Rue asked and shrugged a shoulder, narrowing her eyes from the bright sun, trying to see Lexi in the daylight.

Lexi nodded and walked towards the store. “Yeah sure.”

Her eyes went to the ice cream freezer and a drinks cooler that was outside.

“Hey, you want an ice cream?” She asked.

Rue was more focused on getting inside and talking to the dude she was told about but she didn’t want to go alone and thought well if Lexi did see anything she wouldn’t say anything.

She quickly looked at Lexi and let out a, “yeah, sure, yeah.”

And went into the store.

Lexi was looking over the freezer and cooler, wondering what to get.She opened and closed the door after struggling to open it for a bit and then looked up through the window right in front of her.And there he was.

She saw Fezco talking to Rue but only saw him properly when he stood up and opened the freezer door.

She was just staring at them wondering what Rue was doing until he leaned in as if being handed something and then handed it to Rue quickly.

Fezco said something to Rue and motioned his head to Lexi as he was looking at her. She quickly looked away from his stare and walked into the store to buy the ice cream she grabbed.

She walked in with an awkward smile and lifted her hand with the ice cream.

“I grabbed us these.”

Fezco looked up and down at her and he nodded his head.

“Good choice.”

Lexi looked at him and smiled.

“Lexi this is Fezco. Fezco this is Lexi.” Rue introduced them and shifted awkwardly as if she felt a little awkward.

Little did Lexi know why at the time.

“Lexi Howard.” Lexi pushed her hand forward and then cringed at herself.

“Sorry, I don’t know why I did that.”

Fezco let out a laugh and shrugged one shoulder.

“Nah, you got manners and shit. S’all good.” He went to shake her hand but was too slow as she brought her hand up to hide her embarrassment briefly.

“Do we need anything else Rue?” She asked her friend who stood there watching them. She shook her head, hiding her smile.

Lexi walked closer to the counter to pay until Fezco lifted a hand.

“Nah, you good. My treat.” He let out.

Lexi smiled and lifted her brows.

“Oh… thank you! …you-you sure?”

He nodded and grabbed a neatly rolled joint that was hidden behind his ear that she didn’t see. “Ye.”

Was all he replied and he shyly looked away.

“Anytime you guys wonna’ drop by, feel free, kay?”

Rue smiled to this and told him she would.

Lexi just smiled and nodded her head and looked away from the glances he was giving her.


“Luckily you liked those ice creams….’cause it got you to keep comin’ back.” Fez laughed.

Lexi looked at the phone in her hands. “It wasn’t the ice cream.”

She swore she heard him chuckle out “aw shit”

“Well…for Rue it was something else….” Lexi’s voice went sad at the thought of her friend. Rue’d sudden loss of her dad and turning to anything to take her away from the pain she was feeling. To feel anything other than the pain or nothing at all seemed to be her goal most of all. She just wanted to see her dad again.

And so did Lexi.

And that was probably why she didn’t tell anyone about Rue. She was also missing her dad. But her circumstance was way different to Rue’s. Her dad was gone forever, no way to get in touch, or just the thought he was still around.

Lexi’s dad disappeared, yeah he wasn’t around but the thought that he was still breathing, that she knew of, was one of comfort compared to the thought of her dad no longer even existing.

“You….you know I was always hopin’ you would come back with her to the store ya’ kno?” His voice sounded so soft and quiet.

Her stomach felt like it dropped to hearing that, but in a good way. “Really?”

“Ye. Every time Rue would show up…I….I’d be like lookin’ for you. Times when you wasn’t there, damn Lexi I’d be so hurt.” He laughed at the end which made her laugh too.

He really liked her from the first time they met.

“Remember when I tried weed?” Lexi randomly let out. The memory was burned into her brain.

She cringed thinking about it. She though why the hell not when Rue suggested it.

They headed to Fezco’s house one day, but just sat in the living room. Not seeing the rest of the house, not that she can remember that really other than waking up to Fezco and Rue laughing, calling her Bobby and saying there was a fire.

She didn’t know Rue drew a beard on her face until she got home and Cassie said, “Nice new look.”

Fez giggled down the phone.

“Yeah, I was worried about you tryin’ it. Didn’t want you to feel like you had to…”

“…..I dressed up as Bob Ross for Halloween because of that day.” She confessed.

She couldn’t tell because she obviously couldn’t see him. But Fez was grinning widely now.

He knew she did, and he saw her at the party when he arrived dressed as Tony Montana.

He saw Rue and Lexi sat on the sofa at the party and went to go over and join them until some guy grabbed his elbow and asked him for some pills.

He glanced back over to them before turning his back to make the deal, but by the time he turned around he saw Rue and Lexi both stand and make their way over to the other side of the room to another sofa, watching Rue bend down and talk to some young kid and girl sat down.

Fez thought he best just find a place to chill since he just came here to deal and relax, choosing to go sit outside near the pool with less people. He took one more glance of Lexi stood there, blue shirt, fitted jeans, that wig on her head and he smiled to himself before heading outside.

“I saw you. I wanted to come say ‘hi’ but….you guys were busy and I had some shit to deal with. But I’m sorry I didn’t get to tell you how cool your costume was Lexi.”

She was blushing again. “Thanks”

She wanted to tell him she saw him too. She spotted him in his suit, the white substance over the front of it resembling Tony from Scarface. She wanted to go up and tell him he looked great and she liked that movie too.

She wanted to tell him she liked him all those years ago.

But she was just happy they were able to reconnect and feel as if they’d been talking every day since he looked at her through the window.


The fact Lexi is in love with Fez and he mentions a show she doesn’t know and she is immediately shown watching it. SOFT

My man Fez just wants to live on a farm in fucking PEACE.

Fucking let him. P L E A S E.

Her Daddy

Title: Her Daddy

Alt Title: Little Miss. Novalie Jude O’Neill

Warnings: teen parenthood and swearing

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own you or the euphoria franchise , I own the writing

You sighed, shaking your head. “Novalie, you are ok.” You spoke to the wailing baby in your arms.

“You just ate pumpkin, what do you need?” You patted the four month old’s back, who continued to cry into your ear.

“Bad timin’?” You heard a familiar voice. “No, perfect timing.” You responded, sarcastically.

“Let me see her.” Fezco walked over. “Gladly.” You responded, placing Novalie in his arms.

“You coulda called and told me she was fussin’. I woulda come over.” Fez said, patting her back, holding her close to his chest. “You’d be over everyday then.” You laughed a little.

You and Fezco dated for a year, before he broke up with you after Rue did fentanyl. Three weeks later, you found out you were pregnant. Little Miss. Novalie Jude O'Neill.

“Novalie Jude, you’re just fine, stop being dramatic.” Fez hushed Novalie, who quickly quieted down.

“You got the magic touch.” You sighed, slightly irritated at how quickly he got the baby to calm down within minutes when you were struggling for hours.

“Shit, she just wanted her daddy.” Fez shook his head. “What about you?” He asked, looking at you as Novalie began to fall asleep.

“What about me?” You asked, touching Novalie’s hair. “You want her daddy?” Fez asked, the lop-sided smile you fell in love with moving across his lips.

“What’re you getting at Fezco?” You crossed your arms. “Shit, never mind.” He shook his head, walking through the house to your room.

“Don’t do that…”

“Do what?”

“Never mind-ing me. You know that’ll piss me off quicker than any other thing you’ll do.” You listened as he opened the door and placed Novalie in her bed.

“Shh.” He looked at you. “You’ll wake up lil ma. Ain’t your own rule; you wake, you take?” He walked back out to you to the living room.

“Fezco O'Neill I am working on three hours of sleep if you don’t make your point within the next minute I’m punching you.”

Fezco snorted a little, before cupping your face in his hands.

“Fez?” You looked up at him.

“I miss you.” He said, his forehead resting on yours. “And I regret lettin’ you go, I miss you every minute of everyday.” He spoke softly, closing his eyes.

“I missed you so much, ma. You have no clue.” His hands moved to your hips.

“I missed you…” Your hands moved up his chest to your shoulders.

“Lemme have you again. I won’t ever let you go.” He was practically whispering. “I love you.” He lifted his head, making eye contact with you.

“You have me. I love you.”

“Thank god.” He hugged you tight, pressing his lips onto yours. You laughed, kissing back.

And once again, life made sense.
