#ffxiv aura



Farewell, Shadowbringers

Time to chill in Limsa until the servers let us back in

Painting practice I forgot to post: Araiya looking vaguely bothered, to no one’s surprise

Painting practice I forgot to post: Araiya looking vaguely bothered, to no one’s surprise

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akhrhaiya:prog night

Keigo, a Raen that was brought up within the Urgund, Xaela tribe. So whilst he has a pretty face and all that - this man certainly isn’t reserved like the rest of his Raen counterparts.

Rough, foul mouthed and awfully tempered - he’s Xaela in every sense except his looks.

Don’t really like this so much - but since I’m the one who’s been staring at it for hours on end - that’s probably why.





You’re so short.

This drawing of mine was cut and edited out the signature to make it like a ‘community project’ and

This drawing of mine was cut and edited out the signature to make it like a ‘community project’ and has been spread in many FFXIV discord servers.

Please report them if you ever come accross :( 


Commission me here

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i started playing ffxiv this is my bishounen impressionist portrait of my guy Byakuren Johdo aka BJ aka Blue Jesus

ffxiv aura
just mood

just mood

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 emo phase

emo phase

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