#fi inferior


difference between extps and extjs

entps and estps will reject to do fi. they “won’t” emotionally connect with you in a deep way. in fact, they will keep a certain superficial smartasness barrier between you and themselves. they will make fun of your quirks and stuff. they will verbally taunt and tease you. that’s a big part of their sense of “humor”. so as you can see, as fi polrs, they do the opposite of fi.

extjs will at least won’t do that. sure, they can order you around ignoring ethics as thinking doms, they can scold you because you are being illogical or unpragmatic but they wouldn’t have an inner mischievous voice like this: “kahkahkah, stupid owned.” it’s just, you are not doing what you are supposed to do and wasting their time or something. they don’t mean to hurt you.

so an extj criticize you based on objective wrongs you do. you should be criticized for that, you deserved that, it’s not personal. sure, if they could criticize you softer it would be much better but that’s inferior fi for you.

an extp on the other hand criticizes your face, criticizes the shit you wear and anything they can make fun of, really. for example listen here to joe rogan talking shit about johnny depp. an extj won’t go that low. won’t criticize you that superficially. none of their “business” quite literally.
