

Do wanna know why us spoonie have trouble telling people we’re sick?

Because we were raised by parents who were angry and who doubted us when we wanted to stay home from school cuz we were sick. We were surrounded by nurses and doctors who told us we were overdramatic or crying too much. We had elderly people tell us how happy we should be that we aren’t in pain and should treasure our youth. We had family and teachers look down on us for spending any extended time in bed or on the couch. We had TV shows shame people who weren’t healthy.

We live in a society where being ill is seen as being about how the person who is sick just isn’t doing enough. Unless you have cancer, it’s your fault somehow. You could eat better, exercise, or see better doctors. It is impossible for them to see illness as inevitable.

And it sucks that no one understands or sees what we go through. But society is broken and flawed and has no compassion for us poor spoonies.
