#fic ever after



bitches say they’re fine and then scream the “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” in bohemian rhapsody louder than everyone else

back on my oaut bullshit ( aka the first show i ever obsessed over and the first show i wrote a fanfiction that i actually finished ) ( technically speaking i finished season one of the story before season two came out so it had an ending but i was gonna add more once season two was released but during that time i reread it ( i was 12 at the time and at the peak of my marianas trench phase ) and realised it sucked and went bye bye and threw it to the void.

however i am ( ten years later still a huge marianas trench fan and a ouat fan, especially the first two seasons ) getting back into that show again like i do annually and i want to rewrite ( for like the seventh time ) my ouat fic i wrote when i was twelve and cringey because listen the bones of the plot went hard my writing did not! SO here i am in 2021 rewriting my ouat fic!!

It will now be called

SHALLOW GRAVES FOR SHALLOW HEARTS gotta get that Ever After by marianas trench references in there because they’re the ones who started it all!! instead of porcelain because it sounds better and the MC is a heartless ( literally ) bitch who wants back her heart!!

( also please go listen to Marianas Trench’s album EVER AFTER because it goes so hard and it deserves more attention and there’s a fairytale story attached to it!! )
