#fic rec




Summary: A chance encounter leads to a moment of spontaneity.

Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader (no Y/N)

Rating: Mature

Words: ~1300 (AO3)

Tags: strangers to lovers, vacations, getting over an ex, will eventually flow into the movie plot

NOTES:hi all. I have decided I will no longer be doing taglists. unfortunately, they take a ton of time for me, and those being tagged rarely if ever even interact with the post, which is pretty disheartening. if you want to follow this fic, please follow my blog or like the main masterlist page!

this is somewhere between a prologue and a first chapter, so here we go

Javi’s never had anything that’s only his. His business was his father’s; his compound belongs more to his cousin than it ever did to him. His phone is in Gabriela’s hand more than his own, his memorabilia collection is technically on loan from the Nic Cage fan club in Madrid, his clothes are picked by a stylist and shipped sight-unseen. His personality is barely his own—the suave, strong kingpin he’s supposed to portray based more off movie characters than how he feels in his heart.

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Summary: mando comes back from a bounty gone astray and needs to wind down.

Words: 3K

Warnings: MINORS DNI, this is straight up smut, mando being a little mean but just for like 5 seconds, there’s a blindfold involved, dry humping/thigh riding, creampie, an excessive use of pet names, unedited (as always)

also on AO3


“Get out,” Mando’s voice was sharp, making you jump out of your seat and almost drop the screwdriver you were holding in your hand, teeth grinding down onto the flashlight pointed at the open panel.

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when you hold me. | din djarin x reader

Prompt:when you hold me, I can feel your heart beating.

Words: 800ca

Content: fluff, comfort, established relationship, din being a little disaster, riduurok, implied smut but nothing explicit

A/N: prompt has been used for matt murdock as well

also on AO3


Din’s arms have grown familiar around you.

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Something Simple, A Drifter Story

Din Djarin x F!Reader

after wandering the galaxy alone for so long, a chance encounter with the Mandalorian leads you toward embarking on a wonderful journey with him, and the precious foundling he calls his own

rating: T (series & blog are 18+ only)

word count: 1.8k | series masterlist

“A bounty hunter…wonderful.”

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AN | Was a return to Dieter inevitable? Yes. Any regrets? Nah. Dedicating this little bad boy to @nicolethered

Summary | In which you and your best friend suddenly find yourselves single at the same time in…forever.

Pairing | Dieter Bravo x Fem!Reader

Warnings |Language 

Word Count | 2.5k

Masterlist |Main,PP Characters

── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

Dieter’s attention was immediately drawn to you as you re-entered the party. Your mascara was smudged and he could see the telltale tear marks running down your cheeks. The silence coming from you spoke volumes as you sat next to him, grabbing his glass and downing the rest of his beer. 

“What happened?” his whole body was turned towards you, letting you know that you had his full attention. You shrugged, waving your hand, as you tried to speak. You were choked up and fighting back more tears, “I…well, I’m suddenly single.”

“What?” his big brown eyes widened in surprise as you dabbed at your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater, “what the fuck happened?”

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Summary:  Dieter returns home from his press tour, and punishes you for teasing him whilst he was away.


Warnings:  I mean it’s filth? No plot. Just filth. Teasing, P in V sex, Unprotected sex, Creampie, Oral (M&F receiving), Dieter uses his robe cord to restrain you, Use of restraints, Mentions of safe-words(not used), Fingering, Throat fucking and some fluff. Oh and established relationship. Dom! Dieter? Idk.

Word Count:2.8k

A/N: Okay, so i’m still learning how to write smut. And I tried here, I think my work is flowing better but it’s still an issue for me. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!


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June Drabbles 2022
Day 10 - Skating 

A/N:  I have been wanting to challenge myself to write a drabble a day for a whole month for quite some time now, and I finally decided to just go for it. The goal is to fill every prompt on this listby@creativepromptsforwriting with a short one shot (500 - 2k words) by the end of June. Can I do it? I do not know. But let’s find out! - Um… no one even look at me, okay? I have no idea where this came from and I am straight up terrified to release it into the wild so… lemme just rip off the band-aid. 

Word Count:2,240

Warnings: none. just soft curls and warm eyes. 

Summary: Your well of inspiration has been running a little low, and when that happens you head to the beach to people watch, hoping that will spark some creativity. But this time as you stroll through the sand, you get more than you bargained for. 

Looking forward to seeing the new chapters. Hopefully soon. 

The last two lines of your agent’s email echoed through your head with all the subtlety of a gong. Are you, Laurie? Frowning, you kicked at the sand you were walking on, watching as the grains sprayed out ahead of you. They landed back on the beach, disappearing again into the sea of specks as though you’d never displaced them. You took a deep breath, filling your lungs with clear, salty air before you released it in a frustrated sigh. Well that makes two of us. 

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Be sure to read the warnings for each fic! Some of the blogs here are +18 so minors please respect that ❤️

Fics under the cut

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AHHHHH OMG BEE!!! Thank you thank you thank you for including my fics on your list This is so sweet of you to do!!!


Learning to Live Part 6

summery:You have a few more hours left before Javi needs to go home, your wonderful date coming to an end. How will you spend the time?

pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader

rating: E (18+!! Javi POV smut, unprotected P in V (wrap it up), creampie, vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, praise, Javi coming really hard and needing a little more time than usual to recover, feelings, soft moments, domestic fluff.)

word count:6k+

A/N: Hi! This is a continuation of the last chapter. Thank you so much for all of the support and love for this story, it makes me so happy! I almost have the next chapter done and I have the rest of the fic outlined, so definitely more to come. If you’d liked to be tagged, my taglist form is in my page bio or feel free to comment. As always, this is dedicated to @juletheghoul, my inspiration and rock. Shoutout to my beta @invisibleismyname who is literally amazing and the literal best.

Comments and reblogs always appreciated! I love hearing what you thought.

Part 5-Part 7-Series Masterlist-Masterlist

Javier wasn’t surprised when her breathing evened out, and her body went utterly lax against him, succumbing to sleep. He knew it was probably going to happen at some point in the night—he’d read once it had something to do with the hormones released in the body when a person comes; they can make you drowsy.

He’d also had this happen before.

Many times.

Except the women never fell asleep on him like this, so this was new and welcome.

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Offering Options

Summary: When Spencer finds out about his girlfriend’s pregnancy, he makes sure she knows he will stay by her side no matter which choice she makes 

Pairing:Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader


Content Warnings: (16+)unintended pregnancy,discussions about terminating a pregnancy, medication (abortion pills), crying, mentions of nausea and periods, open ending

Author’s Note: Special thanks to my friend @imagining-in-the-margins for helping me with this story!

Word count: 1.6k


Waiting for two minutes sounded like a very doable thing in most parts of life. I would just have to be patient for 120 seconds until I had certainty. Only now those two minutes both went by way too quickly while feeling like an eternity at the same time. I thought the not-knowing was bothering me most but now that the time has passed I wished I could hold onto that feeling for a little while longer. 

The ringing of the timer on my phone shocked both Spencer and me, having us stare at each other in concern. I looked over at the little white stick lying on the edge of my sink while I contemplated throwing it away before taking a look. It was a silly thought, I knew that, but right now I really didn’t want to face all the consequences the appearance of a second line would bring with it. 

“We should take a look,” Spencer said as he reached for the pregnancy test. 

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Our Spencer is the supportive partner we all need ❤️


Find my masterlist and series masterlist

Alright. There’s trouble looming on the horizon, y’all. This status quo can’t be maintained. Something has to give. 

This will eventually be Marcus Moreno x f!reader

Word count: 1.8k

Warnings: Discussion of and allusion to past abuse, introspection, feeling of being unworthy, negative self talk, discussion of politics, plotting, these kids are so precocious I swear. 


Marcus didn’t return until later, nearly the end of his day at a guess. He had five books with him, tucked in a bag, and he looked a little sheepish. 

“Sorry, I had a bit of trouble finding some decent books,” he said, setting the bag down on your little table. 

You blinked at the bag. “No problem. This is… more than I expected, honestly.” 

“You shouldn’t have been left here with nothing to do for this long.” Marcus’s lips thinned in displeasure. Clearly he had some ideas about how people were to be treated, and isolation without enrichment was not on his list of acceptable treatments. 

You decided maybe not to tell him about when you got grounded as a dumb teen. 

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Oh man! I LOVED this chapter! The kids were so great! And sweet earnest Marcus! I am just obsessed with this story! Another amazing installment!


Rating: T

Fandom: Kingsman: Golden Circle

Pairing: Jack Daniels x f!reader

Warning: none.

Summary: Jack’s on the job, but you’ve got the night off.

A/N:This is a quick little drabble in response to the Writer Wednesday prompt. This lives in the same ‘verse as my other little Jack drabble, Weapon of Mass Destruction. Aaaaaaaand since there’s four little one-shots with this couple, I guess I have an unintended series going with these two, jumping around out of order. This one would come after Mass Destruction, but before Bare Skin Rug.

Thank you to @writer-wednesday​ for the photo prompt!!! 


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He still saw you.

I’m fine. This is fine. I’m not crying. Nope.

Uhg. Adira. You’re so good at this. I loved all of this and I am just yearning for that her honk man!




Rated: T (one implication of sex)

Pairing: Javi Gutierrez/F!Wife Reader

Fandom:  The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Written for Writer Wednesday - the photo below was this week’s prompt.  

Thank you to @just-here-for-the-moment for her insight and encouragement. I owe you a ton, my friend!


As you stepped into the theater you noticed that it was virtually empty, save for a few couples interspersed in the auditorium.  The Palace was one of Javi’s favorite old movie houses, with its gilded decor and gorgeous murals. The fact that several Oscar-winning movies had premiered here solidified his love of the older building. Having been converted into a live venue several years ago it was a treat when they’d show classic movies, and your husband lived for it.  Upon the announcement that the old Hepburn and Grant movie would be showing, he’d asked you to book tickets immediately.  

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This was the cutest sweetest thing in the whole entire world and it perfectly captures Javi! ADORABLE


Matter of Trust

Pairing:Slasher!Din Djarin x F!Reader

Word count: 800

Warnings: Hilariously none for this, despite the horror nature of this AU. I just wanted to take a soft little peek inside Slasher!Din’s head:)

A/N:This AU would not exist without the lovely and talented @tuskens-mando!! Eri has spent so much time with me in the dms just yelling about this man that we find endlessly fascinating and want to domesticate so badly. I might write more for him who knows, for now this was a fun writing exercise for an AU I’m normally only yelling about with Eri <3


Everyone around town avoids him. Averting their eyes, staring when they think he won’t notice, walking on the opposite side of the street, sharing not-so-quiet whispers behind his back. He doesn’t blame them. Their aversion is probably in many of their best interests.

Everyone gives him a wide berth. Except her. Sheis completely unafraid of him. 

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Did I know this was a thing?! Shame on me! Shame!

This was brilliant. Spine tingling. I loved!


Icy Lockdown

Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader, Jake Jensen x F!Reader

Summary: Your boyfriend Ransom’s jealousy of lumberjacks triggers a impromptu vacation to a ski resort. Everything goes well until Ransom’s cockiness ends up with them stranded on the side of the road. Not to worry, Jake to the rescue.

Word Count: 5247

Warning: 18+, smut, praise, slight dirty talk, facesitting, threesome, choking, tied up by Christmas lights, Ransom being a douche, double penetration, creampie, cuckholding.

A/N: This is my submission for the Happy Hoeliday Challenge hosted by @navybrat817@drabblewithfrannybarnes&@stargazingfangirl18 . Sorry that this is slightly late and I hope you ladies enjoy it. Beta’d by @whisperlullaby, thank you lovely❤ but all my mistakes are still my own. I’ve never written Jake before so everyone be nice to me hehe

if you’re a minor, please DNI!

Please do not repost, publish or translate my work. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading :)

You sat on the plush chair with your legs dangling off the arm, reading the newest trashy novel you’d picked up. You bit your lip as the lumberjack bent the main character over the porch railing, and dropped to his knees to eat her out from behind. The image was tantalizing and you wished you had a rugged lumberjack of your own to act out your fantasies with. Ransom was a great boyfriend and you loved him but he was never much into the roleplay side of things.

A quiet groan fell from your lips as you continued reading when suddenly your book was pulled from your grip. You let out a sound of protest, reaching out after the novel. Ransom loomed over you, book in hand, reading over the page.

He clicked his tongue in distaste, “I’m offended, Kitten. Came over here to find out what has you squirming in your seat like a dog in heat and I find out it’s over some lame lumberjack,” He scolded, “Is this what you want, baby? Am I not doing it for you anymore?”

His voice was teasing but his face was cold, eyes filled with jealousy. He was clearly bothered by this situation and you wanted to quip about all the women he ogled in front of you on a near regular basis. Frankly, you didn’t care if he did, he never did anything about it and sometimes you enjoyed joining in on the ogling but it was the only leverage you had at the moment. 

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Simply amazing.

…… If you know you know


 “Came here to laugh?” Draco muttered, reaching to take an another apple from the basket, Harry couldn’t help but chuckle softly “a bit.” He said, fetching one Solus off Draco’s back, who immediately froze, his gray eyes looking at him, wide and questioning but Harry, despite his loud and very much beating heart, ignored the boy and instead placed the creature on his own shoulder, wincing at the weight as it snuggled up his neck. “What are you doing?” Draco might’ve tried to sound cold, but his voice was too overflowed with confusion and relief with the burdening weight on his back lifting up a little. Harry shrugged, getting to peeling his apples, feeling extremely aware of the Solus on his back and the gaze of it’s questioning owner. “You won’t get anything done with these buggers teasing you all the time” he pointed at the Solus chewing on Draco’s finger “thought that if I can see them… I might as well help you with their weight and stuff..”

“Harry you’re not supposed to be carrying my weight!” He exclaimed, not loud enough for their friends to hear but tough enough to make an impact, Harry couldn’t care less about the tone however, since his heart did an embarrassing leap when he heard Draco use his first name. It was beating hard and fast in his ribcage, and he hoped that Malfoy wouldn’t see the red appearing on his cheeks. “I want to, is that bad?” He answered as casually as he could, even though he felt like screaming and running a marathon through whole Scotland. Malfoy pouted “seriously, it’s my burden to- hey!” He exclaimed as Harry snatched the apple from his hands “you’re too slow, Draco.” He said teasingly, stepping a bit closer to him, just so their elbows would touch. He proudly ran his knife through Draco’s stolen fruit, peeling it a lot faster than the other boy did. Malfoy huffed frustratedly but didn’t move away, letting their elbows touch as for the first time they bear an immense weight, but decided to share it

A commission I’ve got from my talented friend @XYLOshachar on Twitter! I’ve been working on this fic for two years and am very proud of it, this is one of my favorite scenes ❤️


Rating: T. Fluffy AF.

Fandom: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Pairing: Javi Gutierrez and f!reader (not truly “paired” in this fic, but “potential,” definitely real care between them)

Warnings: soft!Javi G. He just…ruins me. Stupid amounts of fluff and joy.

Summary: Javi is your boss, and you’re making some cookies. 

A/N: I wasn’t gonna write for Javi G until the movie came out. But then the Writer Wednesday prompt appeared and I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF BECAUSE I LOVE HIM ALREADY.

Thank you to @autumnleaves1991-blog​​​ and @clydesducktape​ for their amazing work prompting, organizing, and compiling Writer Wednesday!


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Colds & Birthday Celebrations (Javi Gutierrez x gnReader)

pairing: Javi Gutierrez x genderneutral!reader. Part of the bodyguard!verse

summary:  It’s Javi’s birthday party and you’re stuck in bed with a cold and a fever.


warnings: none

notes: Very self-indulgent ficlet written from my bed, where I’m cooped up with a fever. Unbeta’d. So any mistakes you find are my own.

Colds & Birthday Celebrations

Through the open window, you could hear the faint sounds of the party being in full swing down in the garden. Judging by the laughs and the volume of the music, you’d say the event seemed to be a success. That was nice. Javi deserved that, you thought to yourself.

It did frustrate you immensely that you couldn’t be there to supervise the whole thing and make sure nothing went awry. And annoyed you to no end that for someone who never got sick, you had picked a hell of a weekend to catch a cold.

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Seven Sentence Sunday

Seems like we’re doing this again so I guess it’s time for me to shame myself into writing again. Have another high school patpran snippet, hopefully I have some time to write more soon.


This is all they can have, a tentative truce build on secret looks and hidden smiles. And Pran aches for more.
So, occasionally, on nights like these, when his sheets wrap uncomfortably around his legs and sleep is nowhere on the horizon, he lets himself think about Pat in a way he shouldn’t. He thinks about Pat sitting next to him on the old fallen tree trunk by the river, knocking their knees together playfully. He thinks about Pat’s arm slung around his shoulders, laughing loudly. He thinks of the way Pat’s cheeks redden with sunburn because he refuses to put on sunscreen. He thinks… until sleep creeps up on him in the early hours of the morning.


You know the drill, if you have a wip, consider yourself tagged!


Seven Sentence Sunday

Under read more for previews of E rated fics

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