#riele downs

mikecaron_la: Be our guest! Be our guest! For an all NEW @henrydanger this weekend!! Oh did we laugh

mikecaron_la: Be our guest! Be our guest! For an all NEW @henrydanger this weekend!! Oh did we laugh A LOT shooting WHISTLIN’ SUSIE and I’m positive you’ll be howling too!!! Check back Sunday for another HD #filmschool class Now yell #TGIF & plan your weekend! #hd5filming




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Riele and Jace commenting under each other posts screams Henry and Charlotte

Fall In Fake Love With Me

Hey y’all! *laughs nervously* I know I haven’t updated in like a century but I’m back! This is the one story that I promised myself I would finish and I definitely wanna keep that promise. You might wanna go back and read the first three chapters to refresh your memory since it’s been so long. I hope you enjoy!

Tag List:


If you want to be removed or tagged in my future posts, let me know. Please leave me feedback as well, it really keeps me motivated to write.

Part 1Part 2Part 3 Part 4

“It sure is crowded for a kickback” Charlotte muttered as she sidestepped a large football player rushing to the front door they had just walked through. She could hear the sound of him puking fade away as they ventured further in.

Walking into the party was almost like walking into a parallel universe. Not because anything particularly crazy was happening but just because they were there. In a place they had never been welcome before. Or had even considered going during normal circumstances.

They weren’t pariahs or anything and Swellview is a smallish town, population wise so it wasn’t like they were unknown. They were just standoffish with people outside their circle. Most of their time was spent at the ManCave with Ray, Jasper and Schowz. Fighting crime took a lot of energy. There wasn’t much left over for social interaction.

“Do you want something to drink?” Henry asked Charlotte.

“Yeah sure” she responded back easily.

Henry started weaving through the crowd while Charlotte followed.

Once they made it to the kitchen they saw that it was relatively empty. Only a random couple who were making out on the island and a guy who was asleep with his body half inside of the pantry could be spotted.

“We were definitely not at dinner long enough for people to be this drunk” Charlotte muttered.

“Seriously”, Henry said while carefully stepping over the sleeping dude’s face to access the refrigerator, Charlotte following his path.

“How long till we can leave?” Charlotte groaned.

“Come on, don’t be like that Char. Let’s try to have fun.” Henry pleaded while handing her a sprite and getting a coke for himself.

She muttered her thanks while accepting the drink. “I’ll try.”

“That’s my girl.” He said encouragingly with a smirk.

“Shut up” replied Char while pushing his shoulder lightly. “Let’s go chill on the couch.”

They once again voyaged through the throng of partygoers in order to reach the living room. Spotting a large sectional, they beelined for the empty spaces at the end.

Henry sat in the corner and before Charlotte could sit next to him he grabbed her hips to redirect her onto his lap.

Letting out a surprised squeak, she tried to protest and move to the seat beside him but Henry sat up against her back and whispered in her ear “Bianca, 3 o’clock.”

Charlotte looked out the corner of her eye and saw Bianca glaring at them over the rim of her cup as she took a sip.

Char subtly raised her eyebrows in disdain and then leaned against Henry until they were both molded into the couch. Noticing that Henry still had his hands resting lightly on her hips, she pulled them around her further so they were wrapped around her midsection with her hands covering his.

Not questioning her sudden bout of confidence, Henry pulled her impossibly closer.

Rage seemed to radiate from Bianca as she downed the remainder of whatever liquid courage was in her cup and handed the hollow plastic to a confused stranger partying beside her.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Bianca put on a mask of indifference and started to dance in a way that was supposed to give off sensuality but was severely lacking.

Is she serious? Charlotte thought while watching her dance and obviously make eyes at Henry behind her. Feeling a sudden burst of petty energy Charlotte turned her body slightly and placed a kiss on Henry’s neck. When she looked back into the crowd she saw that Bianca had found a random football player and was now attempting to grind on him. Folding her lips inside her mouth to prevent herself from laughing, Charlotte leaned back against Henry’s chest and murmured “Check mate.”

Throughout this whole process that couldn’t have been more than three minutes, Henry was a little stunned. He may have overestimated his own skills when he was teasing Charlotte about needing to practice earlier. Now he was the one feeling like a novice.

Pulling her onto his lap had been impulsive and it seemed like a good enough idea until Charlotte did what she does best and elevated it. She always makes a plan so much better he thought absentmindedly.

Now that they were in this position, all he could really do was focus on controlling his breathing. He might’ve bit off more than he could chew. Why was he feeling tingly all of a sudden?

Thirty more minutes into the party and Henry was in hell. He didn’t fully think this whole Charlotte sitting on his lap thing through. He’s realizing that he put way too much faith in himself and that was his first mistake.

His second mistake? Not thinking about how much Charlotte would be moving. Charlotte is definitely not the type of girl to go out alone in the middle of the crowd but he’s coming to the realization that she is a chair dancer. And he’s the chair.

He isn’t even sure if she’s conscious of it but every time a song she likes comes on she sways a little to the music and she also moves her hips. Very subtly but definitely enough that he can feel it.

After a reggaeton song that was popular on TikTok ends, he needs to get her off of him. Like now. Otherwise their friendship will take a very awkward turn.

“Um, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick” Henry whispered into her ear before putting his hands on her hips to lift her off of him.

“Ok no problem.” she replies while standing up.

Practically sprinting to the bathroom, Henry gets there and discovers that there is a line.

“Ugh. This is not what I need right now.” He grumbles frustratedly under his breath with his head down.

He must’ve been louder than he thought because the girl in front of him looks over her shoulder.

It’s Bianca. But Henry is too busy glaring at his shoelaces and thinking of Schowz in one of his bean baths to help calm his racing pulse.

Dropping her clutch on the ground in front of her, Bianca reaches down to grab it and rubs up against Henry on the way up.

“Whoa, dude what are you doing?” he says while backing up with his arms raised.

“Sorry, I just dropped my bag.”

“Riggghhhhhhhtttttt” Henry replies in a disapproving tone.

“My bad.” She simpered unapologetically. “But it seems like you enjoyed it.”

“I definitely didn’t.”

“That’s not what I felt.”

“What you felt had absolutely nothing to do with you.”

“Of course not. Because you have a ‘girlfriend’” she replies boredly.

“Yes. I do have a girlfriend. No air quotes required.”

“Uh uh. Henry, why are you playing so hard to get? I know this thing with Charlene is just a ruse to make me jealous. Admit it.”

“You know what Bianca? You’re right about one thing.” He crooks a finger at her. “Come here, let me tell you something.”

She leans closer to Henry as he bends down to speak directly in her ear.

“I am hard to get. For you. For Charlotte I’m just hard. She’s the reason why you felt what you felt. It had nothing to do with your little bend and snap stunt.”

Bianca looks disgusted as she processes his vulgar words and their implications.

“But you know what you did do for me?”


“You helped me lose my boner.” Henry states while leaning back up.

He looked at her and saw nothing but affronted disapproval all over her face.

At the same time, someone was exiting the bathroom. “Oh look, it’s your turn” he casually remarked while leaving to go back to the party.

She stood there in stunned silence for a few moments.

“Yo! You gonna pee or not?!” the new person behind her exclaimed before shoving her aside when they received no response.


Hope this makes it easier for anyone who wants to check out my writing. Last Updated: 06/03/22



Absence Makes the Heart Grow Jealous (Charlotte x Henry)

*Part 1

*Part 2

*Part 3


Fall In Fake Love With Me (Charlotte x Henry)

*Part 1

*Part 2

*Part 3

*Part 4

You Can Never Run Fast Enough (Charlotte x Henry)

*Part 1

*Part 2

One Shots

*Patch Me Up (Charlotte x Henry)

*I Don’t Like Charlotte (Charlotte x Henry)

*Undercover With Danger (Charlotte x Henry)

*Perception Is Reality (Charlotte x Henry)

*You Will Never Understand My Everything (Charlotte x Henry)

*Tell Me It’s Okay To Fail (Charlotte x Henry)

*The Truth Is The Scariest Part (Charlotte x Henry)

*Don’t Dress Up As My Enemy (Charlotte x Henry)

*If You Love Me, Let Me Sleep (Charlotte x Henry)

*For A Wedding That Never Happened (Jordan Baker Internal Monologue/ Simone Hicks x Jordan Baker)


*Respect My Gangsta (Charlotte Page Internal Monologue)

*Covering My Love For You (Jennifer x Khalil)

*Did You Forget Who’s In Charge? (Ben x Uma)

*You Feed My Soul (Amie x Elias)

Dialogue Prompt List

These prompts are always open. (Charlotte x Henry) (Jennifer x Khalil) (Ben x Uma) (Amie x Elias) (Other Pairs by Request)

You Can Never Run Fast Enough

Part 2:

Okay so…I wasn’t planning on making this more than a one shot. But, I recently fixed my phone that has been broken for like six months and found half an update to this story. Since a lot was done already, it was relatively easier to work on this than some of my other stuff. Ahem. FIFLWM.

I know that literally no one has asked for this recently and I understand if you don’t want to read since it’s been so long. That’s why I’m not tagging anyone.

Anyways, most of this was written before we knew Jack Swagger existed and also I don’t accept him as a real thing so yeah. I hope you like it. I’m gonna link the first part so you know what the heck I’m talking about.

Part 1

Also, please comment. I really need some motivation to continue writing. And don’t be afraid to talk to me. Send me stuff you want to see or ask me questions or anything. I’m trying to make some more friends. Seriously.

Over the next couple of days Henry saw Jacob everywhere. He was always a step behind Charlotte, like an aggravating shadow.

Since Henry had accepted his feelings for his best friend, he actually wanted to be around her again. He needed to find out if his affections were returned. But these days he couldn’t get her alone because Jacob was constantly around.

Before, Henry was afraid that they were spending too much time together, now they couldn’t even get a second to themselves.

Jacob had started picking Charlotte up for school, he ate lunch at their table, he walked her to class and he dropped her off to work at Junk N’ Stuff. The dude just wouldn’t go away. He was doing all the things that Henry used to do with her. It was like he was his replacement.

At lunch, Jacob and Charlotte were talking about politics. Henry was ignoring them. Usually Jasper was there to make that task a little easier by distracting him but for some reason he wasn’t eating lunch with them today.

Right now, it was extra difficult for Henry not to pay them any mind. Simply because of how they were sitting; Jacob had his arm slung over Charlotte’s shoulder and she was leaning into his side. They looked super cozy.

Henry hated it. That position was grating on his psyche. The sight of it was making his left eye twitch uncontrollably and it was taking all of his willpower not to say something rude.

While clenching his jaw and fantasizing about beating Jacob up in an alley, he heard someone calling his name.

“Hen” Charlotte said.

“Uh, Yeah?” he broke from his violent thoughts.

“What is wrong with you? You look angry.”

“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about an annoyance that I can’t seem to get rid of lately” Henry stated while glaring straight at Jacob.

“Well you look constipated” Jacob gave his unwanted opinion.

“Thanks, that’s the look I was going for” he answered sarcastically.

Looking at Charlotte “Hey where’s Jasper?” Henry asked, changing the subject.

“He told me that there was some kind of bucket crisis so he called an emergency meeting for the Bucketeers.”

“Huh. He is never going to be normal, is he?”

“Signs point to no.”

“Gotta love him anyway.”

“True. Where do you think he would be without us?”

“On fire.”

That made her laugh because it was semi plausible. She loved Jasper but… bless his heart. Hearing Charlotte laugh never failed to make Henry laugh too so he joined in. Soon their laughter faded and now they were just smiling while looking at each other.

This nice friendship moment was interrupted by Jacob obnoxiously clearing his throat to get Charlotte’s attention.

“So Char…”

Charlotte winced. No one really called her that besides Henry. Even Jasper rarely used the nickname.

“Yes?” Charlotte asked while glancing at Henry before turning her attention to Jacob.

“I was hoping that maybe you’d want to go out with me on Saturday night?” he questioned.

“Sorry, she can’t.” Henry abruptly interrupted whatever response that Charlotte was going to give. He wasn’t thinking, he just knew that he couldn’t let Charlotte go on a date with this guy.

What if she like him more than me?

“I can’t?” Charlotte said as she gives Henry a puzzled look.

“Yeah we have that training at work, remember?”

“No, I don’t remember. Did Ray forget to tell me?”

“Probably. You know Ray doesn’t really like you” Henry answers, taking the out.

“Ok then. What about Sunday?” Taylor plowed forward undeterred.

“She can’t do Sunday either. Weekend training dude” Henry quipped. Again, before Charlotte could say anything.

“Alright. How about this, you text me when you are available and I’ll make it work” Jacob told Charlotte while standing up with his tray.

“Yeah, I’ll let you know.”

“Good. I’ll be waiting for your response” he said then walked away without another look in Henry’s direction.

“I’ll be waiting for your response” Henry mocked in a nasally voice under his breath.

“What was that?” Charlotte asked nonchalantly even though she heard him.


She rolls her eyes. “Never mind. Do we actually have training this weekend or did you make that up because you don’t like Jacob?”

“What makes you think I don’t like the guy?”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s the way you look at him like he stepped on your last gumball and there’s no time to get a new tube?”

“Pshhh. That isn’t exactlytrue.”

“Whatever Henry, do we have training this weekend or not?”

“Well…” he starts high-pitched, in typical Henry fashion.

Charlotte gathers her trash and stands up. “Unbelievable.”

“Wait, I’m sorry I just-”

“You just what? Hate it when I finally get some attention from the opposite sex? Like you’re the only one that people can see in a romantic light?” she interrogated him in a slightly raised voice.

“I mean you’ve never had a boyfriend but-”

“Are you kidding me Henry? Why can’t you just be supportive? I was there for you when you ran through every Chloe, Bianca and Heather in Swellview. I’m only asking for a little reciprocity.”

Henry was stunned. She was practically yelling at him now and people in their immediate vicinity were started to look in their direction. In their entire friendship he can’t remember Charlotte EVER being this mad at him. He was at a loss for words.

“Char…” he manages remorsefully.

“I don’t want to hear it Hart. Talk to me when you grow up” she says with an air of finality as she leaves the cafeteria.

Henry groans while running both hands over his face in frustration.

Wow. I really fucked that up.

Hello peoples!

If you didn’t already know, last week’s episode of HD had me feeling a little upset in the Chenry department. (See previous post with rant about that) Looking through my asks last night, I was inspired by an ask from @riebellion. So thank you for requesting this dialogue prompt forever ago, I’m just getting around to doing it.

Prompt #13: “Dude. It’s three in the morning.”

Tag List:



The rhythmic buzzing of her phone against the nightstand is what eventually wakes Charlotte up. Bleary eyed and disoriented she felt around for the device. When she finally disconnected it from the charger and peered at the screen through squinted eyes, she realized that she wasn’t awakened by random notifications from apps. Henry had been calling her repeatedly.

Immediately more alert than before, she sits up against her headboard and clears her throat. Hitting the Call Back button she reaches over to the nightstand again and grabs the bottle of water she leaves there every night. She takes a large swig as the phone dials. The line is mid ring when she hears it get picked up.

“Hello?” Henry’s gravely tone all but whispers.

Swallowing quickly, Char answers, “Hey Hen is everything okay? I see you called me like 5 times but I was sleeping. Does Ray need us for something?”

“No, Ray doesn’t need anything. I was uh…hoping that we could talk.”

“Talk? Dude. It’s three in the morning” Charlotte responds incredulously after glancing at her alarm clock flashing 3:07 in bright red font.

“I know, I know. It’s just that I couldn’t sleep and I really need to talk to you.”

“Can’t this wait until the morning?” Charlotte groans.

“Well as you so elequently informed me. It is the morning.”

“Ha ha. Real cute.”

“Look, please just humor me.”

“OK fine. What’d you wanna talk about?”

“Actually… can we talk in person?”

“Are you serious right now?!” Char whispered shouts.

“I know but I’m kinda…already outside.”

“What?” she asks while throwing the covers over her legs and making her way to the window. Pulling back the curtain, she sees a lanky figure that gives her a stilted wave from their spot below the window.

“What are you doing at my house?”

“I told you that I need to talk to you. Can you please just come down?” he asks. She can see him running his hand through his hair from here.

“Fine” Charlotte huffs. “Give me one second” she says as she backs away and hangs up her pear phone.

Looking around her room she locates her fluffy bunny slippers and slips them on. Then she grabs the first warm article of clothing she sees, a hoodie thrown over her desk chair.

Slipping it over her head, she quickly makes her way down the stairs of her home, careful not to make too much noise. She opens the door and sees that Henry has made his way to the swing on her front porch. He is looking down at the hands in his lap. His thumbs are twirling anxious circles around each other.

Closing the door behind her gently, Charlotte walks over and takes a seat on the opposite end of the swing. Folding one leg beneath her, she turns to face her friend inquisitively. She doesn’t say anything, she figures that he would start since he was the one that interrupted her slumber after all. As she observes his posture, she can feel the nervous energy radiating from him in waves. She places a gentle hand on his knee, hoping to coax him into speech.

He whips his head up at the touch and takes a quick breath in at the sight before him. Taking in every detail, the first thing he makes note of is her hair. She has it up in a style she once told him was called a pineapple, with a satin scarf tied around the front to protect her edges. He sees her eyes, semi-glazed over from the lack of sleep. He notices the oversized blue hoodie that she is wearing, sleeves so long that they cover her hands. She has the bottom situated over her knees.

That’s my jacket. 

Henry stares for a few more seconds, because even just woken up she is beautiful. He gulps and then says the first thing that pops into his mind.

“It looks good on you.”

Giving him a puzzled gaze, Charlotte asks in a sarcastic tone “What looks good on me? Exhaustion?”

Instead of answering verbally, he gestures to her torso.

She glances down at herself and sees that she was wearing Henry’s sweatshirt. She hadn’t even realized it was his in her haste to meet him outside.

“Is this what you woke me up in the middle of the night for?”

He shakes his head then clears his throat. “No. Sorry, I was just distracted by you in my clothes.”

“Why? Did you need this back?” she wonders while starting to pull it up, exposing her toned midriff as her undershirt rides up with the hoodie. He could also now see the small black shorts she was wearing, that were hidden when the garment was on correctly.

“No!” Henry said a touch too loudly while pulling her wrists down to keep her from taking it all the way off. “Keep it. It looks better on you anyway.”

“Okaaayyyy. You’re being really weird Hen” Charlotte states while adjusting the hoodie over her knees once more. “Why are you here?”

Inhaling a deep breath, Henry took the plunge. “Mick Jagger. Are you really dating that guy?”

“That’s definitely not his name. You know his name Henry, you’ve said it.”


“Does it matter?”

“It’s just that we didn’t even know that you knew him. Then all of a sudden he’s here. And you’re going on a date? What’s that about?” he asks nervously.

“Well as we discovered earlier, I’ve told you guys several times about Jack. It’s not my fault that you didn’t listen to me.”

“True, it’s just…I feel like we should’ve known that you had a boyfriend.”

“Who said he was my boyfriend?”

“You did, didn’t you?”

“I don’t recall using that particular word.”

“Right. Well does he- does he know about us?”


“Yeah, does he know about…” Henry pauses. “Dream-gate?” he finishes in an exaggerated whisper.

“Dream-gate?” she chuckles. “I thought we decided that those dreams didn’t mean anything.”

“I mean yes- We did. But like, we still- And it was- If I was your-”

“Henry, what is this really about?” Charlotte interrupts his rambling.

“It’s just- what if I want the dreams to mean something?”

Taken aback by his bluntness, Charlotte loses her train of thought. “What do you want them to mean?” she inquires quietly.

Henry slides closer to her. “I don’t know. That we like each other? I mean, I know that I like you.”

She takes some time to truly process his words. “I like you too.”

Henry’s whole face lights up at her declaration. “Really?”


“What about Jack?”

“Who? Oh! Jack. We aren’t together.”

Henry’s face read pure bewilderment. “But what about your date? You fed each other bread earlier.”

“Not real. I just said that to see if it bothered you.”

“Huh. No wonder you guys didn’t have any chemistry” he mumbles under his breath.

“And then when you guys burned down my kitchen-”

Henry winces.

“-and we had to relocate to the ManCave, it was the perfect opportunity to gauge your reaction. I convinced Jack to pretend with me in order to make you jealous.”

“Wow, ok. Because I was confused about you guys supposedly dating this whole time.”

“Yeah, no. Jack’s just a good friend. I do usually cook for him when he visits me though. But it’s only friendly.”

“That makes sense.”

“You know, I prepared Jack for the possibility that you would act snotty towards him. Drop food in his lap, spill his drink on his shirt, that kind of thing.”

“Classic” Henry grins.

“But you didn’t even flinch while you were serving us. I thought I was being delusional about your feelings for me since you didn’t do any of that. You didn’t even seem to care.”

Henry grabs her hands gently. “Of course I cared. I was giving him the stank eye every time you turned your back.”

Charlotte laughs, “For real?”

“Heck yeah. But I couldn’t ruin your date Char. I just wanted you to be happy. Even if it wasn’t with me.”

“Whoa. When did you get so mature?”

“I am a grown man Char.”

Charlotte places a hand on her hip and gives him “the look”.

 After a few moments they break into a fit of giggles. Calming first from their laughing fit, Henry stares at Charlotte with a small smile on his face.

“What?” Char asks when she’s composed herself.

“Can I kiss you?”


Fall In Fake Love With Me

Hey everybody! I’ve been off of this story for a minute, huh? So sorry about the long time between updates on this but thanks to everyone who is still sticking around.The next chapter should definitely be up quicker than this one was. If you want to be tagged in my future posts, please let me know. Please leave feedback as well, it really keeps me motivated to write.

Tag List: @mychenrymadness@up-the-tube@heyimtavia@adorkable-blackgirl @henryhearts

Part 1Part 2 Part 3

Sitting in the car after Henry’s little door stunt was… awkward to say the least. Charlotte couldn’t stop thinking about what it meant. Or if it meant anything at all. Was Henry flirting with me just then? Or did he do that to prove a point that wedoneed to practice? Am I looking too hard into this? Ugh.

Sighing, Charlotte turned away from the window she was staring out of to glance over at her best friend. Henry was focused on the road while casually bobbing his head to the music softly playing on the radio. He was driving with his left hand while his right arm was draped over the center console.

Taking a deep breath Charlotte as casually as possible slid her hand under Henry’s, entwining their fingers. Without saying a word, he shot a glance in her direction before giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

Ok, that was natural enough. And I’m not even that uncomfortable despite the fact that Hen’s hand is kind of sweaty. See! We don’t need to practice. Or IS this considered practice since no one else is around? Am I still looking too hard into this? Ugh.

Charlotte was absentmindedly scrolling on her phone with her right hand while her left stayed comfortably nestled in Henry’s. She looked up randomly and noticed that they had passed the neighborhood where the party was being held.

“Uh, what are we doing?” Charlotte asks. “You missed your turn.”

Henry just looked over at her then smiled softly.

“That creepy smile wasn’t an answer to my question.”

Henry laughs slightly but still doesn’t answer her.

“Oh wow, it’s really happening huh? This is the night you finally kill me.”

“Yeah, all these years I’ve been lulling you into a false sense of security so that I could murder you. Even though I am LITERALLY a superhero.”


“I’m breaking up with you.”

Charlotte rolls her eyes in response but doesn’t say anything verbally. After driving for a few more minutes they arrived at their destination.

She almost forgot they were holding hands until he pulled his hand from hers when they arrived at their location.

“Chantel’s? What are we doing here?” Charlotte asks.

“WE are going on a date.”

She whips her head in his direction. “We’re doing what now?”

“I’m kidding, we’re just getting something to eat before the party. Relax.” Henry chuckles.

“You could’ve just said that.”

“Yeah but your reaction wouldn’t have been as fun” he says as he gets out of the car.

“Whatever. And we couldn’t go through a drive thru and eat in the car because…?” she counters as she also exits the vehicle.

“Well we could have but where’s the fun in that?

Charlotte rolls her eyes again but follows him towards the establishment.

“Plus I told Bianca that we already had dinner plans, remember?”

“Yeah why did you say that? I actually don’t mind Mastro’s.”

“Because” Henry opened the door to the semi-formal restaurant and gestured for her to go in. “Everyone is going to be at Mastro’s.”

“Exactly. Isn’t that what we want?”

“Not necessarily. Us being here will show exclusivity.”

“How’s that?” Charlotte wonders as they stand in line.

“We’ll be here. And although we could have hung out with everyone, we chose to be alone instead.”

“Sure…but I still don’t see the point of being here specifically, we could’ve just gone to Nacho Ball.”

“Yeah but Nacho Ball isn’t a good place to flex for the Gram.”

As he said that, they reached the hostess station. “Reservation for Hart please.”

After being seated in a booth they looked over the menu.

“Order something that will look good in photos” Henry urged.

“This isn’t like a super fancy restaurant but okay.”

“Yeah but it’s fancier than Mastro’s and that’s all that matters.”

“I guess.” Charlotte shrugged.

After ordering their meal and waiting for it to arrive, the two made small talk.

“So what’s the strategy for the party?” Charlotte inquires.

“Uhhhh? I was thinking that we could wing it.”

“Of course you were. Hmm. Why don’t we keep up this exclusivity thing? That way we don’t really have to interact with many people but they can still see us together.”

“I guess that could work. Sure.”

“Okay so when we get to the party let’s just find a corner to chill in for like an hour and then we can leave.”


At that moment, their waiter brought their food over. Charlotte picked up her silverware but Henry stopped her from taking a bite.

“Pics or it didn’t happen. Remember?”

“Oh yeah, what do you want me to do?”

“Just look at me and smile.”

“Simple enough.”

Charlotte smiled while Henry tries to make sure both her and the food were in frame.

Wow her teeth are perfect. Henry thought to himself.

“Got it.”

“Cool, let me see?”

“Yeah sure. Hold on, I’m just typing a caption.”

Charlotte takes a few bites of her dinner while she waits.

“Okay here” Henry says while passing her his phone.

On it she can see an in-progress Instagram post with the picture of her, which turned out great, and a caption that says ‘Prettiest girl in the Tri-State area’.

“Alright Doofenshmirtz, Tri-State area? Really?”

“I don’t know! I realized as I was writing it that I’ve never flexed for the Gram before.”

“Clearly. I haven’t either but saying that your “girlfriend” is pretty in only three states is definitely not it. How about this?” Charlotte asks she changes the caption on the photo and hands the phone back.

“Prettiest girl I know” Henry reads out loud. “Fax. Alright that works. And…posted.”

When Henry looks up from his phone Charlotte is staring at him incredulously.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Did you just say fax?”

“No printer. Why?”

“I’m the prettiest girl you know?”

“Objectively speaking, yes. 100%.”

“You can’t be objective about beauty. It is inherently SUBjective.”

“Suuuurrreee, Charlotte ‘PYT’ Page.”

Charlotte looked at him even more confused. “You know what? Let’s just move on. Should I post something of you?”

“Yeah but let’s not do the same type of photo. Ummmm…here” Henry says as he goes over to her side of the booth. “Scoot over.”

Charlotte obliges and then Henry throws an arm over her shoulder.

“Cheese” he says while taking her phone and snapping a photo of the two. Then he leans in and kisses her on the cheek for the second picture.

“Oh that’s perfect. We look goooooooood.”

Henry putters around for a few moments before handing her the phone back.

“My date is better than yours” Charlotte nods her head in approval. “Not bad Hart” she says while officially posting it online to her profile. When she exited out the app she notices that Henry also changed her phone screen background to the first picture they took.

“Really Henry?” She asks while turning the phone around so he could see what she was referring to.

“Yeah really. Real couples have each other on their lock screens, it’s a thing.”

“Ok well make it your lock screen too. Let me send it to you.”

“No need.”

“But you just said-“ she cuts herself off after Henry flips his phone towards her so she could see his background. It’s the picture of her upside down on the ManCave couch. The snapshot he took on the day this whole fake dating thing started.

“Okay then” she concedes.

They continued their dinner in relative silence but it was a comfortable quiet. The stifling air from earlier in the night had completely dissipated.

Once finished, Henry paid for their meal and they left Chantel’s hand in hand.

Don’t Dress Up As My Enemy

Hi guys! I’ve been working on this since a few days before Halloween and I just finished it. Sorry, it was supposed to be a Halloween one shot but I hope you still enjoy. If you would like to be added to my tag list for future writing, please let me know by responding to this post.

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“So what should we be for Halloween this year?” Henry asks Charlotte who was at the monitor. “I was thinking like Sandy and Danny from Grease or even better, Brittany and Justin in those denim outfits. I look gooooodddd in denim.”

“I do look great in denim. But no.”

“Alright, what about the Disney route? Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen?”

“Uhhhh…” Charlotte hesitates.

“Ariel and Eric?”

Charlotte turns away from what she was looking at and spins the chair around to face Henry who is sitting on the couch. She shakes her head.

“John Lennon and Yoko Ono? You like the Beatles, right?”

“Yeah the Beatles are cool. But something’s off.”

“Off? What do you mean by off?” Henry wonders.

“I don’t know, I just don’t like those options. Any other suggestions?”

“Okkkkk…How about the Joker and Harley Quinn?”

“Eww no, their whole dynamic was toxic” Char replies instantly.

“Oh! How about Barbie and Ken? We are totally hot enough to pull that off!”

“Yeeaaahh I don’t think so. Anything else?”

“Wow you’re being so picky this year. What about Red and Abe from Us? Super scary. Plus red jumpsuits and scissors should be easy enough.”

“That would be pretty simple to put together but it’s not doing it for me.”

“Well do you have any ideas?” Henry poses exasperatedly.

At that moment the elevator opens and Jasper pops out. “Guys, guess what I got?”

“A snake?” “A new bucket?” They respond simultaneously.

“No! It’s wands! I figured that we could be Harry Potter characters for Halloween this year. Charlotte can be Harry!”

“Jasper!” Char exclaims. “That’s what was missing! None of those choices had a good option for him, that’s why I didn’t like them.”

“What are we talking about?” Jasper asks curiously.

“Nothing, Henry was just suggesting different costumes for us but they were only for two people” she clarifies.

Jasper turns to Henry, “You didn’t include me in your planning?”

Looking like a deer caught in the headlights Henry stammers out, “No, buddy! I totally thought about you!”

“Really?” Jasper asks Henry with an eyebrow raised. “Hey Charlotte, name one of the ideas he gave you.”

“Barbie and Ken.”

“The iconic duo. Anything else?”

“Ummm…guys I don’t think that this-“

“No Char, I want to know. What was another option?” Jasper asks seriously.

Charlotte sighs but decides to answer his question. “Tiana and Naveen. The main characters from the Princess and the Frog.”

“Oh really?” Jasper looks back at Henry who is now looking guilty. “And who was I going to be Hen?”

Henry looks everywhere expect at Jasper. “Louis the Alligator?”

“Louis the- wowww okay. If you didn’t want to dress up with me this year dude you could’ve just said something.”

“Of course I want to dress up with you! I just forgot. Temporarily.”

“Yeah sure, well thank you to Charlotte for being a good friend and thinking about me.”

“Dude I’m sorry. It’s not like that. Can I…talk to you for a minute?”

“We’re talking right now.”

“I mean alone. Just, come upstairs to Junk and Stuff with me.”

“Are you sure you want to talk to ME and not Charlotte?”

“Leave me outta this.” Charlotte piped up, facing the monitors at the console once again.

“Look, just meet me up there. Okay?” Henry pleaded.

“I’ll think about it” Jasper huffed.

After Henry took the elevator up to the store, Jasper plopped down onto the couch with a long sigh. “You know this is your fault.”

Knowing that they were the only two remaining in the ManCave, Charlotte assumes that Jasper was addressing her.

“What’s my fault?” she inquires while rising from her seat and walking to the couch to sit down next to her friend.

Jasper seems to disconnect from reality, staring blankly at nothing. It’s as if he is in a trance. Then he starts to speak.

“Before you came into the picture, Henry and I were thick as thieves. Practically inseparable. We did everything together. There were no doubts about our friendship. And then one day while we were playing, Henry saw you. A tiny girl with a book that was half her body weight, sitting on the swing set. You were rocking gently back and forth. Not too high, not too hard. Henry thought it was awesome that you could swing and read at the same time.”

“That took a second to master, it made me motion sick at first.” Charlotte says lightly amused.

“He saw some kind of wild flower next to the sandbox and picked it for you. And when he gave it to you he said it was because doing two things at once made you ‘the coolest person he had ever met’. When you accepted it, you said that the type of flower was a daisy. You asked him if he knew that daisies could symbolize true love and new beginnings? Henry said that he didn’t know those things but thought it was very smart that you did. You thanked him for the flower and asked where he had gotten it from. When he pointed by the sandbox you were confused because you didn’t see any other flowers there. You told him that daisies usually grow in clusters and it was strange that the flower as alone.”

“Thatwas weird, daises typically grow in groups.” Charlotte mumbles softly.

“Do you remember Henry saying that the flower was like you? Because you were by yourself? He said that he could be a part of your cluster. So you wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. And the whole time this was happening, I was right there. A few feet away, watching. Not knowing how to contribute to the conversation my best friend up and left me to have with this random girl.”

“I didn’t know you were there.”

“Well I was. You know, I think that day started his love affair with flowers. He was so impressed that you knew exactly what type it was and that you knew so many facts about it. And he wanted to be liked you in that way. You inspired him. I don’t think I’ve ever inspired anything that Henry’s done.”


“It’s okay. I’ve mostly accepted the fact that I’ll never be as important to him as you are.”

“Hey listen, you are important to him. I know that Henry loves you. You guys were friends before I even came into the picture, there had to be a connection there. You’re just a little hurt right now because he wasn’t thinking things completely through earlier. But come on, it’s Henry. Not thinking things through is basically one of his personality traits.”

“Yeah I guess” Jasper sighs. “I’m just sick of feeling like I’m the only one invested in our friendship.”

“Have you spoken to Henry about how you feel?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Well maybe you should.”

“I know.”

It’s silent for a moment. “Uggghhhh” Jasper groans in frustration. “I’m so sorry Charlotte, I know it’s not your fault that I feel this way. It was just easier to blame you than face the fact that I might be losing my best friend.”

“It’s okay Jasper. I understand where you are coming from. Believe it or not, I’ve felt like this before too. Henry and I were way closer in middle school before you found out he was Kid Danger. We spent so much time together at school and then here at work. Secrets bind people together. So whenever you were let in on the secret, we lost some of that closeness and everything changed. Instead of it being just the two of us, it felt like the two of you and then me. It was like I barely hung out with him anymore because you were always there. Henry spent so much of his time showing you all the cool tech stuff and explaining how everything worked in the ManCave, things I already knew about. For a while it was rough for me. It was like I was alone in a room full of people trying to figure out where I fit in.”

“I never knew you felt like that.”

“Yeah. That feeling of neglect was real. Because while we were friends, neither one of us were as close to each other as we were with Henry. That is, until we started spending more time together when Henry and Ray were on missions. We built our friendship stronger and bondedwithoutHenry. He had always been the glue. Then, we created our own glue. And I’m so glad that we did. You are my best friend. That statement doesn’t lose any value just because it’s also true for Henry. The same thing applies to us. Henry loves you. You should go talk to him.”

“I will. Thanks Char.”

“You’re welcome.”


“Just this once.”

“Yay!” Jasper said as he scooped his smaller friend in his arms, squeezing tightly.

Charlotte patted him awkwardly on the back. “Okay that’s enough.”

Upstairs, Henry was at the register cashing out a customer when Jasper came from behind the beaded curtain. After he handed the person their change, he turned to his friend. “Listen Jasper, I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to-“

“No Henry, you listen to me for once. I know you didn’t mean to hurt my feelings.”

“Exactly! My bad I’m just so into-“

“Hold up. As I was saying, I know you didn’t mean to hurt my feelings. But you did. You hurt my feelings today when you didn’t include me in your costume plans, especially since we dressed up as a group last year. That hurt man. And you know what that reminded me of? That time I asked you how long you thought you could keep a secret from your best friend and your response was, ‘Oh, Charlotte knows’. It didn’t even cross your mind that I meant me. That Iwas your best friend.”


“I’m just saying Henry. For a hero, you sure know how to hurt people.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Isn’t it?”

“Listen. Of course Charlotte is my best friend, but so are you. I know that sometimes I don’t show you the appreciation you deserve. I am truly sorry. You’ve been such a constant in my life that I just assume you know how much I care about you. I should tell you more often, that’s on me. I love you man. Forgive me?”

Jasper stared at Henry with a stoic face for a tense twenty seconds before caving.

“Of course. That’s all I wanted to hear” Jasper said before giving him a big bro hug.

“So the costume thing really was you just being obtuse without realizing, Charlotte was right” Jasper said mostly to himself.

“Well” Henry says in his signature high pitched voice.

“What is it?”

“Um, you see, Ikindawantedtowearacouple’scostumewithCharbecauseImighthaveacrushonher.”


“I saaaaaiiiiddd, I kinda wanted to wear a couple’s costume with Char because I might have a crush on her. I figured if we had matching costumes, when people commented on them I could look at her reaction to try and gauge if she liked me back.” Henry responds while looking at the floor and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“Really?” Jasper said excitedly.

Henry whips his head back up to see Jasper beaming at him.

“You’re not like, mad? Because you just went on this whole tangent about how I like her more than you…”

“No this is great! Honestly. I’ve always known that you like her more than me. My problem was that I don’t like it when you treat her like she’s your only best friend and leave me out completely. Plus, you’ve liked her ever since you gave her that flower when we were kids. You stare at her like she hung the moon. And…her contact name in your phone has been Daisy since you got a phone. You’re completely obvious dude.”

“Okayyy, geez. I didn’t know I was so transparent. I just realized this like a few weeks ago.” Henry says.

“You poor sap. Well come on, I’ll help you get your girl” Jasper replies as they walk to the back and push the button for the elevator.

“How are you gonna do that? My costume idea backfired.”

“Yeah she is definitely not going to leave me out after our talk.” Jasper says.

Henry sighs in defeat.

“Hmmmm…oh, I got it! We can still do Harry Potter but instead I’ll be Harry, Charlotte can be Hermoine.”

“And I can be Ron!” Henry concludes excitedly.

“Yeah exactly! That way, you can still technically have a couple’s costume. Even though we both know if anyone was gonna save the world it would definitely be her” Jasper muses.

“This is true.” Henry agrees as they both step into the elevator.

Hi! I’m here with something that no one requested but the concept was stuck in my head because I’m Chenry Trash.

If anyone wants to be tagged whenever I upload a fic, please respond to this post and I will do that going forward. Hope you enjoy!


Everyone had given it a shot and told their best scary stories to no avail. Henry was still unbothered and bored sitting in the Story Tank. After Piper took her turn, she went back to the table with Charlotte and Jasper to help them put Henry’s steaks back into the Bromaha box. They wouldn’t be needing them.

“Can I take this thing off?” Henry whined.

“No you can not!” Ray exclaimed.

“UGHHHHHHHHH” Henry groaned. “Just face it Ray, I won this challenge.”

“I will not face anything! I WILL be chowing down on those delicious steaks.” Ray declares.

Henry simply rolled his eyes in response.

“Well I have a story for you, but it’s not mine” Schowz says with a sly look on his face.

“Okay? What’s the story? I’m sure that I won’t be scared.” Henry replies with the utmost confidence.

“Charlotte told me a great story earlier this week about a guy.”

“Alright. What’s the story about? This guy a ghost or something?” Henry asks.

“No. Just some guy in her class. And he is definitely alive.”

What’s so scary about a guy in Charlotte’s class? Henry thought.

“Who’s alive?” Ray wonders.

“Just a boy that Charlotte was telling me about. She says that he’s super cool.”

Through the immersion, Henry sees an image of Schowz and Charlotte on the Man Cave couch.

“So what did you want to talk to me about Charlotte? A new device? An update for a old device?”

“No, I just wanted to tell you about this super cool guy.”

“Oh, alright girl. Tell me more. Spill the coffee as you kids say.”

“You mean tea?”

“Tea, coffee they both have caffeine. What’s up with this boy? Is he your boyfriend?”

While Henry is in deep thought and not paying them any attention, Schowz walks over to the Story Tank monitor to check on Henry’s Fear-inol levels. The levels were rising slowly. 

I knew that would work! I’m a genius! Schowz thinks to himself.

He looks over at Ray and gestures to the monitor with a slight nod in its direction. Schowz then gives Ray a wink to signal for him to play along. Ray winks back to let him know that he understands.

They’ve both noticed that Henry has been a little more attentive to Charlotte than usual lately. Standing over shoulder while she’s at the console, invading her personal space, bringing her food from the AutoSnacker, riding in the same tube with her when Jasper takes the other. He is not subtle at all. He definitely has a big, fat crush.

The entire interaction goes unnoticed by Henry who is still pondering Schowz’s earlier statement. Charlotte thinks that someone is cool? That’s new. She usually thinks that everyone is lame. Including me. Is this a real guy? 

“Charlotte said that? What else-” Henry clears his throat and tries but fails to sound nonchalant, “Uh, what else did she say?”

“Are you guys talking about Brayden?” Ray cuts in. “Because Charlotte also mentioned this guy to me. She went on and on about how handsome he was” Ray adds helpfully.

“Ray, guess what?”


“I think that I know someone who could beat you in the Handsomest Man in Swellview Competition this year.”

“Blasphemy! No one can beat this face!”

“Nope, I really think he could win.”

“Oh yeah? Who is this guy?”

“My friend Brayden.”

“Show me his picture.”

Charlotte pulls out her phone to show him.

Schowz checks the monitor again, there was a spike in Fear-inol AND Urinol after Ray backed his play. Ray walked over to the monitor and saw the increase as well.

“Henry doesn’t stand a chance” he whispers quietly to his shorter friend.

“Absolutely not.” Schowz agrees.

Brayden? Debate team Brayden? Charlotte thinks he’s cool? And handsome? She said that he barely brought anything to the team except for a pretty face. I thought that was an insult to his intelligence. But maybe it was a compliment on his face?

“Did Charlotte tell you about her date with him?” questions Schowz.

Date? What date? Charlotte is dating Brayden now? When did that happen? Why am I just hearing about it?

“Um, they’re going out? Like in real life? And she told you this?” Henry asks disbelievingly.

“She suuuuure did. I heard he was taking her out this Saturday” Ray says with a goofy grin on his face.

Fear-inol levels were now reaching the precipice of the Startled Zone but weren’t quite there yet. Schowz motions to Ray to keep going, letting him know that their scare tactics were working.

Henry takes off the helmet and whips his head over to Charlotte who is sitting at the table with Piper talking animatedly. Jasper is now at the auto snacker ordering more candy and popcorn.

I wonder what they’re talking about. Is it about this so called “date”? Does Jasper know too? Am I the only one who didn’t know? Why didn’t she tell me?

“That-that’s cool. Charlotte has a date. What’s so scary about that?” Henry plays it off but there is a glistening of sweat forming on his brow bone.

“Oh, nothing. I just thought that you’d want to know. Put the mask back on.”

Henry follows the direction without protest. It’s as if he’s in sort of a trance.

“Yeah Henry, isn’t Saturday you and Charlotte’s official Movie Night night?” Ray asks.

In the Story World, Henry and Charlotte are in his room watching movies when they hear a knock on the door. After going downstairs, Henry answers the door to see Brayden standing there with a small bouquet of daises that he hands to Charlotte. She takes the daisies and gives them a big whiff before passing the flowers off to Henry. With a big smile on her face she turns to Henry and says, “Don’t wait up”. She then walks out the door hand and hand with Brayden. Henry is left alone looking down at the daisies.

“It is.” Henry muttered glumly.

“Weellllll, she’s gonna miss that. I heard that they are going to Nacho Ball.” Schowz adds.

Back in the story world, Charlotte and Brayden are sitting on the same side of the booth talking and giggling. They seem to be in their own little world. Charlotte wipes some nacho cheese off the corner of Brayden’s lip with a napkin. They actually look good together.

Henry feels sick to his stomach. “She hasn’t cancelled movie night for this weekend, how do I know that you aren’t just saying this to bother me?” Henry questions Ray and Schowz.

“She probably just hasn’t gotten around to it yet. Too busy thinking about her date with Brayden.” Ray mocks.

“Bother you? Does the fact that Charlotte has a date bother you?” Schowz inquires.

“Uh, no it doesn’t bother me. Why would it?” Henry mutters while scratching the back of his neck.

“You tell us Henry? Are you upset that Charlotte is going on a date?” Ray asks while stepping closer to the tank.

“Psssh, what? No. I’m just upset that she’s going to miss movie night.” Henry says nervously.

“Really?” Ray countered, squinting at Henry in suspicion.

Henry mustered up all his bravado and put it into the next word, “Really.”

“Well I’m sure if you ask her, she’d be willing to reschedule the date for earlier that day.” Schowz suggests as he checks Henry’s Fearinol levels again. The levels are now in the fully in the Startled Zone and creeping to the precipice of Scared. Schowz mouths to Ray, ‘Almost there’.

“Good. And then at movie night, Charlotte can tell you ALL about her date and how great it was.” Ray taunts.

Henry sees a vision of himself and Charlotte in the living room while Charlotte chatters excitedly about the date she just got back from. They haven’t watched one movie yet. They had been talking for an hour about Brayden.

“He was such a gentleman Henry, I think I really like him. He’s so cute and smart and nice and handsome and tall and kind. And did I mention that he was handsome?”

“You sure did Charlotte. Only about a hundred times.”

“Sorry, I’m just so excited that Brayden asked me out. And we’re going on another date tomorrow. I hope we last.”

“Me too” Henry replies in a false cheery tone.

“I wonder if they’ll kiss? What do you think Ray? Think they’ll kiss?” Schowz questions.

“Oh definitely. One thing I know about is teenage boys. I used to be one not too long ago! If I was this guy, I’d definitely shoot my shot. Charlotte’s a catch.”

“True. She’s so smart and pretty. What guy would turn her down?” Schowz adds.

“I don’t know. A chump probably” Ray alleges.

“Do you think that Brayden is a chump Henry?” the foreigner probes.

Now the Story Zone shows Brayden and Charlotte in front of her door after the date.

“I had a great time tonight” Brayden tells Charlotte.  

“Me too” Charlotte answers shyly while looking down at her feet.

“Hey Charlotte?” Brayden whispers.

“Hm?” she says while looking up at him.

Instead of responding verbally, he looks into her eyes and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Stepping closer, he glances down at her lips and looks back into her eyes that are locked onto his. They both start leaning closer to each other.

Right before imaginary Charlotte and Brayden touch lips, Henry rips the helmet off his head. He’s breathing harshly and looks uncomfortable.

“That’s enough! I-I’m good” Henry rasps out.

Checking the monitor, Henry’s Fear-inol levels were offically in Scared terrority now and steadily increasing. His heart rate is also off the charts.

“Ha! I knew that I could scare you!” Ray gloats.

“I started it. It was my story” Schowz whines.

“Yeah, yeah yeah. Give me those sweet, sweet steaks!” he walks over to the table to collect the meat and then goes through the sprocket door. 

Henry gets out of the Story Tank while Schowz chases after Ray. “I thought we were supposed to be sharing those!”

Sighing, Henry looks over at the table to see only Piper sitting there on her phone. It looks like she hadn’t moved in quite some time.

“Where’d Charlotte and Jasper go?”

“They went upstairs awhile ago to help some customers.”

“Oh okay. Nice. So were you on your phone the whole time or….?”

“Yeah, I’ve been in a Twitflash beef with Jana Tetrazinni for the past thirty minutes.”

“Cool cool cool cool,cool.”

“Still totally heard the fact that you were scared by Charlotte going on a date in a fake scenario.”

“I wasn’t scared! And fake scenario? What do you mean fake scenario? Char’s going out with Brayden this Saturday isn’t she?”

“Uh no dude. The only reason those guys even know about Brayden is because Charlotte was complaining about how he almost made them lose a debate this week. She hates that guy” Piper says as she gets up from the table and walks towards him.

“Oh.” Henry says with obvious relief.

“Yeah, ‘oh’. You need to go and ask her out before you give yourself an aneurysm. I’m not visiting you in the hospital” Piper says sarcastically and pats him on the arm as she passes.

“Ha ha very funny Piper. I don’t see Charlotte like that, we’re just friends.”

“That’s not what your Fear-inol levels say buddy.”

Fall In Fake Love With Me

Part 1Part 2 Part 3

As soon as they entered the courtyard with interlocked fingers, their classmates started whispering furiously.

“I knew I would regret this” Charlotte says as she and Henry walk into the school hand in hand.

Well this will be all over campus in seconds. Charlotte thought exasperatedly.

“Lighten up Char, you gotta live a little.”

“I’m as light as I can get right now Henry.” Char grumbles.

Henry picks up Charlotte unexpectedly causing her to let out a small squeal.

“I don’t know, you feel kind of heavy to me” he jokes.

Charlotte scoffs in annoyance and rolls her eyes, “Put me down.”

“What was that? Hm? Take you to your locker? Okay BABE.”

As Henry walked towards their lockers carrying Charlotte, several of their classmates congratulated them on their relationship and told them that they made a cute couple. Charlotte thinks that she even saw Dylan from yearbook snap a photo of them. 

Upon arrival, Henry places Charlotte back on her feet.

“Gosh, you are so annoying” she gripes.

Before Henry could reply Oliver and Sidney walked up to them while bickering.

“Well you owe me twenty bucks” said Oliver.

“Not until we know for sure” Sidney replies.

“You said during summer break. We are clearly back at school, which means that I won.”

“Yeah but we don’t know if they originally got together in the summer but are just now showcasing it.”

“Whatever, let’s find out.”

“Hey Charlotte, Henry. How are you guys doing today?” Sidney asks politely.

“Ugh cut to the chase dude.” Oliver turned to the couple. “So when did this happen?” he asks as he makes vague a hand gesture in front of them.

Charlotte and Henry glanced at each other and proceeded to have a conversation through eye contact and eyebrow raises.

“See! They definitely got together during summer. They’re doing the whole couple silent communication thing!” Sidney exclaims.

“They could do that before! They were weirdly close.” Oliver counters.

“Oh yeah, that’s true. What if they’ve been dating for years?”

“What if they are actually engaged and are just now deciding to let the world know?”

“Charlotte does have a band on her left ring finger.”

Charlotte twists the invisibility ring off and transfers it to her right hand.

“Why did she just move the ring? Oh. My. God. What if they are already MARRIED?”

“Why weren’t we invited to the wedding?” Sidney and Oliver ask simultaneously.

“Wow that spiraled SO fast.” Henry says.

“Guys! Guys! Calm down. Number One, you weren’t invited to the wedding because there WAS no wedding and Number Two, we started dating this summer.”

“I told ya! Pay up buddy” Sidney triumphantly exclaims to Oliver.

Oliver groaned while pulling out his wallet as they walk away.

“Wow, those guys are something else.” Henry states with a chuckle.

“Ugh I know, and class hasn’t even started yet.” Charlotte said while leaning her forehead on her locker.

“Hey, look at me.” Henry prodded while grabbing her hand to turn her in his direction and gently lifted her chin with his index finger. “We got this ok? It’s the same old me and you, just slightly more touchy feely. Easy.”

“Yeah easy for you to say, I’ve never had a real boyfriend remember? And physical touch is NOT my love language.” Char responded.

He placed both his hands on her shoulders while bending down slightly to at look from under his lashes. “That’s why you have me. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”

Charlotte snorted, “Well that’s new.”


“Me following your lead. You usually follow mine.”

“True, but this time I’m the expert.            

“Okay EXPERT, what are our next steps?”

“Uhhhhhhhhh…….” Henry stammers while opening his locker.

“And this is why you usually follow my lead” she mumbles under her breath.

“Walk me to class” Charlotte says while strutting away.

“Yeah, sure” he stated as he got his last book from his locker and turned around to see his friend halfway down the hall.

“Char, wait up! Babe! Babe!” Henry yells while chasing after her.

Everyone had believed their act with no problem. Jasper even told them that it was only a “matter of time” before they got back together. Several classmates had also told them that they had been “shipping it” for years.

Henry had been walking Charlotte to class all week long. Which in itself wasn’t unusual but now they were either holding hands or touching in some way.

Everthing had been going according to plan and now it was Friday night and the pair had just arrived to the football game at their school.

“Alright, so you know the plan?” Henry asks Charlotte before they get out of his car.

“Yep, we go into this football game and act like a couple directly in front of Bianca. Simple enough.”

“Perfect, let’s go.”

As they walked towards the entrance Henry slung his arm over Charlotte’s shoulder because he saw the cheerleaders headed out of the locker room.

She looked up at him curiously and he just tilted his head in their direction. Subtly looking over her shoulder she spotted Bianca who had also saw them and was making her way over.

“Hi Henry.”

“Heeyyyy Bianca, funny seeing you here.”

“I cheer now so I’m at all the games.”

“Really? I didn’t know!” Henry states in a high tone of voice.

Charlotte elbows him in the stomach and he clears his throat. “That’s cool.”

“Yeah… it is” she responds, eyeing him curiously. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Well since it’s the Regional Championship, I convinced Charlotte to come show some school spirit with me for once.”

“It’s the biggest home game we’ll have this year so I decided to support. Plus I just can’t say no to my…love muffin here” Charlotte says while internally cringing.

“How cute.” Bianca stated sarcastically. “So Henry, after the game a bunch of us are going to Mastro’s for pizza. Then after we’re gonna go to Chase’s house for a kickback. You’re welcome to come.”

“Well Char and I already have dinner plans but we might stop through Chase’s for a bit.” Henry countered.

“Oh it looks like your friends are calling you Bianca” Charlotte points out.

Bianca looks behind her to see her fellow cheerleaders gesturing for her to come on.

“Right. See you later?” she asks Henry.

“Maybe” he replies.

“Break a leg!” Charlotte says and gives her a fluttering wave in dismissal as she connects her hand with Henry’s that is still dangling over her shoulder.

Bianca tracks the movement with her eyes before giving a closed mouth smile and jogging back over to her friends.

Henry and Charlotte decided to find seats in the bleachers directly in front of where the cheerleaders were set up. They could feel Bianca’s eyes on them almost constantly. She was staring them down, so the pressure was on to be a convincing couple.

Throughout the entire football game, Charlotte was putting forth great effort to be more comfortable with the new physical aspect of their friendship. Henry would perform small gestures to keep up the act. She tried not to flinch.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, he warmed up her cold hands between his and he even whispered in her ear occasionally. He was just telling her about what was happening in the football game but Bianca didn’t know that.

Henry had his arm over Charlotte’s shoulder and she was leaning into his side pretty much all night. Although Henry wasn’t sure if it was for pretenses or if it was because it was cold outside.

When Char felt Bianca’s gaze on them for a particularly long moment towards the end of the game, she built up the confidence to give Henry a lingering kiss on the cheek. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Bianca cross her arms over her chest in response.

She makes it too easy. Charlotte thought as she snickered under her breath.

After the game they were exiting the bleachers and walking back to Henry’s car. Their football team had won the game so the two decided that going to the party later would be a good idea to get more exposure for their “relationship”.

“Wow that was great! She looked so angry after that kiss! And you said that touch wasn’t your love language” Henry bumps her shoulder with his playfully as they walk through the gate.

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Granted, it was still uncomfortable but I’m a fast learner. I’ll get used to it.”

Reaching Henry’s car he goes to the passenger door to open it for Charlotte. Before she could enter, he lightly grabs her hand and says, “Maybe you just need to practice?”

“Practice? How do you propose we do that?”

Dropping her hand, he steps into the enclosed space between her body and the open car door. “I just mean, maybe you need more experience with the closeness so you don’t feel so awkward.”

“I think I’m doing okay”

“Really?” Henry says while placing both his hands on either side of her head and stepping even closer. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure” Charlotte squeaks out before ducking under his arm and getting in the car. He chuckles and closes her door before walking around to his side.

This is going to be a long night. Henry thought to himself.

Tell Me It’s Okay To Fail

Number 19 (Chenry)

This requested was forever ago by @martyandbuffy. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get to it. Hope you enjoy.


“It’s not your fault.” Charlotte tells Henry for what felt like the thousandth time since the mission was over.

Everyone else had cleaned up and gone their separate ways after a hard day. They were the only two remaining in the ManCave.

“That guy is in the hospital because of ME Charlotte! I’m the one who didn’t get there in time!” Henry exclaims while pacing and running his hands through his hair in frustration.

“No, that guy is in the hospital because Dr. Mynyak is a maniac.”

“If I would’ve been quicker then maybe…” Henry starts dejectedly and slumps to half lean half sit on the back of the couch.

Charlotte stands in front of him. “Then Maybe nothing. You can’t torment yourself like this Hen. With the maybes and the what ifs.”

“Someone is in the ICU in critical condition RIGHT NOW fighting for their life because I wasn’t good enough.”

“Hey hey. None of that.” Charlotte says while gently taking Henry’s hands into her own.

“Look at me.” She softly demands and waits until his eyes meet hers reluctantly.

“You ARE good enough. You’re only one person Henry. It is physically impossible for you to be everywhere at once. You did. Your best” Charlotte says with conviction.

“It’s just hard to accept Char. If I still had my stupid hyper-motility powers, then that guy might not have been hurt.”

“Possibly. But you don’t know that. There is no way FOR you to know that. You did everything in your power to help him and because of you, he’s still ALIVE. That has to count for something. I know that this isn’t the most ideal situation and fortunately, that guy is still here to fight for his life. But there could come a time where it is too late. And they are gone. That will NOT be on you. You can’t save everyone.”

“I—” Henry gasps out as a lone tear streams down his cheek. He untangles their hands and wraps his arms around her midsection, pulling her between his legs.

Pressing his head against her stomach, the dam is opened. Every fear, every insecurity, every negative emotion that Henry has had about the job from the beginning comes rushing to the forefront of his mind.

Henry continues to let out racking sobs in Charlotte’s embrace. This was the first time a pedestrian got seriously hurt and it was hard to come to terms with the fact that someone could die on his watch. Now he was thinking about what would happen if the person that got hurt next time was Jasper or his family or…Charlotte. He wouldn’t know what he would do if he couldn’t save them.

Charlotte gently strums her hands through his hair in a comforting gesture. “It’s okay Henry, it’s okay.” She whispers.

After a few more minutes he started to feel cried out. He was exhausted but also somehow lighter. Sniffing, he let go of Charlotte in order rub under his nose with his shirt sleeve.

Charlotte softly wiped the remnants of tears from his face with her thumbs. “No matter what happens, you will always be a hero to me.”

Henry let out a shuddering breath and cleared his throat. “What would I do with you?” he croaked out.

“Good thing you never have to find out” Charlotte replies.
