#fight prompts


A fight between a character who normally fights in the skies vs a character who normally fights on or under the ground. 

Two enemies are interrupted during a fight by a beastly 3rd entity. Whatever it is, giant fauna, giant flora, carnivorous dinosaurs, or humongous sand worms, they’re stranded and are forced to work together to survive. How do the hero and their enemy differ in tactics? Do they find themselves surprisingly complimentary when on the same side? How do they confront the underlying conflict between them? How do they feel when they have to return to their previous sides after the whole ordeal is over? Has anything changed? (and when paired together to fight, what is the result?)

Fight scene in a library. They have to be really quiet lest they face the wrath of the librarian.

A character who usually fights with a specific weapon has found it in the hands of their enemy. Do they have a special connection to their weapon? How do they fight without it? How do they guard against it? Do they get it back?


1. Weapon of choice?

2. Any magical powers?

3. Any special talents?

4. What is their first move in any fight?

5. Fighting style?

6. Over what enemy do they hold the most advantage?

7. What enemy are they at a disadvantage to?

8. Biggest strength?

9. Biggest weakness?

10. What is their achilles heel?

11. What do they do in a last ditch effort?

12. What is their attitude towards winning?

13. What is their attitude towards losing?

14. What is their ultimate move?

15. Any secret techniques?

16. Are they formally trained?

17. Speed, strength, or strategy?

18. Any battle philosophies?

19. What is their most preferred battlefield?

20. What is their least preferred battlefield?

21. Who would they most like to fight beside?

22. Who would they actually fight well beside?

23. Who would they least like to fight beside?

24. Who would they fight the worst beside?

25. Are they good at fighting in teams or do they fight alone?

26. Any special quirks?

27. Any scars? Mental or physical?

28. Is healing an option for them? How long does it take for them to bounce back after a bad loss?

29. Who do they want to fight the most?

30. Who wants to fight them the most?

31. Who would win between ______ and _______?

32. At what point do they know they’re going to Lose a fight?

33. At what point do they know they’re going to win a fight?

A secret fight scene between discrete assassins in a masquerade ballroom. Who is the target? Who are the assassins? Is one trying to protect the target, or are they trying to kill them before the other does?

Fight scene in a giant aquarium tank. How did they get there? How do they fight in water? Are the creatures afraid or do they fight back? Who gets hurt as a result. Can people see them?

A fight scene between a killer and a pacifist.

3 characters are in a car. Character A is trying to drive the car to their destination. Character B is trying to attack Character A. Character C must protect them. How does the fight scene occur on such a small space? Can Character A keep their focus? Is anyone else trying to attack them from the outside, such as enemy vehicles? What is the terrain like? Does Character B succeed?

2 characters have to fight upside down. Do they use gravity to their advantage? If they fall, is it a deadly drop? Why cant they fight right side up? Whose talents translate well and whose are at a disadvantage?

2 allies are forced/mind controlled to fight each other

Fight Prompts Introduction

Fight scenes can be tricky to write. What makes a good fight scene? How do you make a fight scene interesting? How do you make it memorable?

Character,conflictandsetting are the building blocks for all good stories, and their subsequent fight scenes. We can break these down and discuss them one by one, which I can definitely do sometime, but for the moment, lets simply discuss some prompts which can spice up some given fight scenes or inspire new ones. 

If you have any requests for any kind of fight prompts/advice, we are open. Submissions are also welcome!

So lets watch some characters beat each other tf up, eh?
