#filiberto mateldi illustrations


Les Misérables | French Silent Film (dir : Henri Fescourt, 1925) // Illustration by Filiberto Mateldi (Italian edition, 1940)

Les Misérables | Gavroche Invites His Brothers To The Elephant Of The Bastille( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

‘Come still nearer. I die happy.

— Les Misérables, Jean Valjean’s Death( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

The shock which Jean Valjean received on recognizing Javert was equal to the one received by Javert when he thought he recognized Jean Valjean.

— Les Misérables, Jean Valjean Gives Alms To Javert In Disguise ( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

Les Misérables | The Convent( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

Les Misérables | Volume Three : Marius Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi (Italian edition, 1940)

..Thundering voice of Javert was audible:— ‘Search the blind alley! The Rue Droit-Mur is guarded! so is the Rue Petit-Picpus. I’ll answer for it that he is in the blind alley.’

— Les Misérables, Jean Valjean Escapes With Cosette From Javert( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

Les Misérables | Jean Valjean Escapes With Cosette From Javert ( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

Les Misérables | Jean Valjean Lifting The Cart ( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

Les Misérables | Valjean Rescues Marius Through The Sewers( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

“ One would have said that his presence had something warming and luminous about it.

— Les Misérables, Bishop Myriel( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

“ Beginning with that blessed and holy hour when a kiss betrothed these two souls, Marius was there every evening.

— Les Misérables, Marius & Cosette( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

“ There they smoked and drank, and gambled and laughed. There they conversed in very loud tones about everything, and in whispers of other things. ”

— Les Misérables, Les Amis de l'ABC In The Back Room Of Café Musain( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )


“ I shall call her Catherine.

— Les Misérables, Jean Valjean Giving A Doll To Cosette ( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

I like how Cosette looks smaller than Eponine and Azelma here, bc she actually looks younger than her age bc of abuse and neglect.

“ I shall call her Catherine.

— Les Misérables, Jean Valjean Giving A Doll To Cosette ( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

‘He is not the man whom you are in search of; it is I : I am Jean Valjean.

— Les Misérables, Jean Valjean in Court of Arras ( Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi, 1940 )

Les Misérables | The Bishop Welcoming Valjean In His Home |Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi (Italian edition, 1940)

Les Misérables | The Barricade Illustrated by Filiberto Mateldi (Italian edition, 1940)
