#final thoughts


Final thoughts:


I absolutely love Ai, so this chapter was quite the treat for me. She is just too cute. I want to see her happy… And I want to see Shousuke actually emote.

It’s a little sad to see her long hair go bye-bye, but her new haircut is at least still really cute.

I loved her display of determination to the teacher in charge (Hira Nichitaru). It was the dramatic haircut trope done well… Unlike that other example from this very same manga. She just really wants to be with Shousuke. How sweet is that?

Speaking of Hira Nichitaru… He has a solid titanium pair, that man. He was scared of Ai… because of course he was… but he still held his ground and told her he can’t just go changing the class rosters on a whim. Not only that though, he did so with compassion, unlike how some other teachers would have done… He’s a good man… Just a little slow with the details. (You could have just told her from the beginning that she was already in the same class as Shousuke, man! She cut her hair!!!)

So after the haircut (and a mishap trying to fix it up), Ai skipped school for a few weeks to let it grow back out some… Reminded me a little of her brother, whom also skipped school for quite a while in his first year. Intentional parallels, I’m sure… I dig it.

I don’t have that much of an opinion on most of the stuff with Hitomi. I think it’s funny though that she seems to not really understand romantic implications at all. At least not when it comes to her interactions with Shousuke and Sanjuurokurou. Ai could tell her explicitly and she still wouldn’t get it.

Thank goodness though, because Shousuke x Hitomi would have been a train wreck and not one I would have liked to see.

It was pretty funny to see Ai ready to ‘sink’ Hitomi over getting so close to “Shousuke-kyun”. She can make some of the greatest exaggerated faces, which is another point of similarity with her brother… I’m sure she would rather die than hear something like that though.

The Komi cameo near the end of the chapter was really nice: Komi just lounging in bed, cuddling with Tomo-chan (her giant black cat plushie). It was adorable. I still want there to be a point where Tadano tells her that it was his gift idea… Or perhaps one of Komi’s friends should point it out instead. I just want to see her react to that news.

More importantly though, I want to know what was in that text. Something about a movie, apparently? That’s what people in the discord server are saying… I hope they go on a date to see a horror movie thinking it’s some other kind of movie. (Komi can’t handle horror well, so… Ehe…)


Finally, the Shousuke pomph/sigh. I wonder which it was… Either way, it’s clear that he is resigned to his fate due to his sister dating Tadano… He’s going to have to get used to Hitomi pestering him. Nothing he can do about it. I hope it was a pomph though. Because imagining him pumping himself up to just deal with all the annoyance for the sake of his sister’s happiness is just… so much better than the alternative, haha… I want him to be a good and caring brother, even if he doesn’t want to communicatethat.

Next chapter is about discount Tadano and the others in Manbagi’s class. I’m not sure about much else in it. I just want more Onemine, Nakanaka, and Yamai, mainly.

I’m bad at keeping promises on here… so I won’t make any… But, I would like to get chapter 345 done tomorrow. We’ll see.

Kelly, Sarah’s social media marketing intern, here!

Tomorrow is my last day at Geek & Sundry and I just wanted to leave some love here. I had an amazing time here and this company is fantastic. They treat you like one of them, never once have I felt inferior or unwelcome. As a marketing intern, I have learned so much and really feel like I had the best possible internship experience. I aided in the new Geek Facts Twitter & Tumblr campaign, which became successful, and I helped think of an idea for a fan art contest.

I was given the chance and opportunity to get involved with the company and I felt as though my ideas were valued; never once did I feel as though I was being ignored or anything. 

I highly recommend interning at Geek & Sundry. You should really apply. I’m sad that tomorrow is my last day, but I’m also grateful that I had the chance to have this experience. 

Much love to Geek & Sundry staff, fans, and stars,

P.S. Wil and Felicia are so nice. I fan girled SO hard internally when I met them. Wil finally learned my name on the last day. 



It appears as though my time with tumblr is coming to an end (As well as all porn/kink blogs) and it’s a bittersweet moment.

On one hand, I’m very saddened by the idea that this blog will be gone. That I can’t log on, browse around, post some things, express ideas/thoughts and meet lovely people that share similar interests.

On the other hand, I’ve had several tumblrs over the last few years that have helped me explore, learn, grow and connect. Maybe it’s time to move on.

I cherish the moments I’ve had here, as well as people I’ve had the chance to interact with and learn from. That being said, If you’re an old friend or someone that wishes to stay connected, the only thing I’ll have left is my kik (RoughDaddy333), feel free to say hi or keep in touch.

Now, the very last thing to deal with is a few submissions that I have in my inbox which I never got around to posting. I feel I owe it to the lovely submitters to do so. After all, might as well go out with a bang!

