#finale fix it

hawkland: I’m so happy to share this artwork, completed for the @deancasswitchbang and @lulu1102′s dhawkland: I’m so happy to share this artwork, completed for the @deancasswitchbang and @lulu1102′s dhawkland: I’m so happy to share this artwork, completed for the @deancasswitchbang and @lulu1102′s dhawkland: I’m so happy to share this artwork, completed for the @deancasswitchbang and @lulu1102′s d


I’m so happy to share this artwork, completed for the @deancasswitchbangand@lulu1102′s delightful story “We Get What We Deserve.” 

Are you in the mood for a romantic, post-series Heaven fic that gives these characters (and not just Dean & Cas) their deserved afterlife? Feel like some fabulous angst and fluff? Then be sure to check out this wonderful fic!

I had a lot of fun working on these art pieces. I was excited to illustrate my first ever heaven fic, and without spoiling things these pieces gave me a chance to look at three different aspects of it: Dean’s heaven, Cas’s heaven (yes, the rainbow light for Cas’s office is quite intentional), and finally the space they share together. 

The third piece above was perhaps the most ambitious piece of SPN art I’ve attempted to date. I honestly spent weeks on the planning, sketching, and painting of it, because I really wanted to give that moment the attention and care it deserved. Thank you to the mods of the DCSB and my wonderful author who was so lovely to work with on this project!

Post link


Imagine if Destiel became canon, but the writers waited till the very end of the series to do it. Like, literally in the absolute last episode, right before the big climax, Dean and Cas are leaning against the Impala, drinking beer. Then without looking up, Dean just says, “So, after this is over, you wanna go out?” and Cas barely twitches before responding, “Yeah, it’s about time,” and that’s the only mention of it ever.


“let’s go home"

day 4/? of drawing Cas || click for better quality



“And I couldn’t be sure.. I had a a feeling so peculiar
That this pain will/won’t be for… Evermore. Evermore”

Dean unexpectedly dies during a routine hunt. Ellie has a really hard time moving on and accepting the finality of it. A trip down memory lane leads her to a risky but bold decision. This time instead of running away, she can try to solve the problem.

Darkness I charge you with this sign,
mother in the night, are mine.
I teach you the mystery of rebirth,
work my mysteries in mirth.
From me they come, and to me they go.
I invite you to

And just like that, Dean is back. They get to pick up where they left off. Build a life for themselves. For Evermore

Find our Dean x Ellie videos here

Ellie Spencer is an original character character created by @girlshunttoo - Faceclaim Deborah Ann Woll Check us out on @violentdelightsproductions/@ddriverpicksthemusic/@girlshunttoo on Tumblr ♥

@mvdeanw so…. This video is very important to us. And we feel very proud of it. It’s our own fix it version of the finale.

I was listening to that song a lot last summer andbi kept thinking. There were lyrics that made me think of the finale. And then the ending was a lot more hopeful. So i knew roght away what i wanted to do. I had the whole sequence in my head. This time we starter at the end and worked our way to the sad parts. We wanted to be sure that it works and that the story as we intented it, works. I think we did okay.

Hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed making it. And i hope it makes you happy. ❤️❤️

Alex! That was beautiful! I couldn’t stop crying, but it was good. You make the perfect ending!!!


A Supernatural A/B/O Flashfic

Featuring: Omega!Dean Winchester x Alpha!Human Castiel

Written for: @spnabobingo

Square filled: Older Alpha/ Younger Omega

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 661

A/N: Sam tries to talk some sense into nervous, self deprecating Dean.



    This was never meant to happen.

    Dean was never supposed to live this long and Cas was meant to stay dead, four or five deaths ago, to say the least. The fact that today they were getting married, by their surrogate son turned All Mighty, was somehow the least bizarre of the outcomes of twelve years of pinning and sacrifice. Cas had never felt such joy.

    Dean had never been so nervous.

    Sam walked into the bridal suite twenty minutes before Jody and Donna and the girls were set to arrive. Dean hated the pageantry so vocally that Sam ignored it. He knew his brother and outdated traditions were the least of his actual concerns. He tucked the boutonniere into Dean’s lapel and waited for Dean to exhale. The forty something Omega would not relax.

    Sam chuckled under his breath, stood to his full height and grasped his brother’s shoulders. “You need to calm down, man. This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.”

    Dean rolled his eyes and sighed with his entire body. “I know, it is, it will be. I just can’t believe I’ve got to go through all this crap. Can’t Jack just snap his fingers and make it all legit?! Instead I’ve got to stand there and look at Cas and talk in front of Jody and Eileen and everybody about how I can’t wait to be a bottom for the rest of my life.”

    Sam cringed at the last part. “Yeah, maybe not bring up that part during the vows.”

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Gah!@stusbunker this is adorable! I read it all in their voices immediately and I could see this all happening!




“And I couldn’t be sure.. I had a a feeling so peculiar
That this pain will/won’t be for… Evermore. Evermore”

Dean unexpectedly dies during a routine hunt. Ellie has a really hard time moving on and accepting the finality of it. A trip down memory lane leads her to a risky but bold decision. This time instead of running away, she can try to solve the problem.

Darkness I charge you with this sign,
mother in the night, are mine.
I teach you the mystery of rebirth,
work my mysteries in mirth.
From me they come, and to me they go.
I invite you to

And just like that, Dean is back. They get to pick up where they left off. Build a life for themselves. For Evermore

Find our Dean x Ellie videos here

Ellie Spencer is an original character character created by @girlshunttoo - Faceclaim Deborah Ann Woll Check us out on @violentdelightsproductions/@ddriverpicksthemusic/@girlshunttoo on Tumblr ♥

@mvdeanw so…. This video is very important to us. And we feel very proud of it. It’s our own fix it version of the finale.

I was listening to that song a lot last summer andbi kept thinking. There were lyrics that made me think of the finale. And then the ending was a lot more hopeful. So i knew roght away what i wanted to do. I had the whole sequence in my head. This time we starter at the end and worked our way to the sad parts. We wanted to be sure that it works and that the story as we intented it, works. I think we did okay.

Hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed making it. And i hope it makes you happy. ❤️❤️

Alex! That was beautiful! I couldn’t stop crying, but it was good. You make the perfect ending!!!

@mvdeanw one year in the making. Well… Not exactly in the making. But definitely we’ve been plotting it for a while.

And given how important it was to us, it came together relatively fast.

I hope the crying was the good kind of crying

I hope you enjoy it every time you watch it


“And I couldn’t be sure.. I had a a feeling so peculiar
That this pain will/won’t be for… Evermore. Evermore”

Dean unexpectedly dies during a routine hunt. Ellie has a really hard time moving on and accepting the finality of it. A trip down memory lane leads her to a risky but bold decision. This time instead of running away, she can try to solve the problem.

Darkness I charge you with this sign,
mother in the night, are mine.
I teach you the mystery of rebirth,
work my mysteries in mirth.
From me they come, and to me they go.
I invite you to

And just like that, Dean is back. They get to pick up where they left off. Build a life for themselves. For Evermore

Find our Dean x Ellie videos here

Ellie Spencer is an original character character created by @girlshunttoo - Faceclaim Deborah Ann Woll Check us out on @violentdelightsproductions/@ddriverpicksthemusic/@girlshunttoo on Tumblr ♥

@mvdeanw so…. This video is very important to us. And we feel very proud of it. It’s our own fix it version of the finale.

I was listening to that song a lot last summer andbi kept thinking. There were lyrics that made me think of the finale. And then the ending was a lot more hopeful. So i knew roght away what i wanted to do. I had the whole sequence in my head. This time we starter at the end and worked our way to the sad parts. We wanted to be sure that it works and that the story as we intented it, works. I think we did okay.

Hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed making it. And i hope it makes you happy. ❤️❤️


Strike Three For Dr. Sexy

For@emeraldcas happy birthday bestie!
Read below or on ao3
3.3k | Part 1/3

Twelve years of barely concealed pining, heartsickness and the terrifying ordeal of vulnerability aside, turns out falling in love with the angel was the easy part.

Happiness is in just being, my ass, Dean thought, as he tore out another page etched black with ink. He’d been sitting in the diner for hours now, scratching out every dumbass idea he’d had so far to approach The Cas Problem.

Cas was back. Cas was gay? And CaslovedDean.

Even now, the weight of those words hit him fresh every time like a Looney Toones acme ton that left twittering birds circling the comically sized bump on his head. And when the shock dissipated, well, Dean had seen stranger things than anatomically incorrect hearts beating out of his chest, but that’s exactly how it felt. His best friend was back, and he loved Dean and it was far more than Dean could ever hope for.

He tried not to think about life before Cas had come back to him. How Dean had tried to barter his own life – his own brother’s life, for fuck’s sake – to get his angel back. To tell that adorable, stubborn ass dork that Dean loved him, too.

Always had.

Dean took a sip from his mug, hardly noticing that the coffee had long gone cold. Balls of paper littered the diner table, and his small notebook of big dumb ideas was wearing thin. Dean tapped the pen rhythmically against the blank page with no Sam around to tell him he was being obnoxious. He stared at the lines on the page, chewing on his bottom lip as if that would give him any other ideas.

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