#destiel abo



A Supernatural A/B/O Flashfic

Featuring: Omega!Dean Winchester x Alpha!Human Castiel

Written for: @spnabobingo

Square filled: Older Alpha/ Younger Omega

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 661

A/N: Sam tries to talk some sense into nervous, self deprecating Dean.



    This was never meant to happen.

    Dean was never supposed to live this long and Cas was meant to stay dead, four or five deaths ago, to say the least. The fact that today they were getting married, by their surrogate son turned All Mighty, was somehow the least bizarre of the outcomes of twelve years of pinning and sacrifice. Cas had never felt such joy.

    Dean had never been so nervous.

    Sam walked into the bridal suite twenty minutes before Jody and Donna and the girls were set to arrive. Dean hated the pageantry so vocally that Sam ignored it. He knew his brother and outdated traditions were the least of his actual concerns. He tucked the boutonniere into Dean’s lapel and waited for Dean to exhale. The forty something Omega would not relax.

    Sam chuckled under his breath, stood to his full height and grasped his brother’s shoulders. “You need to calm down, man. This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.”

    Dean rolled his eyes and sighed with his entire body. “I know, it is, it will be. I just can’t believe I’ve got to go through all this crap. Can’t Jack just snap his fingers and make it all legit?! Instead I’ve got to stand there and look at Cas and talk in front of Jody and Eileen and everybody about how I can’t wait to be a bottom for the rest of my life.”

    Sam cringed at the last part. “Yeah, maybe not bring up that part during the vows.”

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Gah!@stusbunker this is adorable! I read it all in their voices immediately and I could see this all happening!


Chapter 2 of Nice Buns is up, and it’s now complete!

Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to his designation. Dean helps him blow off some steam, with the help of a new job and a lost poker bet.



imbiowaresbitch:Nice Buns Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to


Nice Buns

Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to his designation. Dean helps him blow off some steam, with the help of a new job and a lost poker bet. 

Read on AO3

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