#finding balance spell jar


This spell jar is made to help you find balance in your life. It is a very simple spell and great for a beginner witch!

What you will need:

  • a jar or container with a lid
  • salt (I used epsom salt but any kind will do)
  • Black pepper
  • wax

How to make it:

  1. clean out your jar/container
  2. charge your salt with positivity and happiness
  3. charge your pepper with negativity and sadness
  4. mix them and put them in your jar
  5. seal the jar with wax and set it out in your room/living space

After you make this jar, it would be good time to reflect on the balance of nature. How sadness and happiness are not inherently good or bad, and the balance nature prevails. So if things are bad right now, remember, they will get better.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send in asks or post requests!
