#magick charm


General Protection

  • Black Tea
  • Mint
  • Sage

Protection from Physical Harm

  • Lemon
  • Honey
  • Ginger

Protection from Malevolent Spirits

  • Chamomile
  • Honey

To Strengthen Your Wards and Shields

  • Orange
  • Cinnamon

Candles and wax are used a lot in magick. Fancy, good smelling candles are really expensive though - well, they aren’t anymore!

Dollar stores like Dollar Tree have candles and candle holders, but they generally only have white candles (or white and red). This is okay but sometimes a witch just needsthat colored candle or wax. Here’s how I make my own colored candles on a budget.

Note: I have a wax warmer that I use for this project, got it on sale at Walmart, its normally 15$ + tax (if you don’t have a wax warmer you can melt your wax in the microwave, but please do it in increments of 15 sec or less and make sure it does not catch on fire.)

Supplies - total cost 2$ (if you don’t already have these things lying around your house)

  • Tea light candles (pack of 16) - 1$ at Dollar Tree
  • Crayons (pack of 48) - 1$ at Dollar Tree

How to make it

  • Take the wax and wick out of the aluminum holder, careful not to crumple it
  • Separate the wax from the wick
  • Select the color you want from the crayons
  • Put the tea light wax and a chunk of crayon into the wax warmer and let it melt, stirring it together.
  • There you have it! Colored wax! If you’d like it to be a candle, place the wick back into the aluminum that the candle came in and pour the colored wax around it.

Hope this inspired some of ya’ll to get witchy even when you feel like you can’t afford it!

If you’re like me and love harvest season (especially the Harvest Festival!), but are student with limited resources as far as cooking goes, you’ll be looking for a simple bread recipe that could be baked in a dorm.

I’m not sure about ya’ll universities, but mine allows me to have a crockpot/slow cooker in the dorm as well as a microwave. So here is a recipe for harvest bread that is perfect for dorm cooking!


  • 3 cups flour
  • ¾ teaspoon yeast
  • 1 ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cups warm water 
  • olive oil


  • Large bowl
  • parchment paper
  • slow cooker/crockpot

Steps to Make Dough

  1. Add flour, yeast and salt to your bowl
  2. Stir it all thoroughly
  3. Add your water to the mixture 
  4. Stir until dough forms
  5. Lightly oil the outside of the dough ball
  6. cover bowl with plastic wrap
  7. Let rise for 6-8 hours is a warm dark space
  8. fold dough in on itself on an oiled counter top
  9. Let rise for another hour

Steps to Bake Loaf

  1. Set your slow cooker to it’s highest setting
  2. Place shaped loaf on top of parchment paper in slow cooker
  3. Cover with lid
  4. Check loaf after 1 hour, since baking time varies if it is not cooked after 1 hour, check every 15-30 minutes until done.
  5. Let cool and Enjoy!

Thanks for reading! hope you guys have as fun of a harvest season as I do!

This spell jar is made to help you find balance in your life. It is a very simple spell and great for a beginner witch!

What you will need:

  • a jar or container with a lid
  • salt (I used epsom salt but any kind will do)
  • Black pepper
  • wax

How to make it:

  1. clean out your jar/container
  2. charge your salt with positivity and happiness
  3. charge your pepper with negativity and sadness
  4. mix them and put them in your jar
  5. seal the jar with wax and set it out in your room/living space

After you make this jar, it would be good time to reflect on the balance of nature. How sadness and happiness are not inherently good or bad, and the balance nature prevails. So if things are bad right now, remember, they will get better.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send in asks or post requests!

This curse causes people who cause drama and mayhem in your life to have a horrible burning sensation in their skin every time they try to hurt someone. 

You Will Need:

Rubbing Alcohol
A metal bowl
A candle/flame

How To Do the Curse:

1. Add the ashes, rust, and salt to the bowl. Mix it all together.
2. Add a few drops of the rubbing alcohol and mix until the whole mixture is wet.
3. Start chanting the name of the person you are cursing, and light the candle.
4. Hold the bowl over the flame and continue chanting. When the mixture is completely dry the curse has been placed.

Curse Breaking:

This is a simple and non-bound curse - can be broken using any curse breaking technique.

These are places that could be considered sacred for someone who focuses on the element of Water in their craft.

Places In Nature

Hot Springs - Natural pools of energy, boiling up from deep in the earth. Warm, relaxing, and full of healing. 

The River - Always changing, full of strength. Powerful enough to carve through stone, gentle enough to dip your toes in.

The Ocean - Mysterious and welcoming, deep enough to hold your darkest secrets, and never let the light see them.

The Lake - Simple and homely, teeming with life. A place of forgiveness and rebirth.

Urban Places

Concrete Waterways - Found in almost every park, a place of refuge and shelter.

Water Parks - Full of laughter, fun, and families, all fueled by the power of water.

Hot Tubs - A man-made tribute to the power of hot springs, a place of relaxation and health.

Wells- Pulls wealth and prosperity from deep in the earth, homely and safe.

Bells- purity, health, happiness, good fortune, accomplishing one’s goals

Wind in the Leaves - premonition, divinity, psychic ability, willpower

Laughter- healing, friendship, success, understanding

Footsteps - danger, strength, power, courage

Running Water - change, uncertainty, the unknown
